Consistent: Collision (Book 2)

By affoa_

35.7K 1.5K 4.1K

Part 2 of Consistent (read first book) Police sirens rang in his ears, he ran further and further not knowing... More

Missing and Suspicious (chap 1)
Souvenir (chap 2)
Every age has a Scar (chap 3)
Wait, did you say Deku? (chap 4)
Close call (chap 5)
Self destruction and repair (chap 6)
Knock Knock (chap 8)
Admit. (chap 9)
Plead Guilty (chap 10)
Let's shake on it (chap 11)
"You corrupt hero" (Chap 12)

Should I stay or should I go (chap 7)

2.6K 117 328
By affoa_

okay fair warning I'm totally going off script here I'm now way in hell going to rewatch all these freakin episodes for accuracy, 8/10 of yall dont' remember shit from the second season either so humph>:( -Affoa 


To say Salvare was pissed was an understatement. Not only had Iida been an absolute dumbass and attacked a villain way out of his league, said villain had just stabbed a kid and was read to kill him. So Izuku was pretty livid at the situation. He didn't take his eyes off Stain as the man got up and ready. 

Stain- "A vigilante, huh? Get out of here, I have no business with you."

Salv- "A shame, because last I checked the whole point of the vigilante thing, is putting your nose where it shouldn't be."

Stain leapt forward, reeling his arm back to swing his sword. Salvare tumbled to the side and kicked at the man's legs. He was too slow, however, as Stain had jumped above and backflipped to the ground. Izuku grit his teeth, this would be a pain. It's one thing to fight, but to protect at the same time? Not only was Iida laying on the floor, the pro hero Native was against the wall.

Iida- "Get out of here! This is between me and him!"

Izuku couldn't help but get pissed. Is this teen being serious right now? Izuku just saved his ass and he dare say these things?

Salv- "You know, usually it's a thank you for saving someone's life."

Stain- "He's right, you should leave. I respect what vigilante's do, so there is no need to shed your blood."

The two vigilantes were stuck in an all out brawl. Izuku would defend his best in order to protect Iida and Native, but it was becoming taxing. It was a game of dodge and hit, neither side gaining any good hits nor bad injuries. Izuku still didn't know his quirk, so he had to be extra careful. Getting cut was a big no.

Salv- "Wow. How heroic of you. Taking on any fight for the good of others, being a symbol of protection, a person who is no god but a human who helps others, that's what being a hero is. Your standards are flawed stain."

Stain- "The only true hero is AllMight!"


Stain had frozen just a bit at that. Izuku took the chance to start picking up his pace, hitting the man as much as he could. Izuku knew he was unmatched but he couldn't stop trying. Stain quickly broke out of his trance. He grabbed Salvare's leg and threw him into a wall. Izuku tried to get up, but Stain had brought a small knife to his tongue. Salvare was paralyzed. 

His mind went a mile a minute. He was careful to watch Stain at all times. He analyzed his opponent. It was a skill of survival. He didn't miss how Stain avoided fatal injuries in contrast to smaller ones. Or how the man would try to cut him in any way possible. He didn't know what for, but he noticed. So when he saw the man lick a red substance, and felt his body freeze. He knew.

Stain- "AllMight is a true hero. That will never change."

Izuku had figured the man needed to ingest blood to paralyze his victims. That's all the vigilante could make out in that point in time. On the other hand, he was slowly getting more and more annoyed at this self proclaimed purger of unfit heroes. AllMight? Seriously? That reckless sad excuse for a professional? 

Salv- "You- you're really an idiot, aren't you?"

Stain had given Izuku his whole attention now. Good. Izuku needed to buy time for this to wear off and for Iida and Native to be safe. This wasn't the only reason though, he'd put stain in his place.

Stain- "Speak, vigilante."

Salv- "AllMight is a hero, yes, but he's terrible at it. He's reckless, completely ignores protocol, has old fashioned views, and don't get me started on the pure idiocy that is in that senile 50 year old. Who in their right mind uses that much force against small time villains? Because he doesn't even have a good handle on his own strength he accumulates so much property damage I could build a country with the debris."

Stain- "He saves people unconditionally, does it with no gain. That is what makes him a true hero."

Salv- "Villains aren't born Stain. They need saving too. His death count is higher than most of  the villains in the country. Powerful quirks are only worth their destructive ability if not in the right hands. AllMight isn't one of them."

Stain- "Then who do you believe to be a true hero?"

Salv- "That question itself is invalid."

Izuku slowly started to feel his body move again. His fingers could wiggle, but nothing else. He needed to stall more. 

Stain- "How so?"

Salv- "A 'true hero' is an opinion. I personally don't care as long as they get the job done. As long as everyone is being saved, no matter who they are. Some people do become heroes for money, some are forced, some for the fame, and some to help others. But it doesn't matter. Heroes shouldn't be exempt for their crimes. Take Endeavor for example. He would be in jail if not for his position."

