By PlushedPuffin

260 0 0


Anyway HongIceSey sleepover >>>>
Diana story thing 1
Diana story thing 2
Nights are hard
You actually like me?
Some writing prompt thing idk i was bored
(I'm trying to get over writers' block)
What came over him
Komaeda birthday thing ig idk its not even his birthday
Five times you were up on the clouds (and the one time you were here)
I think I understand you in a way you don't
You won't be alone anymore
Welcome home
The last five hours of your time.
Owen poem thinh
Bennet n memories
Times Zimbie felt empathyοΏΌ (OLD VERSION *sob*)
The times Zimbie felt empathy (REWRITE AND BETTER VERSION)


58 0 0
By PlushedPuffin

(Kinda embarrassing to post but let us go gamers)

How the two siblings got trapped in this mess was a mystery to them both. Lukas wanted to take his siblings to a cabin near by to get them away from the stress school brought them. He invited his "best friend" Mathias to go along with the three.

Meg had asked if they could go for a walk around the cabin. Originally, Lukas did not allow them to go. But when Emil seemed just as excited to explore, he couldn't refuse his siblings. Plus, that would give him and Mathias some quiet time. He didn't mind spending time with his siblings, in fact he loved to spend time with them both, but even he needed space away from them.

The two walked around for hours playing in the snow. It took them both awhile to loosen up, but once they did they felt like kids again. They noticed as snowflakes started to fall from the sky, and before they knew it, they were caught in a snowstorm. It was only then they realized how far away they walked. Not wanting to waste time, they both started to walk back quickly, they both knew how worried Lukas would get, and neither of them felt like suffering with a cold.

"Oi. Be careful. I don't want to carry you the rest of the way."

"Just relax Emil! You worry too much!"

Mother nature never seemed kind to those who took the big, scary forests for granted. Especially during a snowstorm. The American slipped on the ice they didn't realize was under them. As punishment from mother nature, the ice broke as they landed. Luckily for the idiot, they had a good hold of the ice that stayed unbroken by their fall, and their Icelandic brother was quick to pull them out.

"What did I tell you, idiot?"

"Emil I'm sorry-"

"Shut it. I'm not the one whos half frozen." He paused, and removed his coat Lukas forced him to wear and wrapped it around them. "Get on my back, it'll be easier this way."

"What? No way. I'm fine Emil, I can walk on my own."

"Stop being stubborn! Just get on already!"

With a sigh, Meg climbed onto Emil's back as he requested. Emil shifted them a bit to make himself more comfortable. With a huff, he started to walk again.

Emil knew he was going to push his limitations by doing this, but it was better than dying out in the snow. He won't admit it to his face, but maybe Lukas was right. Without his coat the snowstorm that was once bearable now seemed almost impossible to last in. Even with the person on his back providing him with some body heat, the storm made it hard to feel. He could barely feel his feet in the cold. His whole body felt numb from the unforgiving wind, but he couldn't stop walking.

Meg suggested that they took a break, which Emil refused. He did not want to stop when he could feel they were getting closer to the cabin. As they continued on, the storm got worse. His shivers only got worse and his breaths got harsh. He could feel the winds try and throw him around, but he wasn't going to give into it. He refused to give up, no matter how much his legs begged for a break.

Unfortunately for him, he collapse. His legs gave out and he and Meg slowly fell onto the five inch high snow. Meg moved to wrap his coat around him. Emil wishes he could refuse it, but he was too weak to fight against it. His arms tightened around the younger. He knew neither of them had much strength in them. He could feel his eyes water. He briefly wondered if they'd freeze. He felt like a failure. He knew they were close to the cabin, and he couldn't get himself to walk over to it. He wasn't ready to give up. He did the last thing he knew he could do.

He yelled for help.

"LUKAS?" He dragged out the u, "LUKAS? MATHIAS? MATHIAS!"

He continued to scream their names until his throat was sore. All hope seemed to be lost. He wasn't sure how long they'd be here until they passed on. He didn't like how it all seemed to end. He wasn't ready. He couldn't help but sob. His little sibling passed out. He could tell they were still breathing. He wasn't sure if it was the cold or stress. He wondered what would become of them, and wished it would just come already. He knew hope was far gone.

But like death, hope comes at unexpected times.


He never thought he would be that grateful to hear the loud Danish accent. Within seconds he felt himself being pulled into a tight embrace which wrapped warmth around both he and Meg. He could still feel the wind against him, but he felt a lot better with proper warmth and actual body heat.

"Hey, wait up Lukas!"

He doesn't remember when he fell asleep, but when he awoke he was inside the cabin. He was leaning on his brother who was currently wrapping Meg's wounds. Lukas quickly noticed his little brother awoke.

The two locked eyes. Emil knew he had to explain his stupid idea, which in his defense did help them both survive. He knew Lukas wouldn't feel the same. He was always protective of him. Not in a helicopter parent sort of way, but in a "my little brother got a tiny scratch that isn't even bleeding I need to make sure he's ok and not dying" sort of way. When Lukas took Meg in he became just as protective of them as he was with Emil.

"Emil," the Norwegian spoke after a comfortable silence, "what on earth happened."

"It's a long story. I'm tired. You're tired. Just come get us next time."

With a nod, Lukas finished wrapping the enby's arm, careful not to hurt them anymore. Emil sighed. He originally thought he had failed, but he was much happier with the knowledge that he helped save both of their lives.

(I have no idea how to end it so I'm really sorry if it seems rushed at all :( )

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