Hot boys from my school smuts

By jacksgurl20

11.3K 3 0

Idk More

Part one
Part two
Part threee
Part four
Part five
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Tyler and slias
Tyler and slias
Tyler and slias


184 0 0
By jacksgurl20

They got home

It was a stressful day for both of them

His parents were out of town

He didn't want to tell Sammy he was horny because he didn't know how to tell her without seeming like a asshole about it

So Sammy went to the kitchen to get food

He went to the bedroom to fix his problem

He shut the door

Slias this fucking girl

He started pumping himself

Slias started moaning not even noticing and forgetting his girlfriend was downstairs eating

She finally finished

She walk upstairs to then she heard it

Slias fuck Sammy faster

His whimpers and whines

Of her lover boy pleasing himself

She walk in

He was too far in his world to hear her

Sammy baby

Slias jump

Slias the hell

Sammy I could've help you

Slias I know I just didn't want to seem like a jerk you were already pissed off

Sammy baby that's because of my ex I easily would've help you

Slias well do something it hurts

Sammy pumps him

He falls back on the bed

Sammy then takes off her jeans

Slias pulls her on the bed

He had sex all the time with his past girlfriend and knew that they pretty much like the same thing
Dirty talk
shoving against the wall

He starts to finger her

Sammy shit love

He goes faster not knowing she loved it this much

She was mess her hair was a mess his hair was a mess

Sammy shit love

Slias what's wrong you didn't think side of me would be a thing

Sammy no I- knew y-ou ha-d a kinky side but Damm

Slias gets a call

It's max

Slias hey max

He keeps fingering Sammy but has her cover her mouth

Max hey have you heard from Sammy

Slias nope .

As he smirks at her under him

Max bro I'm worried about her

Slias she's a tough kid I'm sure she's just fine
Also she like to sleep she's probably asleep

Sammy cums on his fingers and the bed

Max I'm sure your right thanks slias

Slias anytime goodbye

Slias throws his phone above Sammy's head

Sammy uncovers her mouth

Sammy fucking hell

Slias laughs it's fine

He pulls his fingers out

Slias you done

Sammy I guess

Slias good angel you did so good

He goes to the bathroom to get a towel to clean her up

Sammy the fuck are you doing

Slias aftercare?

Sammy the fuck is that

Slias you never got after care

Sammy no

Slias oh shit

He throws her a hoodie and cuddles her

Sammy I love you baby

Slias love you more

Sammy  knows he's the one

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