Dragon Ball R: Frieza Saga.

By WasabiSword

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With both Piccolo and Kami dead, the Dragon Balls are useless. And greater tragedy, Cardin, Velvet, and Neptu... More

Chapter 1: Lets Go To Namek!
Chapter 3: A Daring Rescue!
Chapter 4: A Meeting With The Grand Elder!
Chapter 5: Zarbon's Horrible Transformation!
Chapter 6: Vegeta's Heist!
Chapter 7: Frieza's Secret Weapon!
Chapter 8: Assault of the Ginyu Force!
Chapter 9: Oren's Newfound Power!
Chapter 10: Ginyu, The Body Snatcher!
Chapter 11: Ginyu Force Showdown!
Chapter 12: Frieza's Monstrous Wrath!
Chapter 13: Frieza's Terrifying Transformation!
Chapter 14: Piccolo's Arrival!
Chapter 15: Piccolo, The Super Namek!
Chapter 16: Frieza's Demonic Assault!
Chapter 17: Vegeta, The Super Saiyan?
Chapter 18: Clash of Titan's, Oren vs Frieza!
Chapter 19: Beware, The Legendary Super Saiyan!
Chapter 20: Frieza's Nightmare, The Super Saiyan Awakens!
Chapter 21: Frieza's Desperate Attack!
Chapter 22: Namek's Destruction, Frieza's Downfall!
Chapter 23: Dragon Ball Revival, Come Back Home Oren!

Chapter 2: Arrival on Namek!

304 5 41
By WasabiSword


Last Time, on Dragon Ball R!

Our hero's have learned of a new Planet named Namek. However, our hero's were unsure how to get there, as their previous option had blown up right in their face! Then came Mr. Popo, the assistant of Kami, the Guardian of Remnant! He told them of an old space ship that Kami had used during his childhood, over a Million years ago! Weiss went with Mr. Popo to examine the ship, and found that it indeed worked. The only problem was that one needed to speak Namekian to use it. So Weiss and her younger brother Whitely, worked together to reprogram the ship to take them to Planet Namek. The people who wished to partake in this journey were, Jaune, Pyrrha, Weiss, and Ruby. But Before they left, Fasha told Ruby that she was a descendent of the ancient silver eyed alien species known as, the Akulari! Will our hero's collect the seven Namekian Dragon Balls? How will Ruby come to terms with her  true heritage?

(End Song)



Arrival on Namek!


A whole week had passed since our four hero's had left Planet Remnant. Everyday, each of them would partake in image training, the art of training with one another in each others minds. Weiss had woken up from her cabin, she climbed out of her bed and stretched. She went into the bathroom to take a shower, then tidied herself up to get ready for the day. She then put on her combat dress and walked out of her cabin. When she walked out, she saw both Ruby and Jaune in the middle of image training. Each one faced the other while sitting cross legged with their eyes closed. Weiss decided to leave them be, as to not interrupt them. Soon after, Pyrrha walked out of her cabin.

"Yawn! Good morning Weiss!" Pyrrha greeted.

"Good morning to you too." Weiss responded politely.

Weiss sat down in the captains chair, and looked at the center console. Pyrrha stood next to her, observing the array's of flashing button's.

"So are we nearly there yet? It's been a week." Pyrrha asked.

"Well, I guess we're in luck because we should be arriving on Namek right about..." Weiss said, trailing off.

Just then, the center console's main screen began to flash, and many of the button's starting to beep. Then, a robotic voice spoke to the passengers of the ship.


Weiss then gave a huge grin.

"Now!" Weiss exclaimed.

She then turned her head towards Ruby and Jaune.

"Ruby, Jaune! We're here! We finally made it!" Weiss said excitedly.

Both Jaune and Ruby stopped their training, and quickly made their way over towards the window. Ruby smiled widely.

"Wow! Incredible!" Ruby exclaimed.

"So that's the Planet Kami is from?" Jaune asked.

"There's no doubt about it, the computer confirms it to be the very birthplace of Kami and Piccolo!" Weiss said.

Pyrrha then walked over to the window as well.

"It seems we arrived just in time." Pyrrha said.

"Pretty impressive ship to accomplish everything this far, huh?" Weiss said.

Jaune then turned to look at Weiss.

"Well, it didn't fly us here itself. We had an amazing captain!" Jaune complimented.

