Shining Glaciers

By RealCrimR

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Emerse yourself into a whole new world like no other, where peace prospers and evil lurks at every corner you... More

Chapter 0: Extinction
Chapter 1: Welcome to the Glacier!
Chapter 2: Fight or Flight
Chapter 3: Live & Learn
Chapter 4: Everything's Going Down Lodehouse
Chapter 5: Infiltration
Chapter 6: Infiltration Part 2
Chapter 7: Odysseus's Words
Chapter 8: A Shooting Star
Chapter 9: River in Dry Land
Chapter 10: Dead of Night
Chapter 11: Mission Impossible
Chapter 12: Chivalry of a Fallen Knight
Chapter 13: Through the Fire & Flames
Chapter 14: Storytime
Chapter 15: The Centra of Attention
Chapter 17: The End of All Things

Chapter 16: Mission..Somewhat Possible

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By RealCrimR

Location: Innovative Denotations (on the outskirts of Philadelphia.)

*Extinction soldiers are seen creating bombs as Xander is eating donuts in a chair as Ryan Wells looks over Bane harshly forcing the soldiers around.*

Ryan Wells: How are you able to get all of these out so quickly?

Xander Davis: Simple, abuse.

Ryan Wells: Clearly.

Xander Davis: But right now I've got a question for you.

Ryan Wells: And I may possibly have an answer.

Xander Davis: Kurt said that you were quick to betray Venom when it came down to it, why'd you do it?

Ryan Wells: No matter what they think, Venom was expendable & it's the same with Carnage. The fate that befell them was doomed to them from the moment they made their wrong choice and for that I can't help them.

Xander Davis: I like the way you think, honestly, you chose well having Bane be your only man left.

Ryan Wells: It wasn't by choice, it was by circumstances.

Xander Davis: ...Yeah, I feel that.

*Xander & Ryan continue on watching as Babe orders the bombs to be spread out.*


Location: Outside of Innovative Denotations

*We see the team from the Resistance's base along with Ash Raymond & Braden Blackwell as they approach the sight*

GM TTX: What the hell is this?

Miya Squared: This is Innovative Denotations, this company is currently run by Xander Davis who inheriting this business from his father who was actually drug trafficking in the underground site.

Braden Blackwell: ..There was drug trafficking here?

Miya Squared: That's what the news article said.

Charlie Dixon: I'm a bit skeptical.

Nate Xpress: The News is full of shit-

Ben Connell: Guys! Get down!

*Everyone rushes to hide as guards are outside the facility walking around.*

Braden Blackwell: If I can ask, what made you think this was the place?

Miya Squared: Mr. Davis has been downplayed everything his father did and has also really pushed the fact that he's rebranded into a firework factory, he's been seen on press sweating buckets whenever he got asked about it.

Nate Xpress: Perhaps he's just sick of people asking questions about what his dad did.

Miya Squared: I don't want to hear anything from you to me right now.

Nate Xpress: Oh come the fuck on..

Ben Connell: Don't start now.

Ash Raymond: Here's a great question, how are we getting in?

*While they are brainstorming about what they can do, a Innovative Denotations Truck stops at the end of the road a bit out of sight to the rest.*

Nate Xpress: I've got an idea.

*The person in the truck is just a kid trying to make a quick buck but Nate takes Charlie's gun and pointe it at the kid.*


Teenage Worker: Woah! What the hell man!?

Nate Xpress: Kid I need this fucking truck for world saving purposes!

Teenage Worker: Lower the gun!  I'll call the cops!

Nate Xpress: Bitch I am the law! Now give me the goddamn truck!

*Nate hits the kid with the end of the gun and renders him unconscious, he steals the keys from him and motioned everyone to come over to the truck, Miya looks livid as everyone else goes with it.*

Miya Squared: Are you crazy?! We're supposed to be protecting people!

Nate Xpress: He just wouldn't move.

Ben Connell: What matters right now is that we've got a way in, everyone, get in the back. Me and Nate will handle this.

