Lifeless (Book II)

By Ortiz-Novels

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WARNING! SEQUEL TO ALLIANCE - BOOK II I will not put up a description because that will ruin the ENTIRE first... More

Copyright © 2015 by Mara L. Ortiz
Grand Opening
The Tale of Alliance
Ride Home
Mortician's Review
Going Back In Time
Not Insane
Word Vomit
Detective Work
Front Page
Unraveling Truth
Honest Truth
Breaking Free
The End


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By Ortiz-Novels

~Chapter Six~

Grace felt herself blush crimson red as Jenny cracked the stupidest joke she had ever heard. She couldn't help but burst out in laughter, she hadn't laughed like that in three years. Three years because of course she couldn't recall any farther than that. Her laughter then came to a halt as soon as Jenny elbowed her in the ribs. Grace went to cover her mouth but then took in the serious looks Jenny hand on her face. Following her eyes Grace came to look into Alexander's direction.

Alex just stared at her his surprised expression going into a glare. She felt herself flinch inwardly and then tore her gaze from his trying to continue with her work.

Oh God I just made him hate me all the more, I'm guessing this guy hates laughter," she thought.

"He is looking right at you," Jenny whispered.

"Just stop looking over there," Grace hissed trying to control her shaking hands.

The entire kitchen went silent, everyone going back to the work not wanting to get the glare Grace was getting.

"Come with me," Alex then said in a tight voice. Grace felt her heart accelerate and she slowly placed the frosting on the table. She followed him into his office and flinched yet again when the door closed shut. To her it was more like a prison door closing behind her as she stared at the floor trying to come up with some sort of apology.

"What's your name?" Alex asked taking a seat behind the desk.

Grace refused to meet his eyes and simply answered in a light whisper.


"Grace," she answered. Alex couldn't tear his gaze from her face; it was as if a complete reincarnation of Vicky stood in front of him. His entire body was trembling, his stomach was knotted and his brow began to sweat as he looked up at her.

"Where do you live Grace?" he asked resting his elbows over the desk.

"H-here in Journey," she replied not really understanding.

"Do you have any family?"

"I have a sister, and...I live with my father and mother."

Alex let out a sigh and slightly shook his head, he was going insane. What was he doing trying to investigate this poor shy girl's life? Vicky was gone, and this girl just so happened to look like her. Except for that scar on the side of her face, Victoria's skin had been a flawless etching.

"How did you get that scar?" he found himself asking. Grace reached up and touched the scar furrowing her brow.

"Listen Sir, I'm sorry for whatever it is that made you mad, but I don't see why you need to ask me personal questions. It is out of your line of duty as my boss." She replied. Grace finally looked up to meet his eyes and Alex felt knots form in his stomach, knots that he hadn't felt in over three years.

"I'm sorry, it's just that you remind me of someone," he whispered. Her voice even, that shy look she had and those eyes were identical.


Grace felt a little angered at the sudden FBI mode Alexander had jumped into. What was he trying to get out of her? Then his reply froze her where she stood. She reminded him of someone?

"And who might that be?" she asked crossing her arms.

"Now it's you trying to get personal questions out of me?" he asked arching an eyebrow.

Grace let out a defeated sigh and cleared her throat, "I was in a car accident three years ago," she muttered.

"A car accident," he repeated more to himself.


"Where exactly did you crash?"

"I don't know, I have no recollection of my past life," she whispered fiddling with her hands.

"Stop doing that," he blurted out.


Vicky always did that when she was nervous or thinking. A hint of hope began to bloom inside of him as he stared at her. What if?

"This is crazy," he whispered rubbing his face.

He finally looked away from her and leaned back in his chair trying to compose his rigid position.

"Grace, I'm deeply sorry for the inconvenience. Please, return to your station." He found himself saying.

"Okay." She whispered in retune. As she turned to leave his nose caught a hint of her perfume. The fragrance smelled of sweet strawberries. His stomach tightened and his hands gripped the arm rests on his chair. Cursing under his breath, Alex tried to find his sanity in between all of the crazy thought roaming in his head.

"I need a sign a hint...anything," he muttered.

His phone rang and he picked it up without lifting his head and put the phone to his ear.


"Alexander, it's me Jonathan, just wanted to know how things are going."

"Everything is great, deliveries arrive in time and orders keep coming in, we are just dandy," he replied with no sarcasm.

"Listen, there is another reason why I called...your mother spoke to me about how you feel. Alexander I don't want to see you like that either, take what time you and my daughter had and cherish it, don't mourn over it. There is someone out there for you, don't give up, I do wish that things had been different and Victoria and you...,"

"I understand," Alex replied cutting him off.

"Just give it a try what could it hurt?" Mr. Elven said.

For some odd reason and not knowing why he did it Alex grinned, actually grinned something he hadn't done in well forever. An uneven breath escaped him and he chuckled covering his eyes. His laughter then turned to silent sobbing and he quickly covered his mouth and thanked Mr. Elven and hung up.

There was the sign he had asked for, but he hadn't expected it to come so quickly. He wiped his tears away and took a deep breath sitting up straight.

"So let second chances begin," he whispered rising from his chair.

He quickly pulled out his file filled with the employee's applications and pulled out Grace's. In truth Alex had never gone through them all he did was call the first twenty people not bothering to see if they had any experience but to his luck they had.

"Grace Holiday," he read. He looked through the application seeing she had a social, id and the address to her house. Suddenly it was her birth day that made him stop, she was only twenty three. Vicky would have been twenty five by now. He felt a frown overtake him but quickly shook the negative thought away and continued to read through her application. He wasn't giving up, it was maybe his last chance to starting over, and she was his target.

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