
By Levelyy_

239 2 0

A DreamSMP Fanfiction with Ranboo our beloved as the main character. Ranboo started to hear the voice of a ma... More

Late again
Foolish thoughts
Wake up
Don't die
Lucid dreams
Perpetual spaces
The end?


25 0 0
By Levelyy_

The clouds grew lighter, though it was still raining. Ranboo was just at the entrance of the neighborhood, it was blocked with a gate. Though, the gate did nothing, anyone could go through it. Ranboo opened the gate, and made his way to the Watson's house.

Their house was deep in the neighborhood, somewhere in the middle. It was two stories, and had two garages. The backyard was huge, it had lots of plants. They only had three trees; one in the front and two in the back of the house.

The tall man was now stood at the front door of the Watson's house. He rung the doorbell, and the door was immediately open. That made him jump, when a blonde haired man, the same age as him, came brushing out the door. He was carrying a lot of papers and books, some falling to the ground as he pushed past Ranboo.

"Hello, Goodbye!"

They said quickly as they passed him. Ranboo watched as they hurriedly skidded away, papers flying out of their grasp as they ran up to their car, and threw everything in. He wiped his hands, and turned to face Ranboo with his hands on his hips.


He felt himself jerk out of surprise, Tommy was always so loud, it always startled him.


"Pick up those papers for me"

"But, Tommy, I have to-"


Ranboo shrunk; he definitely didn't want that to happen, but Tommy was so mean. He frowned at him, which made Tommy also frown.

"Oh Raaaanboo, could you pleease help me?" He spoke in a higher voice, probably to persuade Ranboo into doing the work for him.

Ranboo walked up to Tommy, "Tommy, I can't do this right now, or else I'll be late again"

"But Raaanboo! I'm doing the puppy eyes at you, you have to help me"

The taller male blinked. "Oh uh.. okay, then."

Tommy pumped a fist into the air and whispered, "Yes, it always works!"

Ranboo started to pick up all the papers Tommy had dropped, and put them in the car with the others. He blinked again, then looked baffled
"What the- that just, wow I-"

"Thank you, Ranboo~!" Tommy grinned, but that quickly turned into a scowl "Now go watch Fundy and Michael, I've got to get off to College."

"Oh- alright, then." He started to make his way back to the door.

Tommy closed the car door, and opened the front one. He paused for a moment, then shouted go Ranboo again, "RANBOO! I'VE FORGOTTEN TO TELL YOU, TECHNO MIGHT GET BACK EARLY SO BE READY FOR HIM!!"

Ranboo winced, and covered one ear. "You don't have to scream, Tommy! You aren't that far away from me,"

"SORRY" He slammed the car door, and drove off.

He sighed, and slowly opened the door. He took off his shoes and closed the door behind him. He knew this house well now, since he'd been there many times before. Ranboo started to go towards the stairs, but stopped when he heard loud footsteps coming from up there. It was Michael and Fundy, they were running down the stairs to greet Ranboo.

"Two eyes!!" Michael cheered. He'd taken a liking to the insulting nickname Tommy had given him.

Ranboo sighed with a smile, "Hello, Michael"
He peered over behind the red haired child, "Where's Fundy?"

"Fundy is in the room, he drew on the paper and he did that a lot."

Ranboo chuckled, how they worded things was always kind of funny. "That's neat, can I go up and see him?"

"No no, he's a profit-shinal art-tist, you want to leave him alone when he draws on the paper."

Ranboo nodded slightly "Oh, okay then."
He went up the stairs anyways.

Michael had his eyes closed with a proud smile, but when Ranboo left up the stairs he cringed, knowing he was going to see Fundy.
"Wait, Two eyes!!"

The red head quickly followed Ranboo into Fundy's room.

. . .

Fundy was on his knees in front of a short table. There was a piece of paper before him, covered in colorful doodles. He was holding a red crayon, drawing a cape on the Techno he drew.

The white haired kid didn't look up from his drawing when Ranboo lightly knocked on the door and opened it.

"Hey, Fundy"

He didn't respond.

"What cha drawing?"

