Mated to My Bestfriend's Boyf...

By IceQueen1994

381K 7.5K 529

EMMA RUBY FOREST. You know the perfect girl, with blonde hair, blue eyes, who is desired by almost every guy... More

Copyright & Info.(dont ignore the bold parts its imp)
1. Meanie
2. His mate
3. Moving Away
5. Cold
6. Alone.
7.Forever her's.
8. But we didn't Kiss.
9. Surprise
10. Definitely 11
11. Jealous
12. Daydreams
ANNOUNCEMENT (not a chapter, don't skip)
13. My Ethan
14. The Bonfire
15. Only with Him.
16. Boss up.
17. Mr. Not So Innocent.
18. My Bestfriend.
19. I am the Alpha.
20. Give him some rest.
21. Confession
22. Heaven
23. Autumn
24. Rose pt.1
25. A Myth
26. Rose pt.2
27. Complete Me.
28. Together.
29. Remove your shirt
30. Soulmates
31. Euphoria
32. Red Velvet Cake
33. The Alisberg Lake
34. Donovan.
35. I got you
36. What if they think I'm different?
38. They're newly mated.
39. The Golden Wolf
40. Be my Luna?
41. Our Home
42. Oops?
43. It's Time.
44. Luna And Alpha
45. Saviour
46. Looks like she won
47. The Sun & The Moon
48. New Normal
49. Roommate and Threats
50. Disagreementd
51. Lonely
52. Midnight
53. We're Pregnant
54. One Wrong Move
55. It's over.

37. I am okay.

3.2K 70 2
By IceQueen1994

Song of the chapter:- Defenceless by Louis Tomlinson

Also this chapter might seem a bit confusing but everything will be completely explained in the next chapter, also read the note in the end of the chapter.


Fear. It is a strange emotion or feeling. When I was a kid to me fear meant weakness, if you're scared of something, if you fear something then you're weak, but as I grew up the meaning of fear kept changing, but I never knew how to not fear something. I wanted to find out how to not be scared but everyone around me was scared of something, and that's when I realised you can't be not scared of something, if you don't have any fear then you're not living; cause if you don't feel these simple emotions then it means that you're dead or not living atleast.

These emotions, happiness, sadness, anger, fear that's what makes us human and right now what I was feeling was like the biggest fear of my life, the thought of not being enough has terrified me my whole life. Not being enough for my parents who literally gave me everything, for my pack who is dependent on me and looks up to me and most importantly to Emma, my mate.

To say that I was scared after the incident would be an understatement, I wasn't scared of Emma though, it was the fear I had for her. God knows what she went through when the kidnapped her, she told us they tortured her and stuff but there were still a few sensitive topics she hadn't opeaned up about and now these powers. A part of me though it was fucking hot but the sane part of me was really worried about my Emma who had to go through all this shit.

Right now we were on our way back to the pack house as we had come quite far when she ran out fortunately nobody was around when the blast happened so nobody was hurt.

"Ethan", I heard Emma whisper from behind me making me realise she had stopped walking when I was lost in my thoughts.

I turned around to find her swaying and then she lost her balance but I caught her, and then and there she passed out in my arms.

*       *       *


"What's with your friend always passing out?", I heard a voice.

I wanted to open my eyes but I felt weak. Just like I did when we escaped from Donovan and I had used my power. My eyelids felt too heavy, so did my whole body, my throat was dry and overall I felt like there were thousands of rocks on my body pushing me down when again I heard some voices, like someone hissing.

I wanted to do something, move or speak but all that came out of my mouth was a weak groan and then I heard everyone rushing around me and again heard the same voice, which sounded a bit familiar, say, "Ohh look she's alive", and then again the same person hissing loudly.

"Why is he even here? Who let him in?", I heard Ethan ask.

"He can help us", Rose said.

When I realised I was surrounded by my loved ones and safe I felt a bit better.

"Emma, can you hear us?", I heard my dad ask in his doctor voice, and another moan left my mouth.

"Oh thank god dear", I heard my mom mumble inthe background as my dad continued, "okay dear relax, and just try and open your eyes if you can".

Finally when I opened my eyes I saw Ethan, mom, dad, Alister and Rose around me. Most of them had worried and concerned looks on their faces where as my mom looked relieved and Alister's expression was just hard to read.

"Okay, just breath Emma. Don't worry, its all good just relax", my dad said as he noticed my frantic expression. When I finally calmed down Alister was the first one to speak, "So do you feel like tired and like your whole body is in pain which is quite unbearable and also as if you've just came back from dead?", He asked.

