COMFORT ZONE | Sirius Black [...

By lolnotyourbusiness

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[IMPORTANT NOTE: Year 1 chapters are currently being rewritten and republished one by one.] THE SHAFIQS: A we... More

1. Madam Otim
2. A Shafiq Gathering
15. Start of Second Year
16. Remus and Quidditch Try-outs
17. Andy, Marlene and the First Quidditch Match
18. A Wolfish Revelation
19. Disillusionment and Sirius Freaks Out
20. A Watering Can and Grimmauld Place
21. A New Band and the Summer
22. Off to Pakistan
23. Excerpts of Letters From Summer '73
24. The Malik Cousins and Malfoy Manor
25. Start of Third Year
26. A Chest of Terrors
27. Training
28. Spilled Ink
29. Moony and Hogsmeade
30. A Small Bit of Small News
31. A Black Christmas
32. Love is in the Air (Or Something of the Sort)
33. The Valentine's Ball of '74
34. Reparations
35. James and Coffee
36. Zarah's Sin
37. Summer of '74 I
38. Summer of '74 II
39. Start of Fourth Year
40. A Sibling Squabble
41. Pacification
42. Bridging the Gap
43. A Christmas Wedding I
44. A Christmas Wedding II
45. Mandrake Month
47. Books and Phials
48. The Valentine's Ball of '75
49. Hide the Dew
50. An Expedition and Newspapers
51. Quidditch and Exam Stress
52. The Incident
53. Consequences
54. Fury and Droning Ghosts
55. Messengers and Loathed Scissors
56. Candid Conversations
57. Hogsmeade in the Summer
58. The Last Week
59. The Return Home
60. Rashid Hadi Shafiq
61. Cokeworth and Ipswich
62. Barks in Grimmauld Place

46. Decisions and a Dancing Werewolf

29 6 0
By lolnotyourbusiness

Sunday, 9th February 1975

The Three Broomsticks was filled with Hogwarts students owing to their Hogsmeade trip before the Valentine's ball on the next weekend. The streets had a bit of late winter snow cluttering the edges, but it had become a sludgy brown mess from the crowds that had invaded the pavements that morning.

Since Regulus was now in third year, he was also allowed to visit the village; his previous trip had been spent with Barty Crouch, which apparently hadn't been that dull of an experience. However, this time, he had asked Madiha to accompany him, on account of something he wanted to talk to her about.

Sirius had been ready to throw a fit at this, as it meant this was yet another time she wouldn't be going with the boys to the village, but Madiha reasoned that she spent enough time with them already, and that she'd barely gotten a chance to be around Regulus over the past month.

Madam Rosmerta wore a hospitable smile as she lowered two tankards of butterbeer in front of them, pinching Madiha on the cheek affectionately before walking away to another table. Eager to satisfy her craving for the warm drink, Madiha lifted her tankard to her lips.

"So, what did you want to talk about, Reg?"

The grey-eyed boy seemed to do a quick once-over of their area, having insisted on choosing a more isolated corner of the pub. Yet he still appeared concerned that someone might eavesdrop. From the corner of her eye, she could see the boys sitting many tables away, with Remus having slightly forgiven them all by now, but they were all too far away to notice where she and Regulus were.

She tried to lighten the mood. "Are you planning a murder?"

Not even a hint of a smile. "We wouldn't be in here if I was."

Regulus gave her the distinct impression that he had definitely thought out how to murder someone before, and she couldn't help feeling just the slightest bit worried about what went on in his head.

"Right," she nodded slowly, "So not a murder."

The boy didn't seem to hear her, though.

"Maddi, you can't laugh when I tell you this," he started abruptly, "Or do anything embarrassing."

Madiha had the vaguest idea of where this conversation was headed.

"What would I do to embarrass you?" she raised a brow.

"I don't know," he muttered, "Scream or something?"

"You're so dramatic."

"I'm not."

"You are," she smiled sweetly.

Pulling his tankard closer to himself, Regulus rolled his eyes. "Just don't make fun of me, okay?"


The boy drummed his fingers on the table.

"There's, er, someone," he started, "She's, er... well, you know her. Kind of—"

"You can form sentences, right?" smirked Madiha.

