「Sukidakara」 || Lookism x Rea...


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「Sukidakara」 「好きだから」 Because I Like You Various!Lookism x Bi!Fem!Reader Disclaimers: •BL and GL int... More

Prologue: The Born Of An Iconic Trio
Chapter 1: What'd I Miss?
Chapter 2: New Friend
Chapter 3: Mrs. Park
Chapter 4: Top 10 Anime Betrayals
Chapter 5: Tobacco? As in Plants? Damn.
Chapter 7: Is It Adrenaline or Love?
Chapter 8: She crossed the fucking line
Chapter 9: I was a fool
Chapter 10: Sly Fox
Chapter 11: I can placed first if I want to!
Chapter 12: It Is My Job To Serve You
Chapter 13: Vulnerable
Chapter 14: Source of happiness
Chapter 15: Y Doe
Chapter 16: Thank You, Darling
Chapter 17: Me, Jay, and someone you don't know
Chapter 18: Bark Bark, Bitch
Chapter 19: Caught the rat
Chapter 20: Curiousity killed the cat
Chapter 21: Model
Chapter 22: Cinema Box
Chapter 23: Drunk
Chapter 24: Visit
Chapter 25: Rooftop?
Chapter 26: Bryce Oh

Chapter 6: Bee Man

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[Second Person POV]

Your cousin, Ellias, was cooking dinner for both of you, refusing any help from Yama. He said-- and I quote "Thank you. But no, thank you. I want to make a special dinner for my precious cousin." Yeah, he said it like that. Yama could only sighed.

You sit patiently as you watch your cousin cook from the kitchen island, sitting on a stool. He's wearing a pink apron with hearts adorning it, dancing- shaking, his butt, and humming a song that you don't recognize. You deadpaned. You decide that it's best to text your dad, seeing that you haven't talk to him in a while.

Old Man🤧

Little [Last Name]
Hey, dad.
7:12 PM

You get no response, so you close your phone and place it on the table, just in time as Ellias place the plates of food on the table. He took off his pink apron and take a seat in front of you, setting the apron on his chair. He looks at you with a wide grin as Yama places three glass of water in the table.

"Ta-da~! What do you think?"

You nod at him giving two thumbs up before you notice another plate of food beside his plate. You point your finger towards the plate with a raised eyebrow. There's only two of them, why would he make more? He never the type to make more than enough, Yama isn't here either. Unless, there's another person-


An monotone voice can be heard behind you, startling you and elbowed the person's abdonment in instinct. He let out a pained grunt as Ellias snort and clutch his stomach while banging his other hand on the table, his mouth agape open in a silent laugh. You turn around to face the crouching male, eyes widen when you recognize his jet black hair.

You softly caress his hair, whispering so softly he almost couldn't hear it. "Theo..?" He lift his head with a sheepish but pained smile plestered on his face.

"H-hey.. [N-Name]- ah fuck. I don't know you were this strong.." He stuttered out, rubbing his stomach as he straighten his back with a sigh. He open his arms, his pained smile now replaced with an affectionate smile. You wrap your arms around him, nuzzling your face to his chest. He rub his cheek with your hair, a hand softly caressing hair.

You accidentally look down to his feet, he's using shoes inside your house. You frown. 'The audacity of this man-'

No one is expecting you to kneel the male's crotch. Theo let go his hold on you to grab his crotch, kneeling in front of you in pain. Someone please stop Ellias from laughing too hard before he pass out.

"W-why [N-Name]?!" He asked looking up to you, tears visible in the corner of his eyes. You raised an eyebrow at him, this man really need to be taught.

"Do NOT use shoes inside the house." You sign with a scowl. God, you even placed a sign on the shoes rack, 'Please take off your shoes before coming in.'! It didn't even take a minute to take off your shoes.

"B-BUT IN AMERICA WE DON'T HAVE TO-" You slap the back of his head.

"Well, you're not in America anymore. You come to MY house, you follow MY rules." You pinch your nose bridge, letting out a deep sigh.

Theo stand up from his kneeling form and walk to the front door to take his shoes off. He come back within a minute, without shoes. "Better?"

You nod in approval. "Better."

