Dragon Ball R: Frieza Saga.

By WasabiSword

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With both Piccolo and Kami dead, the Dragon Balls are useless. And greater tragedy, Cardin, Velvet, and Neptu... More

Chapter 1: Lets Go To Namek!
Chapter 2: Arrival on Namek!
Chapter 4: A Meeting With The Grand Elder!
Chapter 5: Zarbon's Horrible Transformation!
Chapter 6: Vegeta's Heist!
Chapter 7: Frieza's Secret Weapon!
Chapter 8: Assault of the Ginyu Force!
Chapter 9: Oren's Newfound Power!
Chapter 10: Ginyu, The Body Snatcher!
Chapter 11: Ginyu Force Showdown!
Chapter 12: Frieza's Monstrous Wrath!
Chapter 13: Frieza's Terrifying Transformation!
Chapter 14: Piccolo's Arrival!
Chapter 15: Piccolo, The Super Namek!
Chapter 16: Frieza's Demonic Assault!
Chapter 17: Vegeta, The Super Saiyan?
Chapter 18: Clash of Titan's, Oren vs Frieza!
Chapter 19: Beware, The Legendary Super Saiyan!
Chapter 20: Frieza's Nightmare, The Super Saiyan Awakens!
Chapter 21: Frieza's Desperate Attack!
Chapter 22: Namek's Destruction, Frieza's Downfall!
Chapter 23: Dragon Ball Revival, Come Back Home Oren!

Chapter 3: A Daring Rescue!

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By WasabiSword

Last Time, on Dragon Ball R!

Our four hero's have finally made it to Planet Namek! But to their horror, they saw a familiar round space pod land in the far off distance. Vegeta too had landed on Namek, but for his own selfish desires. While calling back home to let them know what was happening, two alien soldiers destroyed our hero's space ship! Without the means to return home, the four decided to press on, and continue their search for the Dragon Balls. When all of a sudden, a battalion of soldiers flew past them towards an unknown location. Weiss checked her Dragon Radar, and saw that the soldiers who passed them were carrying four Dragon Balls, and were flying towards another. Both Jaune and Ruby decided to follow the soldiers on foot, as to not draw any attention. Meanwhile, Vegeta met up with his long time rival Cui, and killed him as to not warn the others. Will our hero's find the Dragon Balls before Vegeta?


A Daring Rescue!


Ozpin had finally arrived at the Atlas hospital to deliver the news to Oren, that there was someone even stronger than Vegeta on Namek. Though, he was unsure how Oren would take the news. But knowing Oren, he'll more than likely be excited for potentially fighting someone new. When he arrived at Oren's hospital room, he saw Oren sitting up in his hospital bed, with both Yang and Blake on either side of him. Despite being healed from their injuries, both girls decided to stay by Oren. Yang even received a new prosthetic arm to replace the one that was severed by Nappa. It took a while for Yang to get used to her new arm, while also feeling phantom pains every now and again. Thankfully, both Oren and Blake stood by her side the entire time. Ozpin then gently knocked on the door to get their attention.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything." Ozpin said.

Oren smiled and waved him in with his free hand that wasn't wrapped in a cast.

"Hey Professor Ozpin! Any news from Weiss and the others?" Oren asked.

Ozpin pulled up a chair and sat down.

"Yes, and it's not good news." Ozpin responded.

The young three hunters asked what Ozpin meant by not having good news.

"While they did safely arrive on Planet Namek, it seemed that they've ran into trouble." Ozpin said.

"What trouble?" Oren asked.

"It all started when miss Schnee used her Dragon Radar to scan for any nearby Dragon Balls, and it appeared that four were close to their location. However, before they could do anything else, they saw a round space pod entering the planets atmosphere." Ozpine explained.

Oren's eyes widened slightly.

"You mean, it's a Saiyan ship like Vegeta's?" Oren asked.

Ozpin nodded.

"More than likely. Anyway, after Miss Schnee called me about the situation at hand, they were attacked by two soldiers wearing the same armor as Vegeta." Ozpin said.

Oren couldn't believe it, there were other people like Vegeta?

"The two soldiers destroyed their ship, leaving them stranded, but they did managed to defeat them. They were going to find a new area to set camp, but many armored warriors flew past them! Schnee checked the Dragon Radar, and saw that they were carrying all four Dragon Balls from before. The last time she called me, she told me that Mr. Arc, and Miss Rose were going to follow them. Though, it seems like the leader of this group has power level higher than Vegeta." Ozpin explained.

