BEDEVIL | jenlisa

By chanelwaffle

356K 13.9K 2.5K

[ COMPLETED ] Abducted. Tormented. Owned. Jennie never knew hell existed before she met such an evil person w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 [M]
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 [M]
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 [M]
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 [M]
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 [M]
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 [M]
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 16

7.3K 416 109
By chanelwaffle


Jennie heads downstairs as soon as she woke up, with half-closed eyes and messy bun. She also wears a clear glasses that she found in her room, assuming it's from Lisa, she wore it anyway. Her head is pounding for not getting enough sleep last night. She oddly had troubles sleeping for some reason she wouldn't understand.

All she did was roll over her bed, stare outside the window or at the ceiling. It was already late when she felt drowsy. The noises coming from the next room has stopped as well, which she was thankful for. She thought the two girls did it until 2 in the morning, one of the reasons why she couldn't sleep. She heard some thuds against the wall, loud moans and screams. All came from that mysterious girl Lisa brought home last night.

As she walks past the living room, she smells something that's coming from the kitchen that seemed like a pancake.

She was thankful Saem has already woken up, she wouldn't how to behave if Lisa's girlfriend spots her in the mansion. How would she explain that she was kidnapped by her girlfriend? The girl won't believe her.

"Saem, you're not going to-"

Jennie stops herself from continuing when she realized that the person in the kitchen wasn't Saem. She felt her bloodstream went up to her head when her eyes met a sleepy and yet intimidating eyes.

It's her.

The dark haired woman furrows her eyebrows at Jennie, "Oh, who could you be?" she asked the brunette who's still frozen in her spot.


"I never seen you before, new maid?"

Do I look like a fucking maid?

Jennie contained her annoyance and kept a straight, forcing herself not to storm towards the girl and grab her by the hair until her scalp falls off.

She never liked girls who think they're this popular and famous when they're a nobody who clings with rich people so they can milk money from them in exchange of sex.

She hated it.

Jennie has encountered multiple people like that during her school and her college yet nobody succeeded to downgrade her whole existence. Why? If people can show her attitude, so can she. Even meaner and she's not letting this one slide if she decided to push her limits.

It's been a long time since she went totally bitchy with some girl. Maybe her own mean side will show up today.

She adjusted her glasses and shakes her head, "I'm not a maid," she forces a laugh, "Atleast, not entirely."

The girl raises an eyebrow and looks at her from to toe with judging stares, "How did you get here? I assume Lisa didn't personally hire you."

"You're right, she didn't."

The girl chuckles.

Jennie walks past her, intentionally bumping her shoulder to get a box of milk from the fridge. The girl side eyed her and thought that the brunette was a bit different, not someone to mess with easily. She took a glass and pour the milk in, leaving an intense tension between them.

The girl turns off the stove, "Lisa doesn't drink milk," she told her.

Jennie looks at her with her lips pursed, "Oh really? Too bad," She said and shrugged her shoulders.

She takes a clean plate and puts the cooked pancakes on it, one topping the other. "Aren't you supposed to know her likes and dislikes as her maid?" She asked, putting an emphasis on the last word.

That made the brunette chuckle sarcastically, "Yeah, I think I do." She said and meets the girl eye to eye, "But you know what?"

She didn't answer.

"This drink is mine not hers," she said and proceeds to drink it in front of her, not breaking their eye contact. "Next time, before you lecture me, miss I don't know who the fuck you are, make sure you're doing it right. It's 8 in the morning, too early to be this dumb,"

The girl scoffed, not believing Jennie just talked to her like that. How dare she speak to me like she's higher than me? A mere maid?

She puts down the glass on the counter, "Between the two of us, I think it's you who needs to study more about her."

The girl is about to snap and angrily puts the plate down on the same place, "Tell me about it,"

"Lisa didn't hire me, you wanna know why?" She lifts her hand to the side of her lips, mocking a whispering gesture, "She wanted me all by herself so she kidnapped me, I'm her property."

The girl clenched her fist, "You're her property?" She chuckled, completely finding the brunette's statement ridiculous. "Don't make me laugh now. I know her and Lisa never settles with anyone, she will never. Especially not with someone like you, she will never love you. You're a pest, a servant who doesn't have any choice but to follow her master's order."

Jennie kept quiet and let her talk.

The girl walks closer to her, with arms crossed. "You think you're special because she abducted you? Maybe you're not and you were just too ignorant that kidnapping you was so easy for her." She said and gritted her teeth.

She's not her girlfriend.

Jennie nods, "I see...if she's not going to settle with anyone and does that includes you?" She faked a gasp, "If you're not her girlfriend then what are you? Bed warmer? A toy? Play thing? An entertainment she uses when she's bored?" She tilts her head and secretly grins.

"I'm someone who can make her feel better, only me. Not anyone else, not even you."

Let's play a game, then.

"Have she ever told you how much she panicked when she thought I escaped from here? She kept looking for me everywhere, she was scared she won't see me anymore." She said and smirks, "You know what happened after?"

The girl is already furious, she feels like she exploding any minute now and with Jennie being this competetive isn't making things easier for her.

Jennie noticed the irritation on the girl's face and thought it's the perfect time to drop the bomb, so without any hesitation, she steps forward and leans in to her ear and whispered the words that would totally push her buttons.

