Affinity- GMW Farkle Fanfic

Autorstwa Cheerios1234567

36.7K 1.5K 409

Aviana Lucía Pérez has been always been in the dark.. She wasn't like her older siblings... That's when she d... Więcej

Girl Meets Aviana
Girl Meets World
Girl Meets Boy
Girl Meets Sneak Attack
Girl Meets Mariana Pérez
Girl Meets Maya's Mother
Girl Meets The Fathers
Girl Meets Flaws
Girl Meets Hidden Persona
Girl Meets First Date
Girl Meets Kayden vs Two Mothers
Girl Meets Getaway Pt. 1
Girl Meets Getaway Pt.2
Girl Meets Getaway Pt.3
Shawn Meets Kayden (And The Kids)
Girl Meets The Last Straw
Girl Meets Sisterly Fights
Girl Meets Apologies
Girl Meets Tension Pt. 1
Girl Meets Tension Pt. 2 : Farkle's Breaking Point
Girl Meets Tension Pt 3: Aftermath and Delusions
Girl Meets Secret of Life Pt.1
Girl Meets Secret of Life Pt.2 : Her Story
Girl Meets Secret of Life Pt. 3 : Oliver Luca Diaz
The Protector
The World Meets Oliver

Girl Meets Smackle

1.7K 62 5
Autorstwa Cheerios1234567

"Ancient Greece" Riley points at the present Mr. Matthews was holding.

" What that? What that that?" She asks

" What thi-this?" He mimics her, pointing to the present.

"This is a present."

"Is it for me?" She asked while Maya and I shared a suspicious look.

"What's your game, Matthews?" Maya and I asked in unison.

"Game? I mean no game. I just want to know who here wants this present." He said and everyone raised their hands except Maya and I.

"Oh, you two,what? You assume by playing hard to get, I'm gonna give it to you?" he asked us

"Well, yes. That's one of the many arrows in my quiver." I said making Farkle shudder.

"Medieval talk-- What are you doing to me, woman?" He asked and I just shook my head with a small chuckle.

"Riley." Her father says as he hands her the present.

"Yay!" Riley opens the box and much to her disappointment, it wasn't a real present like I suspected.

"The Trojan horse?" She reads with disgust, I snorted.

"Surprise." He said with a big smile and Riley just looked at him like she wanted to kill him.

"This isn't a present. This is one of your life lessons wrapped up in a class lesson wrapped up in a box of nothing." Riley rants

"How you doing, honey?" Maya asked her

"I'm all worked up." She huffs

"We know." I said as she puts back the frame into the box.

"You assumed because it was all neat and pretty that something good was inside. Ancient Troy was protected by walls. The Greeks couldn't get in, so they built a big wooden horse and left it behind. What do you think the Trojans did?" Mr. Matthews asked

"They left it there because they were afraid that somebody was trying to teach them something." I stifled a laugh, only Riley.

"They captured it as a trophy and brought it inside. That night, the Greek soldiers crawled out of the horse and defeated Troy. What have we learned here?" Lucas raises his hand.

"Mr. Friar." "Don't make assumptions based on what you see?" Mr. Matthews looked over at Riley

"Riley, listen, I'm sorry I made an example of you. So here's a gift for you." he says

"Ooh-- No! I want to-- No! Pretty ribbon-- No!" The fact that she is even having self conflict about this scares me.

"I'll take my chances with that, sir." Lucas says, suspicious...

"No, Lucas. You have to assume it was no good because the first one was no good.  Aren't you all proud of me, dad?" Riley asked with a smile.

"No!" Lucas starts reading the card.

"Get out of detention free." Maya turns to him

"Ooh, I could use one of those. Gimme that and I won't call you "Ranger Rick" all week." She bargains

"Here you go." she takes it with a smile

"Thanks, Ranger Roy." She says making me let out a laugh.

"Lemme guess. Ranger Roy is filling in for Ranger Rick?" Lucas asked

"All week. And now... you." She looks over at Mr. Matthews

"Oh, is something gonna happen to me?" He asked

" Yes, it is." She stands up and approaches the desk, getting on top of it.