Ranboo stood crouched beside him, peering over his shoulder to see his art. Fundy responded to this by covering it up with his arms, still drawing, just keeping it out of Ranboos view.

"Awh man, Fundy, why won't you let me see it?"

He muttered something under his breath, it didn't come out audible.


"I'm drawing uncle Techno saving everybody.." He pushed hard on the crayon, then it broke. He got up from the ground and went over to the corner of the room. Over there was a box of art supplies, and he searched for another crayon.

The tall man watched Fundy leave, then slightly moved over to see the drawing. It was Techno, wearing a cape flying in the sky. There were green dots flying off of him, and underneath on the side of the green dots were happy people, and the other side was sad people.

And right in front of Techno was a man with brown hair and glasses, standing next to a women with long red hair. Ranboo frowned. That was Sally and Wilbur, Fundy and Michaels parents. Well, Fundy's biological parents, Michael was adopted.


"..yes?" He slowly walked back over to the table, a crayon in hand.

Ranboo glanced down at the paper again, then back at Fundy. "Do you want to talk with me?"

He paused for a moment, tightening his grip on the crayon. He broke it, again. Fundy glanced to the side and nodded, sitting down next to Ranboo.

. . .

Michael finally made it up the stairs. He was breathless, why'd he have to be so short? The red head slowly made his way to the door of Fundy's room. It was closed, but he could hear a soft voice come from inside. Michael crept closer to the door and put his ear to it. It was slightly hard to hear, but he could make out what was being said.

Ranboo and Fundy were talking about something, something that had to do with Wilbur and Sally. He frowned when he heard Ranboo mention Wilbur. Wilbur was his dad, but he disappeared one day. Techno said he died, but Michael doesn't believe him. He thinks that he went off to become a famous singer and travel the world like he said he would.
Michael didn't really react to Sally's name.. he'd never met her before, but he knows Fundy did, Fundy is older than him.

Michael moved away from the door and put his arms close to his body. He was still frowning; he knew why they were talking now. He saw Fundy's drawing, but not all of it. He'd drawn Techno flying around and saving everybody because that's what uncle Techno does, he saves people, he's a doctor. And right now, he's saving Ponk. What was sad about that was that he couldn't save Wilbur and Sally.

Wilbur disappeared one day, and Sally was taken away by her father. From Michaels point of view, this will all end happily, everybody will come back and be a happy family. Though, with Tommy around there is bound to be problems. But, then again, he always taught Michaels cool words, and played games with him. He didn't play with Fundy as much, Michael didn't know why. Tommy said it was because Fundy was a furry. He doesn't know what a furry is, so he only laughed.

Michael snapped back to reality, hearing the door start to open. Fundy came out of the room with a smile on his face.

"Michael! Come inside, I finished my drawing."

"Ohh! Okay," Michael skipped inside the room and plopped himself on the ground in front of the short table.

The drawing was finished, like he said. Techno was flying around in a red cape, healing people with his green powers. His arms were stretched out, and in front of him was Wilbur and Sally. He was throwing the green stuff at them, too. Everybody was smiling. Behind Techno was Ranboo, also smiling, he had a cape on too. He was throwing pink stuff everywhere.

"What's the pink powers Ranboo has?"

"He's giving everybody love!"

Michael gasped, "Wowie, that's super cool, Ranboo, you can throw pink stuff on Tommy and Techno and Fundy and me and everybody in the world," he was looking at Ranboo now, who was sitting beside him with a smile.

"Haha, yeah, I could do that." Ranboo stood up from the ground, making the two of them turn to him. He started to head for the door,

"Come on, it's almost lunch time."

Fundy wasn't smiling anymore, but he wasn't sad either. "I guess I'm hungry"

"Me too"

Michael and Fundy followed Ranboo down the stairs, and into the kitchen. They sat down at the table and watched Ranboo set up their food. Well, only Michael did. Fundy had brought a piece of paper and a blue crayon with him downstairs. He was drawing something, but it was hard to tell what exactly it was.

Ranboo finished preparing their meals. He went over to them with two turkey sandwiches, and set it in front of them.