"Aw, you're just saying that because it's absolutely true! Now buckle up everyone so I can land this baby!" Weiss responded.

Everyone else quickly got to their seats and buckled up, as Weiss began the process of landing the space ship. After entering a few controls, the ship stopped, and immediately began descending towards Namek at a rapid pace. Everyone held on to their seats, as gravity once more began to kick in. After the ship had entered the atmosphere, the ship began to slow down, until finally, they landed. After landing, everyone unbuckled and looked out the window.

"Everyone, welcome to Planet Namek!" Weiss exclaimed.

"Wow, it's beautiful!" Pyrrha said.

(End Song)

Everyone proceeded to get off the ship. After stepping off the landing pad, Ruby started to look around at the surrounding countryside. The sky was a light green, the grass, as well as the trees were a darker color of green. Even the water was a teal green color.

"Y'know, I get we're on an alien planet and all. But I didn't expect everything to be so, so..." Ruby said trailing off slightly.

"Green?" Jaune responded.

"Yeah." Ruby said.

Pyrrha on the other hand, stretched her arms out while closing her eyes and taking a deep breath of Namekian air.

"Oh I don't think it's TOO bad. To be honest, I kind of like it!" Pyrrha said happily.

Pyrrha then turned towards Weiss.

"So Weiss, how about using the Dragon Radar to find the nearest Dragon Ball." Pyrrha told Weiss.

Weiss took out the small circular radar, and clicked the button on the top. After a few moments, the radar showed that there were four Dragon Balls gathered in one location, and two separate ones in different locations.

"Eureka! Well, what do you think? Feast your eyes on that!" Weiss said triumphantly.

Jaune looked at Weiss with a large smile.

"You mean you found them?!" Jaune exclaimed.

Both Jaune and Weiss then began to celebrate, thinking that their quest would be easy. However, both Ruby and Pyrrha felt a far off power in the distance.

"H-Hey guys, I think I sense something over there." Ruby said.

Both Jaune and Weiss stopped their celebrating, and began to concentrate to feel the power as well.

"Yeah, I feel it too." Jaune said in a serious tone.

"Whatever, or whoever it is, their power is nothing laugh at." Pyrrha said.

Weiss on the other hand tried to ease the tension.

"Come on guys, don't be scared. It's probably the Namekians. I mean when you think about it, both Kami and Piccolo were both incredibly strong. So it wouldn't be a surprise if the Namekians here are just as extraordinary." Weiss said.

But it seems her words didn't ease everyone.

"But this power, it feels evil, wicked." Jaune said.

Weiss spoke up once more.

"But remember what King Kai told us. He said that the Namekians were a peaceful race, we have nothing to worry about! Let's just focus back on the mission at hand and find the Dragon Balls. And while we're at it, introduce ourselves to the locals." Weiss said.

Everyone else began to finally ease up, then Jaune was the first to speak.

"Yeah, okay! You're right, it's probably the Namekians. I'm sure that this'll be a walk in the park right?" Jaune said while nervously laughing.

However, all four heard something overhead. It sounded like an aircraft entering the atmosphere. All four slowly looked up, and saw a small round pod shooting down from the sky towards the ground!

"P-Please don't tell me that's who I think that is...!" Ruby slowly stuttered.

Jaune's eyes bulged out from their sockets.

"TH-THAT'S A SAIYAN SHIP!!" Jaune yelled.

"AHH, WE'RE SCREWED!!" Weiss yelled.

Everyone then saw the ship make impact with the ground in the far off distance.

"I-It can't be?!" Jaune exclaimed.

"Damn it, this isn't even fair!" Weiss cried.

Pyrrha then turned towards them.

"Everyone, mask your energy! Otherwise they'll find us!" Pyrrha warned.

"I-It's Vegeta, isn't it?" Jaune said to himself.

He fell to his knee's and punched the ground.

"Goddamn it! Why now!" Jaune yelled.

Weiss too, fell to her knee's.

"B-But you said that he could barely crawl back into his pod. How could he have already recovered?" Weiss asked.

Sweat began to pour from Jaune's head.

'The Dragon Balls, that's why he's here, I just know it!' Jaune thought to himself.

"But what do we do now! We don't stand a chance against the likes of him! We've got to get back to Remnant, now!" Weiss pleaded.

Pyrrha then came up with a plan.