Oren shot up.

"W-WHAT?! So your telling me, th-there's someone stronger than Vegeta!" Oren exclaimed.

Before Professor Ozpin could say anything else, there was a knock on the door. Turning to see who it was, the door opened to reveal both Penny and Fasha. Penny looked the same, while Fasha was no longer in her battle armor. Instead, she wore a Turtle Hermit Gi, without the under shirt.

"Ugh! How can you wear this? It's too loose!" Fasha grumbled.

Oren smiled.

"Heh, You get used to it." Oren said.

Then Oren turned his attention to Penny.

"So Penny. What are you doing here?" Oren asked.

Penny smiled, and held out a small brown pouch.

"Oh, I just got back from Mr. Korin's tower. He wanted me to give you his Senzu beans." Penny explained.

When Penny mentioned Senzu beans, Oren shot up once more.

"SENZU BEANS!!" Oren exclaimed with a smile on his face.

Penny opened the bag and took one out.

"Here, take one friend Oren." Penny said happily.

She tossed the bean towards Oren, who caught it in his mouth. After doing so, he began to chew it, then swallowed. After a loud audible gulp, Oren smirked.

Oren then jumped, and flipped out of the bed, landing onto his feet. After a moment, the cast's on his right arm and legs broke! Everyone in the room smiled at seeing their friend fully healed.

"Man! I've been dying to get out of this hospital gown like nobody's business!" Oren said, removing his hospital gown.

As he did so, he felt something furry rub against his back. Turning around, he saw that his tail had grown back!

"Hey, would you look at that, my tail is back!" Oren said excitedly.

Oren then walked over to a set of drawers, and when he opened them, it revealed to have a Turtle Hermit Gi inside.

"I asked King Kai to make me some new training gear, but I never got the chance to try it out! I hope it fits!" Oren said.

The Gi looked similar to his previous one, while still retaining the Turtle Hermit symbol on the front. While on the back, there was a Kanji of his surname, "Son." Oren tied his belt, and turned towards the others completely dressed.

"Alright! Time to go to planet Namek!" Oren exclaimed.

Oren then turned towards Penny.

"Oh, It might be a good idea to take the Senzu Beans with me, just to be safe." Oren said.

"Quick question. But how ARE you supposed to get to Planet Namek?" Ozpin asked.

Oren turned to face him.

"Weiss' brother came to see me a while back, and said that he was working on another ship with Penny's father, Dr. Polendina. It seemed that Ironwood and his cronies didn't have time to poke around the space pod I came to Remnant on, so they're both working together to fix it. I even asked if he could put in something to increase the gravity so I could train while I fly to Namek." Oren explained.

Fasha then spoke up.

"It'll be best If I went with you. Besides, I don't want you to end up wounded like last time." Fasha said.

Oren felt excited about having someone else accompany him to Planet Namek. He then turned to both Yang and Blake.

"Are you girls coming with me?" Oren asked.

Both Yang and Blake looked at each other, then back to Oren.

"I think I'll stay here with Yang. She still needs help getting used to her new arm, I'm sorry." Blake said.

Oren walked over to them, and gently kissed their foreheads.

"I'll be back as soon as possible, I promise." Oren said.

Both Yang and Blake wrapped their arms around Oren.

"We love you." Blake said.

"Don't get yourself killed." Yang said.

Oren let go of them and walked towards the window.

"NIMBUS!!"Oren called out.

Fasha walked up right next to him.

"You ready?" Oren asked.

Fasha nodded. Oren hopped onto Nimbus, while Fasha flew next to him as they made their way to the SDC.


Back on planet Namek, Ruby and Jaune had landed onto a hill that overlooked a small village. Both went prone, and crawled towards the edge, as to not be seen. As they looked ahead, they saw they soldiers that had passed them before, and littered on the ground were the bodies of many dead Namekians. However, it seemed that there were three Namekians still standing. The first one seemed older with visible wrinkles on his face. The other two were young children, who were hiding behind the older Namekian.

"Are those the Namekians? They look almost exactly like Piccolo and Kami...!" Ruby whispered quietly.

"Yeah, but do you see the others? It's those soldiers that flew past us. Damn it, it seems that they made short work of this place...!" Jaune whispered, while gritting his teeth.

From below, the soldiers had surrounded the remaining three Namekians. Both Zarbon and Dodoria stood on either side of a smaller horned alien sitting inside of a small floating hovercraft.

"I do hope I have made myself clear. Now tell me, where is your Dragon Ball?" The smaller alien asked politely.

