Rock 'n' Roll Suicide | Roger...

By capybarasbestfriend

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"No! Don't you understand? He is not the guy for you. He is bad for you. He is like a drug. Like a suicide!"... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
All Tomorrow's Parties (Pt.1)
All Tomorrow's Parties (Pt.2)
All Tomorrow's Parties (Pt.3)
Johnny B. Goode Tonight
A Hard Day's Night
Walking All Day
Walk This Way
All The Young Dudes
Paint it, Black.
Only Love Can Hurt Like This
West Coast
If I Ain't got you

The Cuts that Always Bleed

107 5 23
By capybarasbestfriend

General POV;

"Look, Roger, don't be so stubborn you know you can't get anywhere with that." Brian argued with Roger, who was persistently standing before him as he cooked something in the kitchen. 

"I don't want to get somewhere with that I just want h-" Roger started arguing back but Brian was fast enough to turn around a cock a warning eyebrow at him, not quite making him shut up though, that would be impossible with Roger of course, as his blonde best friend continued with his rambling. Oh Roger would always ramble about something, always talking that one was, and Brian knew that in no way he would stay silent if he didn't have the last word.

"Just don't go about making a fuss, okay? I will not get you out of the police department when you'll both end up fist fighting." Brian sighed in the end, done with his friend's antics. Truth is that if Brian wasn't- Well, if Brian wasn't Brian, Roger would have probably been locked up somewhere and they both knew it very damn well. 

"Yea you always say that but you still end up not keeping your promises." Roger rolled his eyes at his curly-haired best friend who just shot him a disapproving glance, not quite agreeing with Roger. Everyone knows they are polar opposites. But after all, this is what makes them so perfectly fitted with each other.

"Take the salad to the table." Brian simply replied as he, himself, placed some plates with food on the table. Roger mimicked his voice quite mockingly, ending up following his orders of course. 

It was a bit past noon and they were getting ready for lunch, as they had been occupied with recording all morning, one of the little times they were able to record in the morning. Roger and Brian sat down at the wooden table at their usual seats and Roger was still very busy frowning down at his plate, thinking about his and Brian's conversation. At this moment, and as the time passed by, Brian was just about to ask where his sister was, but he got his answer by a loud thump coming from the living room, prolonging Amy's arrival. 

"Look who decided to join us." He commented as Amy got into the room looking rather odd, as Roger noticed. Thing is that Roger still noticed things about her and he did care for her, even though it was clear now that she wanted nothing to do with him.

"Look who decided to be a bitch." Amy spat back, her jaw clenching and unclenching as Brian arched his eyebrows at an 'Excuse me' way, waiting for the dark-haired girl to apologize to him as she sat down unbothered at the table, the big frown never leaving her features. The moment she had stepped into the kitchen she had immediately felt Roger's eyes boring holes on her skin and even though she tried to ignore it, it was still there, as Roger was examining her with his eyes, a very concerned look plastered upon his features.

"Mind telling us what took you so long?" Brian asked, making her madder than she already was with his stupid questions. 

"Yes." Amy shrugged as Roger shifted uneasily at his seat, clearly seeing that Amy was really mad at something. And he tried really hard to define what this 'something' was without getting anywhere though.

"Okay." Brian said calmly, always able to keep his cool, as he turned his attention to the food before him. "Let's just eat."

"Nice idea." Roger commented, not quite knowing how to ease things up, but he shortly came to the conclusion that this certainly wasn't as the murderous look he received from Amy was beyond enough. Brian and Roger turned to their plates eating in silence as Amy took a cigarette from the pocket of her coat, which she hadn't bother taking off, lighting it up before taking in a deep drag that had her somewhat relaxed. At the smell of cigarette Brian's head immediately shot up as Roger looked at her too, perplexed.

"Amelia! No smoking in the house! AND IN GENERAL!" Brian scolded her as he tried to snatch the cigar from her hands, only for her to pull her hand away quickly. Roger was rather concerned with the whole situation because even though Brian didn't seem to have noticed he did notice that something was really off with Amy. She would usually walk into the room all excited and would talk about what they had done with Brian and now she was the complete opposite. Even her clothes didn't stand right to him. It seemed like she was wearing a man's button-up shirt and not the sweater she was wearing when she left in the morning. And he knew that because the buttons were on the right side and not on the left, where the button's in woman's button-up shirts were. 

