
By ElizabethSimmons9

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Elizabeth luna Gilbert, who is actually Elizabeth luna Blackwell The last Blackwell witch in existence. Bein... More



41 1 0
By ElizabethSimmons9


THE door to the classroom opened, revealing Damon Salvatore. "Sorry I'm late, my dog ate my, uh..." Damon stopped when he saw their faces. "What's with all the furrowed brows?"

"I saw Isobel last night," Alaric stated.

Damon looked confused at a that, asking, "Isobel's here? In town?" Alaric nodded and Damon looked over at the twins before walking over to the windows, asking, "Did you ask about Uncle John?" He looked at the teacher. "Are they working together?"

Alaric shook his head and said, "No."

"No, Their not?"

"No, I didn't ask."

"What about the invention?" Damon questioned.

"Didn't ask."

"Does she know about the tomb vampires?"

"I don't know."

"Did words completely escape you?" Damon asked, now standing in front of Alaric.

"No, I was a little too distracted by my dead vampire wife to ask questions," Alaric snapped.

" What did she want?" Damon asked.

Elena sighed. "She wants to see me and Elizabeth, Damon."

"Alaric is supposed to arrange a meeting," Stefan explained, crossing his arms. "We don't know why or what she wants."

"You don't have to see her if you don't want to," Damon said, looking at the twins. His eyes mostly on Elizabeth. "Why Elizabeth she not Isobel's daughter?"

"We don't have a choice," Elizabeth stated, "She threatened to go on a killing spree. And she wants to see me because she knows I'm Cassidy daughter, and the last witch of my kind."

"Oh," Damon said. "I take it that's not okay with you guys."

"Lena and I talked about it," Elizabeth started, "We wanna do it. We want to meet her. If we don't we know we'll regret it."

Elena nodded and stated, "This might be our one chance."

LATER that night, Elizabeth and Elena sat in the grill, waiting for Isobel. The waitress walked over and placed the twins drink down in front of them.

"Can you hear me?" Elena asked, looking over at Stefan, who stood over by the pool tables. He nodded and Elena said, "Thanks for coming."

Suddenly, a women appeared in front of them, and Elizabeth and Elena knew by the picture Trudie had given them, that this was Isobel.

Isobel took of her coat and placed it on her back of her chair before sitting down. The twins hands linked under the table as Isobel smiled at them and said, "Hello, Elena." She looked at Elizabeth. "Hello, Elizabeth." She then stared at Elena. "You look just like her. It's eerie." She looked at Elizabeth, shaking her head, "You look like your mother,"

"You've meet Katherine?" Elizabeth asked before rolling her eyes. "Of course you did."

Isobel nodded and said, "She found me after I turned. Genetic curiosity, I suppose. She would be fascinated by you Elena. But I can tell you she would hate you Elizabeth, she hated witches."

Elizabeth rolled her eyes. "Well, I hate her too, so..."

"Is that how you can walk in the day?" Elena asked, looking at the necklace around Isobel's neck.

The women looked down at her necklace, saying, "Katherine helped me obtain it."

"Let's get to the fun questions," Elizabeth said, leaning forward. "Who's Elena father. And did you maybe know mine?"

"Not important," Isobel. "He was a teenage waste of space. And your mother never told me. Not that I would tell you."

"Much like you?" Elizabeth retorted. This was the kind of vampires that Sheila told her about, so she was't feeling bad about the words leaving her mouth. "You can't just waltz in, ruin everyone's lives that they have fought to have. Like Ric, who is the best person I have ever meet, he finds a way in everything that is happening to make us smile, he's better without you." She scoffed. "And, to be honest, you shouldn't be surprised to be faced with my anger. You're the reason my mother is dead, I saw, I saw that you could have saved her but you turned your back on her and let the vampires kill her, Not to mention you are threatening innocent lives. Like come on."

Isobel smiled and said, "Your a real bitch, and yes I did watch your mother die, I don't regret it."