The older Namekian growled, barring his pointed teeth at the invaders. They murdered his fellow villagers all for their Dragon Ball!

"W-Why? Why must you invaders slaughter us? We've done nothing to you and your men." The older Namekian said, trying to reason with the soldiers.

The small horned alien smirked.

"Because you Namekians have something I want. These "Dragon Balls" as you call them, are said to grant wishes, right? If that is the case, then please make this easier on yourselves and tell me where they are." The small alien said, with fake pleasantries.

The older Namekian thought for a moment, hesitant on giving away the location of his fellow Namekians. However, before the older Namekian could speak, the soldiers scouters started going off. All of a sudden, three new Namekians had arrived, all three barring their pointed teeth in anger. From the hilltop, Ruby and Jaune felt the Namekians power.

"Hey Ruby, look. More Namekians...!" Jaune said.

The children hiding behind the older Namekian began to smile seeing three of their strongest warriors. Dodoria checked his scouter to see their power levels.

"Humph, each of their power levels is one thousand."Dodoria smirked.

Zarbon turned towards the smaller alien.

"Your orders Lord Frieza?" Zarbon asked.

Frieza looked at the three new Namekians with a bored expression, and dismissively waved his hand.

"Kill them." Frieza ordered.

One of the Namekians called out to the soldiers.

"Invaders, your path of devastation ends here!" The Namekian yelled.

Back atop the hill, both Ruby and Jaune saw the tension down below.

"Hey Ruby, do you sense their power?" Jaune asked.

Ruby nodded.

"Yeah, they're suppressing their power like we are. It seems like these guys aren't smart enough to know how to do so." Ruby answered.

Down below, one soldier laughed.

"Ha ha ha! Don't make us laugh! Look at you, you three are nothing more than backwater savages. You really want to tangle with us, with a power level of one thousand?!" The soldier said, trying to intimidate them.

The three Namekian's remained silent, annoying the soldiers. Then, the soldiers charged towards the three Namekians!

"GET 'EM!!" The soldiers yelled.

One soldier dashed towards one of the Namekians, who in response kicked the soldier back through a tree and towards a mountain! All three Namekians jumped into the air, as Frieza's soldiers began firing their wrist mounted blasters. Each Namekian dodged the blasts effortlessly, as they began to descend towards the soldiers. All three Namekians made short work of the soldiers, as they brought each down with little effort. One shot a Ki blast with his mouth, killing five of Frieza's men. While the other two began to fight the soldiers in hand to hand combat. One Namekian kicked one soldier in the neck, breaking it. The force of the blow sent the soldiers corpse towards Zarbon, who kicked it away. Zarbon gave Dodoria an annoyed look.

"You imbecile! I thought you said their power level was just a thousand!" Zarbon said to his comrade.

Dodoria checked his scouter once more, and saw that each of the three Namekians had a power level of three thousand.

"W-What? Their power level spiked up to three thousand each!" Dodoria said.

(Song End)

Frieza smirked as he watched the ensuing battle.

"I've got to hand it to them. They really aren't that bad." Frieza complemented.

Dodoria continued to examine the Namekians until he came to a conclusion.

"Oh, I see! These pests are able to disguise their strength! Not many beings know how to do that." Dodoria explained.

As the fight went on, the older Namekian saw that the soldiers were using strange devises on their faces to locate his people.

'Those things on their faces, that must be how they track us!' The Namekian thought to himself.

While Frieza's soldiers were distracted, he counted three scouters in the vicinity.

'Three, if I destroy three of those devises, then they'll have a harder time finding my people.' The Namekian thought.

The older Namekian looked down at the children, who were currently watching the fight in excitement.

"Children, run! Hurry, while there's still time!" The older Namekian warned.

As this was going on, Dodoria was getting rather bored standing around doing nothing. So he set down the two Dragon Balls he was holding, and turned towards Frieza.

"Lord Frieza, permission to join in the fight?" Dodoria asked.

"Permission granted. These pests are a nuisance I want gone!" Frieza said.

Before Dodoria could do anything, the older Namekian pointed his finger towards Dodoria's head, and fired a beam of Ki from his finger. The beam hit Dodoria on the side of his head, destroying his scouter. Dodoria winced, and turned towards the Namekian.

"What was that? Was that REALLY your best shot? If so, then I'm very disappointed." Dodoria said cracking his knuckles.

The older Namekian jumped high into the air, and began firing at the remaining two scouters. Zarbon's eyes widened as he realized what was happening.

