One Hope~|TFA|~

Oleh Voidlinnea

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One Hope ~|TFA|~ nicolette [nick-oh-let] n. the girl who doesn't remember her past brady [bray-dee] n. the bo... Lebih Banyak

CHAPTER 2: Under the Helmet
CHAPTER THREE: Unmasking the Truth

CHAPTER ONE: When Company Comes, Hide; Don't Run

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Oleh Voidlinnea


Brady Alari Dameron sat outside of the hut his older brother was in, tinkering with BB8 as much as the small droid would allow him to. Apparently, according to his brother Poe, he was too much of a possibility of failure, and not the most convincing resistance fighter to be a part of the full mission, but he was a necessity enough that he had to be brought along to the wastelands of Jakku for it.

Brady hated Jakku. Everything about it. It was just boring to him. Brady needed excitement in his life. As a part of the resistance, there was nearly never a boring day. He always had something to look forward to. A mission, a reading, stories of other missions. Anything. Everything like that interested him.

There were many things he could've been in the resistance. Of course when Brady was allowed to actually do something other than clean the kitchen and living quarters and make food for all of the people there, he chose the one job Poe did not want him to do. The most exciting one. He was simply a spy. The best one they had in fact. No one else in the resistance compared. 

Everyone knew the Dameron brothers. Brady, the best spy they've ever had, and Poe, the best current pilot they have. Brady made it a necessity to remind Poe that it was current pilot. He couldn't top Han Solo. No one could. 

The mission they had at Jakku that night, was one of the most important, if not the utmost important mission ever to be assigned to anyone. If they wanted someone to sneak in and steal it, they needed Brady. But they didn't. They needed someone to go in and talk to a Jakkuian elder about retrieving their mission. Brady wasn't exactly the best person to convince you to give him something of that importance. He'd make one too many inappropriate jokes, or get far too cocky for a good result. This was one mission they couldn't afford to fail. What they would find would change everything. The map to Luke Skywalker.

Personally Brady believed him to be a myth. If General Organa hadn't claimed him to be his twin brother and had some actual proof that he was real, maybe he would totally have believed it to be a myth, a legend. He couldn't help, though, but hope that one day he would be that too. A myth, a legend. Someone people believed too fantastical to be true.

He brushed his longer, dark brown hair out of his face before BB8 zapped him with his zapper thing Poe had added to him a few week before. Everyone but Poe hated it. The droid zapped everyone he got mad at with it. And that was a lot of people. 

Brady kicked the droid, muttering some language he was not supposed to use often, but when BB8 zapped him again, his ears perked up and heard what the robot must have been hearing. His amber eyes looked up and out into the sandy horizon. The dark sand was blowing around more than usual. Small sounds of ships flying through the air cursed his ears. Then, he knew. The First Order was coming.

Without a moment of hesitation, he swiftly picked up his bag, tapped the side of his pants, where his special gun was located, checking to make sure it was there, and sprinted out, towards the hut where his brother and the elder that held the map to Luke were.

When Brady burst through the fringed doorway, his older brother and the elder sat face to face. A small leather pouch sat in Poe's hand. Brady was able to see all of this, along with the odd surroundings inside the hut. He saw all of this, and was able to say to Poe, "Bro, sorry to cut this party short, but we gotta go." His older brother looked at him with slight confusion. Brady nodded. "We got company."

When they hurried back out of the hut, Poe took out his electrobinoculars, trying to get a look at the upcoming arrivals of the stormtroopers of The First Order. Villagers scattered around the village, nervous, frightened. They too knew what was coming.

"You have to hide," Poe said, once he lowered the goggles and handed them to Brady so he could take a look as well. The younger Dameron knew he wasn't speaking to him, though. He was speaking to the elder. Poe was always one to try to avoid as many innocent casualties as they could, but Brady, of course, was the opposite of his brother. He left many casualties, and where as many weren't innocent, there were some people who did  not deserve the fate they had handed to them by the dark haired boy.

"You two have to leave," the elder told them. The two turned back to him, Poe wary about the decision, Brady ready to pounce, shoot down some stormtroopers, and get the hell out of there, alive. "Go."