"But If he finds the Dragon Balls before us, it'll be game over. Listen Weiss, we need you to get in touch with everyone on Remnant. Let them know what's going on. In the meantime, Me, Jaune, and Ruby will stay here and collect the Dragon Balls." Pyrrha explained to Weiss.

"W-WHAT?!" Weiss exclaimed.

"Don't worry about us Weiss. We have the Dragon Radar, so we'll find them before Vegeta." Jaune said.

Weiss reluctantly agreed, and gently took the hands of Jaune, Pyrrha and Ruby.

"Alright, I'll get to Remnant as soon as I can and bring Oren with me. But keep in mind, it'll take about a week to get there, and another to get back! Now we're talking about two weeks at least, and I MEAN  AT LEAST!" Weiss explained.

Weiss then went back into the ship to recover a communication devise to call their friends back on Remnant.


Far away from the others, the small Saiyan ship had crashed into the ground, causing a large crater.

The pod had opened to reveal Vegeta. The Saiyan slowly began to climb out of the crater, until he reached the top.

"Frieza, you rotten little bastard! Don't think I'll let you cheat me, not over this prize!" Vegeta grumbled to himself.

He then began to affix his scouter onto the side of his face.

"I'm more than capable of taking his lackeys down. It's best to avoid a tumble with the big man himself, at least for now. I'll have to swallow my pride and go about collecting the Dragon Balls covertly. Ugh! Using a damn scouter no less!" Vegeta said to himself.

Vegeta then pressed a button on the side of his scouter that let him sense nearby power levels.


His scouter then started going off, indicating that it had found the nearest power levels.

"And there they are. Tch! Damn It, he brought Zarbon and Dodoria along for the ride as well." Vegeta said.

(End Song)

Meanwhile, on Planet Remnant, Professor Ozpin had received a call from Weiss.

"Now slow down Miss Schnee, and explain everything slowly, okay." Ozpin said.

Back on Planet Namek, Weiss began to tell Ozpin about what they'd seen so far.

"Professor, I need you to tell Oren about what's happening. And tell my brother to hurry up and finish that second ship already!" Weiss said.

After Weiss finished her call, she heard Ruby call out to her.

"Uh, Weiss!" Ruby said.

Weiss looked over.

"What?" Weiss replied.

Ruby pointed upwards, and Weiss looked up to see two alien's wearing the same armor as Vegeta! One looked like an anthropomorphic purple dinosaur, while the other looked like a muscular man with blue skin, with light orange hair.

"Heh heh! Well, look who we have here." The purple soldier said.

"Seems like you chose a bad time to go on vacation." The blue soldier said.

Both soldiers laughed.

"And do you see their power levels, they're even lower than ours! Talk about a mercy kill." The purple soldier said.

"First things first, make sure they don't have the means to escape!" The blue soldier said.

The purple soldier smirked, and aimed a wrist mounted blaster towards the Namekian space ship. Then the soldier fired upon the ship, blowing a hole through it!

"N-No! You bastards!" Jaune yelled.

Both soldiers laughed once more.

"Sorry kiddos. I guess you chose the wrong time to go sight seeing!" The purple soldier smirked.

Jaune turned towards Ruby and Pyrrha.

"Girls, let your power spike, now! We'll show these bastards!" Jaune said.

Both soldiers looked at one another, and began to laugh.

"HA HA HA! You, beat us? Don't make us laugh!" The purple soldier said.

However, their laughing stopped as their scouter started going off.

"W-What? Their power levels, they're rising!" The blue soldier said.

Just then, Jaune, Ruby, and Pyrrha disappeared! Ruby appeared in front of the purple soldier, and kicked him in the neck, breaking it. While Jaune appeared in front of the blue soldier, and kicked him in the stomach. While Pyrrha came up behind him and brought her hands into the air, and smashed them over the head, breaking his skull. Both soldiers bodies fell into the water. All three landed back onto the ground, and saw Weiss on her knees. Weiss held up a piece of glass, and began to tear up.

"T-The ship! That was our only way home, now we're stuck here!" Weiss cried.

Jaune walked up to her.

"Don't be like that Weiss, besides we need to get out of here before more of those goons come back." Jaune reasoned.

After a few minutes, all four gathered their supplies from the damaged ship, and flew off. After a few minutes, they landed near a cave.

