Por YrnPyn

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The Aether has been closed off purging everything it has touched all this time. And now the civilization wond... Más

SABER WARS CHAPTER 2: Leading to Salvation


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Por YrnPyn


I found myself wondering what was I doing here. Cat should be with me. I should be with her. I shook my head and told myself to stop moaning over her. Knowing she doesn't have time for me. She did just dumped me after all. I wonder if anyone knows what happened. Even my masters, what would they say?
Doesn't matter no more. Cat got rid of me, all because of politics. I'm not upset or angry but why?
I feel a sudden chill run down my neck and shoulders. Ben is standing in the doorway. "You?"
I hadn't noticed that I was crying. Maybe because I passed out from my depressive state. "I'm just tired"
He put both hands on my shoulders. "What do you need?"
"I don't think I know anymore..."
He sighed and smiled, "come with me" he told me.
After walking with Ben for a while, we finally reached my ship. "What are we doing
"Taking a break" he replied. "Why is this the answer to our problems?"
"It's either travel the galaxy and let loose some steam or move on" he told me. He couldn't let go of Rey but I couldn't let go of Cat. I wasn't walking out of the Saber Wars until I saved Clementine. She's still there just trapped within Janis. "Traveling it is"
"And perhaps we'll train"
I nodded.

After take off in the air we prepared for hyperspace. I couldn't help but notice Rey was in my view. She looked like she had been crying for hours.
Ben looks in my direction and shakes from the pain she gives off. I couldn't watch her cry. I closed my eyes and held tears of my own. I shut my eyes and layed back. We made the jump leaving our pain behind.

Some Time Later

Me and Ben were training very efficiently and effectively. The force bonds have not appeared for some time. As if either one of us was cut off from the force. My newly phased Lightsaber didn't show the rippling effect it once gave off. Showing signs of my anger. My hatred. My Darkside. "Focus Bell, grace yourself, let the force guide you"
I listened to Ben and ignited my saber and defended myself against the drones. Three in front of me and six more from behind. I heard the blasters going off and I managed to block at least three bolts. Hard as it was to let something use me was really hard to process in my mind. Focus Bell. I blocked more bolts and swung through one of them and blocked again. I reached out with my feelings and saw myself expand. No not myself my will and felt the warm embrace of the force. I started dancing with the saber blocking and dodging bolts and felt the rush within me start to take hold. I leapt in the air on a tree branch. Balancing myself I continued to remain on the defensive. "Keep moving Bell" I heard Ben call to me. I did so and leapt to branch to branch sensing the drones approach. I stood in my stance and  held my saber with a firm grip. Control. I blocked both bolts and reached out with my hand this time feeling the rusty surface of the drone. I lifted my saber and blocked three more bolts. I swung the drone into the other and made a leapt to the ground and rolled igniting my blade and closed my eyes searching for the other drones. Three on my right and the other flanking. I opened my eyes and started deflecting their fire. With a twist of the saber and a spin blocking myself from any bolts, I was on the offensive. I tossed my saber and reached out grabbing a drone with the force and turned it on two others while moving away from the blaster fire. I caught my lightsaber and proceeded with my offense and cut down two more drones. The last one came soaring at me trying to dive bomb my position. I reached out and caught it with the force and lowered it too the ground crushing it's circuits watching the sparks bleed out.
I retraced my lightsaber and sat on the ground in the middle of the mess I made around me. I felt Bens Approval as I tried to meditate what I felt around me. Around the forest and within. Life, death, love and hate. It was the balance that made everything fit into place. "The Jedi were keepers of the Peace, the sith were quite the opposite, you Bell are that balance, time will tell whether or not you'll live up to be a Erathropian, the strength and knowledge of a Jedi, the power and cunningness like a sith but you draw from both making you into what you already are since the force has awoken within your blood and I am glad to have taught you Bell"
I smiled knowing my responsibility to the force was to bring Balance and harmony to all beings in the galaxy. To the Universe itself. "What troubles you?" Ben asks. "I just miss home" I confess. "Cat" he smiles. I nod yes. "I miss her Ben, I don't know if I can go anymore without seeing her"
"Then we'll return at once, I've completed your training and under 2 months, so far, the Saber wars has been pushed off colossus but there is still a war going on"
Ben told me. "Don't you miss Rey?" I asked him. "Of course I do but our choice is made, she will always be my dyad but you have to make things right for yours"
I sighed in defeat and nodded, "let's go home"
He told me.

We left the planet Endor and made the jump through Hyperspace.


On Colossus, the Saber War is relentless and still brewing. Lead by Darth Tannis and his Apprentice Darth Jannis formerly known as Clementine Janson. The sole survivor or the Wellingstone Incident. Shadow Company's forces are multiplying dangerously outnumbering our troops 100 to one. I fear even the wisest of Jedi couldn't end this war Let lessons teach us about the Clone Wars. I, Rey Skywalker having been training force sensitives on Colossus have set out to bring former country's back the Erathropia or they join Shadow Company. These are very desperate times and all we can do is keep pushing for peace. Even if it means giving my own life.

Somewhere in the galaxy was my apprentice and Ben Solo. They've been gone for 1 month now. Me and Ben haven't had any force bonds for a while now. Maybe because we don't see each other anymore. I haven't moved on from thinking he'll come back. Back to me. Cat doesn't seem to think so, she believes Bell will never return after they're fight. Unknown to him, Cat is pregnant and I can't continue to train her without influencing the baby down the wrong path.   I must keep my guard up for her. For Bell and Ben. My Ben.


