Sword of Vengeance: Yoshitsune

By SpiralQuill

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Author: Yooo wassup! So, a couple readers from my Izuku of Mars story liked the Bonus AU of when Izuku didn't... More

Chapter 1: The Slime Incident and New Friend
Chapter 2: Moving out and Entrance Exam
Chapter 4: Training
Chapter 5: USJ Destruction

Chapter 3: First Day and Assesment

3.6K 58 63
By SpiralQuill

Author: Heyo! Phew, this chapter was a long time coming! My next update WILL be Izuku of Mars, I promise! My life is a little hectic at the moment so bear with me!

Izuku was standing in front of a full-body mirror, adjusting his tie slightly as he wore the student uniform of U.A. He didn't really like how restricting the uniform was and how he looked in it but decided to just tough it out for now.

Kenji: Izuuuuukuuuu, help meeee....

Izuku sighed with a small chuckle as he turned around to see Kenji struggling with his tie, his cheeks puffed out slightly in a small pout.

Yoshitsune: He certainly has troubles with such trivial things. Why bother wearing a tie at all?

Izuku smiled at Yoshitsune's words while walking over to Kenji and taking the tie from his hands.

Izuku: Ok, pay attention this time.

Izuku said as he began fixing Kenji's tie for him, the blonde nodding as he tried to memorize the way Izuku fixed his tie.

Kenji: Why even wear a tie? Feels like I'm restricted...

Yoshitsune: See? Kenji agrees with me. Ties are an evil we must not indulge.

Izuku: You and Yoshitsune are such children. It is not that bad... but I do agree that a tie is a nuisance.

Izuku then stalked back out to the kitchen to finish packing up their lunches, Kenji's mood flipping as he saw what Izuku had packed for their lunches.

Kenji: No way! You're special rice balls!? You rarely make those!

Yoshitsune: I agree. You rarely make these.

Izuku: Well, it is our first day at U.A, I decided that this is a perfect time to make them. Now, that we're all ready, we should start heading to school.

Kenji nodded as he went and grabbed their school bags that were resting by the door. The two future heroes slipped their shoes on and left their apartment, out on the streets moments later.

Kenji: I'm so excited! I can't believe Ochako and Tenya are in our class!

Kenji was bounding excitedly ahead of Izuku, beaming brightly.

Izuku: I know, it is nice to know that our friends will be joining us in our class.


Izuku walked out of the kitchen, holding a stray of some homemade mochi, tea and cakes. Kenji was animatedly talking with Ochako and Tenya, the blond having invited the two over so they could open their mail with their first ever friends.

Izuku: Here you all are. Mochi, tea and some cakes.

Izuku set the tray down and put the tea-filled cups in front of his friends.

Kenji: Izuku made all the sweets on his own! He's super good at it!

Ochako: Y-You make homemade mochi!?

Ochako began to drool slightly as she eyed the pink-tinged dessert on her plate, Tenya thanking the samurai with a polite bow of his head.

Tenya: Thank you very much, Izuku! I must say, I was surprised you invited us over.

Ochako nodded in agreement, her cheeks puffed slightly as he happily hate the mochi, eyes sparkling happily as the beautiful taste of strawberry and sakura cream hit her taste buds.

Izuku: It was Kenji's idea, he thought it was be nice to have you guys here when we open our letters.

Kenji: Don't forget, Yoshitsune also wanted to meet them too!

Kenji added, eating a piece of cake. The two friends blinked at the aforementioned person.

Tenya: Who is Yoshitsune? I feel as if that name is familiar.

Izuku nods slightly before closing his eyes. The room got colder slightly as a figure began to shimmer into existence beside Izuku, shocking both Tenya and Ochako.

Yoshitsune: I apologize if this is shocking for you. I am Yoshitsune, Izuku's mentor of the blade and his friend.

Kenji: Hiya Yoshi! This is Ochako and Tenya!

Izuku opened his eyes, smiling slightly at his friends.