Villagers began clamoring in the background, and a bell was tolling at a pace that became quicker and quicker by the minute. The Dameron brothers headed out, through this sea of noise and chaos, along with their trusty droid, BB8.

"Well you sure found trouble this time, didn't you Brady?" Poe asked his brother, shifting through people.

"Nah," Brady responded, moving at a quicker pace than his brother, leading the way to their ship. "Trouble usually finds me. I have that bad of a reputation."

"You sure do, little brother."

There were plenty brave souls that decided to take out their guns, with what little ammo they probably had, and shoot at the oncoming stormtroopers, but Brady sighed, and continued forward knowing that their stand wouldn't be successful. It likely never would until they found him. The myth. The one Brady still didn't fully believe in.

"C'mon BB8, hurry!" Poe yelled at the droid, still behind his younger brother as they started to climb into the small cockpit of their X-wing. It was meant for one person, but on this type of mission, even if there is multiple people, it'd be better if people expected less than what came.

"You're the one that's slowing us down, Poe," Brady joked, not the right time, but his jokes never were. Nothing he ever said was the right time. He used his actions stronger than words.

"Not the right time, Brady!" Poe yelled as he placed his helmet on his head, and hit the button that pulled BB8 into the ship.

That was when they heard it. "Fire at that X-Wing," a stormtrooper ordered. Before they knew it, the back of their ship was damaged, on fire, and burning. It was either burn to death, or be rioted into one that wasn't certain. But if they were caught, who knows what would've happened.

"Poe, now might be a good time to shoot those ass-holes," Brady complained to his brother.

"Yeah, I see 'em!" he exclaimed, before initiating the gun system on the ship, and starting to shoot the troopers coming at them. He shot them, not perfectly, but enough to knock them back over the sand dunes, and hopefully kill one of them. If not all of them.

As they exited the ship, jumping up and hopping out of it, Brady grabbed a gun, one much bigger than the one he had in his pocket. One with enough power to kill an entire ship. But if he missed, they would be uncovered, and it'd be all over for them. Their only fear was if the dreaded Kylo Ren was on one of those ships. For their sake and for the lives of others, they had to hope not.

Around them, fire burned everywhere, not just on their ship. People, creatures, everyone around them were being tortured, or killed at first sight. Those were the lucky ones. Brady knew that there wasn't that much hope for them, even if Leia sent them off with all she had to offer. He personally didn't believe in that bullshit. He didn't believe half the stuff she said, but as long as he was against the First Order, he would listen to it. For his sake, and the Republics.

"Brother, I don't think we're gonna make it out of this."

"I know, I know," Poe struggled with the metal pouch the elder had given him. What contained the location of Luke Skywalker. He held it out, and down to BB8. "Here, take this," he told the droid. "Its safer with you than it is with either of us." The robot took it, and held it within him and his system. Hopefully it would be safe there. "You get as far away from here as you can. Do you hear me?"

BB8 said, in his beeping language, "I understand but what of you?"

"We'll come back for you," Brady replied, nodding. "But for now, I'd really like to kick some ass."

The brothers took a stand, and started heading away, BB8 staying in place for a moment, before moving when Poe told it, "It will be alright." It wasn't exactly the satisfaction the droid should have needed, but it was enough. Especially in that time.

Setting the gun on one of the lowest settings, the Dameron's laid up behind a rock. Poe's back was to it, but Brady's front was facing the scene before him. Blood stained the air, and the scene, white stormtroopers marked the areas. Although it was a terrible scene, Brady couldn't ignore the surge of excitement he got from being there. When he shot down his first stormtrooper, then his second, third, fourth, fifth, and so on, it felt the same. A drive to continue. Until they were all done.

Brady was about to shoot down another one, but then he caught a glimpse of exactly what he didn't want to see. The devil of all ships. Kylo Ren's command shuttle. "He's here," Brady whispered, not necessarily to his brother, but to whoever wanted to hear it. To himself who needed to hear it. It was real.

He watched dramatically as Ren approached the elder they were meeting with. Two stormtroopers held him back, but he didn't seem to have that much resistance. He knew his time would come to an end soon, and it seemed as if he was proud it was right then and there.

"I'm going to shoot him," Brady announced.

"Okay, then," Poe retorted. "Don't miss."