This War has been fought on for far too long. We've built and gathered a vast Armada and have begun moving off world to The moons. My turn to the darkness has only made me stronger and shadow company. My master and I have been waiting for their return. The Jedi and him. The so called Erathropian. With everything in me, I needed to act while the time is right. Take Erathropia and force the Chancellor to submit to The darkside. My master wouldn't allow me to move from my place. Why I wondered would he give them so much time to redouble their efforts to fight this War any longer. "Jannis you are troubled again" he spoke. "I want to Attack and take control, many of the officers want the same. We must draw them out of hiding and act now before they return" I gritted my teeth. "Patience young one, Bell is wise to have fled with his Jedi, to train him for what is too come, that is when you'll strike" he told me. "Master?"
I looked at him with suspicion. "You will go and take the palace and force Valentine to give herself to the darkside"
I knew this too well, what would happened if the Sith would choose a new apprentice but why replace me?!
"Yes master"
"You will take the palace and Bell will follow you everywhere step of the way" he told me. "What will you do?"
"Simply meditate on this matter, go you attack in one hour and don't fail me"
"Yes my master"
I went to my troops that were assembled in the hangar and clenched my fists and sighed in relief. I'll be glad to end this war once and for all when I kill the Erathropian.


We came out of hyperspace and saw Colossus in sight. The radio beeped a signal indicating someone knew of our arrival. "V-71 offsprey this the Captain of the Resurgence please identify yourself"
I flicked the switch and turned on my holo device. "This is General Masaki, requesting clearance for entry to Colossus, transmitting clearance codes now"
Ben and I don't remember why clearance codes were really necessary but to some aspect, we all to well know that mankind isn't alone in the galaxy."Your clear V-71, it's good to have you back General"
It's good to be back. I smiled and we made our descent towards the surface.
Ben started to meditate. "Control your emotions Master, it's only been a month"
He smirked, "I know, but it feels like I haven't seen her in years" he told me. "I know the feeling but it's very good to be home" I told him. We flew over Washingtonian and Erathropia. I could sense Reys presence. Not just her but Cat too. I wonder if they- "Can sense us too?"
Ben Answered. "In time Bell, be mindful of your thoughts they're very loud" I obeyed and calmed down.
Looking for a place to land, we received a transmission. I answered it, "V-71, you have been requested to land on docking bay 11, please acknowledge over"
"Command this is General Masaki copy that over"
I spoke into the microphone and adjusted my course to the base. Strange, I sensed someone awaiting our arrival.

We flew towards Base 91 and landed on the platform as instructed.

We stepped off my ship with our cloaks on. Ben gave me a reassuring nod. "It will be okay" he told me. I exhaled and stared at a person walking up to us with men behind him. "General Masaki" John spoke,  "Quintero"
I breathed. We both hugged each other. "How you doing man? It's so good to see you back!" He told me. "It's good to be back"
I told him. "The troops have been waiting for you Jp, endless training and endless discipline, your men are ready" Dee told me. "Let me see" I asked him.

We started walking down an aisle with soldiers aligned perfectly on both sides. These were my soldiers, my men. "They're waiting for you" Rue told me. I felt nervous but I calmed down. "This is all you bell" Ben breathed. I gave him a reassuring look and took my first steps. As General of The Erathropian Republic, i was going to lead these men willing to die for peace. For their families, their brothers and sisters.
"We are at war with Shadow Company, our way of life is at a dangerous risk, Erathropians, you take your first steps onto becoming more than when you first entered this base, this terrible and dreadful war, it has seen its fair share of life and death, light and dark. We must put an end to war or war will put an end to humankind. Rise up, bear your arms towards the heavens and go out with a voice and cry out Freedom from bloodshed! Let there be no more! Put an end to this war! UNTIL ALL ARE ONE!"
Then a rumble of battle cries filled the air. I felt Rue tug my shoulder. "Shadow Company has infiltrated our airspace!" She tells me. "Rue, the time has come, Begin operation Arklay"
She smiled and initiated a beacon.


Near Raccoon City

The room around me started to shake with a lot of intensity and most of the staff were facing the tv screen. "What's going on?"
I looked at everyone for an explanation. "Sir, we have been ordered the initiation of Operation Arklay"
I understood what was happening. The War would end today if the gathering of nations stood together against Shadow Company. "Initiate the Beacons, ready weapons and arms, ready the troops to deploy"
"Yes General Wesker" and with that this war would end today.


At least 75 carriers and battle ships have risen from the crust of colossus controlling the skies and seas. We had at least 141 on Earth. 318 had been around for many decades but shadow Company only 3 years. "Sir! Shadow forces have infiltrated the Palace! The Senate calls for aid!" A soldier came running in. Me and Ben shared a look and realized it was time to face our beloved ones. In battle.


me and Ben used the sewers to get to the underground. We would make our way through the palace beneath. "I sense multiple hostiles" Ben told me. "Destroy and disable?"
"After you" he told me. I kicked the latch off the sewer line and made my way inside. These 'hostiles' looked human but their skin was mutated by some new strain of transformium. "Jedi!" One of them yelled and I dashed forwards cutting down  three of them. Ben leaped down throwing one to the edge of the room and down the stairs then igniting his saber stabbing one through the stomach. I used the force to get by many enemy troopers and cut down one just in time before he fired his weapon, behind me Ben started dodging and weaving gun fire shoving bullets to different shooters. I blocked a bullet and cut through the gun and through the trooper and forced pushed one into the wall and threw my saber towards its face.

