A Royal Princess Switch

By Buginette123

1.1K 31 4

When a down-to-earth Paris baker and a soon to be princess discover they look like twins,they hatch a Christm... More

The Princess Switch-Part 1 (Adrienette)
Princess Switch- Part 2 (Adrienette)
The Princess Switch- Part 3 (Adrienette)
Princess Switch-Part 4 (Adrienette)
Princess Switch- Part 5 (Adrienette)
Princess Switch-Part 6 (Adrienette)
Princess Switch-Part 7 (Adrienette)
Princess Switch-Part 9 (Adrienette)
Princess Switch-Last Part 10 (Adrienette)

Princess Switch-Part 8 (Adrienette)

62 3 0
By Buginette123

Hey guys welcome back to part 8 of Princess Switch!!Without further a do let's start the story.

Prince Adrien and Marinette-(Walks down the stairs)

Marinette-(Bows) Your Majesties.

Queen Emillie and King Gabriel-(Turns around and looks at her)

Queen Emillie-Oh,you look stunning,my dear.

Marinette-Oh,thank you.

King Gabriel and Prince Adrien-(Looks at each other and smile)

Prince Adrien-You've outdone yourself again this year,Mother.

Queen Emillie-(Smiles)

Prince Adrien-The people at St.Andrew's will be thrilled.

Marinette-How many families actually live in the shelter?

Queen Emillie-I don't know exactly.Quite a few.

Marinette-Is there a full time staff there or just volunteers?

King Gabriel-We don't concern ourselves with the details.We have people for that.

Marinette-Of cou...Of course.I didn't...

Prince Adrien-(Helps her) I have an idea.


Prince Adrien-How about you play something for us?

Marinette-(Eyes widen) Oh!Oh,no,no.I'm very rusty.

Queen Emillie-Nonesense!

Marinette-(Looks at her)

Queen Emillie-I hear you're quite gifted.

Marinette-(Thinking:God what should I do) Oh.

King Gabriel-Who would like to hear the Duchess play?

(Croud Applauds)

Prince Adrien-You can't say no.(Takes her to the Piano)

Marinette-(Sits down)

(Croud Gathers)

Marinette-(Nervous and exhales shakily) 

Prince Adrien-Stage fright?

Marinette-Something like that.

Prince Adrien-How about we play a duet?


Prince Adrien-(sits next to her and looks at her) How about "Carol of the bells." you play the bells.I'll play the rest.

Marinette-I don't know the chords.

Prince Adrien-Well,they're simple.(Takes her hand like this)

Me:Ohh how cute.

Prince Adrien-It's these four notes.(Plays Notes)

Marinette-(Looks at him) Right.

Prince Adrien and Marinette-(Plays together)

(Song ends)

Marinette and Prince Adrien-(Bows)

Miss Alya-Bravo.(Claps)

(Crowd Claps)

Prince Adrien-(Kisses her hand)

(in the middle ball)

Marinette-(Enters a place outside the palace like this)


Prince Adrien-(Searching for her in the ball and goes outside and sees a man goes to him)

The same old man who talked to felix before-(Just staring outside)

Prince Adrien-Have you seen the Duchess?

The same old man who talked to felix before-I believe I saw her Ladyship in the gazebo.

Prince Adrien-Ah,thank you.

The same old man who talked to felix before-May I just say,sir?The two of you make a fine couple.

Prince Adrien-That's very kind of you.(Smiles and leaves)

Marinette-(Just sitting)

Prince Adrien-(Enters the gazebo) I've been looking for you.

Marinette-Adrien,I hope you know I didn't mean to offend your parents by asking about the shelter.

Prince Adrien-You didn't offend anyone.

Marinette-Maybe it'd be better if I didn't say anything at all.

Prince Adrien-That would be dreadfully dull.(Smiles and sits next to her)

Prince Adrien-In fact,I have arranged a carraige ride first thing in the morning,just the two of us,so you can spend more time talking,and I could spent more time listening.

Marinette-(Chuckles) I don't think that's a very good idea.

Prince Adrien-I think it's a fabulous idea.Speaking of fabulous ideas,they'll be expecting us to have the first dance.

Marinette-Oh,dear!I'm not very good at dancing.

Prince Adrien-Well you know what they say.Practice makes perfect.(Stands up and lends her his hand)


Prince Adrien-Why not?

Marinette-(Smiles and takes his hand)

They dance in the moonlight

Prince Adrien-(Wow her eyes are beautiful blue)

Marinette-(His eyes are so gorgeous green)

They stop dancing and stare at eachother

Timeskip in Marinette's room and she was talking to Bridgette

Don't worry nothing happened they did not kiss

Marinette-So then what happened?

Bridgette-We were soaked to the skin.

Marinette-(On the phone) Felix can be so immature.

Bridgette-He is very endearing.

Marinette-Felix is like a puppy.If your nice to him he'll follow you anywhere.

Bridgette-(Chukles) We're going sightseeing tomorrow.To see the St.Nicholes Fountain.

Marinette-Wait but that wasn't in the schedule.

Bridgette-Well we threw out the schedule.

Marinette-Why would you throw out the schedule?

On bridgette's side

???-(Knocking on the door)


Felix-(Comes in without a shirt) Hey.I forgot my toothpaste.Can I borrow yours?

Bridgette-(Looking at him) Sure.

Felix-(Laughing) Where is it?

Bridgette-Oh.(Points to the desk)

Felix-(Takes it) Everything Okay?