"Hey look, there's a cave nearby! We could find shelter in there!" Jaune said.

Weiss looked on, and hung her head low.

"Oh great, now I'll spend the rest of my life as a cave woman." Weiss said somberly.

Everyone then began to move closer to the cave, when all of a sudden, Pyrrha felt multiple power levels coming towards their direction!

"Everyone, into the cave! Now!" Pyrrha warned.

Ruby, Jaune, and Weiss quickly ran into the cave. As they did so, they felt multiple power levels flying towards their location! While hiding on either side of the cave's interior, the four hunters saw what appeared to be a battalion of soldiers, all wearing the same armor that Vegeta wore. After they all flew past the cave, Weiss slowly stepped out.

"Alright, the coast is clear. Whoever they are, it's safe to assume that they aren't looking for us." Weiss said.

When Weiss looked inside the cave, she saw Jaune, Ruby, and Pyrrha looking quite frightened. Weiss looked confused and asked what was wrong. No one answered, and Jaune stepped out of the cave breathing heavily.

"W-Weiss. I need you to check the Dragon Radar again." Jaune said softly while shaking slightly.

Weiss tilted her head.

"Why?" Weiss asked.

"When you checked it last time, there were four gathered together, right? Check again." Jaune responded.

Weiss took out the Dragon Radar and clicked the button on the top. After doing so, she saw that the four Dragon Balls were gone!

"W-What? It says that all four Dragon Balls are on the move! That's definitely not a coincidence, those guys that passed over must've been carrying them! " Weiss exclaimed.

Jaune clenched his fists.

"That's what I thought. Damn it, why us?" Jaune said quietly.

Jaune turned his head to see Ruby, who looked like she had seen a ghost.

"Ruby?" Jaune said, trying to get her attention.

Ruby stood there, like she didn't hear him.

"Ruby!" Jaune called out.

Hearing Jaune call out o her broke her from her trance.

"Yes?" Ruby asked.

"Did you feel the power from the guy in the front? The one was was leading them?" Jaune asked.

Ruby trembled slightly.

"Y-Yeah, I did. His power, it's unlike anything I've ever sensed." Ruby said.

Jaune then started to clench his fists, while slightly shaking in fear.

"Whoever these bastards are, they outrank Vegeta by a long shot! And the one up front, leading all those goons is most likely their leader!" Jaune growled.

Weiss looked concerned.

"W-What!? Outrank Vegeta! Are they really THAT worse!" Weiss exclaimed.

"A whole lot worse! More than likely, those are Vegeta's fellow commanding officers! They were all wearing the same damn armor!" Jaune explained.

Everyone else looked frightened at the prospect of encountering foes stronger than Vegeta.

"Damn it! This is impossible! How are we supposed to get the Dragon Balls away from a militarized group like that!" Jaune angerly growled. 

Weiss quickly checked the Dragon Radar once more, and saw that they were heading towards another Dragon Ball.

"Hold on. It seems like they're after another Dragon Ball. I think these guy's have Radars too!" Weiss said.

"Which direction are they going?" Jaune asked.

Weiss pointed in their general direction.

"Over there! I guess it's a few miles that way! It looks like that's where we sensed that power earlier, it must be where the Namekians are!" Weiss pointed out.

Ruby then put down her bags.

"Then that's where we're going!" Ruby said.

Jaune turned towards the other three.

"Alright, I'm going to check it out." Jaune said.

Ruby piped up.

"I'm going too!" Ruby replied.

Jaune then looked at both Pyrrha and Weiss.

"Pyrrha, Weiss. You two should start making a camp in the cave. And be sure to call Professor Ozpin and let him know what's going on." Jaune instructed.

Both girls nodded, Jaune then turned towards Ruby.

"It'll be best if we don't fly, they'll sense our energy. We'll have to get there by foot. Are you ready?" Jaune said.

Ruby nodded. Then both hunters began to leap towards where the Dragon Ball was located.


Vegeta had landed onto a small hill, and his scouter started to go off. Vegeta smirked, as this was Cui's energy his scouter was sensing. He turned his head behind him slightly, and chuckled.

"Heh, so you did come. Not too smart." Vegeta chuckled softly.