Stain- "Heroes must be selfless. Personal gain such as money, fame, power, all do not make a hero."

Salv- "That's true, but who said a hero can't have all that? AllMight has money, fame, power, opportunity, he has it all. He is loved by all of Japan and for what? He's quirkest, has no understanding of how to deal with civilians, he drops in, takes down the villain in a stronger punch than necessary, and leaves the rest to others. My personal favorite hero is EraserHead."

Stain- "The underground hero?"

Salv- "Yes. He's selfless, doesn't do it for the fame nor money, had a rough upbringing, doesn't discriminate, and works hard. He loses sleep in order to do his job. He weighs the pros and cons of every situation. But that's only one person. The hero society is filled with many heroes who want to help people. SO fucking what if they get money along the way. They need to make a living too. They can't survive off of nothing."

Stain- "They are not fit. They're greedy. Wish for more. These heroes only make society worse."

Mido's pov (ITS BEEN A HOT MINUTE I KNOW - foa)

I slowly put my hand behind my back. My body had lost its paralyses affect. Iida and Native were still paralyzed though. What could possibly have made me return faster? Is it blood time, how much he consumed, where he hit, how fast he took it? Best guess is blood type. 

I'm type O. Seeing as how he doesn't recognize that I should be up, it's something he can't count himself. Blood type seems most plausible. He must think I'll be staying down for a while. If anyone was to become involved with the fight between me and Stain they'd only get in the way. 

I move my arm behind me and reach over to a pad on my suit. I press a button and start to record the fight from now on, including vocals. The camera on the front of my suit flickered on. I look over to see Iida slowly getting back up. He's going to get us killed. Stain has yet to hear him, but with that metal suit clinking around, he will soon. 

I need to speed up my plan, otherwise everyone here will die.

Salv- "So what do you wish to accomplish? You kill all the 'fake heroes' and then what? The only one standing is AllMight. He's getting older, he's in his 50s, he's bound to retire within the next decade. Do you really believe he can protect all of Japan on his own? You take out all the heroes and the multitude of villains and criminals that already out numbered them have a free pass to do whatever they please."

Stain- "I will be there. AllMight won't fall."

Salv- "How can you be so sure? He's human. Not a god. Not an all mighty being. He's human. Like everyone else he has his limits. I wonder whether they'll come to light soon enough."

Stain contemplated it for a while, but his train of thought was closed as he heard Iida get up. This fucking idiot. I'm going to beat the shit out of him one day. Just as Stain was about to pounce I swing my leg upwards and uppercut him. 


I didn't dare take my gaze off of the imposing man before me.


Iida- "BUT-"


Stain was getting back up. He brought his arm up and wiped the blood off his mouth with the back of his hand. He had a busted lip. Stain had managed to nick me in the arm, most likely from when I was attacking him. I pulled out 2 dagger's from my suit.

I stood my guard in front of them. Iida had finally gained a fucking brain as he started to pick up native. Honestly he's just getting in the way. Surprise surprise, he noticed, and was clearly not pleased.

Stain- "Move."

Salv- "Sorry, no can do. You see, letting you kill them is kind of against my morals."

Stain- "I said move. Or else."

Salv- "Or else what? Listen what you're about to threaten me with you've been doing this whole time. I'm all accepting of your opinions and shit, but seriously, come up with something original."

Stain's eyes hardened. I pissed him off alright. He lunged at me instantly. I dodged, tilting my body backwards. His sword swung right above my face. When his arm passed me, I pulled myself back up. I grabbed his arm, pulled him forward, and headbutted him so hard I swear I saw stars. He stumbled back, clearly disorganized. 

I gripped my knives tighter as I ran towards him. Slashing at his legs and arms. Only making shallow cuts. It wouldn't make him bleed to death, but his movement would be hindered. It'd slow him down. I turned and kicked him with the back of my foot, completely spinning my body. I hit him square in the face. He flew back into a wall. He looked unconscious, but I knew better. 

I stayed away. He took a few seconds before looking back up. Blood was seeping from his forehead and over his eye. I forgot to factor in the fact that my mask was kind of hard. Seriously? I'm sure he's fine but like what if he wasn't stain. C'mon Izuku, think this through. My head hurt of course, but his must be on fire in comparison. 

And just like that, he was on me once again.

No one's pov

The two engaged in an all out brawl. With Salvare trying his hardest not to get cut, and Stain attempting to reach the injured pro and student. Stain was distracted, which is the only way Salvare stood a chance. That chance was short lived. Stain realized that the vigilante in front of him was of much more importance. 

Salvare was being pushed back. He was no longer on offensive and relied completely on defense. Dodging and avoiding at all costs. He couldn't get caught. Even a single drop of blood would mean death. He wasn't as skilled in comparison. The fact that Stain was still standing after all those hits in the head just showcased his strength.

