BEDEVIL | jenlisa

By chanelwaffle

356K 13.9K 2.5K

[ COMPLETED ] Abducted. Tormented. Owned. Jennie never knew hell existed before she met such an evil person w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 [M]
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 [M]
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 [M]
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 [M]
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 [M]
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 [M]
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 19

9.9K 435 87
By chanelwaffle


Jennie flutter her eyes open, adjusting to the sunlight hitting the side of her face. She looks around, remembering she slept in Lisa's room and her face quickly went red, knowing she let herself get fucked like that and get fucked by her. She wasn't obviously thinking straight and let her lust take over.

She sighs and slowly sits up, she felt sore. She has no idea what kind of exercise Lisa did last night but her entrance definitely hurts a bit.

One thing she noticed, Lisa wasn't there. It's not like she wants to wake up next to her, she just didn't know if Lisa slept there or went to a different room. She immediately fell asleep after making out with her and has no idea what happened after.

Her eyes finds Lisa's night robe hanging on a chair and she wrapped it around her naked body before going to her room. She went directly to the bathroom and look at herself in the mirror. Her mouth instantly fell open when she saw multiple red marks on her neck, down to her collarbone and even on her chest.

"What the hell..." she mumbled.

She thought Lisa took it too seriously, she was actually a little rough and she seemed preoccupied. Her eyes were full of desire and lust yet they were so empty. She wonders what could possibly happened to her during her trip or if there's another reason.

Shrugging, she takes a quick shower. She can still smell Lisa's remaining scent on her skin and if she's being honest, it smelled good.

A mix of lux and lavender.

She likes it. Maybe she can sneak in her room and steal whatever perfume she has.

After that, she changed into a pink hoodie to cover the marks and loose sweatpants. She dried her hair before heading to the kitchen.

There, she saw Lisa, wearing a white Celine sports bra, boxer shorts with her hair tied in a bun. She's standing there drinking a bottle of water, her adam's apple moving up and down as she does, looking all sweaty, her exposed stomach showing in glory.

Holy shit.

Jennie never knew she has this type of body, seeing her exposed like this definitely makes her want to jump on her and make out with her all day. Lisa apparently, stayed with her clothes on last night. She didn't even remove atleast one piece of what she was wearing.

Lisa notices Jennie, "Having fun?" she asked, making the brunette flush in embarrassment.

She clears her throat and didn't reply, she has no idea how keep a conversation with her after what happened last night. She silently get herself an orange juice, not giving a single glance at Lisa.

She's quite aware the tall woman was digging her eyes on the back of her head. She's not having that today, she needs to control it.

They were silent.

Just Lisa's heavy breathing can be heard. Jennie suddenly felt hot and regrets wearing a jacket. It's 30 degrees outside and this is definitely not a good idea. She washes her hands in the sink and walks to get a roll of tissue near where Lisa is standing.

She debated to herself if she should go or just wipe her hands on her clothes.

The brunette takes a deep breath and went next to her, ripping a sheet. She tried her best not to glance at the black haired woman 4 inches away from her or else, she'll do something she's going to regret.

"What's your boyfriend's name?"

Jennie was taken aback with that question, definitely not something she'd expect from Lisa. "What?"

The taller woman leans her hips against the counter and faces her, "You heard me," she blankly replied.

"Why would I tell you that?"

"Cause I asked,"


"Your boyfriend's name is No?"

"No, I'm not telling you his name."

"Why not?"

Jennie gritted her teeth, "His name is none of your business," she said and crossed her arms, "Who knows maybe you're going to kidnap him too and throw his body to some hidden cliff and make sure nobody can find him,"

Lisa lightly chuckles, "Good idea," she said and starts walking close to the brunette, "Hmm, his name is Taehyung, isn't it?"

Her eyebrows knitted together, irritated how Lisa could possibly know everything about her. It's not going to be very surprising either since she knows her name when they first met.

"Kim Taehyung,"

"Don't ever involve him in this," Jennie warned her with a more determined voice.

Lisa only stares at her, "Involve? How? I'm not interested with him, Kim. He can fuck off," she said and stretches her neck sideways, "I just want to know if I got it right,"

"For what?"

She smirks, "So I can tell him his precious girlfriend is cheating on him," she said and puts a finger under her chin and lifts her head up, "Will that be alright?"

Jennie's ears rings hearing what she just said and the sudden urge to punch her in the face became even more present. Lisa then bursted out laughing, like she's mocking her. She finishes her water bottle and tossed it in the bin effortlessly. She holds the brunette's face with both of her hands and stare deeply in her eyes, like she's trying to hypnotize her.

Her expression changed back into a serious look, "Tell me, Kim. Do you love him?" she asked like she really mean it.

The brunette didn't answer and remained standing still, not knowing what to do. She knows she loves him, she really do but she couldn't tell if sleeping with Lisa would change that. Her body may belong to her but her heart is still beating for him and only him.

Lisa's thumb met her lower lip, massaging it gently. "Don't make me ask again," her face keeps getting closer as she speaks.