"Of course—I just—okay." Regulus took a deep breath. "I think I like Mary."

Madiha started beaming. "Mary Macdonald?"

"Don't be so loud!" he hushed, looking a little panic-stricken. It was only a whisper. In a crowded pub.

"Tell me once more that you're not dramatic—"

"I'm not!"

Shaking her head at his theatrics, Madiha took a long drink of her butterbeer. This revelation was not a surprise to her; she'd seen the way he acted around the girl in the few instances they were within two metres of each other. And while, to the untrained eye, it would not be obvious at all, Madiha was thrilled in knowing that she had caught on so quickly.

"Stop staring at me," muttered Regulus.

"I'm just trying to see why Mary would ever like you back," she teased.

Stunned, the boy blinked before starting to protest indignantly.

"I'm not ugly, Maddi!"

Before she could control herself, Madiha burst out laughing.

"I was joking, Reg, you're handsome enough." She reached over and bopped his nose. "I'm sure she won't be repulsed."

Although he was still thoroughly affronted, Regulus let the matter go, seeming to having more important matters to discuss at the moment.

"We've talked properly once," he said.

Making sure the drink avoided the mandrake leaf in her mouth, she took another sip of butterbeer.

"You have?"

Regulus told her about their little exchange after the first match of the season and Madiha grew more and more convinced that the girl also harboured feelings for him. There was a simple way to bring them together.

"You're not going with anyone to the ball, right?"


"Then ask her."

Suddenly, Regulus Black had bulging grey eyes. "Are you mad?"

"What's the worst that can happen, Reggie?" she asked calmly.

He stared at her like she'd lost the plot. "That she'll say no."

"Just take it like a decent person and say, 'okay, I respect that' and move on."

"That's so embarrassing."

"Just do it somewhere where there's not many people," Madiha said wisely, "Be clever about it. But don't pressure her either—"

"I know how to be respectful, Maddi."

"Good to hear that," she nodded, "But remember to be respectful when you hear yes and when you hear no."

Leaning back in his seat, Regulus gazed at his tankard, hesitancy etched into his features.

"I just don't think she'll want—"

"Stop doubting yourself and ask her to go with you," Madiha sighed impatiently.

The boy remained conflicted for some moments before conceding. "Fine."

This earnt him an approving nod from her.

Just then, a particularly loud trio of voices floated into the pub as the door chimed open; Regulus' eyes darted to her and then behind her, to the owners of the voices.

"Who is it?" she asked.

Before he had an opportunity to answer her, someone had wandered over to their small table.

Regulus looked wary. "What do you want, Mulciber?"

From the corner of her eye, she saw Avery and Wilkes at the counter, probably ordering their drinks. Meanwhile, the tall boy standing next to her slipped his hands into his pockets, in what she assumed was an effort to seem more confident.

"Was wondering if I could snag Shafiq for a butterbeer or two..."

"No thanks." Her reaction was almost immediate.

Regulus' voice was just as cool. "I don't think she's interested."

But Mulciber was undeterred. "Then, what do you say about going to the ball with m—"

"I don't want to."

Madiha didn't care if her answers were short and rude, this had been going on for more than a year now, and she was getting sick of it.

"I think Avery and Wilkes are waiting for you over there," Regulus gestured to the two boys who were now eagerly watching their exchange from a distant table.

Mulciber put on a dejected face. "You're saying no again, Shafiq?"

"I'm going to say no until you realise that I'm not going to say yes," Madiha said firmly.

"Oh, come on—"

"I reckon she's made herself quite clear, mate."

It looked like the boys had seen where she was sitting after all. Because James now stood, in an equally relaxed manner as Mulciber, staring at the boy head on.

"This isn't your problem, Potter."

A harsh undertone lined James' words to him. "If it's got anything to do with my sister, then it's my problem."

And with that, it didn't take long for Mulciber to walk shuffle away from them, and her godbrother watched him sit down before turning to her.

Madiha looked up at him from her seat. "James—"

"Don't try telling me—"

"I was going to say thank you," she raised an eyebrow.

Though James looked a little taken aback, his face quickly split into a wide grin.

"Anytime Mads."