[Few days later]
•Festival Day, Fashion Department•

You just come back from the other department's classes to collects the Slave Auction's participant names, it sucks to be a student council member, why did you agree again? Right, so you can have a full access to the art room. You stand beside the class's president in front of the class, finding your shoes the most facinating thing in the world.

"Vote results: Zack and Daniel, one of you has to be in the slave aucti-"

"are you nUTS?! WHY ME? NO CHANCE I'M GOING!!"

Look at Zack, he's throwing a tantrum again. You roll your eyes, letting out a small sigh. 'I really don't have time for this..'

Zack glance at Mira, 'It's not like Mira would buy me anyway-' then at you. 'And [Name].. wait.. what the hell am I thinking-?!' He slap both his cheek, startling Daniel. You look at him weirdly, did he woke up in the wrong side of bed? He's so grumpy and weird this morning.

The class' president sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose. "If you can make a profit, we'll let you off the hook." The ravenette glance at you for the second time before letting out a sigh.

"I can make a.. boxing stand." He suggest hestitantly. Boxing is the only thing he's good at, might as well make profit out of it.

"Alright. Boxing stand it is. Daniel would be joining the Slave Auction." The class's president quickly write the name on a paper and give it to you. You sigh in relief, finally.

You bow your head and walk out of the classroom, not aware of a certain brunette watching you leave with a soft look.

[Third Person POV]

•J-High Festival•

[Name] stand in her tippy-toes to look around, trying to find a certain grape in the semi-crowded place. She can feel someone approaching her from behind, but she act as if she doesn't notice their presence.

They're getting closer, their hand stretched out towards her.


She quickly turn around, startling Yama as he retreats his hand back to his side. She give him a small shit eating grin, mouthing 'Gotcha' while her hand make a finger gun gesture towards him. He rolls his eyes and stretched out his hand towards her, catching some people's attention.

"Who's that?"
"He's so frigging hot!"
"Is he [Name] boyfriend..?"
"So cute!"

She place her hand on his and intertwined their fingers together, a habit she had since kid. This only catch more attention from the others as they walk through the crowd. All the whispers and murmurs didn't go unnoticed by the tall male. if they want to gossip at least keep it down dammit, he bets the whole Korea could hear them by now.

They walk hand-in-hand until they stopped at Baking Department's stand. They're selling bread, still hot and fresh from the oven. Yama could hear [Name]'s stomach grumbling, making him chuckle while the said girl blush in embarrassment.

"You didn't get to eat breakfast this morning, right?"
*shakes head*
"Wanna buy their bread or should I-"

The [Hair Color]-ette points her finger to Baking Dept's stand, leaning her head on the male's bicep. He nods and they began to walk towards them. As they walk closer, they could hear the two male bickering about.. inheriting a... bread knife? [Name] watch the two in amusement while Yama grimaced.

"Oh, hello! My name is Hwan, what can I get for you?" One of the male, 'Hwan', asked. The girl points at some bread that looks good, hopefully it also taste good.

"Good choice! That one is fresh from the over, so it's still hot, just like you." He winks at her, the girl just forced out a inaudible chuckle while Yama grimace. "Sorry, that one is really bad, haha." He said, embarrassed.

"Right, here you go. It'll be on the house! You're our first costumer here." He said, handing the bag to her. The girl nods and bow at him.

"Thank you." Yama said, and take her somewhere else as she eat her bread. They ended up at Architecture Dept's arm wrestling booth.

"Who's that?"
"He's won ten arm wrestling matches in a row!"
"Apparently an architecture freshman."

[Name] nudge Yama with her elbow, recieving a small hum. She nod her head towards the arm wrestling booth's sign.


He shakes his head and mumble a faint "no". The girl softly stomp her foot and pout, crossing her arms while taking a bite of her bread, causing the male to sigh. Their interaction caught Jace's attention.

'[Name]? Oh, woah. I never see that side of her. Who's that guy?'

"Arm wrestling isn't fun." She blows raspberries at him, placing a pinky under her eye, recieving a soft glare in return. That's her way to annoy him, or Kenji and Jay, in some occasion.

