Ready For Love

By Crimsia

2.5K 85 3

Odette Auclair is a quiet girl. She seems to be a robot and invisible to the world. She believed her life wou... More

Ready For Love
Part One
Origins Pt. 1
Origins Pt. 2

The Bubbler

378 22 3
By Crimsia

Ellen woke up to a burnt smell and opened her eyes. She looked over at her husband, who snored and drooled in his sleep. Ellen laughed at his expression, put her robe on, and quietly walked out. She saw the kitchen lights on and Odette resting her head in her palm, staring at a cookbook with frustration.

"Odette, why are you up so late?" Ellen asked quietly, walking over to the girl.

Odette pouted, "Can't bake."

Ellen tilted her head, looking over Odette's shoulder to see the recipe, "Why are you baking a cake?"

Odette sighed, "Adrien's birthday..."

Ellen smiled softly at the girl, caressing her head, "I can help you bake it, but we'll do it tomorrow. It's late and you have school tomorrow. I'm sure Mia would want to help too."

Odette nodded as she yawned, "Hmmm..."

Odette and Ellen cleaned the kitchen before going to their rooms. Ellen got into bed, waking her husband. "Ellen? Why did you get up?" Emile asked, snuggling closer to her.

"Odette was trying to bake a cake. Adrien's birthday is tomorrow." Ellen told her husband, bringing him close to her chest.

"Oh really? She is terrible at cooking. Are you sure she isn't trying to poison him?" Emile asked, getting a smack on the head. "Ouch....."

Ellen narrowed her eyes at him, "Adrien is her first friend and she wanted to bake him a cake. It's the thought that counts. Mia and I are going to help her when she gets back from school."

"Okay, okay...." Emile said lazily.

"I'm so happy for her. She's getting out of that bubble of hers and talking more. We should invite Adrien for dinner one of these days. I want to meet him." Ellen said, staring at the ceiling.

Emile narrowed his eyes at Ellen, "No way. He's a boy and shouldn't get too comfortable. I already have a pesky cat to worry about. I don't need to worry about a model too." Ellen smacked his head again, "Why must you keep hitting me, woman!"

He got smacked again as Ellen sighed, "He's not going to take Odette away from us, Emile. He seems like a nice boy and isn't like the other friends she had. I don't want Odette to get hurt too, but we need to let Odette find the right people. I have a feeling that Adrien is a good start. So you need to behave and not be so overprotective. You might chase him away."

Emile's eyes softened, nodding his head, "Okay. But if he makes a move on her, you will not stop me."



Adrien and Nino standing together in front of the school. Odette just came out from the school and heard Nino ask Adrien, "Has your dad always been such a downer? Doesn't he remember what it's like to wanna party?"

Adrien shook his head, "No, I'm sure he was a downer back then, too. At least I tried."

Odette tilted her head before tapping the boy's shoulder. Adrien felt it and turned around, "Hey, Odette!"

Nino smiled at the girl, "Hey, dudette!"

Odette smiled at the two boys, "Hi...Happy birthday, Adrien."

"Thanks, Odette." Adrien smiled at her before Nino wrapped his arm around Adrien's shoulder.

"Getting back on topic. It's your b'day, dude...I insist. I'm gonna have a chat with our pops," Nino suggested.

"Don't waste your time, he won't change his mind," Adrien told him frowning. Odette looked at the boy with sympathy, patting his back awkwardly. He gave her an appreciated look, smiling a little bit.

Suddenly, they heard Marinette squeal and appear in front of them. Odette removed her hand, looking at the girl curiously. Marinette saw them looking at her and hid a present behind her. She giggled shyly, "Hey."

Odette, Nino, and Adrien glanced at each other, "Hey."

"I...I wanted to gift you a make. I mean, gift you a give I made, I mean...." Marinette strumbled, which made Odette tilt her head.

She noticed that the girl had a crush on the model after the fourth day of school. Since then, she became clumsier around him and Odette could practically see hearts in her eyes. She seems like an amazing person, but she gave Odette an unsettling vibe at times.

Marinette continued to stumble over her words until Chloe pushed her, "Out of the way." She smiled at Adrien and make a cute pose, "Happy Birthday, Adrien."

Chloe kissed Adrien's cheek and he pulled away, "Yeah, thanks, Chloe."

"Did you get my gift?" Chloe asked.

Adrien hesitated, thinking about it, "No."