*Everyone except Nate & Ben get in the back of the truck as Nate & Ben plot.*

Ben Connell: So, what's the idea?

Nate Xpress: I'm glad you asked.


*Guards are standing at the garage door as a truck pulls up. The guard motions for the window to be rolled down as inside in a man with sunglasses on and an Extinction Uniform.*

Guard #1: You look new? Got a name.

Clearly Nate in Disguise: ...My name is Joseffy Groncowski.

Guard #2: That's a new name, Russian descent? Or are you trying to play us for fools..

"Joseffy Groncowski": I didn't know we were playing 20 questions, I've got supplies to drop off.

Guard #1: Is it the rest of what was requested?

"Joseffy Groncowski": You mean what Mr. Davis requested?

Guard #1: Correct. We need any and all kinds of scrap into order to make sure that these bombs are secure and ready for use, all we have to do now is make sure that it's legit.

"Joseffy Groncowski": Please go ahead.

*Both guards walk to the back along with Nate.*

Guard #2: Do you have the key to the back?

"Joseffy Groncowski": Yessir! Lemme get it out of my pocket right now.

*As soon as he says that, Ben comes from behind and cracks the guard in the side of the head. The 1st Guard notices and aims his gun toward Ben but Nate stabs him in the eye with the key, he holds his eye in pain but Ben comes around and snaps his neck.*

Nate Xpress: And the door wasn't even locked.

Ben Connell: C'mon, let's get in there.

Miya Squared *From in the trick*: What did you guys do??

Ben Connell: Got us a way in.

Miya Squared: Did you kill them?!

Nate Xpress: Shut up! We've gotta get in before you ask any questions!

*Ben runs over and pushes the button on the building that opens the bottom floor entrance, they both get back in the trick and drive in, meanwhile, in the back of the truck. Everyone is kind of awkwardly waiting.*

Charlie Dixon: So is this how it feels to be in the middle of cooldown scene in a movie?

TTX: I'm gonna assume so.

Ash Raymond: ...Anyone wanna talk about their favorite movie?

Charlie Dixon: Alright so Chris Pratt is becoming Mario.

*Miya is sitting in the corner of the truck sitting.*

Braden Blackwell: Alright, what's the situation?

Miya Squared: What do you mean?

Braden Blackwell:'re sulking in the corner and that's something I used to do when I was pretty down on my luck.

Miya Squared: Do you still do it?

Braden Blackwell: Oh abso fucking lutely, so tell me, what's the situation.

Miya Squared: Since you asked..I-


*Cut to Nate & Ben driving further into the underground area.*

Ben Connell: Be honest with me, did you see yourself in this situation?

Nate Xpress: Quite frankly I saw none of this coming, my entire situation over the past two years was finally take down The Hurt Business and their illegal drug scamming but I didn't expect to have to be apart of a World Threatening mission.

Ben Connell: Honestly, me neither & sometimes I've caught myself doubting this whole thing.

Nate Xpress: You can't doubt something that hasn't happened yet. What I do fear is whoever the hell this Lord Mirage is, the stuff we heard back at base seemed pretty legit.

Ben Connell: We'll know when or if we reach that point-

Nate Xpress: Holy shit...

*The truck enters the underground area and it' huge as you'd imagine.*

Ben Connell: Hey everyone, We're in.

Ash Raymond: Heard ya loud and clear!

TTX: Do we have a strategy??

Ben Connell: Play it cool, they're a lot of people in here but we're gonna park in somewhere more secure.

Braden Blackwell: I'm always cool...I just realized I don't have a weapon.

Ash Raymond: Ha loser.

Braden Blackwell: Shut up.

*Nate and Ben park in a darker side of the facility where very little security is, everyone else get out of the truck and stretch a bit.*

TTX: So what's the game plan?

Ben Connell: I'm thinking we split up.

Nate Xpress: What the fuck do you think this is? A Scooby Doo episode?

Miya Squared: I'm in the same boat as Nate, how would this work?

Ben Connell: Surprising to hear the leader asking a question about the plan.

Miya Squared: I'm not the one who came up with it, you two did with your brilliant minds.

Ben Connell: No need for hostility. 3 teams of 2 spread out & locate the main person behind this, once you locate him then..

Charlie Dixon: Then what? All hell breaks loose?

Ben Connell: That'd be correct actually, once we find him then there's literally no point in being stealthy anymore.

Ash Raymond: In fucking genius, I 2nd this.

Braden Blackwell: What other option really is there?

Nate Xpress: So literally just find him and then cause chaos? Now I may be retarded but don't we have the bombs to deal with as well?..

Ben Connell: We'll cross the bridge when we get to it. Anyways, Nate, it'll be you and me. Miya, you get Braden & Ash, GM & Charlie will do their thing. Got it? Got it.

*Nate uses his speed and blasts off as Ben follows.

Ben Connell: So much for stealthy.

*Ash, TTX & Charlie just go without question as that leaves Miya & Braden.*

Miya Squared: Before we get to anything drastic, I'm glad you heard me out in the truck about my situation.

Braden Blackwell: Eh, don't sweat it. Just have to look at the bright side right.

Miya Squared: Didn't you say something about hating yourself in the truck.

Braden Blackwell: Oh absolutely.

*Miya laughs as Braden keeps a serious face.*

Braden Blackwell: You think I'm joking?

Miya Squared: "Oh absolutely."

Braden Blackwell: Fair play, anyways, I guess we better get going on this.

*Braden & Miya continue on as the mission is on.*


Outside the Facility.

*Ryan Wells & Bane are looking at the scene of the knocked out kid and two dead guards.*

Bane: It appears there's some intrusion in the area.

Ryan Wells: Interesting, they made rather quick work of all three of these poor idiots.

*Wells immediately uses the piece he has in his ear to ring for Xander.*

Xander Davis: Yo yo!

Ryan Wells: Xander, it appears that your situation may or may not have become dire.

Xander Davis: The fuck does that mean?

Ryan Wells: We found three of your workers laid out here in the front. Perhaps intruders?

Xander Davis: Hmm.. alright.

*The phone connect is cut off.*

Ryan Wells: He hung up.. fucking dick

*Xander gets up out of his relaxing seat and goes over to the louder speaker.*

Xander Davis: Attention everyone! It appears that we have some unwelcomed guests interrupting your slavery- I mean very valuable work ethic, should you see them? Capture on sight or something I don't fucking know...


*Nate & Ben hear that as they're ducked behind crates.*

Nate Xpress: Eh shit..I knew I should've kept my disguise.

Ben Connell: It's clear the announce came from up there.

*Ben points toward the large golden decor area.*

Ben Connell: But in order for us to get there then we'd have to get through the large area..

Nate Xpress: And how exactly are we going to do that?

*Ben starts up his earpiece.*

Ben Connell: Everyone, I found out where Davis is, all we gotta do is get there. Anyone have an idea?

Ash Raymond *On earpiece* : I do.

Ben Connell: Really?

Ash Raymond: Yep, I like to call it "fuck this."

*An explosion occurs as Ash, Charlie & TTX are blasted out of it and into the center of the area as it cuts to Xander being flung out of his seat!*

*Caffeine by Jeff Williams & Lamar Hall plays*

Xander Davis: What the fuck?!

*TTX & Charlie start shots at everyone as Ash starts whacking proof with her guitar!*

Braden Blackwell: The hell was that??

Miya Squared: A change in plans.. let's go.

*Miya & Braden rush toward the battle as Ben & Nate see an opportunity!*

Ben Connell: We've got an opening! Let's go!


*Nate and Ben rush through the ensuing brawl between the soldiers and the team. Ben & Nate get close but Bane comes out of nowhere and floors both of them with a forceful punch that sends them blasted through a door and into the bomb storage room!*

Bane: Did you really think it would be that easy?

Nate Xpress: Fucking plot devices.