"Oh piss off Brian! Will you? Let me be, ferucksake!" Amy snapped at him as she took in another drag, blowing out a puff of smoke. Brian gasped at that, particularly opposite at his sister's smoking thing. 

"This is not the way you should react, Amy. There are rules! And you know them. You know that one of them is that smoking IS NOT allowed in here." Brian told her in a very Brian way as she continued with her smoking, pretending she wasn't listening to him.

"You know that smoking is only harmful. Especially to people with your record!" Brian finally said after nearly five minutes of futile attempts on stopping Amy, not intending on doing so but now completely done with his sister's unreasonably shitty behavior. Of course, the moment he said it he regretted it as Amy shot up from her seat madder than ever and pushed him back against the wall, holding his shirt's hem. 

"Guys, Amelie c'mo-" Roger tried to ease things up, not quite managing so. 

"Say that again." Amy said in a dangerously low volume that was more than just threatening. Brian gulped audibly as he very well knew that now nothing would save him. "Say. That. AGAIN!"

Amy said the last word coming out as a shout as she watched Brian staying silent. She looked at him for a moment, and Roger thought that this would be his friend's end, before releasing the grip on his shirt with a rough shove.

"You fucking asshole." She simply said her fists and jaw clenching as she stormed out of the room. And as Brian looked, questioning why there hadn't been a worse outburst he got the answer he was looking for. There was the sound of glasses shuttering and the two bandmates emerged from the room only to be met with the remainings of Brian's hutch and Amywalking away from it in the most furious way. 

"Oh hell..." Roger muttered as Brian with the most heartbroken expression went closer to the shuttered furniture. And Roger did understand that Brian would be so sad about it but he had to run after Amy at the moment. Not because he wanted to have a nice chat with her or anything - which yes he partly did - but because as Amy left he noticed that her right hand was covered in red - as he correctly assumed - blood. 

So with a last sympathetic look on his bandmate, he stormed away and up the stairs, sprinting down the hallway and onto Amy's room but she was nowhere in there. Next up he thought of going to Brian's room but as he passed by the bathroom door he heard the characteristic sound of flowing water. Taking a hesitant step towards the door he softly knocked on it, not quite getting a reply. After three or four attempts he decided that he just had to barge in, which yes it wasn't the most gentleman-like decision, but he had to do something because it was a really bad cut had he had saw there.

"Oh fuck..." Roger muttered once more as he strutted to Amy who was standing before the mirror trying to mend her bleeding arm, her face paler than ever as tears blurred her vision, furiously trying to stop the bleeding with a towel. Roger tried to take the towel from her hand but she simply pulled away.

"I've g-got it." She tried to say through her tears, with her good hand pushing some strands of her raven black hair away from her face. 

"No you don't. Let me-" Roger tried to take the towel again but she was quicker than him.

"I've got it!" Amy snapped with more tears as the bleeding on her hand wouldn't stop, and Roger was only making it more difficult. 

"No you don't! Give it here!" Roger snapped back, not quite meaning it but he had to because the bleeding was only getting worse and he needed to help. Amy looked at his eyes shocked because out of all the times she had yelled to Roger not even once he had yelled that way back, though she did leave the towel in his hands. 

"Damn it where is the first aid kit!" Roger muttered under his breath as he looked for the small red box, his one hand putting pressure on Amy's to stop the bleeding and the other roaming through the cabinets in the bathroom. He internally cursed that because even though he was technically living in this house he hadn't once wondered where the first aid kit was, a thing that in his house could be found in every possible corner. "Found it!" 

He yelped triumphantly as he held the red box in his hand. He then led Amy, who was even paler now, to sit at the edge of the bathtub and he, himself, knelt between her legs placing the box carefully at her thighs. And even though she was furious and mad at herself at the moment, she could help but get kinda turned on by the way Roger was kneeling between her legs.

"That's a nasty cut we've got here..." Roger breathed as he removed the towel he had been pressing in Amy's cut. Good thing was that the bleeding was now nearly gone but some deep gashes were featured at her hand and forearm. Amy was looking down at him with puffed eyes from crying and a bit of panicked expression on her face, which Roger immediately noticed and did his best to get her relaxed. "Not as nasty as the one in Brian's hutch though, this surely won't be gone in a bit."