Cui then let out a battle cry, as he attempted to strike Vegeta as he flew by. However, Vegeta effortlessly dodged his attack. Cui then switched directions, and again tried to land a punch towards Vegeta. Cui threw a Ki blast to distract Vegeta, destroying the surrounding hills in the process. As this happened, Cui went back for an attack. Vegeta however, quickly jumped into the air before Cui could strike him. When Cui saw that Vegeta was nowhere to be found, he looked behind him and smirked.

"Oh, this is so refreshing. You have no IDEA how long I've waited for this day!" Cui said.

Vegeta slowly descended back onto the ruined hill in front of Cui while crossing his arms. Cui's scouter then began to scan Vegeta's power level.

"Now, what do you say we finally settle the score between us like we were meant to. That is, if you're feeling up to it." Cui said.

Vegeta smirked back at Cui.

"Like we were meant you say? Heh Heh! Yes, I do believe I am feeling up to it. In fact, this is the perfect time to showcase a few new trick's I've learned while on Remnant." Vegeta replied.

Cui started to chckle.

"Like what? Running away with your tail tucked between your legs? I don't see anything new about that." Cui laughed.

Vegeta widened his stance.

"I've learned to conceal my power!" Vegeta stated.

Cui's eyes widened slightly.

"W-What? His power level is rising!" Cui exclaimed.

Vegeta then gave Cui a terrifying smirk.

"That's right. Now remined me, what did you say back there about your power putting mine to shame!" Vegeta yelled.

Vegeta then began to slowly power up. As this happened, Cui's scouter started going crazy, Vegeta's power level was going of the charts! Cui's eyes widened in shock.

"B-But, how?! The two of us have always been on par with each other!" Cui said, with a hint of fear in his voice.

"Fool! My body has been subjected to combat situations you could only dream! The battle on Remnant nearly killed me! Do you really think, that I'd be on par with a measly coward content to hide behind Frieza his whole career!" Vegeta said, before screaming as he continued to power up.

Sweat began to pour from Cui, as his scouter continued to read Vegeta's power level. 

"N-Nineteen, no, t-twenty! Twenty-one, t-twenty-two thousand!" Cui exclaimed, before his scouter combusted.


A humanoid alien with teal skin, and dark green hair while also wearing the same armor as Vegeta, was standing by his fellow soldiers. When all of a sudden, the scouter he was wearing combusted on itself.

"Gah!" The alien winced.

Another alien, who had pink skin, and was morbidly obese turned to his fellow officer. Both aliens where holding Dragon Balls! 

"What is it Zarbon?" The pink alien asked.

Zarbon broke out of his daze, and responded.

"Th-This must be some sort of error, but... I had set my scouter to Vegeta's coordinates... And It's giving me a reading of more than twenty-two Thousand...!" Zarbon said.

The pink alien's eyes bulged.

"D-Did you say twenty-two thousand?! That must've been an older model scouter, right? I've got the updated model, let me check this out for myself." The pink alien said, while checking his scouter.


The pink alien's eyes widened. 

"W-What?! This is impossible, it can't be...Is MY scouter broken?! But this is one of the newer models, and it says that Vegeta's power level is up to twenty-four thousand!" The pink alien exclaimed.

Zarbon looked at his comrade with a raised eyebrow.

"Are you saying that his power level is beyond OURS Dodoria?!" Zarbon asked.

(Back to Vegeta)

Cui began to fearfully back away from Vegeta, as Vegeta began to slowly creep up to him.

"W-Wait! J-Just hear me out, okay? I-I've got the craziest idea! What do you say we team up! W-We could take on F-Frieza! I-I mean I don't like the guy. I never liked the guy, I mean, I was just f-following orders, y'know!" Cui trembled in fear.

Vegeta began to growl as he slowly approached Cui, causing the purple alien to shiver in fear.

"C-C'mon Vegeta, think! We could have this whole green ball of wax to ourselves man! We can start right away with Zarbon and Dodoria, and just work our way up!" Cui said, hoping his words could sway Vegeta.

Vegeta however, continued making his way towards the terrified Cui.

"Spare me this pathetic display, and scrounge up some dignity before you die!" Vegeta growled.

Cui began to sweat profusely.

"J-Just t-trust me, okay, please!" Cui stuttered.

Cui then looked behind Vegeta.

"L-Lord Frieza, finally!" Cui exclaimed.

Vegeta's eyes widened, and peered behind him. However, he saw nothing. Taking this opportunity, Cui readied a Ki blast.

"Ha! