A Royal Princess Switch

By Buginette123

1.1K 31 4

When a down-to-earth Paris baker and a soon to be princess discover they look like twins,they hatch a Christm... More

The Princess Switch-Part 1 (Adrienette)
Princess Switch- Part 2 (Adrienette)
The Princess Switch- Part 3 (Adrienette)
Princess Switch-Part 4 (Adrienette)
Princess Switch-Part 6 (Adrienette)
Princess Switch-Part 7 (Adrienette)
Princess Switch-Part 8 (Adrienette)
Princess Switch-Part 9 (Adrienette)
Princess Switch-Last Part 10 (Adrienette)

Princess Switch- Part 5 (Adrienette)

73 4 0
By Buginette123

Hey guys welcome back to part 5!!Hope you enjoy!!

Marinette and Miss Alya-(Smiles at eachother)

Meanwhile with Bridgette

Bridgette-(Just arrived.goes to look at the window and sees Felix puting up the stockings and deeply sighs and enters the house)

Felix-(Looks behind and says)Hey.


Felix-Olivia thought you got lost.She went to bed an hour ago.

Bridgette-(Looking around)I was just taking in the sights.

Felix-(Looks kinda suprised and starts slowly walking towards her)

Bridgette-And there are a lots of sights to see.

Felix-So,did you get the apron.

Bridgette-Apron.(Thinks for a bit)Right,the apron with the stain.


Bridgette-Nope.Couldn't find the one that fits.

Felix- Mari,aprons are one-size-fits-all.

Bridgette-Right.What I mean is I couldn't find one that fits.....my personality.

Felix-(Stands up frome the sofa and goes near Bridgette) 

Bridgette-(Getting scared)

Felix-Did you get a haircut?

Bridgette-(Thinks:Pheww)Yes. Yup. (flips her short hair)Sure did.

Felix-Just out of the blue?


Felix-I've known you for 12 years,and you do not do out of the blue.

Bridgette-There's a first time for everything.Well,it's getting late.I better go catch some Z's.Good Night.

Felix-Good Night.

After Bridgette left

Felix-"Catch some Z's"?

Meanwhile at the Palace with Marinette or should I say Bridgette 😂 get it she's now acting like Bridgette

Marinette-Does Lady Bridgette really wear this to sleep?

So let me explain what Marinette is wearing.Marinette is actually wearing a robe pink in colour with white highlights.

Miss Alya-(Chuckles)If you mean,does she wear a proper nightgown to bed instead of feety pajamas,then the answer is yes.

Marinette-(Dancing with her robe) So....I guess it's just you and me for the next two days.

Miss Alya-(Looks at her while making the bed) Indeed.

Marinette-(Smiles) Have you worked with a Duchess for a long time?

Miss Alya-Since she was a little girl.

Marinette-And you're okay with us trading places?

Miss Alya-(Stops making the bed and sighs) Well,the Duchess has always been rather spontaneos.And,uh,it's not my place to have an opinion.

Marinette-But you have one anyway.(Smiles)

Miss Alya-(Smiles back shyly)The dear girl has been through so much already.Losing both her parents so young,and now,all the responsibility of becoming a royal when she doesn't even really know who she is.The truth is I would do anything for her,which means that for the next two days,I will do anything for you.(Smiles but then cleares throat)So,uh,should I bring you a fresh pot of tea?

Marinette-(Smiles) No,thanks.I think I will be fine.

Miss Alya-Yes.I believe you will be.(Smiles and leaves) 

Marinette-(Sighs and stands up and starts roaming around the room)

Marinette-(Giggles as she sees the accseseries and laughs) Oh!

Marinette-(Trying a nice hat on and says in the mirror) Hello,Darling.(Giggles)

???-(Knocking on the door)

Marinette-(Hears and says) Miss Alya? (Walks out the room still wearing the hat and walks towards the door)

???-(Knocking on the door)

Marinette-I'm coming!(Opens the door and sees ????) It's you again!

 And thats it for today(laughs)Just kidding Just kidding I'm not that mean to leave yall in a cliffhanger.

Prince Adrien-I hope I'm not interrupting anything.

Marinette-(Thinks:What is he talking about!!Sees she's in her robe and Thinks:OMG!!!)No.No,not at all.Miss Alya went to get went to fetch some tea,and in Montenaro,it's the custom to always wear a hat to tea.(Lies)

Me:HAHAHA A custom to drink tea while wearing a hat That's the worst exscuse I've ever heard.  

 Prince Adrien-Even in one's nightgown?

Marinette-(Thinks:SHIT!!!)Yes,yes.There can be no exceptions,subsitutions, or exchanges.(nods)

Prince Adrien-Excuse me?(Did not understand a thing)

Marinette-Our code of etiquette was drafted by a rather fastidious attorny.

Prince Adrien-(Chuckles a bit)

Marinette-Is there something I can do for you?

Prince Adrien-Yes,I just wanted to say I hope you can understand that I wish I could rearrange my schedule.

Marinette-I hate to leave at such short notice.I completely understand.Schedules are important to keep things organized.

Prince Adrien-I couldn't agree more.

Marinette-"A goal without a plan is-"

Prince Adrien-"Just a wish."Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

Marinette-(Scoffs)The Little Prince.One of my favourites.(Smiles)

Prince Adrien-(Smiles back)Mine too.

Marinette and Prince Adrien-(Smiling)

Marinette-Well,safe travels.

Prince Adrien-Thank You.

Marinette and Prince Adrien-(Continuously Smiling)


Prince Adrien-(Smiles and Leaves)

Marinette-(Closes the door and takes of her hat and looks at it) Really?

Skip to the Next Morning at the dinning area where Marinette has to have breakfast with the King And Queen

Queen Emillie-So much to do,And so little time to do it.

King Gabriel-Hmm.

Servent-Opens the doors for Marinette

Marinette-(Comes In)

Queen Emillie-Mmm.

King Gabriel-Ah!

Queen Emillie--Please join us,dear.

Marinette-(Thinking:Stay calm Marinette Stay calm.) Your Majesties.(Quickely walks and sat down without saying anything)

King Gabriel-(Thinks:That was wierd)I trust you slept well.

Marinette-(Turns to him and smiles) Very well indeed.

Marinette-(Thinks:Hmm.Bridgette told to speak about the weather) The weather is particulary splendid today,Isn't it?(Looks at the Queen Emillie)

Queen Emillie-(Just Smiles)

King Gabriel-Hmm.If one is a fan of frostibite.


Queen Emillie-I'm so glad to see you,my dear.I've been talking with the chef about the menu for the reception.

Marinette-(Takes her tea cup in her hands) What about the menu?Prithee,tell.

King Gabriel-(Opens a newspaper but looks at Marinette)

Queen Emillie-(Looks at Marinette also) Its the salad course.Chef was thinking about a peanut sauce for salad dressing.But I seem to recall that one of your relatives is allergic.I just can't recall witch one.

Marinette-(Thinking:Think Marinette Think) My mother's side.The Pembrokes.

Queen Emillie-(Doesn't understand)

Marinette-(Thinking:give a name give a name)Lord Percival?

King Gabriel-(Looks up from his Newspaper) Didn't he die last spring?

Queen Emillie-Hmm.(Gives Marinette a questioning look)

So guys that's it for today!!So I wonder If The king and Queen are gonna figure out Bridgette and Marinette's secret is she gonna tell them the truth? So see you guys in the next part of Princess Switch which might come out tomorrow stay tuned!!

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