"D-Dodoria, he's going after the scouters! Stop him!" Zarbon yelled.

Back on the hill, both Jaune and Ruby overheard what Zarbon said.

"Scouters? Didn't Fasha have one when she came to Remnant?" Ruby said.

"Yes, that must be how they're finding the Dragon Balls!" Jaune said.

Dodoria shook with rage as he looked at the Namekian up in the air.


Dodoria then jumped into the air to attack the old Namekian, until Frieza called out to him.


Dodoria stopped.

"If you wish to kill these Namekians, then kill those three, leave this one alive." Frieza said.

Dodoria growled, and landed unto the ground before the three Namekians. He smirked evilly, and slowly walked towards them.

"Y'know, I almost wish there were more of you." Dodoria said.

One of the Namekians growled back.

"Impossible! There's no way you can take on all of us at once!" The Namekian growled, barring his teeth.

Dodria laughed.

"I'd start running if I were you." Dodoria said.

Then Dodoria vanished from view. Each of the Namekians began quickly looking around to see where he vanished to. Then Dodoria reappeared behind one of them, and punched his fist through his chest! Another Namekian charged towards Dodoria, only for Dodoria to ram his elbow into his chest. Smirking, Dodoria opened his mouth, and shot a beam of Ki from his mouth, killing the seconded Namekian. Jaune and Ruby were mortified at the brutality seen before them. The last Namekian charged forward and attempted to strike Dodoria, however it seemed that the large fat alien was faster then he looked. Dodoria dodged his attacks, and swiped at the Namekian. The Namekian jumped back, and shot to Ki blasts at Dodoria.

The explosion caused everyone to shield their eyes. As the dust settled, everyone saw Dodoria walk out of a small crater unscathed.

"You're kidding me! How is that guy still alive!" Jaune quietly exclaimed.

Dodoria smirked, and dashed towards the Namekian. He grabbed the Namekians head, and smashed it against the nearby rocks, caving the Namekians skull in. Frieza smirked, and looked up to the Old Namekian in the air.

"Well, well. I admire your enthusiasm, but you must realize by now that the strongest among you are no match for us. In any case, come back down so we can proceed with our business." Frieza said.

Reluctantly, the old Namekian came back down. Frieza's smirked never left his face.

"There. It's not so hard to be obedient now, is it?" Frieza said softly.

"And, while I'm sure you've learned you lesson. I'd like an apology. Why don't you give me your Dragon Ball, and I'll forget the whole thing." Frieza said.

Two of the Namekian children were huddling close to each other a few feet away from their father. The old Namekian looked at his children, then back to Frieza.

"Very well. You leave me no choice. But promise me you won't harm my children." The old Namekian pleaded.

Frieza gave a small nod. The old Namekian slowly walked back into his house, and a few moments later, he came out holding his village's Dragon Ball. Back on the hill top, Ruby clenched her teeth and fists, and she began to growl in anger. Jaune saw her anger, and attempted to calm her down.

"Ruby, calm down! there's nothing we can do against the likes of them. Don't do anything reckless." Jaune said.

Ruby ignored him and continued to growl. The Namekian held out the Dragon Ball.

"There! Our village's Dragon Ball. Take it, and be on your way!" The Namekian said.

Frieza smirked triumphantly.

"Bring it to me." Frieza ordered.

One of his surviving soldiers walked up, and took the Dragon Ball away from the Namekian.

"Now, if you were to tell us exactly where to find the remaining two Dragon Balls on this planet, we'll be on our way." Frieza asked.

The old Namekian growled.

"D-Don't be absurd! If you think I'm going to tell you where there are more Namekians for you to torture, then you are sadly mistaken! N-Now, keep your promise, you have our Dragon Ball, now leave us alone!" The old Namekian said.

Frieza gave a sigh.

"Just like the others, uncooperative. Always trying to protect your fellow Namekians with no regard at all for what I might want. And for being an ungracious host... You'll die with the children!" Frieza said, smirking cruelly.

The older Namekian looked flabbergasted.

"Y-You gave your word!" The Namekian yelled.

Dodoria then rammed his elbow into the Namekians face, sending him crashing back to his house. Both children looked on in horror.

"F-Father!" One of them cried out.

The old Namekian slowly rose up.

"Y-You promised me you'd leave the children out of this! You already have the Dragon Ball, what good would it do to hurt them?!" The Namekian pleaded.