"How about we go to your friend's boxing stand? It'll be more-" The girl quickly shake her head while making an 'X' with her forearm. Too late. The male already walked away trying to find Zack's stand. She panics, running up to him with an out-stretched arm.

'Don't! You'll kill him, dammit!'

• • •

The festival just started, and the first event up was fashion show. Fashion department's fashion show. The outfits were made by sophomores to be worn on stage.

"What are they doing?"

The majority of students who watch the show laugh at their... unique, outfits. Daniel's reaction is priceless. He looked confused yet amazed. Maybe he's amazed by their confidence to walk on a stage with that kind of outfit. There's someone with black, shoulder-length hair that wear a shark hat with a loose white tank top. But, he's hot. So, it's not a problem🤷‍♀️

Yama and Zack looks like they're about to die from laughing too hard while [Name] looks like she was ready to strangle anyone who made that outfit. But, she's just a mere human, so she can't help but also letting out a inaudible laugh. She really need to stop laughing before she passed out due lack of oxygen.

When the first event is finished, Zack and Daniel go to the backstage with Yama and [Name] following behind.

• • •

"Oh.. hey. Hello" Zack greets the arguing seniors with a bow, Daniel and [Name] following after him while Yama just stare down at them with an uninterested look. The shirtless senior, Cho Ma, turn his gaze to Zack, immediately recognize him.

"Heh? Oh hi, Zack!"

The other senior, Gong Ji, also look at him with lazy eyes. "Hey, what do you think of these clothes? The model sucks but-" His sentences is cutted off by an annoyed Cho Ma-senpai.

"Damn you!"

The shorter senior notice Daniel's presence and ask Zack about him. "Oh.. That's the transfer student." He answered, pointing at the male beside him.

"Oh that's him!"

While they talk, [Name] is busy typing on her phone. A robotic voice then came out of her phone, catching everyone's attention. "The clothes is kind of weird but senior Cho Ma is hot, so it doesn't really matter." Gong Ji is hurt.

The 4 males stare at the smiling girl with wide eyes while Yama groan and pinch the bridge of his nose. The said senior blush a little then laugh out loud. He let go of Gong Ji and walk towards her, stopping 6 feet away from her. He points at her with a grin. "Who's this girl? I like your style, kid!"

"Hello, I'm [Name]. First year fashion department." A robotic voice came out of her phone once again. Cho Ma raised an eyebrow at this, but he doesn't question it.

"A first year? I never knew you have a cutie in your class, Zack." He leaned down closer to the girl's face. The aforementioned male grumble in response, he didn't like the way his senior talk to her.

Yama grunts in displeasure as he take a step forward closer to his employer. Cho Ma grin in amusement as he straighten his back and put his hands on his pockets. "Cho Ma, second year fashion department. Nice to meet you, [Name]." The girl bobbed her head and give him a lazy grin. She then peer behind him to look at the other senior.

"Gong Ji. Nice to meet you, [Name]." Gong Ji said, casually making a peace sign with a nod.

"HELLO EVERYONE!!" A booming voice reach the teens' ears, signaling that the next event is about to start. They bid each other goodbye and walk out the backstage while Daniel stay for the next event. [Name] drag Yama and Zack out of the room to find Mira and Zoe, while the two males behind her just look at each other and nodded in acknowledgement.

"[Name]!" She snap her head towards the source of the sound and saw Mira and Zoe waving excitedly. She then drag the two male in a sharp-turn towards them, making Zack let out a smal yelp. She let go of their hands when they're close to the two. She greets them with a hug.

Their hugging session is cutted off by the host, Hwan Kim, who began to explaining the rules. The girls are going to bid on freshman guys until the highest bidder. The winner gets a date with the guy for eight hours, night dates are not allowed. [Name] didn't pay any mind to the rules since she's not planning to participate in buying mEn for a dAtE.

'..But maybe a guy or two is fine-.'

The first slave is Beom Kim from parcital music department who's sold for $65. The second slave is the baking stand guy from before, Ho Jeong from the baking department, and sold for $80.

The third one is Eli Jang, from the beauty department. He stand in front of the crowd, immediately lock eyes with [Name]. He gave her a smile, which she happily reciprocate. The girls squel in delightment when they saw his dazzling smile.