*Multiple soldiers come in behind who spreads his arms.*

Bane: It seems your plan has backfired.

Ben Connell: Has it?

*Bane gives a look before he's kicked in the back by Braden while Nate & Ben rush in to deal with the rest of the soldiers!*

Braden Blackwell: So much for that stealth huh??

Ben Connell: That's what I said!

*Nate uses his super speed and walls runs leaping on a ton of soldiers! Nate hops to his feet immediately as another soldier aims his gun only for it to be kicked out of his hands and gets his neck cracked!*

Nate Xpress: Jesus christ! I don't even know my own strength!

*Braden & Ben are back to back taking down multiple soldiers, one of them as a double edged sword, he swipes at Ben who dodges only to get kicked to the ground. The soldier attempts
to stab Ben but he moves out of the way and kicks him in the groin! The soldier drops the weapons and Braden leaps in grabbing in and putting it through the soldiers head! The soldier falls to the ground as Braden holds on to the sword.*

Braden Blackwell: Ya know what, I think I'm gonna hold on to this.

Ben Connell: Figured as much- Wait where's Miya at?

Braden Blackwell: Doing a leader's job.


*Xander is seen somewhat panicking as he looks on at the carnage ensuing in the main area.*

Xander Davis: What the hell is going on here??

???: Karma.

*Xander turns around to see Miya in the doorway.*

Xander Davis: Aw shit..

Miya Squared: Long time no see.

Xander Davis: I know this looks bad-

Miya Squared: Why are you doing this?

Xander Davis: I..well, you see, funny story

*Xander throws a shield at Miya who blocks it but while she does that, Xander grabs his signature golden nun chucks with blades on the end.*

Xander Davis: Wanna know why I didn't? Maybe beat the shit out of me and maybe I'll tell you "No reason" next time.

*Miya runs at Xander who swings his nunchucks but Miya ducks and kicks his chucks out of this hands. Miya goes for a punch but Xander dodges & catches her arm, he throws an elbow on her arm and goes for her face but Miya ducks that one too and kicks Xander away, Miya runs up and grabs a sword off his wall, she leaps off but Xander rolls out of the way as Miya stabs the floor.*

Xander Davis: Jesus Christ, you almost killed me.

*Miya has a look of anger on her face as she lunges at Xander again but Xander dodges once more and grabs her with a waist lock and tosses her into the wall with force that breaks the accessories and the drawers along with it.*

Xander Davis: I don't know what you thought was going to happen? You're dealing with a former UFC fighter and Football player! Sweetheart you stand a very little chance-

*Miya leaps up immediately and spears Xander through the glass and they tumble to the main floor below as everyone whose in the main room stand there as Miya & Xander are both bleeding on the ground.*

Xander Davis: Goddamn! That looks EXTREMELY less painful in the movies!

Miya Squared: Why'd you do it Xander?

Xander Davis: You ask me why.. it's because I'm not stupid, I serve Mirage and I don't die.. it's as simple as that.

Miya Squared: Yeah Xander, you don't die but the entire galaxy.. including you dies.

Xander Davis: ...What?

Miya Squared: You idiot! It's a suicide mission!

Xander Davis: ...

*Xanders nunchucks fall beside him..*

Xander Davis: Oh chucks

*Xander quickly grabs them and tries swinging at Miya but Miya grabs the end that was swung toward her abd they both get to their feet as the fighting continues, a tug of war place between then as Xander looks to be winning but Miya simply runs toward Xander and drops under him thus tripping him. He gets back up as Miya throws his chucks to the side, they run up to each other and start pulling at each others hair in shear desperation to defeat one another but Miya kicks Xander in the gut and starts to get a running start to a glass door-*

Xander Davis: NO MORE GLASS!