Roger commented trying to make her feel more at ease but it only managed to get things worse and Roger wanted nothing more than to hug her at the moment despite having been a bit mad at her and her having been a bit mad at him. They both needed each other no matter that they tried to suppress it. Or at least she tried to.

"All done. I know it's a scrappy work but it's certainly better than leaving it bleed, ey?" Roger smiled at her once he was done with her hand. Amy just nodded averting her eyes from him because she felt so many things at that moment she wasn't sure she could handle all of them. "You want to go sleep a bit? Been liking that you have, I've noticed."

"Yea, thanks." Amy breathed, her voice frail, barely audible but Roger got it. Of course he did. Roger smiled as he offered his hand to help her up and she got it, a small smile playing on her lips, a sad one though, but still a smile. The pair of them walked down the hallway and into Amy's room, the familiar atmosphere being almost overwhelming for her after everything that had happened. Plus, next to her was standing Roger.

She then moved towards her desk and pulling the chair out she dropped at it at once, tilting her head back as she closed her eyes. Roger was just standing there watching her. Even if he didn't know her that much of a time he knew an awfully large amount of things about her. Most of his own observation or a small little thing she had told him through one of all the conversations they had shared. And right now somebody would say that she was pissed off but Roger was not somebody. And because of that, he knew. He knew that she was mostly disappointed than mad.

"Who let you down?" He asked, the words slipping out of his mouth without even thinking about it, but he didn't regret it because for the first time today she looked into his eyes, her sad ones meeting his blue ones. 

"That's fucking right." She said, tears yelping on her eyes once again as she tried to keep them in at all costs. "What did I do wrong damn it?! I... Fucking hell! I don't even know what to say! God..."

"Say it however you want. You can say anything to me. You know I am not the one to judge words." Roger informed her with a smile as she hid her head inside her hands in desperation.

"First Henry, the bastard! Then of course the gentleman came to save the day only to make it worse! My favorite sweater is practically dead, the dean thinks I am some sort of psycho, and I don't want to kiss CHRISTOPHER! AND BRIAN NEEDS TO LEARN WHAT THIS LITTLE BLACK MACHINE WE'VE GOT DOWNSTAIRS DOES AND PICK THE DAMN THING UP!" Amy said in one breath finally letting out a sharp, shaky breath. Roger wasn't sure which thing he should comment on at first and surely he had some questions about certain things but he would have time for that later. He hesitantly took a step towards her and placed a soft hand on her shoulder, before he even had the time to do the next step Amy had already wrapped her arms tightly around his torso, clutching him close as though he would disappear in any minute, breathing in his familiar scent, tenses immediately relaxing. "And I goddamn miss you, and I am so sorry."

She said then with soft voice, the sound of it a bit muffled as she took in a deep shaky breath, her fingers white from gripping tightly at Roger's body as Roger's arms were tightly placed around her, as though he was trying to keep everything that would hurt her as far as possible. He didn't know how to respond to her apology, hell, he didn't even know if he deserved an apology for something. But one thing he knew. He knew that she had missed him. And it would be a lie if we said that he hadn't missed her too. Even more than she had.

"I do too. So, so much." Roger whispered into her hair and that was enough for Amy. She still was disappointed and mad, but that could wait because Roger had a special way to take every kind of this emotion away from her. They stayed like that for several moments. Just Roger and Amy. Pretending that it was only the two of them in the word. Just like every other time, their eyes had locked or hands touched, that everything faded away, leaving the two of them in their own little utopia. 

"It's been a hell of a day. Can we go to sleep?" Amy broke their silence after a while and a grin escaped Roger's lips at the phrase 'Can we go to sleep'. Maybe Amelie didn't really mean it that way, he thought. But he was soon enough wronged as they got under the duvet, snuggling in there next to each other and for once again he was there. Watching her as she drifted away in a deep sleep, her features lost every bit of negative emotion they held upon them, revealing a stunningly calm face that only invited Roger to observe it. Not in a creepy, weird way. But he had to just make sure that she was okay.

 He didn't know why but he felt the need to protect her. He wanted her face to always be as relaxed as now that she was sleeping. Mentally, he swore that he would freaking beat everyone who would ever make her sad. But what if he, one day, would be that? He had things to figure out, he thought. About his feelings, about her. But one thing he knew for certain.

Amelie May had a weird effect upon him. 

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