Omori: oyasumi ( first story...

By Omixc_

85.5K 2.2K 532

TRIGGER WARNING!! This story contains mentions of depression, suicide, severe anxiety, Claustrophobia, Thal... More

The confession
Basil and Kel
Welcome to white space.
chapter that should be removed
Back to the "hospital"
Kel and Aubrey
gomen ne
Black space
Fresh air
Wake up
another attempt..
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6..
Omori: Oyasumi ( after the move )
The city
Faraway town
The cemetery
The hooligans
Happy birthday
Gardening pliers
Untitled part
Please ( short chapter )
A home for flowers
Flower crowns
Happy place
My thoughts will follow you into your dreams
Bad knee
Still going.
Dear little brother...
By your side
Pick a side
Cooking with Hero
Goodbye faraway.
Goodbye Mari

Me too.

1.4K 38 3
By Omixc_

After that, me, Kel and Basil went to the playground. We chatted a bit and reminded ourselves of nice memories. It got dark and I left my house pretty early while the sun was still shining. I don't want to deal with the house at night time. I went up to my room, and went to sleep. " Hello again. " Spoke Omori. I opened my eyes. " What do you want, Omori. " I sighed, annoyed. " You're the one that keeps coming back to white space Sunny. " Omori sighed. I rolled my eyes at him. " Had fun with Mari Sunny? " Omori asked. I didn't reply. " You know, you have to have normal dreams. Cant keep coming back here again and again. " Omori sat down and put Mewo on his lap. " and how do you want me to stop. I come here for a reason. " I spat at him. Omori looked at me stone faced. " I'm going to go see Mari. " I said. " I convinced her to stay at mr jaws place. She won't come back anytime soon. " Omori patted Mewo. " You've taken everything away from me Omori. '' I sighed and sat down next to him. Eventually the lightbulb started to swing violently. " Calm down. '' Omori looked at me. ''I am calm- '' I looked up at the lightbulb. " Wake up to find out what's happening then. " Omori grabbed his knife and stabbed me. 

I looked at him with furious eyes before flopping on the ground and waking up. I opened my eyes and looked out my window. Someone was throwing rocks at my window. I walked towards the window and saw Aubrey picking up rocks and throwing them at the window. " Sunny! You better get down here! " She yelled. I sighed. I didn't want to go to the house at night. " Sunny, I can very easily break down your door. Just warning you to HURRY UP! " She yelled louder. I sat down on the floor, pressing my back to my bed. I heard banging on the door, someone was trying to get in. I curled up and then heard a loud swing, followed by a gust of wind. " Sunny! I'm coming up there, " Aubrey yelled loudly. The light turned on. Suddenly something came into me, i didn't want to be alone in the dark. I quickly got up, ran downstairs to the light like a moth, it was Mari. I tacked her and hugged her without thinking. 

" S-Sunny!! " Yelled Aubrey as she pushed me back. I didn't move a muscle. I stayed clinged onto her until she just hugged me back. Then I realized what I was doing. I pushed her away and shook my head trying to wake myself up. That wasn't Mari, that was Aubrey I hugged. I covered my face, I was really, really embarrassed. " What the hell!? " Aubrey yelled at me. " S-sorry. " I mumbled. Aubrey sighed. " Let's take this to our old hangout spot. I still wanna fight you. " Aubrey smirked. She grabbed my hand and without warning started walking to the old hangout spot. When we arrived she threw me to the floor and pulled out a knife. She threw it next to me and sawng her bat. " Hurry up. Get up and fight me, you left me waiting for hours, I had to go get you. Don't disappoint me. " Aubrey smiled and pointed the tip of her bat at me. Like she always did. I sighed and grabbed the knife. I quickly got up and looked at Aubrey. Suddenly we started to circle each other. It was dark, and I was tired. I just wanted to go back to Mari. back to white space. I yawned and charged at her thrusting my knife, but she dogged it by jumping to the left. The knife only pierced through her hair.

Aubrey looked at me with a horrified look. " Aubrey you were the one that gave me the knife. " I told her calmly. " i know! And I'm not scared, tch. " Aubrey yelled. I sighed and kept trying to cut her. Not stab her. I could never. " Uh, and i even had a crush on you. " I was surprised of what she said, and she looked like she was too. I felt myself blushing. And i could see her start blushing too. I watched her cover her face. " I was only joking.. I could never like a murderer like you.. " Aubrey dropped her hands a bit and looked to the side. She looked over at me and seemed mad. She grabbed her bat and started swinging it like crazy. " D-Dont blush!! That wasn't a compliment! That was before you.. " Aubrey was yelling, but suddenly stopped in her tracks. She looked up at me with tears. " W-why did you do it. Everything was perfect before you killed her! " Aubrey yelled louder than ever. I looked at the knife i was holding. My reflection was Omori's, and the night sky was dream worlds. Aubrey pushed me to the ground and left the hangout spot. I got up for nothing, just to find out that she did indeed like me back then, before I killed Mari. I mean, does she still like me though? I quickly shook my head. No, no way she would like the person that took Mari away from everyone. I picked up the knife and stared at my reflection. I don't want to go back to my house. It was scary, too.. Traumatizing. I sat down on the old picnic blanket, and slowly fell asleep again.

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