"A d-d-d-d, a d-d-d-d- d-d-d-detention. But not today. Boom!" Mr. Matthews grins at me

"Aviana." I sighed and looked at Maya, this class stresses me out sometimes.

"Read the card." I told her

"Huh?" She said confused

"Card." He tells her with a big grin

"Say 'get out of detention free' then give worthless card to Maya then watch her dance on my desk." She reads and returns to her desk.

"Never assume. Look more deeply. Just because something is wrapped up all pretty, doesn't always mean it is." Maya turns to Lucas and glared.

"You were in on this!"

"I'm Ranger Roy and I'll be here all week." He smiled and tips imaginary hat. She shuddered and turned around.


"I'm way too old for this shit." "Language Ms. Perez."

I told Farkle that I was sadly going to miss the debate because Mateo had called me, talking about some family matters. Farkle just told me it was okay and to fill him in. So when I walked in where the debate was held and I see some girl holding down my boyfriend to the floor, I don't know to feel about it. I walked over and cleared my throat, making the both of them look up at me. Farkle's eyes widen at the sight of my face but that feeling slowly faded away once I saw who the girl was..

"Aviana?!" She said surprised, standing up.

"Smackle.." She tackled me in a hug, making me hug her back. Surprisingly I'm the only person that Smackle willingly hugs.

"Wait a minute, how do you know mi novia hermosa Smackle?" Farkle asked

"She use to attend Einstein Academy.." I winced once Farkle looked over at me.. I forgot to tell him about that..

"So you like Farkle Smackle?" I asked smirking and she blushed a little as we acted like Farkle wasn't standing there.

"It's doesn't matter anymore since you're dating him." She said and thankfully, Riley came over to speak to Farkle.

"You didn't tell him that you came from Einstein?" she asked

"I forgot." I pouted causing her to make an amused sound. Then I was pulled away by someone and saw it was Farkle. I looked back to see Smackle giving me a good luck look. Farkle pulled us into Mr. Matthews empty classroom.

"You went to Einstein Academy?" he asked

"Didn't I tell you that?" I asked, acting confused but I know he saw right through me.

"You know you didn't tell me this.." He deadpanned and I sighed before going over to him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I'm sorry for not telling you.. I wasn't going to keep it from you, I honestly forgot guapo.. I promise, it really wasn't a secret." I said and he pulled me into him by my waist.

"I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have got at you like that.." He apologized and I shook my head, kissing his lips.

"I know you have trust issues and we talked about this babe.. It's me and you only.." I told him and he nodded before leaning in to kiss me.

"So this means you're a genius like me?" He grinned making me laugh.

"We're taking over the world together bebita." I blushed at the nickname.

"Of course, wouldn't want to do it with anyone else." I said and his face turned red. I looked at him confused before realizing what I said. I smacked his arm softly

"Farkle Minkus! Get your mind out of the gutter!" I said walking out, shaking my head. Boys...

"Wait hermosa! I'm sorry, come back!" he yelled, running after me

Maya texted me, telling me that Smackle was at Riley's house to change her appearance for Farkle. I knew Smackle had another agenda on her mind. So I went over to help and see what she real intentions are.

"Why do I have to be a part of your campaign to befriend every little woodland creature?" Maya asked making me hit her arm.

"Which woodland creature am I in your mind?" Smackle asked

"You're like a little gopher... chipmunk combo deal." She said

"Maya, Smackle needs our help." Riley told her

"Yes. I need you to teach me the equation for beauty." Smackle tells her

"Why?" Maya asked

"Smackle loves Farkle." I said with a grin making Smackle giving me a look.

"Why? And how are you ok with that?" Maya asked me but I shrugged.

"But he prefers Aviana, who is in my opinion is superior in all areas." Smackle said

"Smackle you are superior in all areas if anything." I told her

"Okay, so you want us to make you beautiful?" Maya asked

"Yes, but I don't expect you to be able to change a trillion years of evolution in five seconds." Smackle told her

"Let me know when it's four seconds." Riley says

"Go." I said and they started making over Smackle.