"None, but unless I have all seven Dragon Balls, I may as well not have any of them! Besides, you destroyed our scouters, so we have no way of locating them ourselves. So it seems like we'll need you to do it for us." Frieza quietly demanded.

The old Namekian stood up, and stared defiantly towards the small tyrant.

"I'll die before I tell you anything!" The Namekan yelled.

"Well that's certainly an option. But who'll look after the children? Well, if you'd rather die than help, I can oblige." Frieza said.

Frieza turned to Dodoria.

"Dodoria. Please dispose of our little friends." Frieza ordered.

Dodoria smirked and chuckled.

Now it was Jaune's turn to clench his fist.

"Th-Those dirty bastards...!" Jaune growled.

The old Namekian's eyes widened, and turned to his son's.

"Run, get out of here, it isn't safe!" The Namekian warned his children.

Both Namekian children began to run, while their father tried to distract the soldiers. Dodoria opened his mouth and shot a Ki blast, but not at the father, but at one of the escaping children! After the smoke settled, the only thing remaining of the dead Namekian child was a charred corpse. Jaune, Ruby, and the old Namekian watched in horror as one of the children was brutally murdered. The remaining Namekian child looked upon his brother's corpse.

"K-Kurgo." The child whimpered.

Ruby once more began to growl. Jaune put his arm around her to keep her from doing anything reckless.

"Ruby! Calm! Down! Even if we were to go down there and fight, those bastards would mop the floor with us!" Jaune quietly argued.

Back below, the old Namekian looked on in horror as his son was killed right before him. He turned back to Dodoria, who had vanished. Then, Dodoria reappeared right in front of the Namekian and punched him in the face! Once more, Dodoria disappeared and reappeared behind the old Namekian. Dodoria wrapped both his arms around the Namekians neck, and twisted it.


In an instant, the old Namekian's head flopped to the side in an ninety degree angle. Dodoria dropped the Namekian onto the ground. The remaining Namekian child saw his father's corpse hit the ground, and began to run. However, Dodoria appeared in front of the terrified child.

"Mwah ha ha! Judging by your size, I could kill you real quick. Why don't I crush that tiny skull of yours, that sounds pretty fun." Dodoria smirked.

Ruby, right then and there had enough. She shouted in rage and flew down towards Dodoria, while Jaune tried to reach out to her.

"Ruby wait! That idiot...!" Jaune muttered.

As Dodoria began to reach for the child, he felt someone kick his face and he crashed through the nearest house. Dazed, he sat up, and saw a girl standing before him.

"PICK ON SOMEONE YOUR OWN SIZE YOU FAT FUCK!!" Ruby screamed in anger.

Dodoria smirked.

"Is that right." Dodoria said.

Before he could get up, he felt another kick to the face. It was Jaune! After his kick, he ran and grabbed the child and turned towards Ruby.

"Are you trying to get us both killed! Because that's what it looks like!" Jaune yelled.

Both hunters then flew away as fast as they could. Dodoria however, was dazed once more. Frieza was just as confused as Dodoria was, but he couldn't let them get away.

"Dodoria, after them, now!" Frieza ordered.

Dodoria nodded, and flew after them. Both Ruby and Jaune flew as fast as they could back to the cave they were currently staying in. But Jaune looked behind them, and saw that Dodoria wasn't too far behind!

"D-Damn it! That fat bastard doesn't give up easily!" Jaune yelled.

Dodoria began throwing intimidating taunts towards the young hunters.

"C'mon, if you stop now I promise to give you a quick death!" Dodoria yelled.

Dodoria continued his chase, until he then decided to throw Ki blasts towards the young hunters.

Both Ruby and Jaune dodged as best they could, until Jaune came up with an idea.

"Ruby, here take the kid! And close your eyes" Jaune yelled.

Jaune quickly tossed the Namekian child towards Ruby, who gently caught him in her arms. Jaune then turned towards Dodoria, and brought his hands up to his face.

"Alright you fat bastard, take this! SOLAR FLARE!" Jaune yelled.

A bright light emanated from Jaune, and Dodoria stopped in his tracks. After a few moments, the bright light intensified, causing the alien to grab his face.


After a few moments, his sight came back to him, and when he opened his eyes, the two hunters were gone.

"Damn it! they're gone, they couldn't have gotten far!" Dodoria yelled to himself.

Dodoria then flew off in a random direction, unbeknownst to him, were that Ruby and Jaune were currently hiding behind a large rock. Jaune looked over the rock to check if Dodoria had moved on, and sure enough, Dodoria was gone.

"Good, he's gone. We should be in the clear now." Jaune said.