Izuku: Uraraka, Iida, this is the one who gave me hope in becoming a hero. He taught me the way of the sword and showed me that I did not need to be a victim.

Ochako's eyes widened at the mention of Izuku's words.

Ochako: Victim...? Izuku were you...

Tenya: Uraraka, we should not press a topic that may potentially bring up painful memories.

Tenya scolds Ochako slightly, chopping the air but the crinkle of worry was etched in his eyes. Izuku shook his head and looked to his friends

Izuku: It's alright. Just know that... I was treated unfairly my entire life up until three years ago. Yoshitsune saved my life, giving me strength and opening my eyes to the truth. I was hated by my family... and now they no longer mean anything to me.

Surprisingly, Tenya was the first to speak.

Tenya: If we were to come across your family, Izuku, know that they will NOT harm you ever again.

Izuku was taken aback by the fierce anger that burned within the speedy hero's eyes. Another source of anger hit Izuku as Ochako was no different, her eyes narrowed and fists clenched tightly.

Ochako: We promise!

Izuku smiled and nods his head, blinking as he felt Yoshitsune's hand on his head and patting it.

Yoshitsune: Izuku is lucky to have you three as his friends. Now, before we get caught up in vengeance, shall we open the letters?

The anger within the air slowly dissipated as the two now grabbed their respective letters.

Kenji: Ooh, I'm gonna go first!

The blonde berserker opened the letter and blinked at the device that came out. He stared in awe as a holographic message popped up of Aizawa.

Aizawa: Greetings Kenji Miyazawa. During the exam, you managed to gain a 97% on the written portion, setting you above a majority of those taking the exam. However, you shined in the physical portion, gaining 80 Villain points, already setting you up to be in class 1-A. However, due to your bravery and heroic deeds of stopping the Zero Pointer, rescuing a fellow examinee, you obtained 60 points in rescue, earning you a total of 140 points. Congratulations, Kenji Miyazawa, welcome to U.A.

The message ended and Kenji cheered excitedly, Ochako joining in as the atmosphere in the room went up.

Kenji: Oh, Oh! Izuku your turn!

Izuku nodded as he did the same as Kenji. As the message started, Izuku was pleasantly happy to see Uncle Nezu.

Nezu: Hello Izuku! Am I a mouse, a dog or a bear? But what really matters is- I'M THE PRINCIPAL!

Izuku chuckled at his uncle's antics as both Ochako and Tenya's own eyes were wide in awe. This was the principal of U.A?

Nezu: Now! I am very pleased to announce your scores for the exams! For the written portion, you scored a perfect score! Not many have ever accomplished this feat! You also excelled well in the physical portion as you earned a total of 90 Villain Points! But, as I'm sure you're aware thanks to Kenji, you earned Rescue points! With 50 points in working together with Miyazawa to stop the Zero pointer, you got a total score of 140, a tie for first place! I humbly welcome you to your academia of U.A!

Izuku stared in awe even as the message came to a close, instantly getting pulled into a hug from Ochako and Kenji, the two cheering for their friend.

Kenji: You did it Izuku! You're in 1A!

Ochako: Yeah! We're on our way to be heroes!

Tenya: This calls for a celebration!

The spectacled bluenette raised his cup of tea in the air as a sort of toast.

Tenya: To us and our futures as heroes!

Kenji: YEAH!!!!

*Flashback end*

Izuku and Kenji approached the gates of U.A, the blonde happily leading the samurai as they spotted both Ochako and Tenya waiting at the gate for them.

Tenya: Izuku, Miyazawa!

The glasses wearing teen waved a hand, greeting the two. Tenya slightly frowned when he saw the pout on Kenji's face.

Kenji: Nuh! I told you to call me Kenji, Tenya! We're friends!

Ochako giggled at the slight remorseful look on Tenya's face as he apologized for forgetting to call Kenji by the name he desired. She then waved to Izuku and bounded over.

Ochako: Izuku! You ready? Let's all go and get to class!