And then Rose elbowed him in his ribs making me realise the was the one talking while I was unconscious and Rose was the one making him hiss.

"Can't you be a little bit nice?", Rose asked frowning at him.

"Can't you be a little bit nice?", He replied rubbing the spot where she elbowed him.

"He's right, that's-that's how I feel right now", I said my throat was dry and my voice too sounded weak.

"See, I knew it", Alister said suddenly with a victorious expression on his face.

"Knew what?", Ethan, Rose and my parents asked at the same time.

"Well, you know the legend of the wolf of gold it's true!! I always knew it was true!", He replied.

And everyone around me went still. No one said a word instead they just stared at eachother with expression of guilt on their faces.

"What are you talking about?", I asked breaking the silence.

"You don't know?! God you guys really are savages", he said rolling his eyes but when all of us glared at him he continued saying, "woah, I was just kidding, and I was talking about the Golden wolf, you must've heard of it right?"

"Well if I did I won't be asking you", I said rubbing my forehead. Right now everything was too much. My powers, almost hitting Ethan with them and then now this legend about this wolf. I felt lost because I didn't have any idea what was going on around me or with me. "Can we please talk about it tomorrow?", I asked and everyone nodded agreeing as it was pretty late.

Next morning when I woke up Ethan wasn't on his side of bed which was really weird considering he never left without atleast kissing me which would result in me waking up. He probably had too much work plus he'd been ignoring it lately so might've left early to complete it and with that though I got ready for the day.

When I went downstairs the pack house was almost empty considering everyone might've left for their work, everyone from Cresent moon had left considering their pack also needed their attention, Zach and Anne and Mark were always helping Ethan with pack work, Clara was now working in the hospital as she always wanted and Rose had finally found her mate and then there was me; I had no idea what to think, I always thought I had almost everything decided about my future and I won't be one of those people who are always confused about what they want to do as a few years back my life was totally planned by me but then again when does our life ever does something that is not unexpected.

And in that moment when I was alone in the kitchen of the pack house I decided that I was okay with not knowing what I was going to do or what was going to happen to me, with me. I mean what was the point in worrying about something that might not even happen, right. And when I was finally done giving myself a pep talk I heard lots of footsteps coming downstairs and I saw my parents, Zach and Anne ofcourse as they're always almost together, and Ethan and his parents too coming towards me.

"Morning Ems", Ethan said reaching me and softly kissing my forehead.

"Morning", I replied to everyone.

"So Emma, we wanted to talk about something very important", my mum started saying nervously which was new as she was one of the calmest people I know, "we just want you to know that no matter what we'll always love you the same and everything we've done was always for your own good", she said and my dad reassuringly wrapped an arm around her.

When she completed my first thought was that this was about them not being my real parents, because what else would they be so worried and nervous about. I did think alot about it and I had come to a decision that no matter what they'll always be my parents, Zach will always be my annoying elder brother and Golden moon will always be my pack because this is where I grew up, with these people and nothing will ever change that, so I just nodded.

"Well, why don't we sit down?", Ethan said and we nodded but his parents said that they'd leave and were just here as they wanted to see me and will stop by later, we did our goodbyes and we all sat in the drawing room.

"So what is it?", I asked impatiently as this thing whatever it was, was just making me worried and I just wanted to be over with it.

"Oh we're waiting for someone, don't worry they'll be here soon", Anne said reassuring and Ethan gently took one of my hand in his and even though it might sound weird but even that small contact made me feel better. After a few talks about weather and also some akward conversation finally the door opeaned and Rose and Alister stepped in.

"What took you so long?", Zach asked.

"Ask her dad", Alister mumbled pouting, and I almost laughed out loud. Rose's dad was way too much overprotective and with Alister being a vampire I can't even imagine how tough it'd be for him.

"Her dad loved me", Ethan teased, I knew he loved to make fun of Alister or annoy him whenever he was around.

"Ah well I don't see what there to love", was Alister's reply but they both stopped when my mum said something like shall we start or something.

Now we were all sitting in silence when Alister started. "So let's start from the beginning okay?", He said looking at me particularly and all I could do was to nod.

"As you know this pack of yours was started like years ago, by your ancestors. So I'm just gonna tell you the story, well its not really a story as it's pretty real but you get the point right?" He asked again. And I said yes.