"Your a monster." Elena said looking at her after what Elizabeth said. "Why did you compel that man to kill himself right after he told us to stop looking for you?"

"Dramatic impact," Isobel said with a shrug. "Wish it would have been more effective."

"Human life means that little to you?" Elena asked, narrowing her eyes.

"Means nothing to me," Isobel said with a smile, "It's just part of being what I am."

The twins shook their head, saying, "No. It's not,"

"We know other vampires," Elena simply stated, shaking her head, while Elizabeth say, "That's not true."

"You mean your boy friend over there by the pool table?" Isobel asked, "Stefan Salvatore. Why Stefan? Why didn't you go for Damon? Or do you enjoy them both, like Katherine did?"

"Okay, listen here, you selfish bitch," Elizabeth snapped, leaning forward, shocking Isobel. "Elena may look like Katherine, but she is not her. So, if you say anything rude or demanding to me or my twin ever again, we are leaving. Now get to the point." She glared at her making Isobel grab her head in pain.

"I'm curious about you two," Isobel said after a second as Elena held Elizabeth's hand tightly, trying to keep her calm, "But the real reasons I want what you uncle wants — Jonathan Gilbert's invention."

"How do you know our uncle?"

"I used to spend a lot of time here when I was younger," Isobel explained. "John had a crush on me for years, he was the first one that told me about vampires."

"So, what made you want to be one?" Elena asked.

Isobel shrugged and said, "It's a very long list of reasons, Elena, all of which I'm sure you two have thought about." Elena shock her head and Isobel said, "That was your first lie. It's inevitable. You're gonna get old. Stefan won't. Forever doesn't last very long when you're human."

"We don't have what your looking for," Elizabeth told her before Elena stood. Isobel grappled Elena's arm, saying, "Sit down and tell your boyfriend to walk away."

On instinct, Elizabeth grabbed Isobel arm and broke it in half. Isobel let out and angered growl, grabbed Elizabeth's arm, and gripped it so hard in the same spot John had, that it made Elizabeth wince.

"Do not touch me again," Isobel demanded, leaning closer to her, allowing her vampire face to show. "I will kill you and everyone else in this stupidly named bar."

"Okay, okay!" Elena exclaimed. "We'll sit and listen to you. Stop hurting her, please."

Isobel smirked before roughly shoving Elizabeth in her seat. She slowly took her spot again and looked at the twins. "I want the invention."

"We don't have it," Elizabeth snapped, trying not to touch her arm which felt like static from how hard it was being grabbed.

"I know that. But Damon does. And you two are gonna get it for me,"

Elizabeth scoffed and said, "He's not gonna give it to us."

"Then the blood will be on your hands," Isobel said before standing and grabbing her things, "It was nice meeting you two."

Elizabeth watched her leave and finally let a tear fall. Getting up they both stood as they saw Bonnie walk into the Grill. But Bonnie stopped walking towards the sad Gilbert twins when she noticed Stefan behind them. Elena turned and looked at Stefan as Elizabeth held contact with Bonnie, who simply turned and walked away.

ELIZABETH and Elena walked into a empty classroom the next day to meet Bonnie.

Elena and Elizabeth walked over and hugged bonnie, Elizabeth let go and pulled her grimorie out of her bag setting it next to Bonnie's. When Elena pulled back, Bonnie said, "Thanks for meeting me. We wanted you to see this."

"Is that Emily spell book and Your family's Elizabeth." Elena asked, seeing the books on the table.

Bonnie and Elizabeth nodded, "We have been going though everything in both books, since Grams died, Most thing on here where made, but then spelled to work."

"Most people thought it was Emily magic and spells that did all this, It wasn't she just wrote it all down. It was really a Blackwell witch the spell and the start of magic." Bonnie said smiling at Elizabeth.

Bonnie pointed at the page in her book, then the spell in Elizabeth book.

"That's the vampire compass," Elizabeth said.

Bonnie nodded her head. "According to Emily, Jonathan Gilbert never actually succeeded in inventing anything. Emily and Kristina spelled them all with Blackwell spells and both of their magic, spiting it half sometimes."