Izuku chuckled briefly and nodded at the bubbly girl as the four friends now made their way into the school.

Kenji: Oh wait! Does anyone know where 1-A is?

Silence filled the air as the four of them processed the question.

Izuku: Oh boy...

The door to 1A greeted the four friends with a massive design, possibly for those with gigantification quirks. Tenya opened the door for them and spotted a few seats that were still empty.

Tenya: Ah! Alright, let us all go take our seats!

The bluenette took a seat, smiling as the rest all took a seat to be next to one another. Izuku however was on guard, as was Kenji due to the presence of five individuals in the room. Thankfully, they had grouped together, far enough away from Izuku and his friends.

Ochako: Izuku... are those the...

Ochako whispered, a nod from Izuku clarifying the answer. Tenya went rigid but a reassuring look from Izuku and a smile from Kenji helped him relax.

Kenji: Don't worry Ochako! Izuku has us, his friends to rely on.

Tenya smiled at the bright confidence and nodded in agreement.

?: Izuku...?

Izuku felt himself restrain any sort of outward reaction before turning his head to face the one speaking to him.

Izuku: I thought I told you not to bother me, Yagi. Was moving out not enough of a hint?

Izumi flinched slightly and rubbed her arm with a hand.

Izumi: I-I just wanted... to congratulate you on taking first place... that's all...

Izumi went back to her desk and sat down, slightly sagging in her seat as Shoka comforted her gently.

Ochako frowned. Despite knowing what happened to Izuku, at least what feelings he had towards his family, it still hurt to see someone like that. She shook her head though. That was not her place to put her nose into, all she needs to do now is be there for Izuku and support him. As his friend.

Kenji: Izuku, will you ever forgive them?

Kenji asked gently, the blonde looking at his friend.

Izuku: I do not think I can. Every time I think fo what they have done to me... my disdain for them spikes to dangerous levels. For how they treated me, I do not think they are worth forgiveness.

Izuku answers honestly, his three friends nodded a bit and supporting Izuku's decision.

Izuku's eyes suddenly narrowed as a hand went to the handle of his blade, eyes going to the door of the room before visibly relaxing.

?: If you're here to make friends, leave.

The student's attention was turned to the voice at the door of the classroom. A man climbed out of what appeared to be a yellow sleeping bag and faced the class, his eyes tired and bloodshot yet the gaze was intimidating.

Aizawa: I am Aizawa, your homeroom teacher for the next three years of your education at U.A. Here.

Aizawa grabbed bagged clothes that appeared to be gym uniforms. He tossed them towards the students.

Aizawa: Go get changed and meet me down at the field. Now.

The students all got up and scampered off to their respective locker rooms. Kenji waved at Aizawa brightly as he left along side the other students.

Down in the changing room, Kenji, Izuku and Tenya were discussing what they possibly could be doing.

Izuku: He's probably going to gauge where we currently are at via tests.

Kenji: Tests? Like our quirks and stuff?

Kenji asked, pulling the undershirt of his uniform off and immediately drawing in the attention of several boys in the room.

?: DUDE! You're buff as hell!

?: I agree, so manly! I'm Eijiro Kirishima and what's your workout routine?

A redhead who introduced himself walked over to Kenji with another blonde that had a black streak thunderbolt in his hair. Kenji however looked confused at the question.

Kenji: I just train and fight with Izuku.

Izuku, who had pulled his undershirt off as well, got the same reaction out of Kirishima as well.

Eijiro: No way! You two are so manly! We definitely should train together sometime!

The shark-teeth teen said excitedly, Kenji nodding his head enthusiastically. Across the room, Katsuki and Shoto stared in dosbelief at how strong Izuku's body looked. He was no longer lanky and skinny, now his body was filled out with sleek and toned muscles. Kenji was similar in stature as well, his demeanour and face not matching his obvious strength.

Tenya: I hate to interrupt but we all must finish  changing should we wish to not keep our sensei waiting!