Iida had gotten Native out of the Alley, running into Todoroki on the way. He was helped to a medic center. Along the way he explained the situation, and Todoroki himself couldn't help but go back to that alley. He needed to see. Stain vs. Salvare, he wanted to be there, to help.

From what the dual haired boy knew, Salvare was a quirkless vigilante. Stain had the ability to paralyze his victims. He was a murderer. Todoroki was not about to let Salvare get killed when he knew he could have interfered.

By the time he reached the entrance of the alley, Stain and Salvare we're gradually getting higher and higher. Bouncing off of walls and jumping from place to place. Metal clashed mid air as the force threw the vigilantes back.

To the teen it was an amazing sight. Not one that can be seen on TV or by watching a hero. This was different. He found himself having new ideas on the world. New ways to view it. The reaction didn't last long.

A small dagger cut through the air right by his face. If he was even an inch (2.7 cm?- Idk) over, he would have bene hit. His mind was sent back on focus. With a final thought, he solidified his next actions, and just like that, he activated his quirk.




Naomasa Tsukauchi. The poor detective was stressed out of his wits. Not only were his cases piling up, his vigilante friend had contacted him and told him he was after the hero killer. The man who went around killing pro heroes with extreme skill due to his ideals. The man with over a decade of fighting experience who was previously a vigilante. That hero killer.

The detective should have known Salvare wouldn't stay quiet against him. He just thought that with Averta being back, Salvare would give his sole attention to that instead. He was naive in thinking so. How long has he known the vigilante? Years. And he couldn't tell that he'd pull a stunt like this? Disappointing.

He had been running to his car straight after receiving the message. He had to get there. Though he was supposed to stay at the station today and do paperwork, he thought this was more important. It was. The amount of speeding laws he probably broke on his way to Hosu didn't bother him. He had good reason, even if he had to spend an hour explaining it. 

He didn't plan anything out ahead of time. In fact he almost forgot to inform the group chat about the situation. Almost. When he had arrived at the station set in Hosu he made quick work to make sure everyone was notified and informed.

They weren't happy to say the least. Tsukauchi could basically feel the anxiety through the screen. Blackout was on a special mission across country, he's been isolated from society for a week. Any news alerts he didn't know. Apparently Kareem had a special skill set that matched what was needed. It was a simple undercover mission, bound to end soon.

The detective entered Hosu to find Salvare, little did he know, that he'd find something completely different.




Shigaraki was livid. Not only did stain reject his offer, the man had the gall to attack him as well. Shigaraki hated annoyances. Stain had become one of them.

He had invited Stain and offered a partnership, the other rejected and jumped at them. Stain had been winning. That was something the man child with extreme eczema would never admit. Stain had been close to killing the Leagues young master before Kurogiri teleported Stain away last second.

Both villains had their fair share of injuries, but not anything that couldn't be fixed up in time for the 'show'. They had their own doctor. By next day nightfall they initiated their plan, and so did Stain.

Nomus were left to run rampant on Hosu. Destroying buildings, grabbing children, killing civilians, injuring heroes, it was magnificent, at least to Shigaraki it was.

Endeavor was at the scene, fighting nomu, taking them out left and right. He had that same scowl on his face. Completely unaware that real prize of that evening was currently fighting a vigilante the same age as his son.

Speaking of son, Todoroki had been using his fire more often. With how destroyed the area was, he thought ice wouldn't be the best idea. He was right. Everything was lit aflame, debris was scattered everywhere, civilians running away in fear. He had mainly been aiding civilians on escaping. Using his ice for injuries and fire for defense. Whenever a nomu got too close he'd blast it away and keep moving.

He repeated the process. He did so until he saw a shine in the corner of his eye. Coming out from an alley way was his classmate Iida. The engine teen was bleeding and holding onto a half dead Native. Todoroki ignored his father's shouts as he ran towards the alley. He knew Endeavor was too preoccupied to go after him.

The alley was so far away that Todoroki found himself questioning how he saw it in the first place. When he made it there he instantly went to Iida's side. Carrying the pro hero for his peer. He led them to a clearing and set them down. He called an ambulance as well as preforming as much first aid as he could.

Not even 20 minutes later was he back on track to that alley. Iida explained the situation. Todoroki was disappointed in him, of course, but right now he had a vigilante to help and possibly catch.

What he didn't expect when entering this alley was to find both of them just standing opposite of eachother talking. 

Todoroki was frozen as they jumped at each other. They started to fight once more. Todoroki sent his location to his father and a few more heroes he was in contact with. Now he was wondering whether to help or not to.

Salv- "Thank you, truly, but this doesn't mean I'll just let you go. We may agree but you can't go killing every hero you see because you deem them unworthy."

Stain chuckled as he looked at Salvare. He smirked with a dark look in his eyes.

Stain- "Exactly what I expect from a true hero."




anyway I'm off to write more chapters so I'm not late

Lunch period writing is elite this might become my schedule

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