"I'm... pretty?" I narrowed my eyes at her, before smiling and chuckling. Of course, that was her plan the whole time.

"You're the hottest little gopher-chipmunk in the whole forest." Maya says as Riley gives Smackle a mirror to look at.

"Who's the genius now?" Maya and Riley toss their hair back and say in unison.

"Stop it." They looked at me

"I already said I'm never doing that." They pouted

"My outward appearance now seems to represent the current trends agreeable to the general populace." I snorted

"Then why are you still talking like you don't know what you look like?" Maya asked her

"Ah, my speech. That's an easy fix." She claimed

"I don't think so."

"Awesome, like, giggle, question, omigosh." Smackle says, confusing them even more.

"Do you wanna lay that out again for us normals?" Maya asked

"Observations reveal that if I merely insert "awesome," "like," "omigosh," and giggle at everything like it's a question, I will assimilate into the general teenage population."

"It's not that easy, Smackle." Maya snickers

"E=mc2" " What did you do that for?"

"Like "E" totally equals M.C.Squared! Omigosh, awesome!" I stifled a laugh at Maya and Riley's face.

"E=mc2.." "I understand the universe...." I just shook my head, only them two.

I was at the bakery with Smackle, waiting for the girls to bring the boys.

"Aviana." I looked over at Smackle


"I hope you know I'm not trying to steal Farkle from you.. I wouldn't do that to my only friend." She said making me smile and I grabbed hold of her hand.

"Smackle, I know.. Not once did I ever think that okay? I know this is for the debate." I told her making her nod.

"I just don't want to los-" I cut her off

"Smackle you won't! Don't even finish that sentence." I said sternly

"But I'm different.." "Who the hell wants to be normal? Normal is boring, you're different.. You're unique. Don't let anyone tell you different okay?" She nodded and the others walked in.

"Presenting your date from the modeling runways of Paris, France--" We heard

"The new face of Geek Chic,  Isadora Smackle." And then Smackle and I walked out. Farkle looked her shocked before looking over at me. I tilted my head at him confused and he looked back over at Smackle. We sat down at a booth near by.

"Wow. You made her over?" He asked

"You know, just us girls playing with our hair and clothes." Riley says

"Are you finally intrigued by me, Farkle?" Smackle asked him

"I'm intrigued that my friends don't realize that you are an evil genius." He said, I'm not surprised he figured it out.

"But a pretty evil genius, don't you think?" Riley asked with a chuckle, still not getting it.

"This is debate preparation, isn't it?" He asked, confusing the girls.

"What?" Maya asked

"The next debate is "Is beauty only skin deep?" Smackle doesn't want to be like you guys. Smackle only wants to win. You ladies have been played." He told them before looking at me knowingly.

"But you knew about this didn't you hermosa?" He asked and I just shrugged with a smile.

"Is this true, Smackle? Avi?" Riley asked

"Affirmative." Smackle nodded.

"I figured it out once when you told me that she was going over Riley's." I said

"Riley, do I please have your permission to mess her up now?" Maya asked


"Smackle, did you assume this outward change in your appearance would not affect your inner self?" Farkle asked

"Of course, it won't. I am Smackle. But look, four red nails and one blue one. I don't know why. That said, how could any outward change possibly affect the inner Smackle?" I laughed as Lucas walked in.

"Hi, guys. Wow, Smackle, you look great." I smirked over at Smackle who was staring at him. She giggled before covering her mouth shocked.

"Did that just come from me?" She asked, looking over at me and I nodded.

"Smile at her." Lucas smiles at her making her swoon.

"Omigosh. Omigosh, I just said "Omigosh." Like, awesome. Question?" I bit my lip to stop the cackle trying to leave my throat.

"Are you okay, Smackle?" Riley asked

"I don't understand what's happening to me." She said

"Why don't you sit next to her, Lucas?" Farkle said pulling me out of the booth and into him with his arm around my waist. Lucas sat next to Smackle.

"No one that's ever looked like you has ever sat this close. Are you sitting here because you want to be my mate?" Smackle asked and I started cackling, making Lucas glare at me.