"There, now you'd better finish that or I'm telling uncle Techno."

Michael yelped, and started eating his sandwich. He spoke through mouthfuls, "Look, I'm eating, you can't tell oh me now!"

Fundy on the other hand, kept on drawing. Though, once he was done with this one doodle he started to eat. He'd only taken four bites, and he pushed the plate away.
"I'm full."

Ranboo glared at him, "Are you sure? If I said you could have sweets would you eat it?"

"Well, yeah, it's sweets! Who wouldn't eat them?" Fundy said with his arms crossed.

"But that would mean that you aren't full, Fundy."

"N-" he paused, and thought about it for a moment. "Awh man.."
He then finished the rest of his sandwich.

The red head held his plate in the air, "I'm done!!" He had a big grin on his face, and started to jump in his chair "Two eyes, can I get my sweets now?"

"Yeah," he went to a cabinet and took out a small bag, then walked over to Michael who was about to leap out of his seat. "Only take two"

Michael did exactly that, taking out a lolly and a starburst. Once he got it, he quickly ran upstairs.

Ranboo watched him go, holding a hand out as if he was about to tell him to stop. He sighed, and looked over to Fundy.
"Do you want some sweets?"

His plate was clean, too, like Michaels. "Yes please"

Ranboo smiled. He liked how polite Fundy could be, but that was usually when he had something else on his mind, bad or good.
He held the bag up for Fundy, and he took the same things as Michael. He didn't go upstairs like him, and just started to eat it at the table.

The tall man walked away from the table, and started heading to the living room which was only a few feet away from the kitchen.

"I'm home,"

It was Techno, he just came through the front door, the sound of clanking keys followed his voice.

"UNCLE TECHNO!" Michael screamed, he came running down the stairs and threw himself at Techno, giving him a hug.

"Ah- hello, Michael." He smiled down at the red head, ruffling his hair.

"Hello, Techno!" Ranboo didn't move from beside the entrance to living room. He was waving at Techno, and Techno waved back.

"Sup, Ranboo."

The taller man started towards the front door. "I should be off now, then. See you tomorrow,"

"See ya" Techno responded, bland as usual.

Ranboo opened the door, hearing Michael ramble to Techno as he left. He closed the door behind him and started to make his way home...

. . .

The brown haired boy was laying on his back in bed, staring at the ceiling. It was like.. midnight, and he couldn't sleep. Ranboo put an arm on his forehead and sighed, closing his eyes. He really wanted to sleep, he wanted to get over everything that'd happen today. You know, with Ponk and Sam. Everything else was either boring or good. Oh and the cafe guy.. that was definitely something he didn't want to remember.

Ranboo covered his eyes with the arm on his forehead, replaying the day in his mind. He tried to imagine leaving the hospital, but.. it was as if he was stuck in there. Like, it was a video on pause, and it wouldn't un-pause which sucked.

He opened his eyes, and looked around his room. He stared off for a moment, then his eyes widened. This isn't his room. This is the hospital. He looked around warily, then looked to the counter. The receptionist was gone..

Ranboo then ran over to the elevator, which was already open. Once he'd gotten inside it closed, startling him. He looked to the buttons. There was only one button, and it was the button to the third floor. He gulped. This must be a dream, it's all fake. It wouldn't hurt to just keep going, nothing bad will happen..

He pressed the button, and the elevator doors opened immediately. He almost jumped out of his shoes, but he didn't. He glanced around, still wary of his surroundings. He inched over to Ponk's room, finding it by number. But, he noticed that as he went, there were no doors. Only walls.

Once he got to Ponk's room, the only thing there was the sign beside it that read it's number; 666

He just stared at it, in utter shock. What the hell was going on? Is this really a dream? If it isn't, is it Dream, messing with him?
He finally blinked and looked away from the sign to his side. There was a door. It was the same door to the same room the guy at the cafe went into with that bouquet of flowers.

He glanced around again, asking himself, what would happen if he went in there. There was no where else to go, except maybe back home, but that probably wasn't an option. Ranboo sighed once again, and cautiously walked up to the door. The tall man raised a hand to knock on the door, but held it back. He opened the door, and- and...

