•𝙉𝙤𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙪𝙣•...

By DontfuckwiththeChuck

274K 8.7K 6K

After getting fired from your job - working at a convenience store, your life takes an eventful spin as you w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 31

5.4K 223 185
By DontfuckwiththeChuck

Your head turned as you observed the sleeping doll next to you, tickled by the fact that even when asleep, his face still held a hint of menace as he subconsciously frowned. The staples between his torn, bulging red scars twinkled as he moved, reflecting the light from outside.

You observed his hard expression curiously, hearing the sound of his low snores erupt from his throat as he growled, eyebrows furrowing as if he were to be dreaming about something.

You sighed as you turned away from him, the silence that devoured you finally sinking in, causing you to look around the small room, observing your surroundings, processing everything you heard whilst still being in a laid down position.

Your mind drifted towards your phone, eyes side viewing it as you recalled the email you received, something in the back of your mind coercing you to go to that restaurant, persuading you to grasp onto the opportunity given.

You thought about it for awhile, battling with your own doubts before finally coming into a conclusive decision, resolving your self debate as you sat up, grabbing your phone, car and room keys before making your way outt of the room quietly.

You had to admit, this was pretty hypocritical on your part, considering how mad you felt when you found out that Chucky had snuck out while you were heavily asleep, and now here you were, doing the same as him. You rolled your eyes as you shook your thoughts away, knowing that what he did was much worse than what you were about to do. After all, you were partly sure this night wasn't going to end with someone dying as a result of your, hopefully short and safe, outing. Partly.

You made your way through the dark hallway, steps growing faster as you reached the elevator, stepping in as soon as the doors opened. The smaller atmosphere felt uncomfortable to be in, heat surrounding you as it bounced off the surfaces of the dirty walls, your skin feeling warm as a chill went down your spine.

You pressed the button of the bottom floor, feeling the lift descend slowly and shakily beneath you as you held yourself close, walking back slightly as you let yourself lean into the corner of the small area, feeling cautious as you denied yourself from touching the elevators steel handles, cringing in disgust as you peered down at a brown stain from some sort of substance, dried onto the metal. The doors opened once again as you exited, passing the clerk's desk in a hurry as you walked out of the building, a sense of freedom overpowering you as you realized you could've escaped right then and there, but with that realization came fear and uncertainty, taking you off guard as you wondered why you felt that way in the first place, considering the only emotions that should've been sparked at that moment were joy and a sense of confidence.

Perhaps it was because you knew if you did manage to make this escape, you would've regretted it in the future. Chucky hunted down Andy every since he was a kid, it was clear the doll's sense of revenge dripped off of him shamelessly, once he started something, it sure as hell was going to be finished, regardless of how many years it took to finally get it done, he was dedicated, too dedicated. What stopped him for doing the same with you?

Cold air nipped at your skin as you walked over to your car, unlocking it before getting in, slamming the door shut behind you as you turned the engine on. Your interior light lit up, shining over you as you gazed towards the seat next to you, seeing the large stain of dried blood on it as you inhaled sharply, running a hand over your face as hesitance crept itself into your mind, making you question yourself as you wondered whether you really even wanted to go through with this.

You panted in a cold sweat, rethinking your actions for the last time before you huffed, hanging on to the decision you had finished making, taking a few seconds to breathe before taking out your phone and using your GPS to lead your way to the restaurant, pulling out of the parking lot.


Your mind raced as you continued driving, looking around the area as you observed your surroundings, trying to familiarize yourself with the environment in attempts to calm yourself down. You turned the radio up, setting you mind straight as you nodded to the beat of the song that played, trying to get yourself to focus.

Your eyes grew wide as they were finally greeted with the sight of a restaurant, watching in aw at how absolutely expensive it looked, almost doubting that this was the place you were told to go to until your GPS sounded, informing you that you had reached your destination.

