The Final Frontier

By travellerwithbooks

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"I know you won't see this before it's too late, you know how much I love you and I hope you won't forget me... More

Chapter one: A Hello from the past
Chapter two: Christmas nostalgia
Chapter three: New Year and new names
Chapter four: Are we alone out there?
Chapter six: Outer Space rescue
Chapter seven: With Love, from Earth
Chapter eight: The Good part about being alive
Chapter nine: The Theory of life
Chapter ten : First contact
Chapter eleven: Scattered records
Chapter twelve: The city in space
Chapter thirteen: The Union of Planets
Chapter fourteen: Bureaucratic hell and science project
Chapter fifteen: Cultural exchange
Chapter sixteen: Truthful confession
Chapter seventeen: Outer World war
Chapter eighteen: Human peripeteias
Chapter nineteen: Return aboard a spaceship
Chapter twenty: Space road trip
Chapter twenty-one: Ruins of a world
Chapter twenty-two: The Lost civilisation
Chapter twenty-three: Eons old request
Chapter twenty-four: The better we fly
Chapter twenty-five: Operation world-savior
Chapter twenty-six: The unexpected Human factor
Chapter twenty-seven: Apart
Chapter twenty-eight: A look into the past
Chapter twenty-nine: The Key
Chapter thirty: Luck
Chapter thirty-one: Where we make our last stand

Chapter five: The Other ship

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By travellerwithbooks

"It can't be true!" screamed Volt for the fifth time
"You saw it like I saw you right now! everyone saw it!" Mathea was also screaming
"Wake up! We found the first mission, the lost mission!" said Tayis, while she was still trying to awake Kyne who passed out when jack mentioned it was maybe human
"It was something else! It can't be!" said Volt once again
"So now, it's more believable to believe it was aliens than believe it was our lost brothers!" Jack couldn't resist, he was mad at Volt, the guy was just in denial but this denial shouldn't even exist at this moment" You should reconsider your flipping point of view!"
"I don't have to if it's true!"

bip bip

no one heard that

bip bip

"Wait guys listen!" Said Prim still at the controller but nobody paid attention to her

bip bip

" Everybody shut the F up!" in shook everyone stop talking

bip bip

Kyne who was back on his feet almost fell again

bip bip

Prim press the button, start a new record and wait


bip bip

"If someone can hear that listen, the crew of the firs interstellar discoveries is still alive at this date, something is wrong with our antenna, we can't contact Huston anymore. Our localisation is unknown but if you can hear that then you will be able to find us, it's a S.O.S! Send us a message, find a way to contact us, we will wait!"

computer's noises

bip bip

Prim press another button

"Interstellar Discovery the first, we are the second mission, your S.O.S has been heard, we are trying to trace your signal, it's just a matter of time before we find you. We are 7 humans from the solar system, do you want us to contact Houston for you and make public your rescue by our crew? We wait for your answer." she added in a murmur" It's going to be alright"

bip bip

computer noises


A heavy silence fell on the crew and it last until the answer came

bip bip

general gasp

prim press the button with less confidence this time

"Oh my! I feel like we recorded this S.O.S a century ago! Brothers and sisters, I'm glad you heard us, do whatever you want with the information of our upcoming rescue! We are 7 other humans from the solar system, be quick! we can't wait anymore, the hope is too strong!" here the voice crack "I'm sorry. I guess I can say see you soon"

At this very moment, they knew they had accomplished half of their mission, the other half was supposed to be very difficult but they knew that know, it didn't matter anymore, they weren't the seven only humans out of the solar system anymore, they were fourteen and at this moment it was all that mattered.

"I got it! I know where they are!" shouted Jack who took the command of the tracing at the moment he knew it would be key "Prim tell them we know where they are, that we are coming for them"

"I'm doing this!" she answers

"I just passed on auto pilot do not worry, it will be a little ..." he didn't have the time to finish his sentence that the spaceship almost jumps ahead, some of them fell but nobody was hurt.

The travel seems infinite but soon the signal start to be stronger and stronger, an indescriptible feeling crossed their body, they didn't know how to feel beside being incredibly happy, Prim sent message to Houston with the feeling that the answer would take a while before coming to them, not due to the distance but due to the thousand question mark, the press and the politics, a world she was happy she left, too much worry and talk, not enough actions.

"I see the ship!" Mathea smiled "they see us too I suppose!"

"What an incredible day!"

"Are we sure it's a day?" and they laughed

bip bip

prim press the button with joy

"We see you! I can't Believe it! Nobody can. Time to established a real connection!"

"We did it" she just whispered but everyone heard her and shared her thought

bip bip

"Incoming call" said the computer voice


"Call accepted" continued the disembodied voice

"Test, can you hear me?" a male voice

"I can, we can all hear. Can you declined Identity just to be sure?"

"The name's Acsel" said the male voice

"My name is Isbelle" a woman this time

"Arion" it came almost unheard


"Saeva" pause she continued "I can't Believe..."

"I'm Janae" said a shy voice

"I'm Reega" then they heard some really imaginative curse word

"I am Prim, and I'm not really the commander of my mission, I just happened to be here when we first heard your signal, we are coming just some more minutes left before we see each other for real!"

"I'm Jack" the guitar player introduced himself


"Tayis!" they heard Mathea shout acrossed the room her name

"Mathea!" she shouted louder, they heard chuckles on the other side

"My name is Volt"

"And finally, mine is Kyne"

"Really I can't stress this enough time I am extremely grateful ..."

"We are not here yet, you will have all the time you need to say it in ten minutes"

"We are ready to receive you, when you are ready..."

The discution was cut just to restart when they were all in their astronaut suit

"I can hear you, we are coming, there is literally just 10 meters... "

That was it, ten meters between the lost and the rescue, ten meters between the past and the future, and they did it, it didn't look like much from the exterior, but it meant a lot.

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