"What? Those delivery guys. I bet it was too heavy so they had to get another guy to help. Slackers!" Chloe said as Odette raised an eyebrow at her. She glanced at Nino who shrugged nonchalantly.

Chloe placed her hands on Adrien's shoulders, "I'll make sure you get it by tonight." She kissed his cheek one last time before walking away.

Nino chuckled, lightly punching him on the shoulder, making Adrien smile. Odette chuckled quietly at the sight.. They talked to each other before Adrien's limo came.

Adrien frowned at the sight, "Gotta go....Photoshoot."

He waved goodbye to his friends and stepped into the vehicle. "Looks like I've got some business to take care of with Adrien's old man," Nino said, looking at the girl. "Do you want to come?"

Odette shook her head, "Can't...Adrien's present."

Nino raised an eyebrow at her, "What did you get him?"

"Passion fruit custard cake," Odette told him.

Nino smiled at the girl, wrapping his arm around her shoulder, "He'll love that. I'll see you later."

Odette nodded before going home. She wanted to make the most of this lunch break. She walked into the door, seeing Ellen reading the cookbook. Ellen looked up and saw Odette, "Hi! I was just looking over the recipe and got all the ingredients out. Mia, Odette's here!"

Mia quickly popped her head from behind the couch and smiled widely at the girl. "Odette!" She ran to the girl, giving her a hug, "Is it twue? Awe we baking a cake?"

Odette nodded as she picked up the girl, "Yeah, we are."

"Yay!" Mia cheered, raising her hands into the air.

Ellen smiled and clapped her hands together, "Okay, let's get started. I'll get started on the custard and you two will get the passion fruit ready."

Odette nodded, getting ready to cook. She pulled her hair into a ponytail and put on her light blue apron. She then helped Mia into her pink apron with a cat in the middle. She grabbed the standing high chair for Mia and placed her in it.

Odette cut the passion fruits and let Mia scoop the fruit out with an ice cream scooper. Mia would eat a little bit of the fruit and feed it to Odette. Ellen smiled at the sight, whisking the custard with a bit of passion fruit pulp.

Suddenly, a big purple bubble appeared from the window. It flowed towards Ellen unnoticed until Odette turned around. She gasped, "Aunt Ellen!"

Ellen got trapped in the bubble and floated outside. Odette grabbed Mia and ran towards the window. Ellen looked at her with wide eyes, "Watch over Mia!"

"Mommy!" Mia shouted, reaching her hand out with tears in her eyes.

Odette's eyebrows furrowed, hugging Mia close to her. She looked at the sky, seeing every adult floating. "What's happening?" Odette asked when Bubbler's face appeared on the bubbles.

"Today's your lucky day, dudes. The adults are taking the day off. Make most of it. No chores, no homework, no more nagging, just fun, fun, fun! This is the Bubbler's gift to you."

'Nino?' Odette wondered, recognizing the voice.

Mia pulled away from Odette, staring into her eyes, "Will mommy and daddy be okay?"

Odette nodded her head, "Don't worry. They'll be fine."

Mia nodded with a big smile, "Yeah, because Ladybug and Chat Noir will save us!!"

Odette smiled at the girl until a shadow cast over them, "Hello, Odette. Wanna party?"

Odette saw Bubbler outside and took a step backward. Mia immediately pushed her face into Odette's shoulder in fear. The Bubbler came inside with a smile.

"What do you want?" Odette asked, narrowing her eyes at him.

"What's with the stare? We need to make Adrien's party awesome! He'll love it, especially with you there." Bubbler told her, getting closer and closer. Odette shook her head and tried to run, but he grabbed her arm. "If you don't, you and the little girl will float."

Odette's eyes widened and Mia started to shake. Odette held her closer, nodding.

"Right on! Let's go!" Bubbler grabbed the two and carried them to the Agreste Mansion, where all of Odette's classmates were. They had frowns on their faces, waiting outside for Adrien to appear. Odette didn't know what to expect and Mia refused to let her go.

Soon, Adrien walked out with a frown. Everyone shouted, "Yay! Happy birthday."

"Hey, birthday boy! Guess what? Daddy's gone. While the cat's away, the mice will play." Bubbler said on top of his bubble. "The Bubbler's brought all your homies for one single sole purpose to cel...le...brate!" 

Everyone cheered and Bubbler jumped to his DJ station, "Let's get this party started!"