"Sometimes Emily spelled them and other times Kristina did, Kristina and Emily spelled the compass." Elizabeth flipped the page. "Kristina spelled the rings for vampires. "She turned the page again. " And the mystery device that we have been talking about." Elizabeth finished.

"Damon only has one piece of it." Elizabeth said with a frown.

"Emily pledged her loyalty to Katherine," Bonnie explained. "But she couldn't stand by and watch innocent people get killed. So her and Kristina, were spelling the devices, making Jonathan Gilbert believe he was inventing them. That was their way of helping."

"Does it say in either book what it does?" Elena asked.

Bonnie and Elizabeth bent down reading the books when both girls eyes widen. "Are sure this is what Isobel wants."

"Yeah, we're sure, Elena said and Elizabeth nodded. "Why?"

"This is a weapon," Elizabeth explained, "Against Vampires."

Elena had a confused look and worried. While Elizabeth was scared.

WHILE Elena went to find Stefan, Elizabeth went to find Caroline and Bonnie, she found them on top of the Miss Mystic Falls float.

Elizabeth walked up to them and Bonnie and her hugged, making Caroline smile, standing up and exclaiming, "You came!"

Elizabeth giggled and hugged her tightly , saying, "Of course I did."

"Come help," Caroline said, handing Elizabeth a hammer and some decorations. "Are you okay?" She asked as they started to fixing the decorations on the float.

Elizabeth went to speak when she heard her sister scream, "No!" And then Matt's scream was heard.

The three girls took of running down the float, fishing over to the truck to see Matt pinned down. Some football players were trying to pick the truck up and Elizabeth started to lift it too, but then Stefan appeared nodding to her and she let him do it.

He sat up as they lower the truck to the ground, andStefan said, "Caroline, call an ambulance." She nodded and pulled out her phone as Elizabeth looked around. She saw Isobel standing beside her twin sister, immediately walked over, and pulled her sister behind her, flashing her purple eyes making Isobel back up, Elena asked, "Why are you doing this?"

"I'm showing you how easy it is to hurt the people you care about," Isobel stated.

Elizabeth narrowed her eyes and asked, "You're doing this because of the Jonathan Gilbert's invention?"

"Hand it over and the fun will stop."

"We told you, Damon isn't going to give it to us," Elizabeth snapped.

"And I think you two underestimate how much Damon cares for you too," Isobel said.

Elizabeth glared and said, "He'll kill you before he gives it up."

"Is that before or after I kill your brother, Jeremy?" Isobel asked.

Elizabeth and Elena immediately turned to look over at where they had last seen their brother to see him gone. "Jeremy!?" The twins yelled.

The twins turned back around to look at Isobel, only to see that she was gone, too.

"ABSOLUTELY not." Damon snapped as they all stood in the Salvatore Boarding House later that night.

"Just hear us out," Elizabeth said with a sigh.

Damon shook his head and said. "I'm not gonna give the device to Isobel so she can give it to John, who's gonna turn around and kill me with it. I like being living dead person."

"But it'll be useless," Elena explained, "Bonnie can take it's power away."

"I don't trust her."

"i can remove the original spell," Bonnie said from where she was standing with Elizabeth.

"John and Isobel will never know," Elizabeth said with a smile she trusted Bonnie.

"No. No, I'll get Jeremy on my own," Damon said.

Stefan narrowed her eyes from where he stood by Elena. "Really? How are you gonna do that? Hmm? Because Isobel is a vampire, and Jeremy an be dead the second you walk in that door."

"Are you even up for this?" Damon asked, looking at Bonnie, "I mean, no offense. You're no Emily Bennett. Emily knew what she was doing." Damon looked at Elizabeth. "Can you get rid of the spell?" Damon asked her.

Elizabeth sighed. "No, I can't. It's a Blackwell spell yes, But with Bennett power."

"I've been practicing on my own and with Elizabeth." Bonnie said.

