Rise of the Sloth Hero (MHA...

By AxlorTheWeeb

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One fateful day a battle ensued between the 7 deadly sins and the demon King, a primal force of darkness aide... More

Chapter 1 - Preperation
Chapter 2 - Enterance Exam
Chapter 3 - U.A.
Chapter 4 - Physical tests
Chapter 5 - Ground Beta
Chapter 6 - Primary Combat
Chapter 7 - Class Representative?
Oslo? (Not a Chapter)
Chapter 8 - A Run-in
Chapter 9 - A Feeling
The Parents
Chapter 10 - USJ
Chapter 11 - USJ Confrontation
Chapter 13 - Questions?
Chapter 14 - Oncoming Challenges
Pairing Ideas?
Chapter 15 - New Seat?

Chapter 12 - USJ Ongoing Colflict

244 4 0
By AxlorTheWeeb

Third Person POV

The two have been walking for a few minutes now and luckily they have not encountered any more villains along their path, by the looks of it they were more concentrated around the area of teleportation.

King: "You see anything?" He asks, looking around and staying alert.

Mina: "No, so far no other villains"

King: "Hm, I'm sure the peace won't last too long"

Mina: "Well we can just hope- hold on I think I see the end of the forest" she exclaimed, hurriedly picking up the pace.

King followed suit, speeding up after her towards the edge of the forest he soon also saw.

Upon exiting the tree line they'd see that they were in a clearing that separated the forest and the ruined city zone.

King: "Well there's the city zone, now if we follow the border between the two sections we can locate the center fountain and then the entrance from there, hopefully, we'll find our teachers or other classmates from there"

Mina nodded in response and they both started to follow the border.

They did so for quite a while now, and they had yet to encounter more villains, yet they both had a sense of uneasiness as there was an eerie feeling in the air, something more sinister was at play and they were headed straight for it.

King's POV

We've been walking for a few minutes now and I couldn't shake off this odd feeling. Something is going down and I know it's not good. But even knowing this I put that feeling aside for now as we arrive at a piece of a fallen building.

King: "We're getting close, I'm sure the fountain should be just around this fallen debris"

I begin to walk around to get a better look at the other side and Mina who was close behind runs to get a peek too. The first thing we would notice was more thugs around the area along with a purple portal.

Mina: "Hey, that definitely belongs to the guy that scattered us throughout the U.S.J.!"

King: "Well I guess that's how the villains got in here," I think out loud as I pan over the rest of the field, "But low-level thugs wouldn't do something like this... there has to be someone who orchestrating thi-"

Suddenly my gaze came to a halt as I saw it. I wasn't exactly sure what it was even if it was human, but it was a tall hulking figure with an exposed brain and what seemed to be a beak.

This thing was holding down our teacher, bending and twisting his arm in ways they shouldn't.

All the while, a sinister grin was plastered on its face, though even with that expression there was no emotion, its eyes were blank and non-calculating....whatever it was it wasn't natural.

Standing beside it was a man with dark clothes and what looked like severed hands on his face and arms being used to form his costume. His focus seemed to be directed towards the lake, of what exactly? I couldn't see from my angle but if anyone was the evil ringleader, it was him.

Mina: "What?! What do you see?"

Mina followed my line of sight and brought her hands up to her mouth with a gasp.

Mina: "W-what is that thing...!"

"I...don't know, but right now we need to-" A wave of unease washed over me as my eyes locked with that of the hulking creature but it didn't really react to me.

Slowly I rose my chastifol to my side aiming it directly at whatever this 'thing' was, about to strike but nothing happened, I just froze, its gaze was piercing but yet it did not speak or even move from its position.

I knew I had to act but that may alert everyone to our position putting us in a bad situation, there just wasn't a good opening....at least until the gates to the USJ burst open with a very familiar figure emerging from them, it was him, All-Might, however he wasn't accompanied by his signature smile, no, even from where we were I can feel the sheer intensity of the glare he bore towards the villains, they're definitely in for what's coming to them.

In an instant All-Might vanished and a blur rushed through the group of lesser villains incapacitating each of them with ease.

Sighing in relief, I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding, and it seems Mina was doing the same as I also here her exhale beside me. All I can feel is further relief seeing our homeroom teacher along with 3 other classmates being rescued.

Finally! things can only go uphill from here, now that the #1 hero has arrived....nah, it's never that simple.

As the fight between All-Might and that...thing began it was shocking to see that they actually seemed to be evenly matched. It's hard to imagine a strength quirk on par with All-Might himself but then again whatever this thing was, it wasn't anything normal.

The further the fight progressed the more I started to notice something, All-Might seemed ever so slightly fatigued, but no that can't be the fight hadn't been going on for too long and it's the #1 we're talking bout, it's probably nothing.

Mina's gasp cut my thoughts short as I refocused on the fight and saw the situation All-Might found himself in, body half-way through a portal and claws digging into his abdomen.

All right, now something needed to be done, sitting here and spectating was not going to help anyone, but would could I do exactly? One wrong move could just make everything worse.

Analyzing the situation I can see everything seemed to be at a stand-still, the main problem was that portal villain but I simply didn't have a way of dealing with an opponent made completely of mist...or was he? There seemed to be a larger concentration of mist just under his 'head', what if it was to protect something, his solid body, a weak point.

But of course I wasn't too sure about it, so acting on that theory now be the best idea, perhaps there was something else he can do, a distraction? No maybe something more-

At that moment it seems my decision was made for me as I see Deku running into the fight, only for the portal villain to swiftly put himself between the green haired kid and All-Might, but in that moment I saw a glimpse of what was underneath the mist, metal plated armor verifying my assumption and that's all the confirmation I needed as with a simple flick of my hand I sent my chastifol sailing to my target.