"I'm sitting here because the seat was empty." He said uncomfortably

"You smell like pine trees." She points out

"Thank you."

"Our feet are touching." She says

"You're doing that." He tells her

"Hmm, Smackle, would you mind telling me, what is the square root of 36?" Farkle asked as Smackle just stares at Lucas.

"Who cares?" she says in a daze.

"Excellent. Lucas is on our debate team. Will that be a distraction to you?" He asked

"Should be, yeah." I snorted

"Good. Let's go. We've got a debate to prepare for." Farkle places a kiss on my lips before leaving with Lucas.

"What have you done to me? I'm broken. I'm pretty. I'm confused." She cries out

"We can put you back." Riley says

"Oh, I'm not goin' back! I'm not that confused." Smackle says, looking at her nails.

"You never fail me to wow me." I said making her smile.

I was home alone while Sofia was hanging out with her boyfriend and Mateo was at the dance studio. I was just dancing around my room when I heard a knock at the door. I got up and heading to the door, I looked in the peephole before opening the door.(Is that what it's called? lol let me know in the comments)

"Hey Farkle.." He just groaned before walking over to me and hugging me with his head in my neck. I just closed and locked the door before hugging him back

"What's wrong babe?" I asked him, running my fingers through his hair.

"Smackle.. It isn't the same if she isn't her true self." He mumbled and I slowly walked us to my room. Then we laid down, cuddling as he placed his head on my chest.

"I thought you wanted to win.." I told him, playing with his hair.

"I did.. but it's not right this way.." He said, tightening his arms around me.

"Maybe the girls can change her back." I said, knowing Smackle wasn't going to change back until after the debate.

"I just came from Riley's.. They said they were going to try." He sighed out

"Don't stress yourself, just do what you always do and say it confidently and with pride." I said and he lifted his head to look at me. I looked at him confused

"What?" I asked

"I still can't believe you're mine.. Thank you for being there for me." He said making me smile.

"It's my job.." He leaned and kissed me, making me kiss him back. He had his hands on both sides of my head as we deepened the kiss.

"Hey hermanita, I'm back with J-" Sofia opened the door, shocked to see us the position we were in. I blushed and hid my face in Farkle's chest while he rolled to the side with his arms around me.

"I never thought I would see the day." She said making me groan.

"Get out Sofia please." She just laughed before closing the door behind her. I looked up at Farkle who was already looking at me.

"You okay?" He chuckled making me pout.

"It's not funny, that's embarrassing." I told him

"It's not like we were doing anything else." He said and I gave him a pointed look.

"Get your mind out of the gutter." He blushed

"I said I was sorry!" I rolled my eyes with a smile.

"And besides, you're not ready for the side of me yet." I winked with a smirk, getting out of his arms. His face went beet red

"Really Aviana?!" He yelled and I laughed, going through my drawer looking for my sketch book when I felt arms wrap around me.

"You know.. I never thought you were the jealous type." He whispered into my ear, making me blush getting my book.

"W-what are you talking about?" I asked and he chuckled before placing kisses in my neck, making me shiver. He turned me towards him, smirking.

"You mean to tell me that you wasn't jealous that Smackle was on me like that?" He asked

"N-no, of course not.." I denied

"Your face said otherwise.." He said, pulling me more into him.

"Because you're mine.." I whispered making him grin

"What was that? Say it a bit louder." I rolled my eyes with a smile

"Because Farkle Minkus.." I leaned in so our lips were almost touching

"You're mine.." I said before kissing him

"Y eres mía mi amor, recuerda eso."
"You promised you'd change her back." Farkle says, walking over to us. The girls told me that Smackle didn't want to change back but I knew what her real plan was.

"We tried." Riley told him

"She wouldn't go for it." Maya adds and I looked over at Smackle who I winked at making her smile a bit. Farkle sighed before saying something to Smackle and going to the podium

"The nation of Troy was charmed by a beautiful wooden horse. They neglected to consider what was inside. And they lost everything because of outer beauty. Don't be fooled by a pretty wrapper. I mean, who keeps the wrapping paper?" He asked making Riley raise her hand.

