back with different past(the...

By SomchaiSaelim

66K 2.8K 145

After everyone finds out the Truth that it was Jin guang Yao all along everything kinda went back to normal t... More

your wish granted
back in the past
how it become us💗
how it become us 2 💗
how the alliance ruined 😞
lunch with chaotic son and uncle
simple tour
traveling 😟
freaking out 😂
met you again 🥺
night talked🌌
together again.
drinking vinegar 1😯
drinking vinegar 2😒
drinking vinegar 3😡
two idiot sitting on the bench!
loud noise is coming from?🧐
meeting 1🤝
about the past.💔
meeting 2 🤝
celebration 🎉

back in the past 2

4.3K 168 12
By SomchaiSaelim

When lan zhan wake up he found his self lying in the bed and he feel his body weekend.

Zishue was fully awake and stand up quickly and look at lan zhan confused.

Zishue: father!? I'm 6 again!
And your.... Your ..?


Zishue was about to say something again when they heard a mumbled sounds behind them. And they saw a 5 year old jing Yi sleeping feeling comfortable with the soft pillow and blanket.

Zishue: jingyi!! Wake up!
How can you sleep in this situation?!
Father?! Where is mother?!

Zishue said worried. On why the hell they are child again?
Where is there mother?

Lz: I don't know where he is...

Lz said in a sad tone. But in the inside he was panicking on where the hell is his wife.

Jingyi: ahhhhhhh!! Ahhh!

Jingyi shout loudly noticing he has a small fingers and feet.

Lz: jingyi you are fine... Calm down...

Lan zhan said. Doesn't know how to calm down a child.

But it's already too late jingyi's loud voice made the lan deciple and elders kick there door open and asked in panic .

Deciple1: young master your awake now! Are you ok!? What happened?!

Deciple 2: chief cultivator lan are you ok!?

Lan zhan and zishue was about to speak when someone went inside the room shoving off the deciple. It was wwx.

(Photo wasn't mine credits to the owner)

Lz: wei ying!

Lan zhan said shocked.
How could wwx look more beautiful and feminine now. And his face was back so is his body though he became a little bit more smaller like when he was in mo Xuan Yu body.

Wwx: ahhhhhh!!!! My baby is awake !!! I'm sorry your mother can't protect you...

Wwx said in worried tone and grab jingyi In to his arms Carry him and hug him.

Wwx: ahhhh!! Poor A-Yi my baby is scared calm down mother is here.

When qiren, Qinghejun, & xichen heard that they immediately go there too.

Lqr: Wangji.. your awake now and so is your son's.

Lxc: ahhh brother you made us worried.

Qinghejun: Wangji! A-yuan! A-Yi!
How do you feel?!

"We are ok ammm...."

Zishue and jingyi said confused on how they would call him.

Qinghejun: grand pa I'm your grand pa...

Zishue: ahhh right uncle.... Thank you for asking..

Wwx: ohhhh husband your awake now too!!

Wwx said carrying jingyi and run to him and hug him.

Wwx: come here my little A-yuan don't be so cold like your father.

Lz: husband?! We are married now?!

Lz ask shocked because there uncle agreed that wwx can stay in cloud recesses but marriage is really something so hard to talk about in there future life.

Wwx: of course we are my silly husband hahaha.
Now! How's my A-yuan hmmm?!

Lqr: of course his fine! He doesn't get any injury because he knows how to protect his self not like your other son he is so un lan tsk!

Jingyi was used to this so doesn't care much but....
Wwx quickly covered jingyi's ears.

Wwx: ahhhh! Uncle he can hear you stop!!!!

Lqr stop talking and just roll his eyes 👀

Lz, zishue,jingyi was shoked at this.
Wwx was demanding grandmaster lan in high tone. And grandmaster lan just follow him not argue back.

Zishue: I'm fine mother... How about you are you okay?

Wwx: ahhhh ....... Of course I'm ok! You guys made us worried!
Ahhhhh that wen Wang Lingjiao! Ahhhhh!!!
That bich wife of wen Chao really gonna  taste of my feet if I was there! If he do that again I swear his asking for war! good thing your father was there to take the spiritual attack of the wolf or else what the hell would happen to you!! Ohhh my babies.

Jingyi: ehhh mother what happened?!

Lqr: did you forget you just made there son cry.
Which put you and my innocent nephew zishue into trouble your lucky Wangji was there.

Wwx: uncle jingyi is also your nephew! So stop blaming him it's not his fault if wen chaos son is a coward like him!

Qingheng-jun: I agree!

Lz, zishue and jingyi was shoked of what they Heard.

Jingyi: wen Chao is alive?
And he has a son?

Lqr: huh! Your second son really got your brain wuxian.

Lqr said with a smirk in his face.

Wwx: uncle!! What's wrong with my brain?!

QingheNg-jun: Ok that's enough qiren wuxian they just wake up now let's let them eat some food.

Just now looking at the person made them more shocked it was the most powerful and honorable qingheng-jun
The father of lan xichen and lan Wangji.

Lz: father!?

Qhj: yes a-zhan is there anything in your mind that you wanted to eat just tell me and we can tell the cook so they could cook it now.

Lz: I'm ...... I'm ok with anything father.

Lxc: ok we will go now then.
A-xian please stay here and take care of your husband and sons.
And then assist them later to the table and we will have our lunch.

Wwx: yes brother xichen!

Wwx said happily.

So all of them get out of the room and go to the main lan family hall to prepare the table to eat.

Wwx: A-Yi don't mind your jiu his just... Well ... It's always like him.

Wwx said and laughed gently.
Lz saw wwx eyes seem to be happy and no worries or any trace of ghost way cultivation or yin energy in his body.

Jingyi: it's ok mother!

So wwx hug lz and lz return the hug.
So they all hug as family. Zishue was happy he has his mother wwx back now! the lively and happy one.jingyi is also very happy now wwx is his real mother.

Please comment down below about your reactions.
And For corrections I'll appreciate it but I'm not sure if I can edit it quickly.

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