Of course, I wasn't aiming to fatally wound the villain, the only reason I felt comfortable attacking head-on with my weapon was because he was wearing a sort of armor.

The *clang* of metal on metal indicated that I hit my target as I saw the main body of the villain get knocked to the side, allowing Deku to pass.

That was when a portion of the ground around the fight began to freeze over and encase thing with the exposed brain. Luckily it seems others had similar ideas of helping out as they were soon joined by Bakugou and Kirishima, the ladder of which engaged the hand villain.

Referring to them as -blank- villain is starting to get tedious, note to self; find better names to call them.

"Wait here and keep an eye out behind us, I need a better view" I say turning to Mina.

"A-Alright" she replied, and with that I jumped out from behind the building debris thus exposing myself to the others and the villains but also gaining a better vantage point. It may not have been the best move but considering the distance between me and them I was confident I could safely provide support as the others engaged.

Focusing back on the fight I decide to help out Karishma first since looking back to what the villains quirk did to Aizawa, he could end Kirashima with a single touch, I had to prevent that from happening.

Recalling my spear from the initial target(seeing as Bakugou now has the villain pinned down) I keep it hovering near the two of them waiting for a moment to intervene.

The moment comes when the villain is about to grab Kirishima's shoulder and not wanting to find out what the outcome of that I send my chastifol barreling into the ground between the two causing the villain to recoil backward while sending a glare in my direction.

Now I wasn't close enough to hear anything they may have said but the way the hand mask of his slightly moved I know he mumbled something, most likely a remark in annoyance to my intervention.

Of course with all this going on it served as a perfect moment for All-Might to escape the death trap and was not standing with the other students.

Seeing this must of sparked something in the 'hand' villain as he began to go on some sort of monologue which I couldn't hear but seeing as everyone else didn't move returned my spear to me.

"Hey, a little help here!"

Hearing Mina's voice I realize I've been unintentionally zoning out everything else around me to focus on the fight going on. Quickly regaining my bearings I now hear a scuffle between multiple people going on behind the debris. Well crap, some other villains must of found us.

Of course I spring into action and retreated back to help, but I couldn't help but spare a glance back at All-Might and the others, they'll be fine right? It's not like I would have had as big an impact as All-Might himself in the fight.

Anyway returning back to assist Mina I saw her maneuvering around 2 villains seeming to mainly be on defense, which made sense as unlike in the forest she didn't have any obstacles like the trees to use her acid on.

Once I was there the help out we made quick work of the two with Mina serving as a distraction while I was able to incapacitate them. However soon after that several more appeared seemingly attracted by the commotion.

This went on for a while, forcing us to stay on our toes until we finally whittled their numbers down to one person. However the last one proved to be a challenge as they seemed to possess a speed/agility quirk that allowed them to maneuver around Mina to avoid my attacks.

They also seemed smarter than the others as after getting around Mina they made a B-line for the heavy hitter, which evidently was me in this case.

Being quite tired I recalled my spear as fast as possible but still braced for the attack in case I wasn't fast enough, this was gonna hurt.

After a moment the attack I expected never came, instead everything shook, and when I say everything I mean everything. I'm not sure what caused it but luckily it seemed to throw the villain off which gave me the opportunity to use the blunt side of my chastifol, to incapacitate the final villain.

"Alright, that better have been the last of them" I remarked, these guys were really starting to get annoying.

"How many of them are there? they just kept coming!" exclaimed Mina as she walked over to me. At this point it was safe to say we were both pretty warn out.

"They must've been planning the for a while to have numbers like that....but what was the hell was that rumble? It definitely didn't feel like an earthquake, it was way too brief, someone's quirk maybe?"

"If it was, it must have been a pretty strong quirk, what is it was All-Might?" Of course, he was the best candidate considering the strength of his quirk.

Immediately we both headed back to check on the situation when out of the corner of our eyes we saw a shadow right behind us. We barely had time to fully turn around when I realized it was the villain with the speed quirk process.

Damn how could we turn our backs on a group of thugs even if they seemed down for the count? That was stupid move.

Fortunately, it looked like we were being looked out for as a bullet zipped through the air and hit the attacker straight in the ankle, allowing me to yet again use my spear as a bat to knock them out. Alright so who exactly shot the-

"SNIPE!", Mina seemed to realize it before I did, but it was clear now that the cavalry has arrived, and if one teacher were here, the others would be too.

This was further confirmed when the unmistakable yelling of Present Mic was heard, thankfully he wasn't yelling in our direction but he was definitely here.

"Finally the teachers are here!" She added.

"Do you see any of them? I would really like to get out of this place" I asked

"Ya, I see one of Ectoplasms clones heading this way come quick!" she replied, and already began making her way to the teacher.

Nodding in response, I began to follow her before stopping for a moment, I just had to know the outcome of the fight from before, just a glance would be enough.

And so that's what I did, before Mina got too far I went back and looked around the debris to see Cementoss, Deku, and some skinny guy with hair and clothes similar to All-Might's. Ok good looks like their all o-




Alright so this is a tad late and I'm sorry for that, things got pretty busy for a WHILE and  just couldn't get back into this, but I'm going to try to continue this no and I hope I can get the new one out soon. Thx for waiting, I hope you enjoyed.

P.S. This one is a longer than the others and I think I got a little sloppy so sorry for that, I'll try to come back to here and previous chapters to polish them out.

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