Advancing towards the Oval Office, I sensed more Hostiles. "I sense it too, be mindful of what ever happens Bell" I swallowed and held my saber firmly.
I force pushed the doors watching them fly back into enemies. Then me and Ben started clearing the hallway. With multiple swinging and blocking we finally reached the door that was blocked shut. I used my saber to pierce the door open and braced myself to see Tannis and Clementine. Ben did the same. Then we forced the door to open and we emerged inside. I sensed everyone in this room and deactivated my saber. I threw off my hood and sighed. Ben threw off his hood and looked around. "Ben? Bell?" Rey looked at us with a smile, tears threatened to pour from her eyes.
"Hello Master" I spoke with a smile. "I knew one day you'd return Erathropian"Clementine hissed. I fought off the urge to force choke her. "You got me now what do you want?" I question. "Just you, no one else can interfere, I want you on your knees, broken, destroyed"
I chuckled, "you know while I was gone I did some research on you A LOT, Tannis told you that I called in the air strike, do you remember that day? The destruction of Wellingstone, remember Clem?"
She ignited her saber and shuddered, "you killed my friends, my family"
"No but Tannis wasn't the one either, I know who your parents were"
"Enough! You haven't felt true pain, no pain that wasn't taken from you! Until today"
Newt held her throat and began to choke, I  took a step forward. "Stop wait you don't want to do this!" I yelled. "You haven't suffered like me!"
I got on my knee and dropped my saber. "Your right, I haven't suffer only because I'm afraid of what I'll become, I felt the darkness tugging at me, every day! When my mother died, my father, my brother! I lost my home and I've done nothing but run but I ain't running no more and I'm not going hold on anymore, you want the darkness then you get me!". I Sensed Cat's despair. She whispered in my head.
'Im sorry for Everything'
'I'm sorry too'
Clementine regarded me and lowered her head. "Join me, Tannis will replace me but not if you join me, we can stop him together!" She begged. "You don't sound too sure of yourself" Ben stepped in. "Says the one who murdered his own father in pursuit of Power! You were once a sith yourself, you were once Kylo Ren, the Jedi killer, Grandson of the Great Darth Vader" I marveled at the revelation. Ben shuddered. His face went from soft to hard to pale. Then I sensed something within him, his darkness that I never felt before and he let me in and I saw everything that he did. He murdered his father, killed without mercy, slaughtered innocents, then I saw him fighting Rey, he was broken. Beaten and alone. Ben solo was redeemed from the loss of his mother. He was still suffering from everything that had conspired long time ago.
He turned to me and held back a sob, I felt his pain and I reached out and took it from him. Giving him peace. "Still the peacemaker you are Bell, just like your twin brother jp"
Clem wasn't turning Ben today or anyone.
It was Ben that stood up and spoke.
"I haven't forgotten About that day, the darkness doesn't belong to me nor Bell or you or anyone in this room! Let the past die, kill it if you must, it's the only way to become who you need to be, your no sith, believe me I know where this path leads, leaves you nothing but pain and regret, you cling to the darkness but want to let it go, embrace the light, you haven't struck down anyone to fully turn over, Tannis will use your power and crush you, like the sith once did me, come back to the light" he told her. Clementine felt overwhelmed with her pull to the light. "I have no place in the light"
"Yes you do" i breathed. "I must do this"
"What would your mother say?" Ben Questioned.
"My mother is dead!" She hissed. "She'll always be with you, she was strong in the force too as your father and your grandmother and me, your my grand daughter, you have my blood in your veins, my mother was more Powerful than Dr. Monty, You are just as Powerful as me"
Clems eyes grew wide with hate and sadness, she shook her head and stood back facing the raging battle outside. "Let go of your hatred" I whispered. I was inches from her and she flinched at my approach. She turned so suddenly and struck me in my chest and I slid down the floor. Teeth gritted, I breathed hard and gasped in pain. "I know who I am, Clementine is dead" she held her saber in defense. I won't hold on any longer. I finally welcomed the darkness. Sorry I kept you waiting. Ben tried to stop me and I only forced him back into the wall. "BELL NO!" He yelled. "Then you will die"  I ignited my now fiery blade and ran up force pushing Clem out of the building. She was thrown out and I jumped after her. She landed roughly on her back and I on my feet and dove my saber into the ground but she moved to quickly and then we dueled.