"I do,"

Lisa paused for a second, "Then why are you still here? Why are you not escaping when I gave you a lot of chances?" she gripped her cheek tighter.

Jennie couldn't talk.

"Why were you in my bed, why were you screaming my name, why did you let it happen?" She continued to ask her with a hint of anger.

When she couldn't take it anymore, she pushed Lisa away and glare at her with thousands of daggers. She seems like she wants to hear it so let her hear it.

Fuck it.

"Why?! You made this happen, Lisa. You fucking planned all of this in the first place! You wanted me to be your slave, your fucking maid because you made me! You dragged me into this mess, this is happening because of you, I never wanted any of this." She yelled, her voice echoing from the kitchen and to the living room but she couldn't careless. "I'm not leaving because hell, do I even have the chance? No, I fucking don't. Now I don't have any choice but to let everything go in your way, I let you do whatever you want to me, to my fucking body because I couldn't anything about it!"

Lisa only stood there not making any move with an amused look on her face. She finds it a bit interesting how Jennie fights back and finds her intimidating at the same time. She admits she's feeling a bit guilty about what she has done to her but she won't let her know that.

Jennie buries her finger on Lisa's bare chest, "Do you even know what you're doing to me? You make me want you when I shouldn't, you make me do things I never thought I would, for fuck's sake!" Lisa noticed her eyes getting glassy, like she's about to let the tears fall any minute.

She couldn't contain her emotions, that she's close to breaking down in front of Lisa.

"This is your fault! If you never brought me here, none of this w-would've happen!" She held back a sob, "You're sadistic, you're an a-asshole, a jerk, a bitch, arrogant fucker, the m-most heartless person I've ever m-"

She was immediately cut off when Lisa's lips crashed into hers, taking her whole once again. Her lips moved on hers passionately and a tear left her eyes as she slowly kisses her back. This is exactly what she's saying. One touch from Lisa and she's giving in, one word from her and she's melting. No one has ever made her feel like this and it upsets her how not even her own boyfriend got her feeling like new and somehow good.

Lisa's hands snake around her hips as Jennie's arms wraps around her neck. She pushes the brunette backwards until her back hits the counter and she casually gripped her tight and lifts her up, sitting her on the cupboard. Jennie unknowingly wraps her legs around her waist, pulling her closer. Lisa can feel something wet on her face and she knew Jennie was crying, she couldn't help but feel a little concerned. She then rubs her back, comforting her as they don't break their contact.

She slightly bit her lip before pulling away, looking forward to face Jennie but that didn't happen when she lowered her head down, hugging Lisa tight. She left silent sobs as the latter stood still and kept holding her close.

"Kim," Lisa mumbled.

The brunette didn't respond.

She closes her eyes, "Everything you said about me is true, I'm a monster." she said and sighs, "If you want to leave, you can tell me. I'll let you free, for real."

Another silence.

"Just say the word, Kim. Anytime,"

Jennie then moves away and their eyes met, feline eyes looking down on her big doe ones. She scans, trying to understand what she's thinking about or what's going on in her head.

She can't be serious.

"You're lying,"

Lisa lets go off her and walk backwards, away from her. She gestured to the door, "Feel free to go," she said and starts heading to the living room, leaving her alone there, stunned.

Jennie followed suit and wipes the remaining tears on her face, she's trying to know if she mean it. That she'll let her go without any doubt.

She watches Lisa sit on the couch and stands in front of her. "You're lying, Lisa." she said.

"1 minute,"

Jennie panicked, "What?" she asked confused, she has no idea why Lisa is counting down.




Jennie hesitated, "What the fuck," she whispered and steps back. She looks at her, reading her face but she couldn't.


And with that, she takes off running outside, with heavy steps and empty head. She ran and ran, with nothing in her head but feel freedom once again. She's going to meet her family again and they won't have to worry anymore.

She ran until she made it close to the huge gate which is widely wide open like it's made for her exit. She looks back and saw Lisa standing by the doorway, looking at her with sad eyes. She contained her feelings and ignored what happened between her and Lisa.

It's time to forger her.


The images of her running away from this place, forgetting her and leaving this hell she's in was interrupted when Lisa lets her fall on her bed, deepening her head on her neck, kissing her pulse and leaving marks over and over again.

With her jacket and pants laying everywhere on the floor, she rolls her head back and let her gain more access on her free skin, taking in more and more pleasure as Lisa's hands found her thighs as they go up higher and higher for when she met her waistband and pulled it down with want.

Jennie grabs Lisa's face and hungrily kisses her as the latter's hand made its way to her core, making her gasp against her mouth. The room envelopes with her loud and mouthful moans when Lisa plunges her two, then three fingers inside of her, pacing it back and forth as her cries fill her ears beautifully.

Lisa grabs her mound with her other hand and massage them hard with the brunette's perky nipple kissing her palm.

"You're mine now, Jennie Kim."

The brunette bit her lips to surpass her moan.

"No one else but mine,"

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