Then he discreetly acknowledged Regulus before heading back to where the rest of the boys were sat watching the scene attentively.

As James walked away, Regulus and Sirius exchanged a mysterious glance between them before the younger boy looked away and leaned back in his seat again.

"I think I might hex someone today."


Regulus was not joking when he had said that; the possibility of him hexing someone was indeed very high. His victims could range from the next innocent person to pass him in the corridor to Adrian Mulciber.

Or of course, his dear stupid brother, who hunted him down in an empty corridor of the castle the moment Maddi parted ways with him after their little Hogsmeade excursion.

He predicted that there were two possible subjects this conversation could revolve around.

"Why did you go with Dia today?" That was the first one. "And why did you not tell Mulciber to piss off?"

Would you look at that? Sirius wanted to discuss both topics.

"One bridge at a time, brother." Regulus shoved his hands into his pockets.

Sirius stepped closer. "You knew I've wanted her to go with us—"

"With you—"

"—For ages," Sirius glowered at him, "And you decided to butt in and stop her again."

"Firstly, she decided to agree," said Regulus, "And secondly, I had to talk about something important with her."

"What could be so important that you needed to take up a whole Hogsmeade trip for it?"

He remained cool. "It's none of your business."

Suddenly, both of his brother's hands were gripping his shoulders and then his eyes were forcefully glaring into his. A prodding in his mind was blocked out in quick succession.

"Don't bother with Legilimency," he smirked, "It won't work on me."

For a beat longer, Sirius continued trying to break into his mind but finally, with a huff, he let Regulus go and regarded him.

"Is it a letter from mum?" he asked quietly.

"What?" Regulus blinked. "No—"

"Of course, you can't tell me," Sirius smiled bitterly. "I can never know anything—"

"I'm not joking. It's got nothing to do with mum."

"Then what?"

"Like I said," Regulus composed himself, "It's none of your business."

It didn't matter if Sirius hadn't been able to hide his feelings for Maddi from him; there was no way on the earth beneath Merlin's toes that Regulus would be caught telling his brother that he liked someone. It was completely private to him.

Though Sirius did not look like he wanted to let go of the matter, he then seemed to remember his other cause for concern.

"Suit yourself. Then why didn't you get Mulciber to leave?" he demanded. "Why did James have to come and do it instead?"

"Maddi was managing pretty well on her own." Regulus stood tall, the way his mother had taught him. "If I felt like she couldn't handle it, I would've hexed him without thinking."

"Did you even tell him to go?"

"I did. More than once."

But yet again, another wave of heat seemed to wash over his brother. "So, why the hell—"

"It's not my fault he's going after her," Regulus snapped at last. "Stop taking your anger out on me."

"I'm not—"


But just as he turned to leave, Sirius spoke again, and it was the concern in his voice that made Regulus turn back around; his brother's brows were furrowed, hair only a little dishevelled, but enough for him to know that a hand had raked through it at least a few times.

Sirius looked at him meaningfully. They both knew that the Mulcibers had acted oddly at Malfoy Manor.

"He's up to something, Reg."

"I think so too."

"You need to keep him away from Dia," said Sirius, "I have a bad feeling about how he acts around her."

Almost every day, he had to listen to Mulciber talk down about hordes of girls in the common room, often in vomit-inducing terms, despite Regulus having told him to stop on a number of occasions now. However, whenever he'd heard Maddi's name slip from his mouth, the boy's tone and behaviour were different.

As if he had a plan for her that he didn't have for all the other girls.

But still, Regulus could not afford to make a promise that he might not be able to keep.

"I'll try."


Monday, 10th February 1975

The fourth year Gryffindors were back from their Astronomy lesson and a few of them had decided on lounging around in the common room for a bit before heading off to bed.

Two such people were Remus and Marlene, the former needing to rest after the trek from the Astronomy Tower due to the coming full moon; the latter was there just for fun. And because she had plans.

"Remus," drawled Marlene, "You are going to be my date to the ball."

"I am not."

Madiha suppressed a laugh. "Why not?"

"I don't want to dance."

Marlene wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. "But you want to dance with me."

"I absolutely do not," Remus scoffed. "I still remember how you injured that guy's foot last year."