He turned to see Ruby holding a terrified Namekian child who latched onto Ruby like his life depended on it.

"Hey, are you alright?" Ruby gently asked.

The child nodded.

"Y-Yes. Thank you." The child said.

"What's your name?" Ruby asked.

"D-Dende. My name is Dende." The child known as Dende said.

"Can you fly Dende?" Jaune asked.

Dende nodded. Ruby gently let go of him, as he slowly began to float in place.

"We have a safe place to lay low, we'll take you there and keep you safe." Ruby said gently.

"O-Okay." Dende said.

All three then flew off towards their camp.


Oren and Fasha had arrived at the SDC headquarters. Upon arrival, Oren saw Willow Schnee, the mother of Weiss.

"Hello Mrs. Schnee!" Oren greeted.

Willow turned around and smiled.

"Oh, hello Oren!" Willow replied.

Both Oren and Fasha landed onto the ground and walked up to Willow.

"Do you know where Whitely is, Mrs. Schnee?" Oren asked.

"He's currently outside working on another ship, I'm guessing that's the reason you and your friend are here for." Willow said.

Oren nodded.

"Yep, we've heard that there's someone strong on Namek. So we've decided to go and help out. But mostly because the ship that Weiss took got destroyed." Oren said.

Willow began to lead both Oren and Fasha to where Whitely was working on the ship.

"So, Mrs. Schnee." Oren said.

"Please, call me Willow." Willow said.

"Okay. So how are things between you and Mr. Qrow?" Oren asked.

Willow blushed.

"O-Oh. W-Where doing fine. Why do you ask?" Willow asked, her cheeks redder than Ruby's cape.

"Nothing, it's just nice seeing Mr. Qrow happy." Oren said.

'It's good that both of us are happy.' Willow thought to herself.

The three of them walked around the corner, only to see a large round pod like ship standing before them. Both Oren's and Fasha's eyes widened.

"Wow! So THAT'S the ship I came in?!" Oren exclaimed.

"B-But how? It seems to have quadrupled in size!" Fasha said to herself.

Just then, Whitely walked out of the ship.

"Oh, there you are Oren." Whitely greeted.

"Hey Whitely!" Oren greeted back.

Both Oren and Fasha walked onboard, and saw a large room, big enough for training. In the center of the room was a large pillar with a small control panel on it. There was a small set of ladders leading downwards towards the lodging area, and a small chair towards the front with a control panel in front of it.

"How does a tiny space pod turn into something like this?" Fasha asked.

Whitely chuckled.

"Simple engineering. Built to your specifications, with a few simple tweaks of my own." Whitely said.

Both Saiyan's walked around, looking at the wide space before them.

"Wow! There's plenty of space to do all kinds of training in here!" Oren said.

Oren walked towards the captains chair, and looked at the wide array of buttons.

"So, where's the artificial gravity devise?" Oren asked.

Whitely walked over and patted the giant pillar in the middle of the room.

"Right here, just like you asked for." Whitely said.

Both Oren and Fasha walked over to the large devise.

"Wow, looks pretty complicated." Oren said.

Whitely gave a light chuckle.

"Oh it's not THAT hard." Whitely said, pointing towards the buttons.

"Here's the on switch right here. Now, this thing can go up to one hundred times gravity than on Remnant. Though I doubt you'll have it that high." Whitely said.

Oren rubbed the back of his head.

"I kinda have to Whitely. In order to get stronger, I have to train under harsher environments. So is this ship ready for take off yet?" Oren asked.

Whitely nodded.

"Yes it it. In fact, this ship should get you to Namek in five days. I already programed the coordinates to Planet Namek." Whitely said.

Both Oren and Fasha were surprised that the ship could get them to Planet Namek in a short time. Whitely wished them luck, and walked off the ship. Oren walked up to the control console.

"So, I press this button, right?" Oren said.

After pressing the button, the ship's engines roared, and the thrusters came to life. Then, the ship shot straight up into the air, leaving the atmosphere. After the ship had entered space, Fasha turned towards Oren.

"So, shall we begin?" Fasha asked.

Oren grinned wildly, and dropped into a fighting stance.

"Hell yeah!" Oren said excitedly.

Before Oren could begin training, Fasha stopped him.

"Before we start, wrap your tail around your waist." Fasha said.

Oren looked at his tail.

"Why?" Oren asked.

"Do you want your tail to get ripped off." Fasha responded.

Seeing her point, Oren wrapped his tail around his waist. After doing so, both fighters dropped into their fighting stances.