Izuku nodded but his attention was drawn to a small teenager spouting nonsense about a hole behind a poster that led to the female's changing room.

?: We can see right in! I can finally see-

The midget felt his life flash before his eyes as a shoe was thrown at the student, barely missing his head, as it slammed into the wall, creating a small spiderweb of cracks. The perv slowly turned his head to see Kenji there, his face sporting a kind smile yet the image of death looming behind him.

Kenji: Sorry, I just don't appreciate people like that.

Kenji said in a happy tone, Izuku sweatdropping as he could feel the intent to bodily harm rolling off his friend's body in waves. The midget backed away from the hole with his hands up in mock surrender, whimpering as Kenji walked over to retrieve his shoe.

Kenji: Don't worry! We can be friends-

Kenji suddenly leans forward, almost threateningly

Kenji: -as long as you never do that again.

The midget just rapidly shook his head, the poor guy felt as if he was seconds away from his own execution. Kenji nods as he slipped his shoe on before heading out of the locker room, leaving behind a group of boys who were slightly paler than they were before.

Tenya: I-It would seem the Kenji is very serious when it comes to certain topics!

The spectacled friend said, stuttering slightly at the display of power Kenji gave.

Yoshitsune: You have taught him well, Izuku.

Izuku: Had to teach him the proper way to do things. Have to say, I am proud.

Yoshitsune: Oh I am sure. Tiger mom.

Izuku refrained from reacting to the nickname and followed Kenji out, Tenya close behind as the stunned boys hurriedly got changed.

The field was a spacious area of U.A with various generic track and field segments placed. Aizawa greeted the students with an impassive look before beginning to explain why they were there.

Aizawa: We'll be going through Quirk Assessment exercises today to gauge where you currently stand.

Ochako went to speak up, to question about orientation but Izuku gently stopped her by placing a hand on her shoulder. She nods and stays quiet.

Aizawa: First, I'll we will have a demonstration. Izuku, Miyazawa, since you both equally tied for 1st place in the exams, which of you will like to perform the ball throw?

Izuku: Kenji, you take this one.

Kenji: Really? Ok!

The blonde went over to the circle on the ground before catching the soft ball that Aizawa tossed to him. The cheerful brutalist look to the underground hero for instructions.

Aizawa: Before we start, Miyazawa, how far was your soft ball throw in middleschool?

Kenji: About 113 meters.

Kenji replies after thinking, getting some surprised murmurs from the other students, excluding his friends. Aizawa grinned at the answer, obviously impressed under his scarf.

Aizaw: Alright, now with your quirk, all you need to do throw the ball as far as you can. Remember, we're gauging where you currently are at with your quirk so go all out.

Kenji: Okay! Izuku, can you make sure everyone steps back please?

Izuku nods his head as he directed the other students to back up, the boys doing so without question (including Katsuki and Shoto). The girls were a little weary but did the same.

Kenji took a deep breath before activating his quirk. The atmosphere immediately got heavy and the students buffered slightly (aside from Izuku.)

Kenji's body was radiating a dark reddish aura as his quirk Berserker took effect. His muscles seem to tighten up and gain in mass slightly, the ground beneath his feet cracking from pressure alone. Aizawa's eyes were wide as he had to brace himself from the power that oozed from Kenji's form.

The blonde, still keeping his smile, reared the hand holding the ball back. Leaning back slightly, he readies up and lunched the ball. The moment the ball left his finger tips, a shockwave ravaged the area and caused intense winds. Izuku was unfazed as most of the students had to hold onto one another to prevent themselves from being blown away.

Kenji turned his quirk off and smiled, turning to face Aizawa who managed to not get blown back.

Kenji: How'd I do?

Izuku smiled at how strong Kenji had become during their ten months together. Aizawa composed himself and looked down at the machine and turned it over to show the other students.

Eijiro: That is so manly!

?: N-No way... dude he's way too strong, it's unfair...

Tenya: Such strength!

