Chapter 13 - Questions?

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King POV

Alright alright, things were moving along pretty fast, the remaining villains have been swiftly dealt with thanks to our teachers, and I along with all the students from what I can see have been safely led out of the U.S.J. to where the authorities soon arrived to check on us and handle the villains obtained by the pro heroes/our teachers.

After what I've just seen, the first thing I did was look around immediately trying to single out 2 certain people from the crowd, Deku, and All-Might.

Of course, I didn't find them, which honestly I was expecting. The two seemed pretty banged up after that fight which means they were probably in the medical ward already, most likely brought out a different exit too to prevent them from being seen.

Putting my countless questions aside, knowing I won't be getting answers to them any time soon, I head over to the rest of the students, Ashido already going ahead.

3rd Person POV

Joining up with the others, King would slide himself into the group which was currently talking about their various experiences of what just went down.

Kaminari: "They were everywhere man, we were completely cornered for basically the whole time!"

Yaoyurozu: "Yes, and they just kept coming one after another. Even after we dealt with the first ones, more just kept coming, even that immense attack Denki released.

King: "So you two were together during the attack?"

Yaoyurozu: "Yes, us along with Jirou, we ended up together in the maintain zone"

Ojirou: "Lucky, I got stuck in the fire zone alone. I only got by through using hit and run tactics"

Jirou: "Really? Even with us with him, sparky here got himself captured by a villain, we're lucky the teachers arrived just then"

Kaminari: "Hey! I'm the only reason we lasted that long!" he shot back.

Ojirou: "What about you King? Where did you end up too?"

King: "I got teleported to the forest zone, but my chastifol didn't come with me"

Yaoyurozu: "Really? how did you defend yourself?"

King: "I just had to stay on my feet, avoiding their attacks long enough for my chastifol to get back to me

Uraraka: "Ooh right! I saw it get left behind after most of the others disappeared then it just started flying away"

King: He nodded in response, "Ya, it took a while but I was able to recall it in time, the only reason I lasted long was that the villains seemed to be nothing but low-level thugs"

Tokoyami: "Oh really? I encountered the same thing. They didn't seem combat tuned at all"

King: "Ya it seems using their numbers was their whole strategy, luckily I was able to meet up with Ashido after dealing with the first few"

Ashido: "First few? When I got there there were TONS of unconscious villains around you"

King: "I think you exaggerating a little bi-"

Ashido: "Oh, you guys should have seen him! Once we got out of the forest zone and more of them attacked us he was like, *whoosh* *fwoo*" she said, overexaggerating some of his hand gestures along with the added sound effects, "And down they went, falling like flies"

King: "I..." He couldn't help but let out a small blush, seeing someone imitate the way he fights. "Well, you made it a lot easier thanks to your distractions" he wasn't one to brag about his abilities but he did feel a hint of pride from the praise, who wouldn't?

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