You drove into the almost empty parking lot, finding yourself an appropriate place to park, switching off your engine as you stepped out of your vehicle, slowly walking into the dimly lit area that gave off a romantic vibe with its lighting and choice of music. You noticed that there wasn't much people present, the delicious smell of luxurious food prompting you to walk in further.

"Excuse me, miss. Do you have a reservation here?" A waiter questioned as he walked up to greet you.

"Oh, I.." you trailed off, looking around to see if there were any familiar faces.

You jumped as you felt someone grasp your arm tightly, the dry feel of their rough palm causing you to turn around swiftly, eyes widening in absolute shock and distraught as you realized who it was, shuddering ever so slightly as you made an effort to pull away from their grasp, feeling that it grew harder and harder the longer you let them hold you.

How the hell could this be? How the fuck was he still alive?

"She's with me." Andy answered, his eyes moving to you as he examined your stiffened form. The young waiter nodded, realizing you were the person the man had been waiting for ever since he entered the restaurant and placed his orders.

Andy tugged you, signalling for you to follow him, seeing that you didn't cooperate as much as he expected you to, he dragged you over to the table, overpowering you as much as you dug your heals into the floor.

He sat you down before walking over to his chair, tensed eyes not leaving you, as if he was already prepared for you to make a break for it.

"How did you find my email address?" You questioned fiercely, leaning towards him as he tilted his head casually.

"I have my ways of doing research on people." He simply answered, shrugging slightly.

Your dumbfounded expression didn't leave, too mentally shocked to even form a verbal response. You looked down at the meal before you, the sight of an over the top plate of pasta making your eyes dilate ever so slightly as you felt your mouth water.

"Dig in." Andy invited, causing you to tear your gaze from your plate, looking over to him as you shook your hunger away, ignoring your stomach as you pushed the plate away from you, suspicion growing as your narrowed eyes stared at him in untrustful manner, watching as he scoffed, taking his fork and reaching towards your plate, twirling it as he picked up a few strands of the pasta, moving the utensil to his mouth as he ate, in attempts to convince you that the food was safe to eat, proving that it wasn't tempered with at all in any way.

You slowly picked up your own fork, the emptiness in your stomach tempting you to go for it, not taking your eyes off of him as you took your first bite, absolutely melting as soon as the flavor hit your taste buds.

"He's dead, isn't he?" The man questioned out of nowhere, voice plain and taking you by surprise as you wondered who he was even talking about.

"What?" You questioned back confusedly, eyes leaving and returning over to him in the matter of a few seconds.

"Arthur. " He simply responded, causing you to swallow in realization, exhaling sharply.

"You know him?" You asked, feeling guilt began to build up in the pit of your stomach, blinking away a few tears before meeting his eyes once again, seeing him nod in response, looking as if he had already known the answer to his own question, even without you answering it yet.

"How..?" You questioned quietly, tone filled with remorse as you watched his eyes leave you for a few seconds, looking down.

" He was a friend from way back when. The only thing we had in common was... Well, dolls were a significant part of our lives... For vastly different reasons, of course. " He told, watching as you nodded, wanting to hear more of what he had to say without making it look too obvious or that you were desperate to talk.

"He texted me, told me about an encounter he had with a random girl from the motel he was staying in. Said she had the creepiest doll he'd ever seen - had scars, blood, everything. Pretty rare sight considering, well, it was a good guy doll. They don't really make them to look... Disturbing." He continued, expression changing to look fake oblivious as he story told, indistinctly describing the doll as if the very notion of it was just a passing cloud of thought, as if the history he had with the plaything hadn't left a major scar in his life that could neither be healed nor forgotten about.

"He met up with me for dinner after, to catch up on things. Told me what motel he was staying in just in case we ever wanted to meet up for drinks the next day. "

"I'm... so sorry... I... I had no control over him dying... I didn't even find out about it until the next day..." you apologized, telling your side of the story and letting him know that you had no part in Arthur's death, other than being on the run with the very person who killed him.