"I wear ribbons." I just shook my head at her.

"Okay. And our concluding statement will be made by Lucas Friar." everyone claps as Lucas stands up.

"There can be absolutely no debate that the quest for outer beauty at the expense of one's inner self is a road to personal destruction. People make assumptions. I've been labeled a jock and a cowboy, and this is from my friends. But here's a little secret; I like school and I do pretty well. You might look at me and assume baseball player. I look at me and I know I'd better get good grades, because what's on the inside has to be more important than what's on the outside to get into a good college and into a good life. Because beauty is not skin deep. Thank you." Lucas finishes his speech and everyone claps.

"Omigosh, I'm so totally unprepared and scared." I smirked with amused look on my face

"Maybe that's what you would assume I would say, considering the effort I put into my appearance." Smackle starts off

"I'm here to argue today that beauty actually is skin deep. So I've done some research and I've learned... that it is. When you get compliments from people who don't ordinarily compliment you, when people look at you differently, packaging does matter. I wasn't pretty, then I was. This is a world where "pretty" seems better somehow. Which is too bad, but it's not debatable. However, I also learned that if you get swept up by what you are on the outside you can lose who you are on the inside. Even though it is easy to be fooled by the beauty of a Trojan horse, its real power comes from the army within-- intelligence, compassion, integrity, courage. That army is the real you, no matter what you look like. So even though beauty may be skin deep, beauty is nowhere near as important as the army inside. And I'll try not to forget that." She pauses and puts on her glasses.

"Well, look at all of you. You're all very deeply beautiful. Especially you, Farkle. Thank you." I smiled and clapped along with everyone else. Me and the girls walked over to Smackle

"Thank you for taking me in. I hope we can be friends."  Smackle says

"Cool. We've got a lot to learn from each other." Maya tells her and Riley gives Smackle a hug and then takes one of her ribbons and places it on Smackle's dress.

"I continue to not understand anything." Riley tells us

"That's what's so beautiful about you Riles." I told her making her smile.

We were all at the bakery, sitting in a booth with Smackle.

"Valiant effort, Lucas, perhaps a smoothie would take the sting out of my latest victory." Smackle tells him making me let out a laugh. I felt Farkle hold my hand and I gave it a squeeze.

"Whoa whoa, back off, sister." Riley says

"I actually think that Smackle is just enjoying some newfound confidence, Riley." Farkle reassures Riley

"You know me too well, arch-nemesis." I snorted

"She was using you to make Farkle jealous!" Maya and I said laughing making Lucas chuckle.

"Well, that's a new one." He said

"Tell me the truth, Farkle. If Aviana wasn't beautiful, would you still love her?" Smackle asked making me blush.

"She's beautiful? Oh yeah, I never really noticed." He says making my face get hotter.

"But you call her hermosa.." He shakes his head.

"Everything about her is beautiful.. Her energy, her personality, her actions, her soul.. So when I call her that, I'm not talking about her looks.. I'm talking about her as a whole.. I'll love her no matter what.." I smiled while looking down.

"Aww you guys are disgustingly cute." I rolled my eyes at Maya with a chuckle before kissing Farkle's cheek making it turn a little pink.

"Hey! None of that in front of me." We all laughed at Lucas' comment.

Mateo, Sofia, and I had to sit down with Lucas and tell him what we found out.

"So.. I'm not your brother anymore?" He asked with a long face and I grabbed his hand.

"Luke, you're our brother... blood or not doesn't matter okay?" I said making him nod

"never think otherwise hermanito.." Sofia said placing her hand on his knee.

"You'll always be our brother Lucas, nothing will change that." Mateo told him and pulled us all in a hug.
Hey guys, happy Saturday! I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, please comment what you thought about it. I wanted to started updating twice a day (on Saturdays) but my power is out right now and I'm trying to save my battery. So if I update later today, that means my power is back and I'll be updating twice on Saturdays. But happy reading and I'll see you guys in the next chapter.

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