Life Like No Other - A Star W...

By nicole_julia_povs

327 25 167

Akira never considered herself to be lucky. As a Sith Acolyte chosen by chance, it's not too surprising. When... More



31 2 24
By nicole_julia_povs

"How is it possible for you to like history?" Cenna blurted out. Har-So sighed.

"I believe that history helps us grapple with complex questions and dilemmas by examining how the past has shaped us as a galaxy," he said, leaning back.

"Right. And you're secretly a Sith Lord sent to spy on us for credits," Vana answered, sarcasm dripping from her words.

"I'd agree with you with we actually did learn about the whole galaxy," Akira countered, then mentally screamed. Rule number stopped counting: Do not criticize! Anything!

No one reacted like she'd expected. Har-So stroked his chin thoughtfully, Cenna burst out laughing, and Vana looked at her with new found respect. Only Kay had no visible reaction. He was still hiding behind his hair, though. She noticed it had begun to wave a bit. Was his hair naturally curly? It would look good on him.

"I suppose you are correct," Har finally said. Vana cheered. She even managed to make that sarcastic. Must be a gift.

"Congratulations, Skylu! You managed to make the undefeated Har-So admit you are correct!" He scoffed at that.

"Would you like me to take it back, Lady Vana? I am more than willing to continue the debate." Cenna groaned.

"Look what you started!" She said accusingly. Akira watched them bicker, contentedly sitting cross-legged on her own comfort lounge. Kay sat next to her, leaning forward so that his elbows were on his knees. He was wringing his fingers, and his shoulders were tense. He looked like he needed some quiet.

"Guys!" Skylu interrupted. The three turned to her. "We should go if we really want to be early."

"I agree!" Har-So exclaimed, instantly getting up. 

"What a surprise. Har-Har wants to do the history test," Vana muttered, hoisting herself up.

"Dear Lady Vana, It would be my pleasure to anounce the answers to you during the quiz," he bowed modishly. Definitely from Coruscant.

"Alright, fancy boy. But don't go promising other girls the same." He gasped.

"Never, m'lady!" Cenna laughed, shoving Har-So playfully.

"Let's go guys. Seriously." They all started for the door. Kay didn't follow, saying only "I'll catch up to you," and sitting down at the bar. A droid instantly made him a drink. Akira hesitated, wanting to talk to him but not knowing if she'd be a bother.

His eyes met hers.

"I'll see you in history!" She called after her friends. Vana started to answer, but the door shut before Akira understood what she had said. Silence engulfed the lounge, only the whirring of machines and the soft crackle of the light interrupting it. It reminded her of the many days she spent here alone, never really understanding what she'd been missing out on.

On quiet sock-feet, she approached Kay. He took a sip of his drink, not saying anything. She slid into the seat next to his. They sat for a few minutes, Kay slowly draining his cup, and Akira minding her own business. If he wanted to talk, he would. Just needed some time.

"You don't have to stay here, you know," he said finally, not looking at her.

"Good that I want to then," she answered. Kay startled, the lines of his mouth deepening. She studied what she could see of his face. He reminded her of someone, but strangely, she couldn't place who.

"Why?" His voice cracked. He sounded guilty, but he had nothing to be guilty of. 

"Why what? Why do I want to stay? Because I'm not going to leave you drinking your problems away." He chuckled lowly.

"The drinking doesn't work anymore." Akira frowned lightly. What did that mean? Something had clearly happened to shake him up this badly, but what could it have been? She didn't want to say anything in fear of being wrong, but... Still. Whatever. Time to get his sorry ass up.

"Then you don't need this, do you?" She grabbed the glass out of his hands and put it under the counter. Kay opened his mouth in protest, but then smirked instead.

"You know I can order another drink, right?"

"You know I can take that one too, right?" He sighed.

"There's no winning with you, is there?" She grinned.


After basically dragging him out of his seat, Akira managed to get them both to history on time. He let her grab him without complaint, coming along like a friendly tooka cat. Vana, Cenna, and now Hak-So all sat at the back of the class, far from her usual spot. She always sat in the second or the third row, so she wouldn't get distracted, and she'd seem like a good student.

It worked.

But now, she'd have to join her new friends at the back. Kay plopped down in the desk next to Vana's, making Akira have to sit between Har-So and Cenna.

"Hello, Lady Skylu!" They both waved enthusiastically. 

This'll be fun.

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