*Xander slows her down and punches her in the gut with his hand that has multiple rings on it. Xander grabs her by the hair again and smashes her into the wall! He smashes her into the wall repeatedly to the point there is a dent with blood left there, Xander has a crazed look on his face but Miya puts her foot up and shoves Xander off into the wall, Xander tries rebounding back up but Miya leaps off a crate and hits him with a punch! Knocking him back into the wall.*

Xander Davis: ....Haha! You really thought that would hurt me-

*Xander falls unconscious as Miya catches her breath as she falls down.*

Miya Squared: Fight, settled.

*Miya is about to get up but is suddenly blasted with a beam of dark powers, meanwhile, the bomb storage battle wages on as Nate uses his speed to run circles around Bane.*

Nate Xpress: C'mon! Gotta keep up!

*Bane stands there as Nate makes rounds around him, Bane rears back and punches Nate into a bomb storage door that breaks at the shear force! The bombs fall out as the underground facility continues to go up in flames. Ben jumps on Bane's back and gets him in a choke hold, Bane shoves been into the wall but Ben refuses to let go, Braden rushes in and stabs Bane right in the gut! Bane grunts in pain and falls to a knee as Ben leaps off of him while Braden finished the sequence with a roundhouse kick that finally knocks Bane down!*

Braden Blackwell: Well shit, down he goes.

*Nate slowly gets up as he got pinched into the wall.*

Nate Xpress: Yeah, this is great and all but there's a fire raging on!

Ben Connell: Yeah but we've got to get out there! This place is a loss cause!

*Back in the main area, Miya is down on the ground as Ryan Wells walks up calmly toward her. TTX rushes in with a flying elbow from his rocket boots, TTX gets some blows in on Ryan but Ryan hits TTX with an open palm to the gut that makes him stagger back.*

TTX: Motherfucker!

*Wells grabs TTX by jacket and spins him in the air slamming him to the ground*

Ryan Wells: You really thought you had us? You came in here with reckless abandon and expected to walk out the victor? That's actually hilarious!

*Miya keeps trying to get up but struggles while Ryan monologues.*

Ryan Wells: Oh don't worry, keeping trying to get up. I'm sure you will soon.

*Ryan snaps his fingers and mindless minions walk over to a galaxton bomb that has a ten minute timer on it..Ryan smiles.*

Ryan Wells: You walked in feeling like warriors, you'll fail like warriors.

*Braden, Ben, Nate, Ash & Charlie all rush in as Ryan has a smile on his face.*

Ryan Wells: You're too late! Soon this entire area will fall into the endless world between worlds and NONE of you will be seen again! I'M THE GREAT-

*Ryan gets whacked in the back of the head knocking him down*


Xander Davis:

*Xander continues to bash Ryan in the head, repeatedly punching him as everyone stares at him! Ryan is definitely down for the time being.*

Xander Davis: ...Why the fuck are you all just standing there? WE'VE GOTTA GO!

*Xander & everyone else run off as Braden helps assists Miya in getting out with everyone! Ryan starts getting up as he looks righteously pissed, Bane walks up to Ryan injured as the timer is at 20 seconds..*

Bane: The mission has failed! We need to leave!

Ryan Wells: Correction...I need to leave

*Ryan forms a dark red energy sword and blasts it through Bane who gives one more look..before turning into a trophy. Ryan cleans himself off and a portal opens as he walks through.*


Outside the building.

*In slow motion, everyone dashes out of the building and into a new truck as Ben & Nate grab the key and everyone leaps into the truck. The truck runs at full up and jumps a hill as the Galaxton bomb blows up absorbing everything in the background in a shot worth a million words...everyone collects themselves as Xander gets shady looks from everyone.*

Xander Davis: ...

Miya Squared: S-so.. why'd you do that? It seems you were extremely on board with the galaxy ending-

Xander Davis: I don't want to fucking die. Simple as that.

Nate Xpress: Oh so you're on our side now?

Xander Davis: I prefer "By Association" but whatever the fuck you want to call just keep driving.

*Everyone gives a laugh as Xanders blood covered face never changes the expression of very little care as we take one quick look back at the now gone Innovative Denotations...*


Chapter 16: END.

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