"Okay so if you don't understand something just stop me then and there. Well, you know there was a time when humans were aware of our existence like they knew that vampire, werewolves, witches we all existed and for some reason they started hunting us probably thinking that were a danger to them. So when the werewolves were getting killed, they were on the verge of extinction a wolf asked moon goddess to help them, protect them in some way and moon goddess gave him a weapon, not like a physical one but instead she game him superpowers to protect his kind. And it worked, the next time humans attacked the wolves managed to protect themselves and they scared the humans enough for them to never bother them again, and eventually the humans did forget about our existence and started thinking about us as fictional creatures", he said but then I stopped him asking, "what's the point of this?"

"You'll find out, just listen", Ethan said nodding for Alister to continue.

"Yeah so, then the wolf who had special powers started getting out of hand. Now the werewolves were thriving, but then the wolf with too much powers wanted to rule them, to be their king and the packs denied accepting him as thier king which caused him to take over them forcefully and a war broke between wolves. The wolf did eventually won over alot of packs I mean he did have the moon goddess blessings, but he was now cruel and all he wanted was was power, he killed people of his own kind if they didn't follow him and everyone was scared of him as no one dared to go against him. They called him the Dark wolf. But eventually moon goddess decided to put end to his rule or he'd have been the destruction of his own kind and then when he died everything obviously became better and eventually he too became a story, or a tale but the thing is Emma, that he didn't actually die he is alive. And, I think, but my thoughts might be actually true, that the only way to kill him, is you", he said causing me to look at him.

Then I started laughing I mean this story did sound pretty real, until he included me in it. "You're kidding right? I mean look at me, I'm just a normal girl", I said.

"Yeah a normal girl with magical powers sure", he replied looking dead serious.

"Do you believe him?", I asked everyone else and by the looks of it they did. Infact they didn't even look relatively shocked, they just looked guilty and that's when I realised, it wasn't about them not being my parents it was about them hiding my identity from me, the fact that I didn't know about any of this. "You already knew, didn't you?" And none of them replied they didn't even look at me, not even Ethan.

"You too? God, and here I thought we were being honest with eachother, you said we'd do it together remember? What happened to that?", I asked.

"Emma, I-I wanted to tell you", he started "but you didn't", and I didn't let him complete.

"Even you Rose?", I asked as she just looked down not meeting my eyes.

"You guys aren't my parents, and you aren't my brother and I knew it already Donovan told me when they took me but I kept waiting for you to tell me that by yourself and you didn't. All you ever did was to lie, all of you, I trusted you with me life and you lied, you kept everything from me about me", I said more like screamed, everything looked blury because of the tears in my eyes but I couldn't stop them from falling.

"Emma, come on don't say that", Zach said and I knew I hurt him but that was afterall the truth.

"Why? That's the truth isn't it?", I asked.

"No, no, Emma, you'll always be our daughter. I didn't give birth to you, but you can't deny the fact that we are your parents it is our right and you can't take that away from us", my mum spoke in a calm voice that didn't waver once even though she too was crying.

"No matter what happens Emma we will always be your parents, and nobody can take that away from us not even you", she said and hugged me. Then my dad and Zach who hates hugs joined too.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry", I said. I knew they weren't my parents and I was okay with it even before they told me but the fact that I wasn't who I thought I was was what made me mad, but then I realised that I just because I'm not who I thought I was doesn't mean that I can't become that person.

"Ah well this is akward, can we leave?", Alister asked making us al laugh.

"Well, you didn't completely tell me what I had to do", I said finally looking at him.

"Ohh, you know I can help you with your powers and we can figure other things out too. Just calm down and rest. I'll tell you everything with details tomorrow, okay", he said looking too much excited.

"He just loves this wierd magical stuff", Rose said from behind him and then he said, "it's not weird", and she just rolled her eyes.

"Hey, don't ever say that I'm not your brother again, please", Zach said when it was just my parents, Ethan, me and him in the room.

"Yeah I'm sorry", I said because I really was as I knew he was really hurt from my statement.

"It's alright", he said and hugged me again and then ruffled my hair knowing that it annoys the hell out of me and then left. Eventually my parents left too and it was just me and Ethan.

"You okay?", He asked softly as we went to our room.

"I am okay", I said because for the first time no matter how unsure, insecure or lost I was I did feel like I was okay.

Published on:- 2 October, 2021.

Heyy snowflakes, here you have another huge, probably one the of biggest chapter. I know there are still many things which are confusing but it'll be all explained in the next chapter.

If there are any questions you have you can ask in the comment section and I'll try to clear your doubts.


Take care, spread love.


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