Katsuki: H-Holy fucking shit... how the hell is he so damn strong!?

Shoto: He is powerful... and just from a throw...

Izumi: I-Izuku wasn't even fazed from the power... does that mean he's just as strong?

Author: That's right biatch!

On the screen... read 13'620 meters.

Izuku: Good job, Kenji. I think I will make steamed meat buns tonight.

Kenji practically exploded in joy as he jumped up and down and headed back to the others.

Aizawa: What Miyazawa displayed is exactly what I want from the rest of you.

?: Using our quirks, this is gonna be so much fun!

The one who spoke was a girl with pink being her main colour. It seemed she had some sort of mutation quirk that altered her appearance to a more exotic alien appearance. However, as those words left her lips, she flinched and broke out in cold sweat.

Izuku: Fun...?

The students all turned to face Izuku, audible gulps of uncertainty coming from them as fierce emotion began filling the air.

Izuku: Fun? This is not some game or leisurely activity. Aizawa, a hero course teacher and pro hero is assessing us to see if are fit to be heroes.. and you say it's 'fun?'.

Izuku's calm demeanour melted away as an authoritative presence exudes from him.

Izuku: If you think that being a pro hero is about just using your quirk and having fun then you best change that way of thinking. We are going to be trained and taught how to fight against the unfairness that are villains, natural disasters and everything in between.

Kenji placed a hand on Izuku's arm, the blonde's eyes worried at his friend's almost emotional outburst. Izuku sighed and calmed down, thanking Kenji.

Aizawa: Well said, Izuku. Everything he said was the absolute truth and that is what will be beaten into you during your years at U.A. In fact, the one who gets last place gets expelled. We need capable heroes, not those who only give half the effort.

Izuku then caught a ball that was thrown to him, looking over at his uncle.

Aizawa: You need to cool down. Go throw the ball and we can continue the tests.

Izuku nodded and went to the circle, u bothered by the uneven grounded due to Kenji's earlier throw. He threw the ball upwards, slightly crouching as he had his hand on the handle of his sword.

Izuku: ....

As the ball fell back down toward Izuku, those who blink would have missed it. Izuku drew the sword from the sheathe at impossible speeds, hitting the soft ball with the flat side of the blade. The ball seemed go warp and shift in shape slightly at the strike before it blasted towards the sky.

Eijiro: HIM TOO!?

?: Th-This isn't funny...

A girl that seemed to have earphone jacks on her earlobes said as she realized that two monsters were in her class. A girl with a long black ponytail silently agreed.

Katsuki was in shock, seeing the amount of power that was displayed. Not just that blonde guy but also Izuku were leagues above him in power. Katsumi clenched her hand as she now knew that Izuku was far from her reach, no amount of strength she could muster would even be enough to force Izuku back to the Yagi house.

Shoto was no different. With pure strength alone, they'd decimate anything in their path, add skill and technique in there and they'd be unstoppable. Shoka frowned as the feeling of pain settled in her chest. Izuku was strong now, he wouldn't need any of them...

Izumi finally realized just how fortunate she and her parents were when Yoshitsune only threatened them. The sword spirit was more than capable of silencing them forever should it wished.

Aizawa: Good work, Izuku. You got 12'683.

Izuku nodded and walked back before he felt someone jump onto his back, the black haired samurai smiling as he looked back at Kenji.

Kenji: Hehe I beat you this time Izuku!

The blone beamed brightly while Izuku nods his head and lightly pats Kenji's arm.

Izuku: Hai, Hai, yes you did.

The five tormentors felt their hearts ache as they saw a genuine smile from Izuku that they haven't seen in three years. And it wasn't directed at them but towards someone else. Soon, a sickly feeling filled them... jealousy. They were jealous that some random person was so close to Izuku whilst they were basically dubbed as strangers.

All of them: We'll get you back Izuku/Ichan...

The tests continued on as planned and... Aizawa was liking Kenji and Izuku more and more due to being impressed by their drive and commitment.

