Life As A Backstabber

By lovelynerdyathlete97

131K 2.9K 598

"You know I would never want to hurt her, she is my best friend." "So what does this mean for us?" "I love h... More

Life As A Backstabber
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Special Chapter

Chapter 14

4.4K 137 21
By lovelynerdyathlete97

I skipped about 2 months because nothing important happened and plus I dont want to give away the sexes of the babies just yet ;) The story isnt quite over yet either!

************************************************************************************************************What the hell is this?" I snapped my head up in alarm and looked at Caroline. Her face was red in anger and I was completely clueless. There had been 2 month of no drama, and I hoped it would stay like that. I was gettingcloser to my due date and I didnt want to much stress affecting me.

"What's wrong, Caro-"

"Dont you dare call me that nickname, you whore!" Now she was pushing my limits.

"Excuse me?" She held up the magazine to my face and I saw it was a picture of me and Jordan laughing and walking down the street.

"You are a whore. You are getting married and now you are sleeping with other men too? How dare you do this to me?" I snapped.

"Havent you realized this has nothing to do with you?" I screamed at her. "Jordan does not want you anymore. I have supported you in all this, but you need to let it go! Everything is always about you. Instead of telling you about my pregnancy normally, I had to scream it to you in an arguement. It took you a week before you noticed my engagement ring and I am sick of it!" Jordan opened the door and gave a concerned look towards me.

"Caroline, leave now."

"No, Jordan! You are always at her every beck and call! What about me? I am your wife and I'm pregnant and you dont treat me like this!"

"Ex! You are my ex! Move on and stop badgering every woman who talks to me. I'm sorry but I dont love you anymore and there is no longer a chance that we will ever be together." Caroline's eyes started watering and I actually felt bad for her. The man who she had loved for so long, was telling her he didnt love her anymore. I dont know what I would do if Jordan said that to me.


"No, you are supposed to be Natalie's best friend and you have treated her so badly. Has it not occured to you that she has a high risk pregnancy?" I could see that Jordan was going to keep going and I didnt want that to happen. I grabbed his arm when suddenly I felt like I peed on myself. I squeezed Jordan's arm painfully an he stopped screaming to flinch.

"They're coming." I reached and grabbed my purse while Jordan ran to his office and got the bag of clothes for me and the babies. I wobbled out of the office and felt the tears burning the back of my eyes.

They were early. My babies werent supposed to be born for another 3 weeks, but they were coming and this wasnt going to stop. I felt the first cramp and rushed to the elevator. Everyone in the office was giving me worried looks, but I couldn't muster up the reassuring look. Jordan met me there and grabbed my hand in front of everyone.

"You will be fine. I promise." I stared into his eyes and looked for any signs of doubt. I saw a little fear, but no doubt. I nodded and we hurried out of the office as the elvator opened. Jordan pulled out his phone and called someone.

"Hey, it's happening now. I know she's early but we need you at the hospital."There was a pause and I could hear the voice which sounded like Louis on the other side, talking. "Okay, bye."

Jordan hung up his phone and smiled back encouragingly. "Louis is gonna meet us at the hospital. You and our babies will be perfectly fine."

"But what if something is wrong since I'm early?" I whimpered, half in pain and half in worry. Jordan looked at me nervously.

"Should your contractions be this close already?" They were already about 5 minutes between each one. Jordan stepped on the gas more and sped up more to get to the hospital. When we pulled up to the hospital, he helped me in the building and the nurse immidiatley knew what was happening so she ran and got me a wheelchair. I sat down and another cramp hit me.I held in the scream as the nurse quickly wheeled me to a maternity room and paged my doctor. 

"Baby, I know you probably hate me right now, but breathe." He started imitating deep breathing and I felt like punching him in the face. 

"I still love you for now." I said as I laid back on the bed. Sweat had my hair matted to my forehead and I was already exhausted. The doctor came in and smiled at me. 

"How are we doing so far?" I glared at him because he knew that was a stupid question. "Okay well I'm going to check how far along you are." He sat down at the chair and looked underthe blanket that was laid over my very open legs. "Wow, okay you are already 8 centimeters dialated. Two more to go."

"Wait, that quick? Jordan I dont think I'm ready for this!" He grabbed my hand and kissed it. 

"You are ready. Come on, love. Just breathe."


"Push!" Jordan excitedly whisperd in my ear. I yelled and pushed at the same time untilI felt relief and heard the cutest noise ever. 

"Its a boy!" Avery Jordan Rhys was born first at 7 pounds 3 ounces. 

I felt the cramping feeling again and knew baby #2 was being born. I pushed and after three pushes, my baby popped out. "Another boy!"

Aaron Taylor Rhys was born second at 8 pounds 0 ounces. 

I pushed again and my last baby took a couple more pushes but all my babies came out with no problem. I smiled when I heard the last higher pitched cry. "Its a girl!" 

My little Lianna Ali Rhys was born lastly at 6 pounds 9 ounces. 

I smiled as they cleaned off my now quiet babies and rushed them out to be checked out. I turned to  Jordan and smiled at him. "Good job, love. You delivered our angels perfectly." He leaned up and kissed me. When he was pulling away, the door flung open and Louis found his way next to my bed. 

"Where are they? I need to see my nieces or nephews!" I chuckled and patted Louison the arm. 

"They should be here very soon." He sat down on a chair on the opposite side of Jordan and we just talked about random stuff until they brought back our babies. Our conversation stopped when we saw Caroline standing at the door watching us. 

I had scooted over and Jordan was sitting next to me on the bed and  he had his arm wrapped around my shoulders. "Why?" It was a simple question and I realized it was difficult to answer. 

"I fell in love." I saw her face contort in anger. 

"Yes, you fell in love with MY husband! Now he cant even look at me!"She came over as if to hit me, but her arm was stopped by Louis. 

"You almost made the worst mistake of your life right then, so I suggest you leave." Caroline busted out in tears and for once I could care less. 

"Natalie, you were my best friend and I trusted you. How could you?" I

"Like I said, I fell in love. I couldn't help it and neither could he. I'm sorry you found out like this but this is it. I'm engaged to your ex husband." I vaguely noticed Caroline storm out but I was too preoccupied with the three nurses who had one of my children in their hands. Lianna an Avery were sleeping but Aaron was just staring at his father. 

They were precious and knowing that you are now a mother is the best feeling in the world. 

I turned to Jordan. "We're a family now." He kissed my forehead. 

"We are and I love my family so so much." 

"I love you guys too."


I will stop there for the sake of the hospital scene getting boring. I'm sorry if it wasn that juicy and detailed but it will come out very soon. 

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Love you guys!!

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