The Witcher Hero BNHA x The W...

By MrShades81

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What if another Conjunction of Spheres were to happen and one of the few remaining Witchers in the Continent... More

Pt .2 Arrival
Pt.3 New Friends, New Problems
4.Entrance Exam
U.A's Witcher
UA's Witcher pt. 2
Lone but not Forsaken
They would see you suffer...
Author Note
The Wolf's here..
After the Storm
A Date?
An Old Friend
Jackals of Reminiscence
The Monster Slayer Vs The Hero Killer
Another date?
Setting the Stage
Final Exam pt 1
Final Exam Pt 2
Final Exam Pt 3
Drying Blood and Tears
Training Camp
Wolven Storm Pt 1
Wolven Storm Pt 2
This Hell you found...
....Is Of Your Own Doing....
Karma Under Fire
A Life Well Spent
......All Warfare......
Soul Gamble
Fear and Bravery
All My Atrocities
Pit Viper

No Just Cause

101 4 1
By MrShades81

"We are now live from Hosu's Police Department, where we've just received impacting news folk"

"After weeks of investigation, Y/N L/N better known as UA's witcher, has been found outside of a cemetery dead, reports are yet to come regarding the circumstances behind the incident"

"With this recent finding accumulated in the recent days of what has occurred with U.A High and it's prestigious reputation, nobody knows what measures will be taken, Principal Nezu hasn't made any public statements about the news"

"Our hearts and condolences are with L/N's family and friends"

—.There he was, carried by Kirishima, covered by a blanket made by her lost love, now cold and forsaken in a last effort to finish what the enemy has done to us, without Y/N we could only hope for the best, Pro's already have proved inferior to him, a war was on the verge of exploding, and I was in the middle of both worlds.....I remember a chamber in Kaer Morhen, where the medallions of our dead brothers are hung, those who fell in battle are remembered, when the monsters have taken everything else.....

1:21 PM
Police Force Headquarters

Kenji: Tough night

Vesemir: Tell me about it

Kenji: Who could think of something this atrocius, for just one boy

Vesemir: That boy has been on a hell even worse than any cop, hero or human could ever withstand

Kenji: A tragedy nonetheless, the Yaoyorozu's won't be pleased with this

Vesemir: Do they know?

Kenji: To be honest, I really can't tell, I always hear how they hop on business travel after business travel, and wouldn't be surprised they were too focused on their own agendas

Vesemir: Rather than watching over their daughter's welfare...great...

Kenji: He sure had a lot of friends you know? 7 of those U.A kids insisted on staying through the entire morning

Vesemir: They're children, let them grieve under their own way...and by the way, I-

Cop: Chief!! We need you downstairs

1-A Classroom
Yesterday's Afternoon
18 minutes before class is dismissed

Nezu: Afternoon, Miss Asui would you mind coming with me? It I'll be for a moment I asure you

???: Good evening young lady

Tsuyu: Hello -Ribbit-

???:I believe our mutual friend here hasn't properly introduced us

Nezu: -Sigh- Mrs Asui this is-

???: I was but jesting old friend please call me Mr Glass, pleased to meet you, I hope my entrance to the school doesn't bother you in anyway

Nezu: With what has transpired recently, I can asure you we're planning and executing the proper measures for the uphold of our staff and students safety

Glass:I'm sure of it principal

Tsuyu: Principal, why did you bring me here alone, is it regarding what happened to Y/N and Yaoyorozu?

Glass: You asume correctly child, for I know where Y/N is

Tsuyu: Huh!?

Glass: Y/N's on it's way to the school's front entrance, now, now I what you're thinking

Tsuyu: He's outside!!?

Glass: We cannot let anybody else know about his whereabouts....yet....

Tsuyu: What!!? Principal-

Nezu: He speaks the truth, Y/N can become another target for the villains to get their hands and do whatever they want with him, the villains have the upper hand right now so it's best we do not jeopardize the school anymore than what it is already

Glass: I didn't think you'd take such posture

Nezu: The Comission said that since Y/N was reported missing, his search was de-prioritized until further notice, direct order from the president

Tsuyu: So what are you two planning on doing then?

