The Billionaire's Son

By dmonte

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"James! If you touch my thigh without my permission one more time I won't hesitate to castrate you" I exclaim... More

Chapter 1: My Life
Chapter 3: Hidden
Chapter 4: Riches
Chapter 5: Missing
Chapter 6: Encounter
Chapter 7: The deal

Chapter 2: Heartbreak

825 17 0
By dmonte

Hey guys, here is the next chapter. I will be uploading at least a chapter a month, I'll try to undate more often if I can but it's hard to get time to write. Hope you are all enjoying the story.  :)

Chapter 2: Heartbreak


“What do you mean my father is dead?” I exclaim. My uncle looks at me with hard eyes.  “ He had a heart attack earlier today. The housekeeper found him but it was too late.” Running my hands through my hair. “It doesn’t make sense, he was perfectly healthy” putting my head in my hands. “These things happen” was his only reply.  


As I stepped away towards the graves, I could feel hot tears flowing down my face. I fell to my knees dropping the flowers on the cold hard ground. With shaking hands I reached out and traced the words with my finger tips.

Here lies Dr Elizabeth Williams beloved daughter, wife and mother. 12th October 1972- 22nd May 2013

Beside the grave was another, I lifted my other hand to trace it as well.

Here lies Adam Williams beloved son, husband and father. 24th August 1970- 22nd May 2013

I couldn’t help but think back to last week, when my life changed forever.

Two week earlier

 “I’m afraid I have some devastating news” continued Mr Gray. Taking a deep breath, preparing myself. Nothing could prepare me for what he was about to say. I could feel my world slowly falling apart with every word he spoke. “Your parents were in a car accident. Your father died immediately while your mother died on the way to the hospital. “ I froze, how could this happen.  I forced myself to continue listening “As you are already 18  and have no other know family you will be appointed your brother’s guardian.”

Slowly I began regaining my composure. Realizing that my face was wet with tears. When did I start crying? All I could think was that I needed to be strong for Alex. "Your father’s lawyer will get in touch with you about any details regarding guardianship, inheritance and life insurance. You and your brother will be excused from lessons for the next two weeks. I have not informed Alexander yet as I thought it best if he heard it from you. I am so sorry for your loss. "I can see the sympathy in his eyes. 

“You can go collect your brother; this slip will excuse him from his lesson. His schedule says he is in English with Mr Taylor.” He said as he handed me the pass. I stood up taking it from him. Walking to my brother’s lesson I felt numb. All I could think was what now? How could I tell my little brother that I was now the only family he had left?


The next few days became a blur. It was hard to cope with everything. The funeral was the day after. We didn't even get a proper goodbye as it was so bad it had to be a closed casket. 

The day after the funeral my father’s lawyer stopped by the house. My parents had already paid the mortgage for the properties they had. He informed me with the money my parents had in the bank and the life insurance I wouldn't need to worry. I had enough to last me at least the next 25 years as well as enough for both Alex’s university tuition and fees. Next year when I went to university I would be on scholarship. All I had to do was sign everything onto my name as well as a document giving me custody of my brother. 

Alex had not taken the news well. What 14 year old would not be devastated after the loss of both his parents? He spent most of his time locked in his room. I had tried talking to him but he would just look at me with a blank stare and then walk away. We were just taking it one day at a time. Some days was ok, while others I would just stay in bed crying until I fell back asleep. Those days would have to be few and far between. I had to be strong; I couldn't let Alex see me down. I was all he had left. 

Present Day

Finally after half an hour crying I found the energy to stand up and walk away from the graves. It had been just over two weeks since they passed. Day by day it is was getting a little bit easier. Alex said good morning to me today. Just him being out of his room is a huge improvement much less him actually talking to me. The school had called to ask how we were doing considering the two weeks leave was almost up. I told them that things were still difficult. With only two weeks till summer and final exams finished they informed me that I had enough credit to graduate and that Alex also had enough to go on to his sophomore year. That said it was ok to take the next couple of weeks off considering the circumstances. I needed to talk to Alex about it. Even thought it would be hard to go back maybe it’s what we needed. A chance to be around our friends as well as a distraction from everything.

Getting into my car I began to make my way home. I missed my friends, the last time I saw them was at the funeral. They understood that I needed time to sort out my life. Emma was probably missing me the most. Out of the three girls I was the one she was closest to. She would complain when I missed one day I’d hate to think what she would be like after 2 weeks without me.


It had been about 2 weeks since my father's death. My uncle had taken over the company. He said that as my dad didn't have a will and I was only 20 that he would take over the company until I was 25. It really doesn't make sense. My father was the kind of person that had a backup plan for everything. It’s unlike him to be unprepared. 



Finally arriving home I got out of the car and made my way up the front steps. Our house was quite big compared the ones in my neighborhood. My parents had had it built themselves. On the front ground floor was a 4 car garage followed by the living room dining room and kitchen. The kitchen have glass sliding doors that open up the the patio and back garden that had a pool. Also downstairs we had my dad's office. Upstairs there was five bedrooms each containing their own ensuite. It is a big house for four people but it's even bigger for only two. Since they died it feels huge and silent.

I made my way towards my father's study and paused at the door. I remember my father once told me that is anything was to happen to him or mom that I was to go to his study. There I would find the answer to any questions I had and the solution to any problems I might face.

Taking a deep breath I pushed the heavy oak stepping into the dark dusty room. No one had been in here in over a month. Before my parents died they had been at a work conference for two weeks. I knew I would have to come in here because of what he had said but I just couldn't face it. Seeing the room all dark and his chair empty was a reminder that he was really gone. I would never see or hug them again.

Wiping the tear that was running down my face I walked towards the window. Openings the curtains and window to let some light and fresh air in. Once that was done I walked to my father's desk and sat down on the chair. I wonder were these answers could be hidden. He never did specify where they would be. I’m sure he assumed that I would work it out.

I began looking around the room trying to find any clues. Ever since I was little my dad and I would play this game where we would hid a note somewhere in a room and the other person would have to find it. As I got older my brother and mother also joined in. Eventually we were hiding notes all over the house. When Alex turned 10 we started encrypting the messages so that whoever found it would have to decipher the code before reading it. Our family was really into that kind of thing. I even think there is at least one secret passageway or hidden door in each room. I remember trying to find them all as a child.

After giving the room a once over I decided to have a look at the desk. Getting off the chair and onto the floor I decided to have a look under the desk. Nope, nothing there. Time to have a look in the drawers, looking through each one I couldn’t find anything unusual. Time to check under them. Finally I found it. On the desk right top corner of the bottom of the top drawer was a small hole. Just as big as a pin head. Grabbing a pin from my hair I placed it in the hole and pushed up. Suddenly there was a click. I couldn't help but smile. Some things never change.

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