I felt so much anger and hatred, "You can't escape this time, to the death" I hissed. She came at me swinging, I dodged and blocked her second swing and lifted her saber in the air around me swiping her blade away until she swung it near my face and was glad to have wielded a cross guard to stop her attack and with that I pushed through her attack and began swinging up and down, side to side testing her strengths until I put an end to her. I brought my blade down upon her like the dogs of war and grunted trying to break her hold. She grunted and whimpered. No! I mustn't falter under her seductive ways. No! I leaped back away from her swing and kicked her down. She coughed and stood up swinging aimlessly. "Your going to die here, today and join your parents, are you ready to die Janis!"
She screamed out enraged and determined to kill me. I blocked her attack and held by the throat watching her Choke. She swiped at my arm and I released her. I grunted in pain and stumbled. "I'll kill you!" She screamed. I only chuckled lightly and pointed my saber at her threatening her. "Your parents would be disappointed, they Saved you only to die with your rage!" I spat. I engaged swinging. She blocked and swiped behind me. I force held her blade stopping it from contacting my back. She was strong, but I am stronger. I let go dodging her attack and spun bringing my saber towards her in a lock.
"Are you ready to join your friends?!"
She threatened me! I forced her back and sent waves of lightning yelling in rage. She blocked me and pushed forward using my lightning against me. I groaned in pain and fell on my knee. I blocked her attack but she kicked me down and I felt the wind knocked out of me. I spit out blood and looked at her. "Join me! We can destroy Tannis Together! We can lead an army of loyalists and conquer anyone who stands in our way!"
She begged me. I looked into her eyes, "I can't...I won't!"
I swung my saber but she blocked me. "Give in! The darkness calls to you!"
What have I become?! "Cat wouldn't want this" i blinked away my tears and tried to focus. "You don't know what she wants but I do know that if you or her don't turn your unborn baby will"
This was no threat, a deeper revelation. I turned to see everyone watching our duel. I looked into Cats eyes. She looked away then back at me pleading. It wasn't her fault but that's what I keep telling myself that. I looked at Clem and rage took me again. "ILL KILL YOU" I screamed. I swiped her saber away and went for the stabbing kill shot but she blocked me. I gritted my teeth trying to unleash the force within me. "Yes, your thoughts betray you Jp, only one of us will die this day, it will and must be you"
She told me confidently, "you'll die first" I whispered.  I pulled away and dodged her attacks. War all around us, we duel so much she was out of breath. She stood trying to catch her breath, I wasn't going to let her. I walked up to her and she slowly swung her saber down on me I swipe it away and elbowed her in the back. She fell forward on her stomach her saber still ignited to her left. This was it, I went in for the strike but she used the force to stop me from plunging my sword into her gut. I grunted and she whimpered trying to muster all she could to push me back. I gave out one final push and went in. My blade entered her lower stomach slowly and she cried out. My foot was on her arm that held her saber but in a instant she put her saber through me. I felt the burning coming within me. I felt the saber ripping out and I deactivated mine.
I fell back on my back staring at the sky. Maybe I'll die in peace and not hunted with my darkness no more. I was grateful for this. My masters, I am sorry, I've failed you. The battle around started to cease and the light from the sun shines above us both. I turned my head and saw Jp kneeling over Clementine. The real Jp but as a ghost. "Hey kiddo, your in a rough spot"
Clementine couldn't do anything but shake. "I understand the pain and conflict from both Jedi and sith, the depths to stay alive even after you've been struck, you don't have to fight anymore, you don't have to be afraid, you don't have to hide your pain no more, let go of what you fear to lose"
Clem sat up shaking her head. "They're gone, my parents are gone"
"Search your feelings young one, I learned even in death they are still with us, my mother and my father, lots of us, cherish what you have left Clementine Janson Masaki" Jp implored her and came to my side. "Bell" he smiled a sad smile, "I'll be the last one of our family name, I'm a failure" I breathed. "Failure and time can be the greatest teachers for all of us, Even Your masters know that, Cat does too but you will not be the last Masaki, Your not alone bell"
"I don't understand...are you alive or dead?"
"Alive, I'm simply projecting hours away from this"
I gasped in pain And grabbed his hand, "Jp don't leave me" I begged him.
"I'll always be with you little bro" he smiled confidently. "Until we meet again Erathropian, next time" he then faded away from my sight.
I stared at the sky and it began to rain.
My vision was filled by Clementine standing above me. "Clementine" I breathed out. "Yes Grandfather, it's me" she no longer had hate in her eyes but sorrow and regret. I felt myself slipping away. "Now is not your time, you still have a war to win" She placed her hand on my wound and started force healing me. "Why?" I hissed. "Maybe I don't want this anymore, Janis is dead and gone, I know you'll never forgive me but your son needs a father, don't let him go down my path" she stepped away and turned to Cat standing behind her holding something. "This is for you" she said clearly. Clem took the Holo disc and it read 'for Clementine from Mom'. Clem looked up at Cat with an explanation but didn't asked when Cat had gave her a stim shot for her festering wound. "Thank You" and with that Clem had disappeared from all of us. She had finally came back to the light. She was home.


I stared at the holo device and activated it.
A woman appeared on my screen, it was my mother?
"Hello Clementine, if you are watching this it means I'm dead, your father who is still alive because of my sacrifice, 318 neither Shadow Company started the War I did, I destroyed our home to bring an end to The Green Flu virus, my selfishness claimed the lives I know I'll never be forgiven for, I'm sorry I left you in such peril, I'm sorry Honey and I hope that one day You'll grow up to be better than me and my dad, I love you my baby girl, my beautiful daughter"

I didn't realize that I was crying hearing my mother say my name and finding out the truth. My father was still out there. I will find him. I was finally free of the pain, the nightmares were finally gone. The war was the only thing on my mind. Then I stood about to return to my grandpas side and defeat Tannis once and for all. I stopped in my tracks and saw my mother, only she was a memory. "Momma-"
"You know what must be done"
She whispered. "I may have been corrupted but I have the power to change"
"You do"
"Mother" I choked back tears and tears and felt her hug me. "Save Erathropia, save the Balance, save your grandparents" i listened and held my saber and begged to my early ancestors to accept me into the light. I listened and heard the voices of my family.

"Clem"- Jp Masaki
"Hey there Kiddo"-Dee Hoyt Dempsey
"Your never alone"-Myka Von Richtofen Martinez
"Stand and rise as a Erathropian"-John Quintero Belenski
"Rise Clementine"-Robbie Shapiro
"The force will protect you"-Sierra Lee Williams
"Never give into fear"-Jackson von Richtofen Murray
"If you wanna go down, you go down fighting"-Tank Dempsey
"You'll fight till the death"-Dr. Edward Richtofen
"Rise Clementine as my sons have risen Rise and bring forth the peace we have bled for"-Takeo Masaki
"For your families and your home, for all lives"-Nikolai Belenski

"Until All are one" I breathed and ignited my saber seeing a green blade no longer red. My name is Clementine Janson Masaki and today I rise as a Erathropian.


I meditated and tried to be alone with my thoughts. Tannis was coming and it was up to 318 and the Erathropians to live up to its name. I don't know if I can lead them. "You will lead them because you have no choice"
"Must you read my mind"
She giggled, "sometimes"
"I can't be what my brother once was Cat, even you know that, you said it yourself I'm just a bad as them"
Cat sat beside him and placed her hand above his heart. "What does your heart say?"
She breathed evenly and I stared into her eyes. "It's too late for us" I whispered. "Don't! Don't turn your back on your child and me"
"I won't"
"Then why don't you realize I'm forgiving you?" She stared me with her sobs started to pour out. "I don't know if I'm ready Cat, I'm not who I used to be"
"Let the past die. Kill it if you must but don't shut me out"
I blinked back tears, "not yet, I promise we will have our moment Cat"
She nodded and with that she was getting ready to leave. I instantly grabbed her hand with the force and pulled her to me. She flinched and looked up at me. She closed her eyes as our lips embraced. "How do I make it up to you?"
I begged.
"Win the War" she told me what she wanted. "For you milady I will"
I told her with a smile.
After that, the sirens started wailing and me and Cat looked at each other. "Come back to us"
She whispered and we embraced each other as tears fell from our eyes.