Sit ups: Kenji and Izuku were told to stop while the highest numbered score before theirs was 100

Push ups: Again, the two were told to stop.

Side steps: Kenji didn't do that great since his quirk could only help him so much. Izuku did good though.

Endurance test: Kenji and Izuku managed to outrun a girl named Momo Yaoyorozu, who created an electric scooter until it ran out of gas.

Standing long jump: Both cleared it easily.

Pull ups: Kenji and Izuku were told to stop but not before beating Kirishima in a 'test of manliness'.

50 Meter Dash: Izuku and Kenji were pitted against one another. Using the abilities they earned through training, they blitzed the distance and both got amazing scores. Izuku - 0.09 seconds. Kenji - 0.12 seconds.

The last test was the ball throw but the only ones the two paid attention to were their friends. Ochako got infinity thanks to cancelling out the gravity of the ball and Tenya got a decent score of 800 meters since Kenji suggested powering up his engines before throwing the ball.

Aizawa: Alright. Here are the scores.

1st place: Izuku
2nd place: Kenji Miyazawa
(The rest is similar in placement just push them down a couple places.)

Yoshitsune: Izuku move to the side.

Izuku side stepped and turned his body, effectively dodging Katsuki who tried to get a surprise tackle against Izuku. Izuku had to admit, Katsuki using stealth was a surprise.

Katsuki: YOU DAMN NE-

His insult was cut off as Kenji grabbed him by the back of the shirt and yeets him back over to the other four tormentors.

?: That guy empty! YEET!!!

Ochako had to slap her hand over her mouth as the blonde dude with the electric quirk shouts out a random meme, causing a few students to try and stifle their laughs.

In the school, teachers shivered in fear as they heard mad cackling coming from the principal's office.

Izumi caught Katsuki with her quirk and flinched as she saw the kind smile on Kenji's face but a foreboding danger coming from his presence.

Aizawa: Alright, last place, Minoru Mineta you're expelled.

Minoru: NOOO!

Izuku: Aizawa Sensei, do not expel him please.

Every practically got whiplash when they heard Izuku's words as they all turned to him for an explanation.

Izuku: Despite his less than... appealing personality-

?: Fucking pervert.

Izuku: -his quirk is perfect for becoming possibly the most efficient capture hero. So I would like to make a deal. If I can't train him up and change his overall personality in two weeks, then you can expel both Mineta and I.

The class gasped, Ochako waving her arms around in disbelief while Tenya seemed to be buffering.

Yoshitsune: Come again?

Kenji: Izuku, you can't be serious!?

Izuku: I am. Mineta's flaws are impulsive, something he's probably had for years and no one bothered to correct, meaning he has no real control over it. That is why I'm training him and risking my place here at U.A for it. I know how it is being marked for something I can't control.

The last part had venom in it as five people flinched at the implication.

Mineta: You... you'd risk your spot at the best hero school in Japan... for me?

The midget asked in shock as he looked up at Izuku. No one had ever given him a chance once they found out how much of a pervert he was.

Izuku: Of course. We both grew up with aspects of our lives we couldn't control. It would be hypocritical of me to not lend my aid so someone suffering like I did.

Aizawa hid it but the smile on his face showed that he appreciated the warm spirit that Izuku had despite the pain he suffered.

Aizawa: ... alright. I'll give you two weeks to do it.

Izuku: Thank you Aizawa-Sensei.

Aizawa: Everyone go back and change into your school uniforms again, your have your syllabus on your desks.

Back in the locker room, Izuku was changing out of his clothes and noticed that Mineta was distancing himself away from the poster, albeit it seemed that it took some willpower to do so, if the tremors in his arms were anything to go by.

Eijiro: He's fighting himself to stop being a pervert... kind manly.

Tenya: Yes. The way he's trembling and forcing himself to look away from the poster is admirable.

Minoru: Um... Izuku?

Izuku noticed that Mineta had gotten a little closer now. The midget seemed to be wringing his shirt slightly.