Dodoria was currently flying in the air,  searching for both Ruby and Jaune. However, without his scouter he had no luck.

"Damn! This is impossible! I don't know how we're gonna find the last two Dragon Balls without our scouters! Well, at least it's not that big of a Planet. Not too many places to-" Dodoria said, before being kicked in the back of the head.

Dodoria flew down and landed into the river below. After a few moments, he emerged from the water, gasping for breath. He then began to climb out of the water onto the small Island before him. After getting out of the water, he saw Vegeta standing before him!

   Vegeta started to laugh at Dodoria's struggle.

"Vegeta. What do you want?" Dodoria growled.

Vegeta smirked.

"Dodoria. What greeting is that for an old friend?" Vegeta said.

Dodoria scowled.

"Do you think you can blindside me like that, and get away with it!" Dodoria yelled.

Vegeta's smirk never left his face.

"And what will you do? You're all alone, and not hanging around with Frieza and Zarbon, huh? How unfourtunate. Without Frieza here, getting rid of you should be easy." Vegeta said.

Dodoria clenched his fist.

"What! You think you can take me? Not in a million lifetimes you little Saiyan bastard!" Dodoria growled.

Vegeta kept a straight face, not letting Dodoria's insult get the better of him.

"Come on, I don't think you want to challenge me. And believe it or not, I don't want to fight you. So how about you hand me that scouter of yours, and we can BOTH walk away." Dodoria demanded.

Vegeta smirked once again.

"Ah, I knew something was going on once I heard your audio feed go to static. You let them destroy your scouters, didn't you." Vegeta said.

Dodoria looked surprised at Vegeta's statement. Vegeta himself began to laugh at Dodoria's clumsiness.

"Mwah ha ha! Oh, perfect. That means that I'll have the element of surprise." Vegeta said.

Dodoria backed away for a moment.

"N-Now wait a minute!" Dodoria stuttered.

Vegeta however, began to remove his scouter.

"A trip to Planet Frieza for new scouters would cost several days." Vegeta said.

Vegeta then held out his scouter towards Dodoria.

"Here. Want this?" Vegeta asked, before dropping his scouter to the ground.

Dodoria smirked.

"Humph! Smartest thing you've done yet. About time you showed me some respect." Dodoria said, while walking over to the scouter.

"I was going to take it anyway, but since you gave it to me, I guess I'll go easy on you after all." Dodoria said.

Vegeta smirked, before planting his foot onto the scouter, crushing it. Dodoria's eyes widened in shock.

(End Song)

"V-Vegeta! H-How, how could you! Why'd you have to go and break the damn thing for!" Dodoria yelled.

Vegeta's smirk never left his face.

"Because, it was worth so much more to you, than it was to me." Vegeta said.

"W-What?! No way! Without that thing beeping at you, you can't tell where Frieza or the Dragon Balls are any more than I can!" Dodoria exclaimed.

"I'm afraid you're wrong. During my time on Planet Remnant, I was lucky enough to pick up a few new tricks. Like how to detect an opponents energy and location without having to resort to gadgets!" Vegeta reveled.

Dodoria looked horrified.

"And wouldn't you know it, I learned it from my long lost little brother. If he managed to master Ki detection, then I can as well." Vegeta said.

Dodoria backed away in fear.

"J-Just listen to me. If you go back to your space pod to Planet Frieza, I promise I'll forget about this conversation and won't kill you. This is a once and a lifetime opportunity, so take it, get out of here!" Dodoria demanded.

Vegeta chuckled.

"That's generous of you. Or are you too scared to attack me?" Vegeta said, slowly walking towards Dodoria.

"Yes, that must be it. When you overheard my battle with Cui, you realized that I'm considerably stronger than I was before. And now you're terrified!" Vegeta said.

Dodoria began to sweat as he continued to back away from Vegeta.

"You saw it on your scouter, didn't you? You're weak compared to me!" Vegeta exclaimed.

Dodoria stopped.

"N-No, there's no way that reading was accurate! You CAN'T be that strong and I'll prove it!" Dodoria yelled.

Dodoria then began to hurl a volley of Ki blasts towards Vegeta. However, Vegeta teleported right behind Dodoria!

"I warned you not to underestimate me, but you chose not to listen." Vegeta said.

Dodoria swung his fist towards Vegeta, who caught it effortlessly. Dodoria tried to kick Vegeta, who jumped over his leg and grabbed his other arm. Holding onto both arms, Vegeta began to stretch them out behind Dodoria, causing the fat alien to scream in pain.

