Blood Stained Crown || BFB/TP...

By leafymybeloved

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⚠️ WARNING! this story will contain gore, blood, and death! Read at your own risk! ⚠️ The Power of Two. A sh... More

1: The Start of TPOT
Two: Campfire
3: Mindless
5: Understand
6: Innocence

4: Electric

853 12 29
By leafymybeloved

Bell's POV:

I looked at everyone around me, and I felt this... urge. It was unlike anything I'd ever experienced. when I looked at their faces, all I saw I could hurt them. My brain was filled with thoughts of violence, the only thing I could picture was my friends being dismembered and murdered in the most gruesome ways possible. Normally I'd never dream of something like that, even the mention of blood is enough to make me feel queasy, this point I didn't care. For some reason... it felt amazing.

I looked around, and my eyes fell to Bottle. She was the weakest. I could easily break her...I could easily kill her.

I didn't notice since I was so lost in thought, but the campfire was over. Everyone was going to their team's houses and going to bed. I snapped back into reality, and spotted Bottle walking away with her team. I floated over to her immediately, not even waiting for her to be alone. I swung backwards, and before she could even turn around, I slammed into her as hard as I could.

The sound of glass breaking echoed through the air.

All of Death Pact turned around immediately, and everyone else soon did the same. They wore shocked expressions as they stared at Bottle's shattered form. Glass shards stuck into my body, but I couldn't feel it. I couldn't feel anything. All I felt was.. satisfaction. It was a wonderful feeling, almost as if someone was... proud of me. Like I did something right. I couldn't get enough of it.

Tree's eyes were glued to Bottle. He immediately ran to her side, holding her and trying to peice her back together...but, he couldn't. She was dead.

The rest of his team stood in shock, eyes glued to the scene in front of them. It was a while before Pen looked up at me. His face went from fear and sorrow, to anger. He jumped out at me, shoving me to the ground.

Pen's POV:

She...killed her. She killed my teammate... my friend... for no reason. I looked up at her with rage in my eyes, but...

She was completely blank.

There was nothing behind her eyes. Her face...had no expression at all, besides a slight grin. I wanted her to feel something. Guilt, regret, anything...that's what Bottle deserved. I wanted Bell to feel pain for her actions.

I lunged into her, pushing her to the ground. I repeatedly slammed my fists into her face, adrenaline rushing through my body. I heard the sound of her screams in my mind, but when I looked at her...her mouth was shut. Blood was pouring from her nose, but...she remained the same. The only thing that I noticed when I got close, was her eyes.

They were green.

Were they green before? Surely not this bright...they were neon, almost glowing. I pulled away from her, "Wh...What the fuck?" I yelled, and she got up. She threw herself forwards, and I flinched, shutting my eyes tightly, but the impact never came. When I looked up once again, she was completely still. The sun was slowly creeping up the sky behind her, the warm orange-pink light pooled into the darkness, creating a beautiful sunrise. In any other case, this would've been a beautiful moment, but...there was a murderer blocking that moment.

She was still for several minutes, until something happened. In the distance, I saw something coming closer. It was a group of objects, all walking towards us. When they got closer, I knew something was wrong. I walked back to my team, still staring at the crowd coming our way.

They had no faces.

Every single one of them, they just had...a blank slate. No eyes, no mouth, nothing. There were around thirty faceless objects walking towards us. They were only fifty feet away, when Ruby screamed. I looked at her, and she was trying to hide behind Flower, who wore a confident, yet terrified expression.

Soon, they were close enough that we could hear their footsteps.

Needle's POV:

All at once, we ran. We ran as far as we could. I tried to think of what to do, when it hit me; Four! Four and X had gone to sleep, all we had to do was wake them up! I turned around, rushing towards the host's house. My team called out from behind me, but I didn't care. The objects were moving extremely slowly anyways, I could outrun them. I knocked on the door as hard as I could, and kept knocking until someone opened the door. It was Four. "Huh? Oh...what do you want?" They asked, clearly having just woken up. "THEY'RE COMING!" I yelled, and they still looked confused. I kept explaining it to them, until their eyes widened. I was glad they finally understood, but then I realized they weren't looking at me at all.

I turned around, and saw a small green battery. It had arms and legs, but like the others, it had no face. I tried to scream, but was silenced by something being shoved into my mouth. It felt sharp, cutting the insides of my throat, when I realized it was aluminum foil. The battery had the other two sides of the foil, and for a moment I knew what they were going to do. I reached out my hand to stop them, but...I was too late.

They stuck the foil on either side of their body.

Waves of electricity filled my body. It lasted for so long... I could feel myself burning from the inside out, as volts of energy struck me continuously. It was like being struck by Lighting, but... so, so much worse.

When I thought I couldn't take anymore, they didn't stop. They never stopped. The last moments of my life were spent in pure agony, and it didn't stop until I was gone. The pain was too much, and I... I passed out. And when I woke up...

I could see Bottle. She looked confused, mindlessly wandering around what I assumed was the afterlife. My footsteps made ripples in the ground, as if I was walking on water. Everything around us were shades of gray, the sky bright white as the floor faded into a darker shade. I ran to Bottle, trying to make sure she was okay, but before I could...

Everything went green.

All around us, only bright green. The world shook violently, and soon...we were back. I shot upwards, and looked at my surroundings. Four was standing above me, along with X, Golf Ball, and Tennis Ball. Golf Ball was asking questions, while Four was crying, trying to answer them. When I got up so quickly, they all jumped back. "Oh, good! You're up! But...I was sure you were dead." Golf Ball said before looking at her clipboard, then back at me.

"...100% sure, to be exact."

a/n: i love writing this story yall dont even KNOW
also yeah! go needle go! girlboss
i literally had like 5 parts saved for like a month and forgot to post them oops

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