I stared at the Shadow Companies fleet and felt an imminent terror awaiting me. Tannis. I looked at my troops and my masters. "General" Ben broke the silence encouraging me. "Until all Are one"
I ignited my lightsaber and leapt to to the ground. "Battle stations" I spoke to my troops. "Ready the Emp tanks, Prepare to deploy the shields, get the civilians into the emergency Bunkers"
"General Masaki, General Wesker's Ship will arrive in 25 minutes"
The Private told me. "Then we hold out until he can get here"
"Sir the shield will only last 15 minutes"
"Then we better be ready to cross over into hellfire"
"Yes Sir!" With that the troops were deployed all over Erathropia forming a ring to keep the Hostiles at the docks. If this line broke, Erathropia will be turned into a battlefield and I'm gonna hold the line if I have to. I heard marching in the distance, more of those  Mutated soldiers from the palace. "Let it begin" I whispered. The Star Destroyer started its Artillery Bomb run over the Area. "Brace!" I yelled.

The bombs began to fall and the destruction began.

"We have to destroy those bombers!" Ben looked to me. "Send all star fighters into the skys, began Aerial Combat!" I ordered. "Enemy Ground Troops have been deployed General!"
"prepare for the first wave of ground Attack, they mustn't break the line!"
"General we have a distress signal coming from afar"
"Put it through"
"General, Russia sends over 30 tanks for battle, no word on the Aerial fleet"
"I got you cover Quintero, Germania at the ready for Air support" Myka and John came through. "Transmission from Dee coming in Sir"
"patch it through, Colonel"
"General, Shadow Company troops have arrived on The Palace doorstep, were cut off from You!"
"I'll go" Rey grabbed her Saber but Ben followed her out. "Rey"
Rey and Ben looked at each other. "May the Force be with you" he told her. I looked at Rey and she nodded at me. "Take care of Each day Other"
I looked at Rue, "transport of 30 heading for The Palace to give Dee some edge"
She nodded and I looked at Ben. "Go with Her"
"What about you?"
"I'll be fine Master, I won't fail you!" I told him. "I know"
He ran after Rey and I was left with my Soldiers and my task force. "Your orders General" My cousin spoke up. "Defend the line and let nothing get through"
I heard aircraft fly over head and the explosions and gunfire filled the air.
A trooper took a bullet for me and I caught him watching his body go limp. ", I'll make shadow company regret every step they took on Erathropia" I blocked off several bullets and swung  cutting off ones weapon then threw him into several enemies. I blocked more bullets some flew past grazing me but I didn't phase. I leapt in the air onto a enemy transport cutting off the cannon and throwing it overboard and grabbed a bag of Grenades and started tossing some to my task force. "If we can reverse the transport back to the carrier we can set off a bomb and bring it down" I told them. "They'll shoot them down the second both explode inside" Jakaleb was right but they have to follow protocol. Unless Tannis alters it.
"We just need enough to close their hangars to stop more troopers from landing"
The battle resumed once I saw enemy boats coming from the water. It was a full scale invasion. If they couldn't take Erathropia then no one could.
"Hostiles near the docs!" Jakaleb yelled.

I ignited my saber and began to deflect shots fired. "Get these ships moving!" I grunted. Jakaleb was setting the coordinates back to the enemy battleship. "I got it!"
"Fall back men, fallback" I continued deflecting blaster shots.


I fly towards the ongoing explosions, the battle had already begun. I just hope I'm not too late.

Hang on Grandfather, I'm coming!


Taking heavy fire from hostiles below and above. We couldn't get into the palace. We need another plan. When will republic forces get here?! Will I reach Cat in time?

Then I heard the sound of the falcon flying overhead. Who was flying the-
'I'll draw you push' he spoke in my mind. 
I ignited my saber and started blocking and deflecting blaster fire. I never train for this but I called upon the force to guide me. Upon Luke.

'The force will always be with you Rey' 

Somewhere in my mind I smiled as I heard my old master. Giving me the push I need.


Our defenses are shattered and Shadow troops have entered the battle field. I sense Tannis is near. I ignited my saber and look back at the men behind me. By the looks on their faces. They're willing to sacrifice everything for their home. So was I. "TILL ALL ARE ONE!" I charged into battle with my men behind me.
I raised my saber and swung knocking enemy troopers out of my way. I deflected enemy fire and cleared a path. With no other choice, I cut down enemies who attacked me. Finally I knew what was happening. He sent all his men to wore me down. So he'd crush me. I stood in my Samurai stance and dashed several times into troopers. With ease, I slowly cut down troopers one by one bringing my Saber down on the last trooper who fought with a lightning rod. With a swing to the left and the right. It was difficult to weaken his form. Someone has trained them well. I still on the offensive, used the force to send a Boulder hurdling behind the trooper and leaped out of the way. The Boulder had crushed him and I landed on my feet staring at Tannis.

"Destroy him, end him!" He ordered his super soldiers to crush me. I deflected most of the blasts but the rest started making their mark. I couldn't take any more damage from these damned guns. I twirled and spun my saber around and deflected shots back towards the troopers. With another blast hitting me in the back. I let out a yell and shoved my fist into the ground throwing the troopers off balance. I breathed heavily and looked at Tannis. "Tell me, did she die slowly or did you finally snuff out her darkness?" He activated his saber and I aimed mine at him. "If you must know, I'll show you!" We charged at each other and dueled.


"Erathropian Docks insight, I say again Docks insight" I spoke into the mic. "Grey leader check"
"Red Leader check"
"Blue leader check"
"Gold leader check"
"Alright weapons free! Weapons free!"
I released the payload along with my fellow pilots incinerating the docks. "Direct hit boss!"
"That should give the general the time he needs now let's take out the guns on that destroyer"


The docks were swarming with troopers but soon they were incinerated by the Air Force. Tannis had been cut off. This was my chance, with the force and ever my fiber in me, I fought harder to defeat him.

