The Legendary Four

By zeezee5551

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2 girls displayed as "weak" 2 lonely boys what will happen when these kids are put in one team... let's fin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2, The park
Chapter 3, their new friend
Chapter 4, The Academy
Chapter 5, The teams
Chapter 6, The kyuubi
Chapter 7, The mission
Chapter 8, The LAND of the waves: I
Chapter 9, The Land of the Waves: II
Chapter 10, The Pervert Comes to town
Chapter 11, The Announcement
Chapter 12, Chunin Exams: I
Chapter 13, The chunin Exams: II
Chapter 14, •FILLER•
Chapter 15, Chunin Exams: III
Chapter 16, The final or is it?
Chapter 17, Training.
Chapter 18, Sakura
Chapter 19, Sasuke
Chapter 20, Naruto
Chapter 21, Hinata
Chapter 22, The Meet up'
Chapter 23, Team 7 is back
This is not a chapter but like its kinda inportant?
Chapter 25, The loss of an akatsuki member
Chapter 26,, •FILLER•

Chapter 24, The Kidnap

645 12 3
By zeezee5551

I don't own Naruto!!
Happy reading <3

When Team 7 arrive at the hokage office, they meet up with Team 10.
"Oh my gosh Team 7 are finally reunited!!" Ino squeals.
"Hiya Ino! how are you?" Sakura says as she hugs her friend.
"I'm fine sak! me and tenten were going to the hot springs next week, you and hinata should come too! but i think the new redhead is coming as well OH and the boys will come" Ino says, Hinata smiles brightly and steps forward.
"Sure Ino we will be there!" Hinata says with a smile.

Sasuke rolled his eyes in annoyance,
"can we actually go into the office now." he spoke up.
Hinata shot a look towards sasuke, "yeah yeah sasu-cakes keep your duckbutt hair on." she said smugly. Sakura scolded her teammate,
"Now Now hinata let's not make fun of Sasuke's hair, he's still our bestfriend." Sakura scolded and gave a smile to Sasuke. Naruto tried to hold in his laughter,

"Friendzoned!" he commented loudly enough for the uchiha to hear, Naruto ran for it and bursted into the office. Only to back away in fear seeing the fifth hokage glaring at him.

The rest of the team walk into the office and greet Lady Tsunade. In the middle of them talking an emergency hawk comes in with The sand symbol.
Sakura recognises it straight away, "Gaara's hawk? Is he in trouble m'lady?" Sakura asks.

Tsunade was shocked at how fast she recognised the hawk, "How did you know it was Gaara's?" The hokage asks.
"After training i used to send letters to him and he sends them back." she says smiling not noticing Sasuke's hurt face. Tsunade dismisses it and reads the note, she gasps and turns to the team.

"Gaara has been kidnapped by the Akatsuki, Team 7 shall go and retrieve him. This mission is A rank, Please be careful." Tsunade says and the team run to the gate of the Village hidden of leaves.

"Okay kids, We will head to Suna first to find out all the information and then we will retrieve Gaara." Kakashi called out, they nodded. Sakura sped up causing the others speed as well.

"If they hurt gaara in any way i'll kill them." Sakura said coldly. Hinata gave a bright smile, "CAN I HELP SAKU!!!" she squealed and Sakura giggled giving Hinata a nod.

Sasuke was silent throughout the entire journey, instead of sakura sending letters to him she was sending letters to someone who  has no eyebrows and literally looks like a rotten tomato.

When they get to the Suna, they find out the location where the Wind and Puppet users. They run to the hospital where Temari and Kankuro are and rush in, Sakura gasps to see Kankuro's state.

"WHAT HAPPENED??" she yells and runs over to the hospital bed, Hinata rushes after her activating her byakugan and checking his organs.
"Sakura. His heart, lungs and liver are filled with poison. I say we use Chakra Bubbles until you get a suitable antidote." Hinata says tying her hair up.

Sakura nods and begins the procedure. "Hinata, please temporarily disable his body. Specifically the Liver and lungs for now." She says while getting the Chakra Bubble ready.
Hinata nods her head and raises her palm, she places it on Kankuro's liver and paralyses it.

Sakura places the chakra bubble into his Liver and waits for Hinata's instructions.
"Now! Remove the bubble thingy!" Hinata says and Sakura quickly removes it. Once they were done, Temari gave them the location of the hideout. Team 7 decided to stay for the night and leave early tomorrow morning.

"Sensei, i'm gonna go and make some antidotes. I will see you guys later!" Sakura exclaims and waves to her teams before jumping away.

"LETS GO AND TRAIN!!" Naruto exclaims, Sasuke smirks and agrees. Hinata nods and they all go to a spaced out area to train.
"I'm gonna gather some energy, I still need to perfect my seal, grandma will get angry if she finds out i haven't been gathering natural energy. Interrupt me and I will make sure you both are 'unable' to rebuild your clans." She said coldly and then smiled at her teammates.

