Part 6

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Tyler was waiting for his girlfriend to get home from her classes

Sammy came home pissed at the world

Tyler hey babe

He went to hug her and she pushed away

Gracin she's in a bad mood

Sammy no shit

Tyler go to the bedroom let me talk to gracin

Sammy fine what ever

Tyler what happened at class

Gracin she got mad because the writing part that she work on he didn't like so she's mad and upset and all the feels

Tyler k thanks bye I'll call you later

Gracin bye

Tyler walks up the stairs

Tyler baby girl

Sammy  no

Tyler baby

Sammy nope

Tyler pushes Sammy to the bed

Sammy the fuck

Tyler take it out on me

They make eye contact

Sammy hugs him

Tyler exactly

He left marks all over her so he left more

Sammy smiles and let's  him do whatever

Tyler your mine got it

Sammy yes daddy

Tyler exactly and let's her fall back on the bed

Sammy eventually crawls between his legs and takes a nap

Tyler there's the girl I know

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