We dueled harder and longer before engaging in a standoff. "Let me give a history lesson about your precious Jedi, you want to know why they are the last, The girl was nothing more than a scavenger and the other born of the Skywalker bloodline, Both brought together by a war started by the Great Sith Lord Darth Sidious, She's his granddaughter and your other master, who was Kylo Ren, is the grandson of Darth Vader, apprentice of Sidious, which brings us to you, you thought you were the balance when you were being trained in the ways of the dark side all along how does that make you feel Bell?"
I engaged him again using my rage, "There is no light! You are the darkness they all fear, the darkness I want!" I swiped his blade away and kicked him in the chin. He grunted as he landed on his back. "She never turned, she knows nothing of darkness, Ben will never turn again as long as I live, I WON'T ALLOW IT!"
I held my saber firmly. "That moment doesn't belong to them but to you who will orchestrate the end of the order you created, just as Sidious ended the Jedi, then Ren ended their return, you will rise as a Sith, come with me, they don't have to die for you to understand what is to come" He made devious points but at what costs? I will never turn. In my heart, I won't live forever but I will live through today in the light. In the force.
"You think I'll so willingly join you, never I rather die and be one with the force and join the Jedi of old before me" I held my blade firmly.
"the Jedi... ARE DEAD!" He resumed attacking me, I was able to hit his arm causing him to jump and grunt in pain. "Mnh!" He turned back to me and raised his saber up and we locked blades.
"One last chance Bell... join me or die"
"Never" I whispered. I swiped his blade away and spun around going for the kill shot but he spun around swinging his saber. I ducked and blocked and brought it down to the ground and elbowed him in the face. He stumbled back but sent lightning at me and I wasn't quick enough to stop it. I fell to the ground and screeched in pain.
"You should have chosen the dark side" he taunted me while shocking me. He stood above me swinging at me. I blocked him multiple times but he's electricity spoke otherwise. I breathed out and looked up at the sky. "Now die like your Jedi!" He was about to swing until another saber interfered. It was Clementine. "Hello Tannis" she spoke clearly. "Ah you live"
"Yes My old master, but I am no longer your apprentice" she and Tannis dueled. "Go!" She told me, I couldn't leave her. "Go!" She yelled. I hesitated and started to turn around and walk back away from their duel but I felt the electricity envelope me and I hit the ground.


"No!" I started swinging harder at him than I did with Bell. He will not hurt my family. I swung one more time then he leapt over me and I blocked his attack bringing his saber in front of me and down then kicked him in the chin. He stumbled back but through off his cape and swung his saber. We locked blades and I pushed harder than anticipated. He was really strong. I grunted and was given a moment of relief before he swung hard and threw me against the wall. I got on all fours and coughed. He turned to where Bell was lying but he wasn't there then I used the force to push him away. He blocked my attack and force pushed as well. I was lucky to have leapt high in the air away from him. Exhausted, I tried searching for Bell.


I limped and made back towards my troopers. The front lines were lost already. We were being pushed back. I really hope Clementine Is ok. "I'm here" she spoke. I turned and there she was. Bruised and battered. "Get us out of here!" I told the pilot. Fly away from the destroyer coming above Erathropia, a series of missiles we're heading our way. Clem grabbed an RPG and fired causing a chain reaction. I felt the ship shake and realized we were hit. No! I thought. I turned to see Clementine hanging on the edge and grabbed her with the force as our ship was about to crash.


I was a astronaut in space. Looking down towards the planet colossus. A war was being fought down there.
"Corporal Jenkins were reading massive energy from Erathropia, can you confirm over"
I stared towards the edge of Erathropia and saw a green flashing from Core Island.
"I copy over, planet shift change?"
"Negative this is something el-"
My comma went out as a massive strand of energy shot out from the planet flowing towards the darkness of space illuminating the heavens.
I floated back towards my ship and tried to contact command but I had no communications. Something has happened on Erathropia.



I felt something in my chest come to life. Something that was always there but was telling my instincts something had happened. I wondered and realized it was happening on Colossus. My first initial thought was my parents. Mom and Dad. I walked outside and saw a green ray of light stretching far out through outer space. Something happened for Colossus to give off that kind of blast. "Dad" I called out to him through the force.


20 minutes earlier before the Anomaly.

I coughed and opened my eyes. The sky was orange filled with Dog fights and explosions. I remember I held Clems hand. She was unconscious next to me. Still alive. We crashed, my pilots didn't make it. I turned on my comms and contacted an old friend.
The red Queen AKA Ruth
"Hello...Ruth and it's Bell" I sat up. "I think it's time we end this war don't you think" I told her.
"Begin Operation 741" I told her. "Clear out our air forces and take precautions if this goes sour" i wheezed.

'Precautions are in play, nay I contact you medic aid, you suffered great injuries'

"No I must do this, I must keep the fight here on Erathropia"
Ruth looked worried
'please is there anything I can do, I'm sending a distress beacon'
I shook my head  "no Ruth"
'But Bell please' Ruth begged. "Myka really gave you too much humanity didn't he" I smiled. "Ok Ruth" I told her. 'Help Is on the way' she smiled and disappeared doing what I told her too. Tannis was nearby, I could see the destroyer looming above. I pulled Clementine to safety and away from the burning ship. My pilots, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't save you.

As soon as Clementine was safely out of sight. It was up to me to keep that destroyer focused on me. I held a detonator and saw Tannis appear. He ignited his blade and I pressed the button detonating the transports in the hanger. He turned and saw the explosions and gritted his teeth at me. "Come on" I whispered and started to run. I ran towards Core Island.

Reys Point of View

The palace had been well defended but something was odd. No off. I sense Bell is in great danger.