Minoru: H-How will you help me? No one has ever tried and it's hard to stop myself...

Izuku couldn't help the small smile that came to his lips.

Izuku: I'll be honest, I'll be training you to go past your limits and teach you ways to destroy old habits. The training will be hard but the end result will be worth it in the end. Deal?

Minoru: D-Deal! I promise to give it my all!

Izuku: Good. Now lets all head back to class

Kenji: Got it! And Minoru?-

Minoru: Eh? M-Minoru?

Kenji: Yeah! I call all my friends by their first names! Anyway, I wanted to apologize about earlier. Sorry!

Kenji bowed his head, Mineta waving his hands as if to say that he had no reason to apologize.

Minoru: N-No it's ok! If I want to change, stuff like that is gonna need to happen!

While this was going on, Katsuki and Shoto felt shame pilling on their shoulders. Izuku compared his past to Mineta's, possibly treated the same. Physically getting harmed due to things they couldn't control.

Katsuki: Damnit... I even almost hurt him again. Is hurting him just fuckin' a habit now?

Shoto: We are sorry Izuku... please give us a chance like you are giving Mineta...

The day was over and the class opted to introduce themselves before leaving.

Author: Everyone's introductions will be the same, Shoka's and Katsumi's will be very similar to their twins.

Kenji: Guess it's my turn! My name is Kenji Miyazawa and my quirk is called Berserker. It's a booster and adaptation quirk!

Momo: Adaptation?

Kenji: Yep! Izuku told me that while training, my strength from using my quirk actually leaks into my natural born strength! So without even using my quirk, I can lift things like trucks and large debris no problem! Plus, the stronger my natural strength, the stronger the boost is when using my quirk!

Denki: Dude, you could probably become just as strong as All Might in just a few years!

Momo: I agree. That quirk is quite something.

Kenji: Hehe thanks! Oh and I like Izuku's cooking!

Kenji smiled as he sat back down, having followed the usual greeting and likes and quirk explanation. Izuku was next and stood up, walking to the front of the class.

Izuku: My name is Izuku, no surname, and I am quirkless.

The class, asides from Kenji, gasped in surprise.

Izuku: The power I displayed was from intense training in the way of the blade. This sword-

Izuku lifted up his sheathed katana.

Izuku: -hold the most precious thing in the world to me. My mentor and possibly first friend I had in years before Kenji. He taught me how to wield a sword, train my body and mind to achieve the strength and skill I have today. Without his guiding hand, I would be dead.

The class grew silent at that before Ochako and Tenya got up from their desks and went over to Izuku. Kenji was up and did the same before pulling Izuku into a hug. The samurai's hand was trembling as he held the sheathed blade, moisture gathering in his eyes as he spoke from the heart about Yoshitsune.

Yoshitsune: Izuku...

Izuku: Yoshitsune... thank you for always being there for me... I mean it. You kept me sane and gave me the lessons I needed to go forward in life and not stay in the past.

Yoshitsune: I vowed to be by your side Izuku. I am not going anywhere.

Author: Ands that's all! Hope you guys like this chapter of Sword of Vengeance: Yoshitsune! Yes, I will be making Mineta into a more capable hero because he just has SO MUCH POTENTIAL!

Until next time!

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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 𝗔𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘄𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗻𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗼 𝗮 𝗴𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗽𝗰𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗶𝘀 𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗶𝗹𝘆 𝗱𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗻𝗼 𝗺𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗵𝗼𝘄 𝗳𝗮𝗺𝗼𝘂𝘀 𝘆𝗼�...
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╰┈➤ *⋆❝ 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐢'𝐝 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐮𝐩 𝐚 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐩 𝐭𝐨 𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐲? 𝐢 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐦𝐲 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 �...
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When he denied his own baby calling her a cheater. "This baby is not mine." But why god planned them to meet again? "I would like you to transfer in...
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♮Idol au ♮"I don't think I can do it." "Of course you can, I believe in you. Don't worry, okay? I'll be right here backstage fo...