"No, it's fine... I mean, after years of losing the people close to you, you tend to get used to it..." The man replied, his calm tone cascading over his bitter words.

"Why didn't you strike right after you found out where we were? You had the perfect chance to." You asked another curious question, wondering why he hadn't just finished the both of you off while you were still vulnerable. Maybe if he acted sooner, Arthur could've still been alive.

"I didn't want to fight you again. I figured talking to you would be a more reasonable approach." He answered, causing you to cock an eyebrow, believing him while still holding a sense of suspicion.

"Listen, you seem like a really nice girl. You don't deserve to be involved in any of this. I can help." He offered, expression genuine.

"So, are you going to give him back to me? " He questioned, hoping that when he extended a helping hand, offering his assistance, it would finally convince you to be on his side.


"Walk me to your room, I'll take him, and we can pretend all of this never happened. " His tone changed demanding as he walked you through what he wanted you to do. You kept silent, conflicted and confused as you saw his eyes narrow, staring at you aggressively, annoyed by your choice of keeping silent, indicating that part of you didn't want to help him, which, if you were in your right mind, wouldn't be the decision you should've made. His forehead twitched, causing your eyes to move towards the side of his head, seeing a bandage on it, causing you to recall the time you knocked him out in your previous motel, causing you to wince slightly, feeling bad.

"He's going to kill you, you do realize that, right? Or are you that fucking blinded by your own stupidity?" He leaned forward, trying to get the point across as he balled up his fist frustratedly, causing your heart to race as you pushed your chair a little farther away from him, trying to plan out how you were going to get out of this if something did go wrong.

"The last time I checked, he didn't pull a gun to my head threatening to blow my brains out... You did." You replied, causing his eyes to widen as he scoffed at this. Chuckling in disbelief as he leaned back into his chair, laughter lasting a little too long and growing dark as he ran a hand over his face. A looming sense of doom hovered over your seated form as you realized how mentally unstable the man truly was.

"You can't be serious... Are you actually fucking defending him right now!?" He snapped, wondering what had gotten into you. You looked away, part of you regretting taking the doll's side, knowing that it wasn't right. That still didn't change the fact that what you said was true.

"Christ, this is Tiffany Valentine all over again... " he muttered, infuriated, squeezing the place between his eyes as he snarled, groaning as he looked up towards you again, wondering how this doll had the ability to charm not one, but two women into being his accomplices and helping him out. What was it about him? Or was there something wrong with you? Did he just manage to find two people deranged enough to fall for him? Were his manipulation tactics just that good? There certainly wasn't much to him anyway, appearance and size wise. He had the personality of an angry, perverted asshole. Andy just couldn't put a finger on what made the redheaded bastard so appealing to you.

"You know what? I'm done with this..." The man got up from his seated position aggressively loud, reaching into his pocket as you gasped, turning the whole eating area silent as customers and waiters alike shared glances at the both of you. Most of them thinking the same thing. Abusive boyfriend.

"Ma'am, is this gentleman bothering you?" An older waiter approached, two security officers by his side, all of them glaring at Andy as he sat back down slowly.

"As a matter of fact, yes, he is. " You answered, standing up as you glared at the man one final time, before turning around and making your way to the exit.

"Listen to me!! He's not what he seems!!!" Andy's frantic yelling followed as he tried to run to you, security holding him back as he tried to fight out of their grasp, desperately trying to get you to turn around and stop to listen to what he had to say, but all you had set in your mind right now was getting back to the motel.

"You've gotta give him back, (Y/n)!! I'm only trying to help!!" Andy continued to yell, voice cracking slightly as you forced yourself to keep walking, trying your hardest to ignore his cries.

"(Y/n), PLEASE!!! " He pleaded as you finally exited, flashing him a cold glare before walking back to your car and driving away.


You ran back into your room in a hurry, opening the door only to be greeted with the sight of Chucky, wide awake, sitting on top of the bed with an expression that made it obvious how pissed he was.

"Where the fuck were you?"

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