Brady scoffed. He looked back and sent his brother the signature smirk that seemed to send all of the girls nuts. Some guys as well. "I never miss. Or have you forgotten?"

"Forgotten what?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did you forget I was better than you?"

"Just shut up and end this," Poe pushed him away, and it didn't take Brady long to situate his stance, and hold his gun out at where he wanted it to be. Right at Kylo Ren.

 He shot it the second Kylo swung his lightsaber at the elder. It was a time where he was distracted, and focused on one thing. It was the best chance at getting an accurate hit. Not that he needed that chance. Brady had more. But when the bullet released from the gun, something, somehow, he stopped it. He stopped everything. The bullet's zap from going any further, Brady from moving, Poe from moving behind him. Even the sand from blowing stopped. And all he had to do was hold out his hand.

That was another thing Brady had little faith in. The force. The phrase, 'may the force be with you' meant little to him, and yet he was told it about hundred times a day. Kylo stopped everything using the force. It was the first time Brady had truly felt it. It was an unruly feeling, but if what Leia told him was true, this was different. This was dark, sith, not the ways of a Jedi, a true warrior. This was something he was not meant to touch, and yet he felt it in his every inch of his being.

Struggling to move, four stormtroopers came up, two on each of the Dameron brothers. They shoved a hard fist into his stomach, and then punched each boy down onto their knees, before picking them up, and taking them by their shoulders, and ushering them forward to what both boys feared the most. 

Kylo Ren.

They passed the unmoving blue spark of the bullet, confused completely at how someone had that much power, even with something that was nearly as much as a myth as Luke Skywalker was.

The brothers were immediately sent down to their knees when they came up, face to face with the man in the dark robes. Now they were down, and could practically kiss his feet. Kylo bent down to their height, meeting eyes with them as if it was a way of intimidating them. Personally Brady never trusted someone with a mask. You can't see their true self, and you don't know if they're lying to you, or not. Eye to eye was not the correct term to you. Mask to eye was close enough.

After a quiet moment of no one saying anything, Brady interrupted the silence, saying, "So whose going to talk first here? I talk first? You talk first? He talks first? Silence makes me uncomfortable."

"Is that so?" Ren said back to him, tilting his head as if evaluating him. "The old man gave it to you."

"Sorry," Brady tilted his head, as if mocking the dark man before him. Poe tried to kick him to make his younger brother stop, but just ended up kicking the sand. "I just can't really understand you under the whole mask thing you've got going on. I mean, is that really the fashion trends of The First Order? You guys really need to-"

"Search them." Brady didn't respond as they pulled both him and his brother up to their feet, patting them down, and checking everywhere for any trace of the map. 

"Nothing sir," the stormtroopers responded when they found exactly what they had. Nothing.

"Put them on board," Kylo Ren ordered his troopers. 

They dragged Poe away without hesitation, but when they tried to take Brady away, he stamped his feet put and wouldn't move until he got a few last words out. He knew he wouldn't go down without a fight.

"The Resistance will not be intimidated by you," he told the man, standing up tall so he could try and meet his height, but Kylo was so tall, it was hard to.

"No," Kylo Ren tilted his head once again at an angle, as if evaluating him. "But you will."

Author's Note:

Okay, Y'all have no idea how long I've waited to write this. I've had this idea for like over a year, and now I'm finally writing it, and I have no ways to express how much love I already have for it. Even if only one of my oc's have been properly introduced, I still love this. And Brady is officially the best, and the hottest character in the Star Wars universe. I love his personality so much, and his relationship with Poe. It will be significant to the storyline. Also, sorry if my writing's kinda bad, or sounds stressy. This is kind of  weird thing to say, but it's my homecoming week, and somehow that's been giving me a lot of stress. The fact that I'm actually going with someone as a date, or maybe as friends (I don't even know) just put a lot of pressure on me, and its been stressing me out a lot. He's a really good guy, but he's so hot and cold sometimes. Like one day he'll be all over me and talking to me every chance he gets, and other days he'll be like, not talking to me, or just very vague when he does. He's confusing, but I guess it's fine. The next chapter of this book will follow more of another character, which I won't name yet, even though you know the characters that are in book if you read the character page. Hopefully you did. Otherwise, I will try to put gifs on the beginning of all my chapters. Use those as some imagery.

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