"That was last year," the blonde waved a dismissive hand, "And I'm an excellent dancer. He was just being a prat."

Remus slammed a book down on the sofa.

"Well, we're back to square bloody one, McKinnon. I don't like dancing."

With a glare at the bronze-haired boy, Marlene turned to her. "Who're you going with, Mads?"

"Haven't decided yet," she hummed.

"Ooh, looks like someone's got options."

Remus smirked. "She's rejected seven people in the last three days, did you know?"

"You've been counting?" Madiha stared at him.

"Yeah," he smirked even more, "Peter and I have this game actually—"

A well-aimed cushion landed on his face, courtesy of Madiha.

"That hurt!"

"My intention precisely."

"I think he's a little sensitive, right now," Marlene said a little quietly, "Full moon and all."

"Oh Godric." Unfiltered guilt washed over Madiha at those words. "Remus, I'm so sorry..."

But to her surprise, the boy appeared to wince at her expression more than at the object she had thrown at him earlier. "Can you stop looking so upset Mads? It's just a cushion."

"But didn't it—"

"It barely hurt. It's okay. Just don't make that face." Remus gestured to the left side of his chest. "Think I almost felt a heart beating in here cause of that."

Marlene snorted, and Madiha failed to suppress her own grin.

"I'm forgiven, then?"

Remus smiled mysteriously. "As much as a heartless person can forgive."

He earnt himself a scoff from her.

The arrangements for the ball were a bit different this time around.

Lily had stayed true to her promise of going with Snape this year; Alice was going with Frank as expected, though no feelings had been confessed yet; and Marlene was going to get Remus to go with her somehow. Meanwhile, Madiha had said no to every boy that had asked her because of her refusal to dance with someone she didn't know well enough already.

She didn't care if it limited her options. Or if she had to go alone.

And Mulciber was completely out of the question.

Marlene grabbed the cushion next to Remus and hugged it in front of her. "You know what, Mads? If you don't get a date to the ball by tomorrow, Remus can go alone like he wants, and we can go together instead."

"Merlin, Marls—I'd love to go with you, but don't just—you just go with Remus, okay? I'll go alone, I'm honestly not bother—"

"No." The blonde shook her head. "Get yourself a date by tomorrow, or you're stuck with me for the night."


"I think you both missed the very crucial bit where I said I don't want to dance with McKinnon."

Now, Marlene proceeded to round on him.

"First of all, Remus John Lupin, we're on first-name terms so don't you dare try this McKinnon bullshit with me."


"I'm still speaking," she scowled before wearing a more pleasant expression. "And secondly, I promise you'll have the time of your life, and you'll only have to dance once. You can sit around grumbling as much as you want after that." Then she flicked her hair sassily. "You'll see there's more than a few people who'd like to snag a dance with me."

Remus shook his head in absolute disbelief. "I think you might be just as full of yourself as James and Sirius."

"She's got reason to be full of herself though," smirked Madiha; she wasn't joking.

A decisively victorious smirk plastered on her face, the blonde girl swung an arm over her shoulders in pride while Remus looked between them with mild concern before grabbing his book and covering his face with the opened spread.

Madiha was sure she caught him smiling. And apparently, so did Marlene, because in no time, she'd summoned the book out of his hands.

And there he was, plain for everyone to see.

Remus Lupin had the biggest grin on his face.

"I knew you weren't that pissed off about going with me, you little piece of shit!"


Author's Note:

If, by some merry chance, you happened to enjoy this bit of the story, you are more than welcome to vote by pressing the star somewhere on your screen :)

And let me know what you thought/think/feel or anything in general. I've recently found myself grinning like an idiot at comments people have left, even if they're an emoji lol. So, yeah. You lot know how I feel about that ;)))

IT'S OCTOBER PEEPS. Autumn's coming and I'm wearing a hoodie and trying to romanticise drinking hot coffee and colourful leaves and all that, but I just really hate being cold.

Also, I'm fully aware this chapter is shorter than usual, and honestly, I'm wondering why I didn't split it all up equally with the last one. But whatever. Is what it is now. The *approximately* usual chapter length will resume next chapter.

As always, have a lovely day or night, and take lots of care <333




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