"Master Jedi, bell has suffered major injuries and is being tracked by the sith himself you must get to him"

A red woman appeared on my holo-pad. I ran towards Ben and Cat. "It's Bell we have to go!" I told them.
"Valentine, Operation 741 is minutes away from completion, Go to core Island, find Bell"
Cat nodded.
"What's 741?"
"I don't know, bell and Myka had tons of Projects on Colossus this one was never heard of until now"
I contacted Myka.

"I've got the message and was told to clear all my air support, I'm heading for core Island"
"What exactly is 741?"
Myka face was shock. "He remembers that operation, so that's what he's planning brilliant plan brilliant Bell" myka was excited. "You tell me what is 741"
Myka chuckled, "the moment Is upon us. It's the same plan for the birth of Colossus, only this time we will change the face of the galaxy"


I sat on a tank listening to Myka. "To expand I and reach out in the darkness around us and illuminate the sky for a mere moment"
"How will this win us the war? We can't just activate science projects"
Myka turned to me smiling, "that's exactly what we will do, only this is an operation that will reveal itself in just moments" Myka looked relieved.



"Soon even shadow company will realize they are dealing with powers they cannot simply destroy" I added.
Isaacs stood beside me overlooking the vast armada of Star ships in space. "Powers for which we can control" he spoke.


He arrived on Core Island via Car and most of the facility was online. He only needed to press the button. "THERES NO WHERE LEFT TO RUN BELL!" Tannis shouted. I ignited my saber and we clashed blades once again. "I wasn't running" I told him. I was on the defensive. I blocked high and low then evaded his attack and sent debris flying at him. He jabbed his saber through metal as if it were me. I held him back and saw ships approaching. I pushed back and started dueling harder. I let the force guide my flow and use me. With that, Tannis stared at me fearfully. "Fear it surrounds you Tannis or should I say your real name Sebastian Otis" he went in sicko mode then blew open the facility from the inside. "My name is Tannis" he pointed his saber at me. Yeah I won't be turning him. I leapt out the destroyed building and onto the ground. He followed and we began dueling again. I swung up and down side to side but was pushed onto the rail. "Surrender!" He spat out. "You should know better than that, ILL NEVER SURRENDER!"
I swung striking his blade left and right.
He grunted and dodged my attacks kicking me down. His blade hit my shoulders and groaned in pain. "Think about what we can accomplish together"
He taunted me still. "I'll never join the darkness"
He stared at me in disbelief. "Then you will die" he raised his saber and brought it down. I directed it towards the pipeline and watched as a steam burnt his vision. He cried out in pain and fell on one knee. I stood up realizing it was time. "Ruth, it is time, Execute Operation 741"
Ruth appeared and smiled.



A hologram of Ruth Appeared. "Executing Operation 741"

I felt something happening. It didn't feel bad but it felt like life was being born. I saw that we landed on core Island and made my way towards the facility. Bell is here, I sense his presence. Then I was thrown back by a sudden shockwave. It threw us all back. The ground started to shake. Then a ray of green light shot out toward the sky through space.

Everyone felt it.

Life force springing freely into the galaxy.


Its truly beautiful.

Tannis only looked up towards his destroyed star destroyer that was hurdling towards us. "I require your assistance Tannis if we are to finish our duel"
I sensed Cats presence and turned and saw they had arrived. "now or never Tannis" I reached my hand out to him. He only held his saber and looked at me giving off a hateful glare. "Survive now Fight later" I told him one last time. He disengaged his blade and used the force to stop the destroyer from crashing onto us. I helped him and my my it took a lot out of me too so this. I strained trying to slow its fall. The debris was crashing all around us, lucky Rey and Ben were there to stop the debris from crashing. I yelled in pain and felt the entire destroyer in the palm of my hand and called upon the force.
"IM ONE WITH THE FORCE AND THE FORCE IS WITH ME" I fired a wave of lightning to evaporate the entirety of the destroyer back into the core. Tannis and I both let go as nothing but dust fell from the shattered destroyer. I was very exhausted indeed. I turned and saw the green jet stream of Vril was still flowing into space. "This was all much part of a bigger plan" I told Tannis. "What plan?"
"The plan, I've changed the fates of the republic in a galaxy far far away creating 12 new planets such as this one, The Erathropian order will stay here but refugees from other planets may come to live on Eras planets to call home"

Tannis showed no care in any of this. "This war must end here on Colossus Tannis, you know I'm right"
"Peace is a lie, you promised it for far too long"
He pointed his saber at me. "Maybe it's because nobody believes in it anymore, no one has faith like we do, we force users could be the last of our kind, we take care of each other, family is above everything, always is and always will be"
I ignited my saber and the other end revealing my double bladed saber.

Lots of twists and turns and hard dueling can and will put you out of the moment. For that luxury, I still had plenty of fight left in me. We locked blades one more time but this time he called upon the darkness and forced me back. With the so called fight within me, I started to falter. "Time to die" he whispered. I felt myself fall forward and he stomped on my back. My face plastered into the ground, I could barely breathe. "I will make sure you feel every single strike long enough to make sure you stay awake" he pinned me down and I felt the saber lifting towards my shoulders and cried out in pain. "No!" Someone yelled out and I coughed able to breathe again. I turned abruptly and saw Clem dueling with Tannis. Their lightsabers danced around the pair like wisp in the most sacred places on earth or here. Clem made a mistake to block his swing and lost her hand in the process. She screamed out in pain and fell to her knees. Tannis circled her and he drove his saber through her shoulder blades. "NOOOOO!!!!!!" I screamed.
Clem looked at me in shock and fell to her side. I crawled to her body and pulled her up to my knees. "Hey, hey... your going to be ok, look at me Clem" she lifted her hand towards my face and let out a small gasp. Tears poured from both our eyes. "Don't...give into the darkness, not like me" she whispered before shutting her eyes and fading away into oblivion. I stared at her necklace in my hand and felt her life force enter my soul.
'Stand up and fight Bell'
'Bring forth the end of this war'
I let go of the pain, the pain I knew I would feel again. I summoned my saber to my me and modified it to be one true saber. My own legacy sword. Tannis rushed me and I leapt into the air and we dueled again.