The Bubbler started playing music and everyone began to dance. Odette looked around for Mia to hide. She decided to go to the food area and kneeled behind it. Odette whispered into Mia's ear, "Mia, hide under the table."

Mia shook her head, "What if you float too?"

"I won't..." Odette shook her head, caressing the little girl's head. She didn't dare promise because she knew it might happen.

"Ladybug and Chat Noir will save us. Just have faith." Mia replied sniffling, trying to be brave and assure her cousin.

Odette nodded, lightly pushing Mia under the table, "Do not come out until I say so. Okay?" Mia nodded, hugging her legs close to her.

Odette got up, walking to the dance floor. She looked around, seeing Adrien dancing. She walked towards him, grabbing his arm.

"Hey, Odette! What's wrong?" Adrien asked the girl. Odette glanced over to Nino, seeing that he was watching them as he spoke to Chloe.

Bubbler nodded at the blonde girl, putting a slow song on. Everyone paired up as Adrien reached his hand to Odette, "Um...can...I...I...have this dance?"

Odette nodded unsurely, taking his hand as he brought her closer. She wrapped her arms around his neck, "I'm worried....."

"About what?" Adrien asked, bringing her closer.

"Aunt Ellen...uncle Emile...Mia is so scared....." Odette told him, which made his eyebrows furrow.

"Hey, they will be fine. I promise." Adrien whispered back, glancing at Bubbler. He knew that the party had to end, which honestly upset him. But he couldn't stand the sadness on everyone's faces, especially Odette's.

Adrien was consumed in his thoughts, deciding on what to do. He needed to transform soon, but the Bubbler had his eyes set on him. While Odette looked around for anything she could use against Bubbler.

Luckily, she didn't need to worry any longer. Ladybug had arrived, interrupting the party by shutting down the music. "Sorry, Bubbler, the party's over."

"Why you gotta be like that?" Bubbler asked.

"You made all the adults disappear, and now you're imprisoning anyone who isn't having fun." Ladybug stated, thinking back on Ivan.

"You will not bust up my party!" Bubbler growled. Adrien took this time to sneak away to transform.

Odette noticed him and was about to follow until Bubbler started to attack. She ran with her classmates to hide from Bubbler. She hoped that he wouldn't focus on the table, where Mia hid.

Bubbler deflected Ladybug's yoyo, launching it back towards her. But Chat appeared, hitting the yoyo upward. "Looks like I made it just in time." Chat said, smirking at Bubbler.

"I had it under control..." Ladybug remarked, letting her yoyo drop on Chat's head. "But thanks."

Bubbler growled, sending bubbles their way. The heroes used their weapons to shield themselves, destroying them. When the bubbles stopped, the heroes struck a pose, waiting for Bubbler's next attack.

Bubbler crackled, swinging his weapon that made the bubbles turn green. They swarmed around Ladybug and Chat Noir, trapping them into one bubble.

"Give me your Miraculous before you run out of air." Bubbler demanded, making Odette worry for the heroes.

"Dream on, Bubbler."

"Total party-proopers, just like adults."

"Kids need adults." Ladybug argued.

"False. Kids need freedom, fun, let loose and live it up. Adults are bossy."

"But adults keep children safe. They care for their kids. They love them." Ladybug rebuttals.

Chat joined in, "You must bring the adults back!"

"Nope, never....know what? Since you care about them so much, why don't you float with them?" Bubbler suggested, kicking them high into the air.

Mia was peeking from underneath the table, anger evident in her eyes. In a moment of childish bravery, she got out from under the table, making Odette's eyes widen.

"You meanie!" Mia shouted, kicking Bubbler's leg.

"Ouch!" Bubbler shouted, holding his leg.

"Mia!" Odette shouted, running towards the girl.

"You're gonna pay for that pipsqueak." Bubbler said, reaching towards Mia. But Odette stood in front of her protectively, grabbing Bubbler's arm and flipping him over her shoulder.

She managed to get his arm behind his back, where she can easily break it. Everyone stared at her wide-eyed, not knowing that Odette did martial arts.

"Are you okay, Mia?" Odette asked the little girl.

Mia nodded, "Yeah..."

"Go to Alya, Mia," Odette told her, making Alya show herself. Alya grabbed the girl's hand, bringing her with the others.