The two ninjas had shivers down their spine and decided to spar. Sasuke was annoyed since Naruto wasn't bringing his full focus on the fight, he kept stealing glances at the young hyuga.
"idiot, at least try to focus and stop looking at my sister dumbass." Sasuke said coldly, making Naruto glare at him.

"Says the person who got friendzoned his whole life, Sakura likes Gaara~" Naruto said in a sing song voice. Sasuke had a dark aura around him making Naruto scream and run for it, Naruto wasn't looking where he was going since he was too busy seeing if Sasuke was catching up with him. He tripped and fell on the hyuga beauty, their nose touching,

"OI DUMBASS we need to go now." Sasuke called out oblivious as to what happened. Hinata was in a blushing mess, "I um can you get off me now?" she squeaked.

Naruto's eyes turned wide as he quickly got off her, "sorry hina heh" he said while rubbing the back of his neck, they walked on meeting the others. They left the spaced out area and met at the home they were staying at.


Hinata was sitting on her bed waiting for sakura to come out of the shower, she was thinking about what happened before and blushed at the thought of it. Soon after Sakura came out with her PJs on.

"Hina you okay? what's on your mind?" Sakura asks her bestfriend, Hinata bites her lips nervously.
"Well we went to train, and Naruto tripped and fell on me. His nose was touching mine and i haven't taken my mind off it and i really need to since we are going to get Gaara in the morning." Hinata rambles while holding her head with her hands.

Sakura walks over and gives hinata a warm hug, "now now i know you, the minute we start the fight you will do your absolute best . Don't sweat about it too much!" Sakura says nuzzling her forehead to Hinata's. She smiles and her bestfriend and they head to bed.

It is around 2 AM and Kakashi wakes up, he checks the time and decides to wake up the teens.
"Oi naruto and sasuke get up." he says, Sasuke not being a heavy sleeper wakes up almost immediately while Naruto is still asleep. Kakashi just sighs and decides to get the girls to wake up Naruto.

He knocks in the room and the two girls who are both ready step out. "Let me guess Naruto isn't waking and you want me to wake him for you?" Hinata says eyeing her sensei.
"Why thank you Hinata, the rest of us will be waiting in the kitchen." Kakashi says smugly. Hinata rolls her eyes and shouts out, "YOU BETTER SLEEP WITH ONE EYE OPEN SENSEI AND I SUGGEST YOUR SHARINGAN." Her voice dripping with venom and she stomps into Naruto's room.

She taps on his shoulder gently and screams into his ear,
"NARU WAKE UP" she screams while shaking him.
"AAAAA OKAY OKAY IM UP." he shouts and shuffles to the bathroom to get ready.

They eat their breakfast and set out to the Akatsuki hideout. Kakashi speaks up, "I think there are two people who kidnapped Gaara, they are probably using him for the tailed beast", he says and Naruto clutches his stomach with a look of fear. Sasuke noticed and puts his hand on Naruto's shoulder calming him down.

"Sakura and Hinata, you guys will go with Lady Chiyo and take down one of them, Naruto and Sasuke you both will take down the other I will be there to supervise." Kakashi continues, Sakura nods and Hinata looks at kakashi curiously.

"Kakashi? who is Lady Chiyo?" Hinata asks and Sakura face palms.
"Hina she's the lady who was with us when we were healing Kankuro" Sakura says and Hinata gives a little "ohh" and gave a nod to her bestfriend.

Soon enough they get to the hideout, Sasuke steps forward and inspect the boulder blocking their way into the cave.

"hn, step back i will just Chidori this down." he says coldly. Sakura raised her brow, "They will dectect the Chakra let me do it, CHANNARO!!" She screams and punches the boulder. Hard.
Naruto gasps, "Whoa Sakura, that was so cool" he says excitedly and Hinata nods,
"I KNOW RIGHT THATS MY BESTIE RIGHT THERE." She squeals and hugs Sakura. They all enter the cave leaving Sakura and Sasuke last.

"Sasuke? Are you okay, you are more quieter than usual.." she says nervously, Sasuke shrugs.
"I'm fine, I was amazed by your punch though, You are strong." He says plainly and walks into the cave. Leaving a blushing Sakura behind, she walks in and sees Naruto raging. She looked closely and saw the two figures SITTING on the unconscious ex-jinchuraki.

"OI OI COME FIGHT ME UCHIHA AND KYUUBI OR ARE YOU TOO SCARED?!?" The blonde one shouts and runs outside the cave away from the others. Naruto who was very angry ran after him causing Kakashi and Sasuke jumping after them.

"I have to fight two pathetic girls, this is so annoying." The old man huffs, hinata wasn't having it.
"Call me pathetic one more time and i'll KENKUTSU your ass." she says coldly and gets into battle stance.

Sakura noticed his fingers moving around, it didn't look like he was weaving hand signs so she couldn't put her finger onto what it was.

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