"We kissed until our mouths went dry,"

The dark haired girl's breath hitches and pushes Jennie's shoulders away before swinging her palm across her cheek, creating a loud smack that echoes in the whole empty kitchen. Jennie wasn't expecting that slap to be strong and she can feel her face numbing. She stayed her head facing her right, taking all the pain without showing the latter that it hurts.

Her plan succeeded into pushing her limits.

The girl lifted her hand once again, ready to land another slap on Jennie's face when a stern voice beat her into it.


They both turn their heads where the voice came from and they saw Lisa, wearing a maroon silk night robe with her long hair tied in ponytail, with fierce eyes looking intently at Nancy, almost like a warning look. She heads towards them and grabbed her arm with her angry face making the latter nervous.

Did she see it?

"What the fuck was that?" Lisa aggressively shook her once and glances at Jennie, who didn't move an inch from where she is.

Nancy flares her nose, "This bitch provoked me," she said while pointing her finger at Jennie, "Acting all smart, and-"

"I don't fucking care, you have no rights to touch her, nor hurt her." Lisa said and Nancy couldn't believe what she just say.

She places a hand on the taller woman's cheek, "No, she was telling me about how she's your property and you kissed and-"

"And everything she said was true," Lisa said and takes her hand off her cheek, "If you ever lay a hand on her like that again, you're out of my face." She lets go of her and looks away.

Nancy glares at her, "Lisa!"


"Are you seriously kicking me out after what happened last night?!" She scoffed in annoyance and sends death glares on Jennie, who's looking at her with a satisfied eyes.

Lisa shakes her head, "Nothing happened," she replied, making the brunette confused.

Nancy grips the sides of her night robe and looks at her with pleading eyes, "Lisa, don't do this. I got mad but please, I'm not going to do that anymore. Just don't throw m-"

"Don't make me drag you out,"

Jennie watched the whole thing and finds it funny how Nancy begs for dear life. That's what she gets for looking down on her and bad for her, she tested Jennie out of all people.

A bad decision.

"Fine!" Nancy closes her eyes and looks at Jennie, "We're not done," she said and stomps out of the kitchen, looking detested and disappointed how Lisa embarrassed her in front of her enemy like that. She took her purse from Lisa's room before walking out the mansion with a heavy heart.

Jennie rolls her eyes and starts walking out, being alone with Lisa gives her a feeling of wanting to punch her in the face.

For not showing up the whole day yesterday and letting them starve only for her to show up late in the evening with a random girl eating her mouth.


"Don't talk to me,"

Lisa was fast enough to grab her wrist, stopping her from leaving. The brunette sighs and faces the latter with a straight face, "Don't turn your back on me," she said and pulled her.

She scoffed, "You have the nerve to act like that when you were gone for the whole fucking day yesterday, you fucking let us waste a lot of foods and let us starve." She gets Lisa's hand off her and pressed a finger on her chest, "And you're bringing home a whore? Wow, just wow."

"What do you want? An explanation?"

"No and I'm not expecting one from you, asshole." The brunette answered and crossed her arms, "You just don't really care, huh?"

Lisa shakes her head, "I'm not having this conversation,"

"That Nancy was a total bitch but you, using another girl for your own good? What makes you think you can do that? You treat girls like they're some ambulance you can call when you need them. Are you not ashamed?"

"Is that why you're mad?"

Jennie grits her teeth, "I'm not mad, I'm seething." She said and grabs Lisa's collars with both hands, "The day will come that you'll regret every single thing you're doing and you'd wish you didn't."

"Are you threatening me, Jennie?" Lisa looks down at her and chuckles. "Listen, you don't tell me what to do. You're my slave and you're here but to follow me and my orders,"

The brunette tightens her grip.

Lisa reaches to touch the part where Nancy slapped her, "Remember, Kim. No one else can touch or hurt you but me." She lets her fingertips slides from her cheek to her arm and to her hand. She takes her hand off her robe, "You're mine,"

Jennie wasn't sure if she should be happy about that or get creeped out. She can't announce that she owns anyone like that, she's not a God.

"For the nth time, you don't own me."

Lisa's mood suddenly changes and looks at her blankly. She never liked it when she talks to her like that, she hates people who talks back. Getting the brunette off guard, she grabbed the sides of her face and pulled her closer, too close that they can both feel their hot breaths hitting their faces.

They both stare at each other's eyes and for some reason, it created a weird tingling sensation inside Jennie. A sudden wave of emotion.

An urge to kiss her.

Lisa searches her eyes, "You are fucking mine, I own every single part of your body and nobody else can touch them but me." she said with a hard tone.

"Go to hell,"

"I will,"

"And rot,"

"I will,"

"And don't ever come back,"

"I won't,"

"I fucking hate you,"

"I know,"

Jennie clenched her jaw and without any second thought, her mouth landed on Lisa's, kissing her in an immense type energy. The taller woman returns back the favor and kissed her back with the same pace. The brunette isn't definitely thinking straight but seeing Lisa's plump lips looking like it wants to be kissed in the morning made her brain go blank.

She wraps her arms around Lisa's waist by going in inside the robe she was wearing and deepens the kiss even more. They didn't care if someone walked in and see them making out.

All they did was explore each other's mouths, keeping one other close without any doubt.

Her brain may despise Lisa but her body was a sucker for her and she couldn't do anything to stop it.

At this point she doesn't care anymore.


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