Odette knew that an Akuma had to be somewhere and started looking for it. She saw his bubble sword, reaching for it and letting her grip loosen unknowingly.

Bubbler took this opportunity to toss the girl into the wall. The wind was knocked out of Odette as she fell to the floor. "Odette!" Alya and Mia shouted.

Odette coughed, lifting her upper part up to see Bubbler approach her. "Did you expect that to work? You sure are stupid. You will float like everyone else." Bubbler taunted.

"You'll have to get past us first, Bubbler." Ladybug interrupted, standing in front of Odette.

Chat Noir landed behind her and kneeled beside Odette, "Are you okay, purrincess?"

Odette nodded, smiling at him.

Alya stood up, holding Mia, "Ladybug!"

"Ladybug! Ladybug! Ladybug!" Everyone chanted, angering Bubbler.

"What's wrong with you all guys?! Why you gotta be such haters?!" Bubbler questioned frustrated, bubbling everyone.

"No!/Mia!" Chat Noir, Ladybug, and Odette shouted at the same time.

"Outer space is the next stop for your precious peeps," Bubbler said, "and they are never coming back!"

Bubbler jumped away, making Ladybug chase after him. Odette stared at the sky in disbelief, clenching her fists tightly.

Chat Noir stood up, patting her head, "We'll get them back, purrincess. What kind of knight would I be if I couldn't save them?"

Odette blushed at his contact, "Please hurry and stay safe."

Chat Noir nodded his head, going after Bubbler.


In the end, Chat Noir and Ladybug saved the day yet again. Mia was back in Odette's arms as they approached their home. Ellen stood in the front of the building, searching the area until she saw them.

"Thank goodness, you two are safe," said Ellen, who hugged the two girls.

"Mia, Odette, Ellen?!" A voice shouted, making the girls break apart. They turned to see Emile running towards them.

"Daddy!" Mia shouted, reaching her arms for him.

Emile picked her up, hugging her close with the girls joining. "I'm so glad my girls are safe and sound."

"Daddy, I kicked the Bubbler and Odette flipped him!" Mia excitedly said, jumping in his arm.

"Did you?" Emile asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, then Ladybug and Chat Noir swooped in and kicked his butt!" Mia finished her story.

Ellen shook her head, "You can tell us the story after we finish the cake."

Mia nodded, "Okay!"

They went inside the building together. The Auclairs finished the cake as Odette wrote, 'Happy Birthday, Adrien' on the cake.

Ellen sighed in relief. "We are finished. Odette, you should deliver this to Adrien before it gets late."

Odette nodded, taking the cake into her hands. She saw the sunset and made her way towards the Agreste estate. When she got there, she rang the doorbell. 

"Who is it?" A female asked as a security camera went close to Odette's face.

"Odette Auclair, Adrien's friend." Odette said unfazed by the camera. She waited a few moments before Natalie answered.

"You may come in. I'll inform Adrien of your arrival." The gate opened and Odette made her way up the steps. Gorilla opened the door for the young girl, letting her inside the estate. She nodded at him in thanks, getting a grunt in return.

It was her first time being inside so she took the time to look around. It was modern and somewhat soulless. There weren't any happy family photos or anything family-orientated. It didn't feel like a home. It was more of an office in the city, just a place of business.

She turned her focus when she heard Adrien's voice, "Odette? What are you doing here?"

Adrien made his way downstairs, heading towards her. Odette lifted the cake up and handed it to him. "Birthday present."

Adrien's eyes widened, "Thank you. Do you want to eat it with me? I would like the company..."

Odette saw Natalie watching, looking for her permission. Natalie nodded, which Odette smiled at. She nodded at Adrien, who smiled back widely and grabbed her hand.

"I'll show you where the dining room is at. I can't wait to eat it. Thank you, Odette." Adrien thanked her and lead her to the room.

"My family helped..." Odette admitted, which made Adrien smile wider.

"Tell them 'thank you' as well."

Odette nodded as they sat beside each other. Natalie came in with plates, forks, and glasses of milk. "Here you go, please tell me if you need anything else."

"Thank you, Natalie." Adrien thanked his father's assistant, turning to Odette, "Let's eat."

Adrien took a bite, eyes widening at the taste, "You remembered..."

Odette raised an eyebrow at him, tilting her head, "You're my friend...."

Adrien felt tears appear in his eyes but blinked them away. He smiled at her, "Thank you, Odette."

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