Bridgette-(Still looking at him and nods) Yep.I'm great.

Felix-(Smiles) Goodnight (Closes the door)


Bridgette-(On the phone) Have you ever seen Kevin with his shirt off?

Marinette-(Smile fades) Ew! Kevin? No.But,Adrien....Adrien looked so good in a tuxedo.

Bridgette-Adrien was born in a tuxedo.So,you and Kevin aren't a thing?

Marinette-No,there hasn't been anyone in his life since Olivia's mom left.Why do you wanna know?

Bridgette-Just curious.Well,keep calm and carry on.

Marinette-You too.

Bridgette-(Ends call)

Timeskip to the next morning where Marinette has to go riding with Adrien

Carriage approuches

Prince Adrien-(Gets off and lends Marinette his hand) M'lady.

Marinette-(Takes his hand and gets on the carraige)

Prince Adrien-(Sits beside her) Off we go.

Timeskip to when they reached the shelter Marinette was reading a story to the kids

Marinette-(Shows them the pictures)

Old women who takes care of the kids-Isn't she wonderful?Reading to the children like that?

Prince Adrien-The Duchess is very special.

Me:Idiot she's not the Duchess.

Marinette-(Finishes Reading)

Kids-(Claps for her)

A girl-(Raises her hand)


A girl-Is it true are you really a princess?

Marinette-Not yet but I will be after I marry Prince Adrien.

A girl-Are you in love with him?


Marinette-(Looks at him) Very much.

Me:Why am I cringing?

Prince Adrien-(Smiles)

A girl-I wish I could be a princess.

Marinette-(Looks at her) The most important thing in being a princess is caring about other people.And if you do that,you're a princess in your heart.

A girl-(Smiles)

Marinette-(Gets up)

Old Women who takes care of the kids-Can we all please say "Thank you Lady Bridgette" for her time here today?

Kids-Thank you Lady Bridgette!

Marinette-Your very welcome.

Old Women who takes care of the kids-They dont get toys from the ball only food and clothing.

Timeskip to when the were outside

Prince Adrien-The childre don't have presents.

Marinette-Unless we do the shopping,wrapping and the Baking.

Prince Adrien-You and I?

Marinette-Why not?

Nino-You've already made the proper gesture,Your Grace.

Marinette-(Looks at him) A gesture isn't what christmas is about.(Looks at Adrien) We have the Afternoon free?

Prince Adrien-Well...It's a very ambitious undertaking.So I suppose we better get right to it.

Marinette-(Squels and hugs him)


Marinette-Oh,uh,sorry.That wasn't really dignified.

Prince Adrien-It's alright.I like it actually.Nino,the nearest toy shop on the double.

Nino-Right.(Opens the door) A toy shop.

Meanwhile with Bridgette

 Felix-According to the guide the fountain should be right ahead.

Olivia-Can I get a candy cane.

Felix-Yeah.There you go.Knock yourself out.(Gives The money)

Olivia-(Runs away)

Bridgette-You know there's a legend that says the St.Nicholes fountain never freezes because of the warmth of the christmas spirit.

Felix-I'm guessing there's an underground spring.

Bridgette-Well,I like the legend better.

Felix-You know what?So do I.


???-Excuse me?Are you Marinette Dupain-Cheng?

Bridgette-Yes.Yes,I am.

Man-Adam Delaney,Food insider Magazine.

Lila aka Marinette's enemy-(Watching)

Man-I heard about your bakery in Paris.I'd love to do a feature on you.

Lila-Hello!Lila Rossi.I won the competition last year.

Man-Great.So the buzz is you're the one to beat this year.

Lila-(Smile fades and looks at Bridgette)

Bridgette-Oh well it's not just me.(Points at Felix) We are a team.This is Felix my very talented sous-chef.

Man-Felix.Can I get your full name please?

Felix-Yeah sure.I'm Felix Graham de Vanily.

Man-And how long have you been a team?

Lila-(Mad and storms off)

Felix-A long time now.


Meanwhile with Marinette who just reach the shop

Prince Adrien-This is nice.(Puts a teddybear in the cart)

Marinette-Oh,very nice.

Prince Adrien-(Gasps and grabs a gun) I always wanted one of these.


(Guns sound)

Prince Adrien-My parents never let me have one.

Marinette-Well what's wrong with saving the earth from an alien invasion?

Prince Adrien-If your going to save the earth from an alien invasion,you should probably do it by diplomacy not warfare.


Marinette and Adrien play with the guns 

Prince Adrien-Yes we need about a dozen.

Marinette-Oh and a few of these as well (Takes some princess crowns)

Marinette-Adrien look what they have.

Prince Adrien-Ohh its a mat with...larg coloured circles.

Marinette-(Laughs) You've never played twister before?

Prince Adrien-Ah its a game.

Marinette-Take off your shoes this instant.

Prince Adrien-(Chukles)


Prince Adrien-(Starts taking his shoes)

Marinette-(Starts taking her shoes and giggles)

Nino-Has the Duchess always been so different?

Miss Alya-Tell me has the Prince always been so....ordinary?

Nino-Your hiding something and I'm gonna find out what it is.

Miss Alya-Your gonna be looking for a long,long time.

Nino and Miss Alya see this

(Both Marinette and Adrien were laughing)

Nino-So thats how you do things in Montenero.

Okay Guys hope you enjoyed!!My hand hurt so this is it for today!!Part 10 is gonna be the last part.Bye Guys!!See you in part 9 Again!!Byee!!

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