"It's not piano lesson honey," Damon snapped.

"Pick a book, Damon. Any book in this room." Elizabeth said walking towards him.


"Name a book. Any book."

"Name a book," Damon said with a sigh, "How about Call of the wild " Jack London?"

Elizabeth turned to Bonnie. "Image the book, Think about it, flying into Damon's hand. Use your Magic. Embrace it."

Bonnie looked over at the one of the bookshelves, and instantly the book flew off the self and into Damon's hand. "Jack London," Damon said as he looked at the book. "Great Parlor trick."

"We're doing this Damon," Elena stated, "And we're gonna do it our way." She gestured to her and Elizabeth.

"We're wasting time," Elizabeth said after seeing Damon hesitated.

"I don't trust you," Damon said to Bonnie, "I was gonna kill you, if Elizabeth didn't step in."

"Your right," Bonnie said with a nod. "You can't trust me."

"But you can trust me." Elizabeth said, holding out her hand.

Damon stared at her for a minute before placing the device in her hand.

"Thank you," Elizabeth said with a small smile.

A few minutes later, they all stood up, watching Bonnie as she took a piece out of the device, and placed it on the desk before holding her hands over it. It started to levitate, and then the lights flickering. The fire behind Bonnie lit, and then it dropped into Bonnie's hands, and she said, "Done."

"Great," Damon said as Elena walked forward, taking the piece form Bonnie. "Now what?"

"Now we give it to Isobel," Elizabeth stated.

Damon simply turned and walked outta the room.

THE twins walked though the town square, stopping by the statue.

"Where's the device?" Isobel asked as the twins turned to look at her.

"Where's our brother?" Elizabeth asked.

"This isn't a negotiation," Isobel stated. "Where's the invention?"

"Where's our brother?" Elena asked, crossing her arms.

Isobel rolled her eyes and asked, "Do you really think I came alone?"

Elizabeth and Elena turned to look behind them, seeing the two people that were at the high school with Isobel earlier.

"Do you really think we came alone?" Elizabeth asked with a chuckle, and Isobel turned around to see Stefan and Damon behind her.

"For god sakes, call home," Isobel said.


"Call home, ask to speak to your brother Jeremy."

Elena Immediately pulled out her phone, dialing their house number. It immediately picked up, and Jeremy familiar voice was heard as he said, "Hello?"

"Jeremy, are you okay?" Elena asked.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," Jeremy said, "Uncle John, uh hit his head. It was an accident."

"And were all laughing," Jenna was heard saying.

"Yeah, but, um, I'm okay," Jeremy said.

"Elizabeth and I will be home soon, okay?" Elena told him and hung up, and she turned to look at Isobel, saying "You were never going to hurt him."

"No. I was going to kill him," Isobel stated, "Don't look for any redeeming qualities in me. I don't have any."

"But you took a risk with Damon," Elena said, narrowing her eyes, "How did you know that he was going to give it to us?"

"Cause he trusts Elizabeth more than anyone else, even himself, I don't know why she's a witch." Isobel stated and held out her hand, and Elena sighed, walking forward and handing the invention to her.

"Thank you," Elena said as Elizabeth crossed her arms.

Isobel narrowed her eyes and said, "For what?"

"Being such a monumental disappointment," Elizabeth snapped.

"It keeps the real memory of my mother perfectly intact." Elena smirked.

"Goodbye, girls, "Isobel said, looking at the twins. "As long as the both of you have a Salvatore on your arm, your doomed. Katherine was smart. She got out. But as Elizabeth said neither of you are Katherine."

Elizabeth scoffed and took a step towards her. "Your right we aren't Katherine, We are better and braver, not to mention smarter. We might not have the same parents but we are sisters." Elizabeth took a step closer. " I don't care who you are, you harm anyone i care about. I will burn you alive, like you watched those vampire do to my mother."

Elizabeth Flashed her eyes, Isobel Flinched back. Not saying anything, she simply walked away.  

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