He was sold for $500 by the beauty department's girls, who gather money to bid him. The next guy is Euntae Lee, aka Vasco, from architecture department. He stiffly walks up to the stage, like a robot. The girls throw compliments at him, such as;

"Woah, look at the body."
"He's getting red."
"His shoulders are board."

But it seems like the compliments are making him more nervous than he already is, seeing that his scowl accidently scare the girls. [Name] stifle a laugh, she feel bad because nobody wants to bid him. Plus, he was her new friend, why not help friends in need? So, before the host could close the bid, she put her hand up in the air. Zack, Mira, and Zoe look at her, surprised, while Yama just raised an eyebrow when she mouthed a '700' to him.


Hwan look at the purple haired male as if he grow two heads before noticing a raised hand beside him that belong to [Name]. The girl is more shorter than the male beside her, making the baking dept. sophomore can't see her. He let out an small, awkward chuckle.

"Haha- Right! Euntae Lee sold for $700!" The host said while chuckling nervously, a scary looking freshman is sold for $700 by a cute girl! His pride hurts.

Vasco stare at [Name] with wide eyes as the rest of architecture department cry in happiness. Their department is saved by [Name], they'll make sure to thank her later. Zack-violently-shake [Name] by her shoulders, the girl just give him a closed eyes smile, accepting her fate. Again.

"Are you crazy?! Bidding that much just for- a date, with a guy?! And- and- the guy is that architecture's scary looking man?!" He's losing his mind, why would his girl-space-friend waste her money for a date with a guy? With Vasco? She could've ask him to go on a date! What's wrong with her?

[Name] had to stop him from shaking her too much before taking out her phone.

I feel bad, okay! Geez.

"O-oh, okay. But you could've just buy him for like- I don't know, $5?" He stuttered. The [Hair Color] haired girl raised an eyebrow before typing again. 'Jaelous?' it reads. Zack scoff, as if what she said is offending him. "The fuck? Me? Jealous? As if." He said, putting emphasis on 'jealous'. He let go of her shoulders before looking away.

[Name] sighs with a small smile. Damn, is he seriously sulking right now? Maybe she'll ask him to hang out with her later.

From the corner of her eye, she saw Vasco walking towards her. He stand beside her like a puppy waiting for his owner's order. Yama give him a side-glance before taking a step closer to [Name], this go unnoticed by the Burn Knuckles' leader. [Name] give him a small smile in attempt to make him less nervous. But from the looks of it, it only makes him more nervous. His face become red in embarrassment, something that [Name] took notice of.

She waves at him, recieving a small wave from him. She chuckle and turn her attention to the next slave on the stage, who turns out to be a guy from Vocal and Dance department. He's sold for 50 cents. She could hear Yama chuckles under his breath.

The next slave is Daniel and god, he looks nervous as fuck. 'Damn, Dan. You look nervous as hell.' She thought.

"I knew the response would be amazing, this is the highlight of the day!" The host cheered, followed by the girls' squel and someone calling Daniel 'Honey'.

Hwan found someone familiar in the crowd of students. 'It's her!'

"Hoohoo, hot talents this year too."

'She's here! Lala Kim from Chanel Private School! The slave auction queen!'

Hwan then whisper to Daniel with a nervous look on his face. [Name] wonder what are they talking about before feeling someone tap her shoulder from behind. She look over her shoulder only to see a panicking Jay. She raised an eyebrow at him, wondering what could possibly making him panics like that. He points towards the stage where Daniel stood and his wallet.

"I can't bid- Men aren't allowed to bid! Help."

He began to explain about how Lala is a nightmare and Daniel would be in trouble if she wins the bid. After 'listening' to him explaining about this Lala girl, she agreed to help him bid Daniel. She nudges Yama before nodding her head towards the stage. Yama raised an eyebrow but doesn't question her.

"$300!" Zoe yells, slapping her hand against the stage with a determined look on her face.

'Ah, Zoe also bid him, he'll be fin-' Her thought is cutted off by Lala's overconfident voice.