The room was dark. The only source of light was a lamp, sat on a dark nightstand. It almost looked as if it wasn't there, the only reason it was visible was the lamp light. Ranboo looked around, in case there might be anything else out of view. Nothing. He turned behind him, to his relief the door was still there, and open. He slowly turned back to the nightstand. Nothing had changed, that's usually what'd happen when he turns away.

Ranboo stepped over to the nightstand, once he was in front of it, he stared at it for a moment. He looked down, it didn't have any drawers. Only that lamp. He reached his hand to turn it off, but stopped.
What are you doing? Are asking for trouble?
He thought to himself, it'd probably be a bad idea to turn off the lamp, but... It's only a dream, he can't be harmed, no way.

He snatched the string attached to the lamp, and pulled on it. ...
Nothing happened.
He pulled it again.
He pulled it harder.
It didn't turn off, the light stayed on.

He clenched his teeth, and yanked so hard on the string it brought it to the ground, smashing the bulb, turning off the light. Ranboo gasped; he turned off the light, it was completely dark now. He turned back to the door, but it was also gone. He turned back around in front of him, and jumped. Someone was there, standing in front of him.

He backed up, and screamed,
"Who's there?!"


The tall man glanced around swiftly, knowing it was the voice, he was too startled to even realize.

"Who are you?! Did you do this? What do you want?!" He reached in his pocket for his keys, maybe he could use that as a weapon.

He then paused.
"Is.. is this a dream?"

The voice stayed quiet for a long time, but Ranboo still waited for a response.

It sounded confused, which made Ranboo confused. "Are you Dream?"


Ranboo looked around again. Dream didn't sound as.. evil... as he usual does. He just sounded like a regular person, only, there was still a hint of that voice who insulted him in there.
"Where are you?"

Right at that sentence, everything turned white, making Ranboo cover his eyes in pain. After a bit, he uncovered them, and in front of him was Dream. Well, at least he thought it was Dream. He'd never seen him before. He had a green poncho on, and a white mask with a smile on it. His hair was blonde, and his expression seemed to be blank.

"I'm here."

Ranboo gulped, "You're Dream..?"

They didn't respond. Dream turned to the side, moving himself to stand beside Ranboo.
"I want to show you something.."

"What is it..?"

"The past."

His eyes widened. The past? He couldn't do that, right? But it would make sense; Dream knows everything about him, except it was like he saw him as a different person. He calmed himself down, resting his shoulders.
"Uhm.. do I have a choice?"


He cringed, Dream sounded so layed back now, and, chill? Just- he didn't sound menacing, he just sounded like... a friend.

Dream smiled, and grabbed the air. He seemingly pulled something, when he did, following the air that he pulled was an open window. He opened the air. And now there was a window, which seemed like a television, floating in front of them.

"What the hell.."

"Don't swear, Ranboo. That's not very in character of you."

He looked baffled. 'Not very in character'? It's not like he was acting, this was actually happening. Why wouldn't he be in character? He shook his head. Dream was strange, that wasn't going to change.
Ranboo decided he wouldn't respond, which made Dream frown. He found it kind of funny how tall he was compared to Dream, but he didn't think on it too much.

Dream stood up straight, and the window turned grey, going static. The green man looked dumbfounded, shocked, even. Was the window like television not supposed to do that?

"..what's wrong?"

"Hold on..."

Then, he disappeared. Ranboo shifted, startled. How'd he do that? Will he come back? Soon? Strangely enough, Ranboo kind of hoped he'd appear again.

Ranboo closed his eyes for a moment; maybe if he waited long enough, it would feel like Dream came back quicker. He opened his eyes.

He wasn't in the white room anymore. He felt beside him; it was his sheets. He was back in his bedroom, back in his bed, back home. Ranboo sighed deeply, wiping his face. He turned to his side and turned on his phone.


That was around the same time he remembered being awake.. Did Dream mean to send him back to reality? Or had Ranboo found a way out? He closed his eyes again, deciding that he wouldn't worry about it. Maybe he could forget it ever happened.


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