Our sabers locked but this time I disengaged mine and dodged his attack. I kicked at his leg and watched him stumble. Then I pushed him towards the well of colossus. 741 was still active. He was the key to completing it. I brought my saber down on him. He blocked but I kicked him to the ground. He stretched his hand out and tried to force choke me but I let out my rage and dropped to my feet and engaged again. He facial expression went from pure evil to anger now to shock. "Fear, it binds you" I whispered. "You truly are a sith" I stated. "When you could have been a Jedi, your right, you can't be saved nor want too" i pushed his saber back and kicked at his back and spun slicing his back. He yelled and used force lightning to overwhelm me. I only blocked it with my saber and pushed it back towards him. He grunted and fired more, blocking I walked forward preparing to strike a fatal blow. "Goodbye Tannis" I pushed his attack against him and he fell to his knees. He looked at the ground in defeat then back to me. "Tell me, what do you fear the most Bell?" He spoke. "There is always something to fear in all our lives, you just don't happen to be one of them"
He was breathing heavily.
I turned back to the others. Cat, Rey, Ben, John, Dee, Myka and Alice. My family. Tannis let out a chuckle, "we'll see" He whispered. I turned fast and saw he morphed into his true form. The keeper he used to be. He lunged himself at me but fell upon my blade and I ignited it through his torso. He froze and shook. "I'm no Jedi nor sith, I'm the Erathropian, and this is goodbye Sebastian Otis" I pulled out my blade as he morphed back into his human form and fell through the wave of green light sprouting from the core.
It is done.
The Republic Restored.

'You did it'-Clementine
'Bell'-Yua Masaki
'Did you see him? I told you he is extraordinary, I never doubted him never'- Jp Payne Masaki
'Strong he is with the force'- YODA
'You have saved us all'- Jakaleb  Jenkins
'Rise Great Erathropian'- Ashoka Tano
'The war is over now'- Obi Wan Kenobi
'You've brought peace to your people Bell, something we've lived fought and died for' -Anakin Skywalker
'Pass on what you've learned'-Clem
'The force will always be with you'-Leia Organa Skywalker Solo
'Trained you well your masters have, May the force be with you'- Luke Skywalker

I held out the vril key and pushed it into the green ray of life. My plan was complete.

I suddenly felt the pain from injuries returned to me. Cat wrapped herself around me, I let out a gasp in pain. She immediately let go, "Ohh sorry" I smiled and kissed her forehead. "I couldn't have been more proud of you" I heard Ben say. "Neither can I" my eyes started to burn, tears threatening to slip out.
"Thank you Masters"
I felt Rey touch my cheek, "you don't have to hide your tears from us, we know, let go" I hesitated at first.
"She's gone" I thought about Clem.
"No one is ever really gone" Ben told me.
"She's one with the force now, free from the darkness and so are you"
Just then I heard a faint humming. I turned my head and saw her ghost hugging her mother. Clem was embracing her mother. Arinae. My daughter.
I remember hugging my mother and father, like that, a walk through memory lane. I remember John losing his wife and family. Dee's sister and his father. Myka's entire family and Alice.
Ohh Alice, from being a clone to what she is now. My best friend. Clone or not, I will always follow her into battle no matter what. Rey and Ben, going through a never ending war with the darkness that found its way here, I wish I could go back and take it all away from them. They're like my parents. I was trained by both light and dark. By the Dyad, by the Jedi. Cat, my Cat, losing her first true love only to be with my brother who is apart of me in every way. We may fight, argue, hate each other but in the end. I will give my life for her and Jakylan to live.
So much we all went through only to bring us to this very moment. They had let go before me. It was my turn.
So I finally let go.
Cat pulled me in for a hug and I wrapped my arms around her in a embrace. I ignored my screaming wounds and held her. Ben patted my shoulder and I welcomed his embrace. Rey embraced me as well.

As I walked through the valley of Erathropia, the sun was rising slowly in the air. The warmth of the sun touched my wounds and I breathed it in. Seeing that many citizens had survived the battle the war was finally coming to its end.

Until all are one.

-Sometime after the Events of Saber Wars 4-

I am walking up the steps of a starship. I pause and take a look at colossus before continuing up.

Walking through the halls of the Starship. Soldiers saluted me, I nodded to them and noticed an mark of their armor. The mark of my face. They were loyal to me, served under me. With me. I placed my hand on the troopers shoulder. "I couldn't have asked for better soldiers" I told him. He looked at me through the helmet and nodded. "It is my honor" he spoke and I saluted him back.

I made my way to the bridge of the ship.
"Captain on Deck!"
"General Masaki"
I was greeted by colonels from different fragments on Colossus who stood here today.
"At ease"
"Sir, your course of action?"
I looked out towards the heavens and shuddered briefly. "Engage the hyperdrive, set course for the Erathropian republic"
Just then. The others came in from behind me. I stared out the window.
"Making the jump to hyperspace now"
We soon blasted into the depths of space.
Through the heavens and the stars.

I look to my side into Cat's eyes. "You ok?"
"Strange, I feel the darkness again at a much larger scale, though we cannot see it because we are oblivious too it's nature, something is happening out there, something sinister has awakened"
"You feel it too?" She asked.
I looked at her and she push a strand of hair behind her shoulder. "I can feel it too"
She told me. "Whatever it is, we'll stand together and deal with it head on" she sounded confident. I only smiled. "You remind me every day of him you know" I told her. "Maybe because your just apart of me like he's apart of you" she countered. She smiled and we held hands while staring down into the hyper flight.

To be Continued In Saber Wars 5

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