"$1000." The chubby girl said calmly, gaining a lot attention by the amount of money she's willing to give for the bid. "They're all staring at me.. It is because I look like that singer IU? She kinds sucks but do I look like her?" She asked her underlings as they boosted her ego.

"You do."
"But you're prettier."

[Name] gapes at her, she may not listen to K-Pop that much but IU isn't sucks! She's a fucking goddess, damnit. She raise her hand as high as she can and nudges Yama. "$2000."

The student around them gasp and stare at the two with wide eyes. Lala also look at the girl, who's already glaring down at her. 'I won't let you mistreat my new friend, La..na, Kim?? uh, whoever your name is. I dunno, I forgot.'

"$2,500." Lala said dejectedly, it looks like the [Hair Color] haired girl hurt her pride. Vasco then said something about 'Burn Knuckles need him' and leave, getting a confused stare from [Name]. Before Yama could say a higher bid, someone beats him to it.

"$5,000." Another series of gasp can be heard as everyone look at the owner of the voice. A tall brunette stand in the middle of the parting crowd with a raised hand, accompanied by a guy with sunglasses that stood behind her.

"5,000! She doubled it!!" The host cheered. "Lala Kim! The embarrassment is written on her face!!."

"T-this bag!" The chubby girl cired out, raising her bag in the air.

"This bag is worth 7,000 dollars!"
"Hey, sorry! Since we're giving this money to charity, we cannot accept products as bids!!"

Now, [Name] is kind of a.. competitive person. So, if she saw someone is better than her, she'll try her hardest to surpass them. Kenji had woken up that side of her when he showed her the hands that he drew, [Name] then always tried to surpass him in everything.

Before the host could close the bid, she nudges Yama with 10 fingers raised, a creepy smile adorning her cute face as she stare right into the other bidder's soul, Crystal Choi.

"$10,000." Now, all eyes are on them both, including Zack and Daniel.

"$15,000." Crystal continue to put more money on the bid, curious how far the girl would bid.



The bid stop at 100,000 dollars with Crystal as the bid winner. [Name] can go higher than that, but Yama won't allow her to do so. She complains to Jay but the latter just shrug his shoulders and 'say' "At least he's in a better hand."-much to the girl's dismay.

Two person cried after, Vasco cry because two pretty girls are bidding for Daniel-but soon cheered up after Jace reminds him that [Name] bids for him and now he have a date with [Name]-that seems to make him nervous tho. And Zoe cry because she lost and can't have a date with Daniel.

Zack is looking at her as if she was crazy or something. 'Crazy.. You're all crazy... ...Why'd [Name] also bid for him anyway.' He scowl at the thought.

"Hmph! I'm way better! What's so good about him? Isn't that right, 50 cents?" Vin Jin envy the brunet, because the cute artist from fashion dept. and an unknown pretty girl just bid a lot of money for him.

The said '50 cents' thinks bitterly. 'If you're so confident, why didn't you step up yourself?'

"That concludes the J-High School Slave Auction. A little later is the highlight of the night! We hope you'll stick around to enjoy the performances!" From the corner of her eyes, [Name] saw Daniel walking towards the parking lot to catch up with the girl who won the bid. Being a curious self she is, [Name] quietly follow him while keeping her distance.

[Name] told Yama that she's hungry and asked him to buy food for them both-which isn't a total lie-, she then immediately bolts out of his sight saying that she need to go the toilet, making him sigh as he walk around the festival to buy foods.

•Parking Lot•

[Name] watch them facing each other in an awkward silence behind the wall that separates her and the three teens. She watch Daniel awkwardly scratch the back of his head. The girl is really pretty but her RBF making her looks meaner than she really is, and the guy behind her isn't helping either. She can't really see his eyes behind that thick glasses-can he even see at that point? He looks like a hentai protagonist with glasses like that.. Yikes.

"Ah.. Um.. Thank you..?" Daniel hesitantly said, but it sounds more like a question than a statement. He doesn't even know why is he thanking her. Not gonna lie, he found her really stunning-a̶n̶d̶ ̶I̶ ̶d̶o̶ ̶t̶o̶o̶. What is he supposed to do now? Go on a date with her?