Glass: Classes end in a couple of minutes right? Wait for everyone else to leave the school, Y/N should be waiting idled by a bus stop, that's when you come in

Tsuyu: What do I even have to partake in any of this in the first place?

O'Dimm: Y/N considers you a very good friend so he has plenty of reason not to outright give you the other cheek, he'll be willing to talk, after the conversation is over he has to give a book, read it and take it to this address

Tsuyu: These are just coordinates Mr G-

Mr Glass disappeared from the building not even Nezu was aware of it

???: You have technology, right? Use it~

Present Day

Kenji: Sergeant what is it?

Cop: There's somebody who has a lead on the All For One says he'll only speak to Vesemir on the phone

Kenji: Patch him through!

Vesemir: Who's this?

???: An old friend of Y/N, my sincere condolences for his passing

Vesemir: Don't make me waste my time, what do you want?

???: Before the police can trace this call I'd like to tell you I know something not only you'd like to hear but also his friends at the precint, specially....Mrs Yaoyorozu...

Vesemir: Cut the games what are you? A necromancer?

???: Something better, I want to meet at the clocktower a few squares from here in 45 minutes that way we can talk. Alone. No cops. No heroes. Just two gentlemen having an uninterrupted conversation

Vesemir: And if I refuse?

???: Then whatever wild hair you and the rest had about ever seeing Y/N officially plucked...

Vesemir: You sound too cocky for this sort of leverage, have something on your hands?

???: Haven't you seen the news, Y/N's death was heard by everyone in the country, but only you and I know what happened in the crypt was only the beginning for Vilgefortz's plans

Vesemir: If this is some sort of trick-

???: Yes you'll behead me and put my head on a rusty pike, if I was being dishonest, we wouldn't have this conversation. Clocktower. 45 minutes. Don't be late

Vesemir: Have it your way, I'll be there on cue

???: See you later then, old man (hangs up)

Kenji: Did he legitimately have any solid info on the case?

Vesemir: He wants to meet soon, but only if no cops or heroes show up

Kenji: Preposterous, he's under no position to make such demands, me and the men will hunt him down in a few hours!!

Vesemir: Don't need to, I'll be fine, tell the men to be on the lookout for any robbery, hit or anything that seems like the league would do

Kenji: Why?

Vesemir: They're gonna play aggressively now that our first line of defense is banged up, and will try to take down the remaining heroes who weren't in the assault, who's your best guy available?

Kenji: There's two, Snipe, expert marksman can shoot everything from wherever you want and Sir Nighteye, ex Sidekick, only guy that hates the villains more than you

Vesemir: Tell them to meet me at my place, by the countryside a few miles from here In 2 hours

Kenji: Very well, by the way, if those U.A kids are at the morgue, if you know, wanted to...

Vesemir: How long they've been in there? 3? 4 hours?

Kenji: 7, since the body was turned in for examination

Vesemir: -Sigh- Let me go talk to them, the least I can do

A few moments later

Down the cold ditch, silence grew disturbingly, a cold like no other was felt reminiscing when Dante had to cross the 9th circle through the Judecca and so beyond into purgatory's grasp

Momo was sitting asleep clinging to a small pillow and a blanket the police had brought her, Mina and Tsuyu were near sleeping next to the body lockers, whilst Tokoyami and Kaminari were resting their eyes sitting next to a table, Midoriya and Todoroki, kept guard just by the door in case the cops had intention of driving them out of the room

Vesemir reached to see a body bag halfway open; Though his body covered by a blanket all the way into his feet, a gloved hand covered in blood was visible, he felt really unnerved by seeing his old student being in such a dreadful condition, Vesemir wasn't able to pull himself over and see the horror once again

Vesemir: No, you rest there....I'll fix way or another...I'll see you soon enough old friend...

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