"Mwah ha ha! You're even slower than I remember!" Vegeta said while laughing.

Dodoria continued to scream in agony. Vegeta began to pull Dodoria's arms further backwards.

"We Saiyan's grow a little stronger after each battle, thanks to something we call a Zenkai boost. But you already knew that, didn't you? That's why, while I was defeated on Remnant, I became stronger than I ever thought possible. It's impressive, isn't it? Just admit it!" Vegeta said.

"GAAH! S-STOP IT!!" Dodoria pleaded.

Vegeta didn't listen, and continued to make Dodoria suffer.

"I've been fighting and improving, While you've been getting lazy and fat!" Vegeta yelled.


Vegeta's eyes widened.

"You what?!" Vegeta exclaimed.

"What did you say? Planet Vegeta? What could you possibly know about it? Talk damn you! Vegeta demanded.


Reluctantly, Vegeta took a deep breath, and let go of Dodoria. Dodoria stumbled foreword, before quickly turning around.

"H-Hey, what kind of guarantee do I have? You're not gonna take me out as soon as I tell you, huh?" Dodoria asked.

Vegeta clenched his fists in anger.

"I guarantee that I'll end you, if you don't talk! Spit it out!" Vegeta harshly demanded.

Dodoria smirked as he slowly began to back away from Vegeta.

"Alright calm down, there's no need to be huffy about it. Frieza told you that Planet Vegeta was destroyed. That's true. But the story of it being destroyed by a giant meteor was a lie." Dodoria said.

Vegeta narrowed his eyes.

"What are you talking about?" Vegeta asked.

Dodoria continued to back away.

"Frieza knew that a single Saiyan could never get in his way, but a whole BUNCH of them together could cause problems. Thing is, he noticed more Saiyan babies being born with highly developed combat skills. Like you." Dodoria said.

Dodoria smirked, as he began to slowly float up into the air.

"A group of infant warriors might grow up into a Saiyan army someday, and you wouldn't remain loyal to Frieza forever." Dodoria said, slowly floating away.

Vegeta gritted his teeth, and clenched his fists in anger.

"He had a choice. Either see what happens when you all grew up, or wipe out the only race that could pose an obstacle for him in the future. It was a tough call, but in the end, I think he came to the only logical conclusion. Destroy them." Dodoria smirked.

"And to make sure the job was done right, Frieza did it himself. He blew up Planet Vegeta, and every filthy ape on it. But not you, no Frieza had plans for you. The two Saiyan prince's would make a valuable addition to his army. Did you really think that it was a coincidence that Frieza had sent you to another planet, and your brother to another when Planet Vegeta blew up? Originally, we thought that your brother had died in the blast, unfortunately, it seemed that he'd survived." Dodoria explained. 

Dodoria continued to float away from Vegeta.

"So, there you have it. You're finally in on our little secret. Why don't you take a minute to let that sink in, while I'll let Frieza know that you're here." Dodoria said.

Vegeta didn't seem to bothered by Dodoria's revelation.

"Oh, I'll be just fine. But YOU won't!" Vegeta growled slightly.

Dodoria flinched in fear.

"I don't give a God Damn about my home planet, family, or any other Saiyan Frieza did away with! I'm just disappointed in myself for not figuring it out a lot sooner! If I had known, I wouldn't have wasted my life doing your dirty work!" Vegeta yelled, as he began to power up.

Dodoria's eyes widened in fear, as he began to make a mad dash back towards Frieza.

"GAH! L-LORD FRIEZA!!" Dodoria screamed, as he flew away.

Vegeta extended his left arm in the air, and fired a beam of Ki towards Dodoria. Dodoria didn't have time to react, as the beam melted his skin and muscle, and turned his bones into ash. Vegeta then began to chuckle as he lowered his arm.

"So, it seems that the "Mighty" Frieza is afraid of what a Saiyan is capable of. Of what I'M capable of." Vegeta said.

(End Song)

At this moment, both Saiyan brothers have gotten stronger after their previous meeting. It's only a matter of time until they meet again.

(Chapter End)


Ruby: Hey everyone, Ruby here! Here's our friends Dende!

Weiss: Wow, he looks like a mini Piccolo.

Pyrrha: He's so adorable!

Jaune: Wait, I can feel multiple energies falling rapidly!

Dende: Please, you must save us!

Ruby: Next Time, on Dragon Ball R!

A Meeting With The Grand Elder!

Dende: We don't have time to waste!

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