The guy with Crystal, Gun, slightly frowns-but of course our cute protagonist here could see it from miles away (it's only 14 feet away).

"The other girl almost won but.." He trailed off and try to laugh it off. 'ImeanIprefer[Name]towinbutthankyouforhelpingmefrombeingarealslaveiguess-' His train of thought is cutted off by Crystal.

"Hey, you. What is wrong with her? You think you're so hot?"

Um bestie what? [Name] look at her as if she grows two head. She doesn't know shit about that Lala girl yet she has the audacity talk to him like that? She wants to yell that there's a misunderstanding but she doesn't have the guts to do so.

"I think you're deluded.. You think I bought you because I like you?!" The girl continued.

'Huh?' Daniel thought.

"Why the hell does he want me to keep an eye on him?" Okay, this is just ridiculous. There's obviously a misunderstanding, and what did she meant by 'keep an eye on him'?! Now that [Name] thinks about it, the pretty girl looks kind of familiar. She swore she had saw her once before, but when?

"Do not look down on others just because you're handsome."

Her words struck a nerve within Daniel. Throughout his life, he had never be that kind of person who look down on the others. He's bullied, he's the one who people look down onto, what does she meant by him looking down at the others because he is handsome. Well, yeah he may be good-looking, but he never look down on other people like that. He need to clear this up, he can't have her thinking he was some kind of jerk who looks down on the others-because he's not.

"Just a sec!" He reached out his hand towards the girl, but Gun's grip on his wrist is stopping him from moving any further. Right now, [Name] is ready to bolts out of her hiding place to help her friend.

"That's enough. Who do you think you're going to touch?" Gun said, glaring at him behind his thick-ass glasses. Daniel then broke out of his grip on him, surprising the two. No one ever broke out of Gun's grip, and seeing the brunet easily rip his wrist off of his grip is really surprising.

"This punk..." [Name] is choosing whether she should fight or freeze. She was about to choose freeze, but quickly dash out of her hiding spot as soon as Gun lifted his leg. In a second she was between the two fighting male, gripping Gun's leg with one hand.

Her sudden appearance is really surprising for the three. Where'd she came from? How did she run that fast? And, did she just caught Gun's kick with one hand?

They look at her with wide eyes, especially Crystal who's not expecting her to caught her bodyguard's kick just to protect the tall brunet. And she also make it looks really easy to do so, seeing that she ran to them and caught Gun's kick with one fucking hand and a straight face.

Gun froze for a second before smiling creepily, kinda scaring the shorter girl as she let go of his leg. He still had his leg in the air, what the hell is this guy doing?

Before [Name] could react, he throw a kick to the back of Daniel's shoulder, making the brunet fell to his butt. He threw a brazilian kick, to be exact. At first he thought Gun was aiming for his arm/shoulder, he's not expecting him to change the angle at the last seconds and go for the back of his shoulder.

After that, Gun retreats his leg back to the ground while staring right at [Name]'s [Eye Color] eyes. He swore he could see... admiration, in her eyes, followed by a flash of mischievousness that gone within a second.

[Name] doesn't know what to do, admiring the male in front of her or help her hurting friend behind her. She had sparkles in her eyes as she look up at him, that move is really cool, to be honest, but her hurting friend is more important than the taller male with a bee-themed-buttons up shirt.

She whip her head towards Daniel, the sparkles in her eyes now replaced with concern for the tall brunet. She crouch down beside him and check for any injuries around his shoulder. Gun's kick is powerful for sure, seeing that his foot make a whacking sound as soon as it makes contact with Daniel's back shoulder. That definitely will leave a mark.

"Personally I'd like to let you go but.. I have to listen to the person who's paying me." Gun started, staring down at the male on the ground. "You have good eyes, or have I slowed down? Don't think so..."

He then shift his eyes to [Name], who's already staring back at him. "And you, girlie-"

Girlie? Really?

"-I think I've seen that block somewhere, have we met before? You have a good reflex and fast, too. You both are strong and agile.. But he doesn't look like he works out." He starts to walk closer to the girl as she stand up from her crouching position. "But, you on the other hand.." He gently placed a finger under her chin, making her look up at him.

"You look like someone who is used to this."

• • •

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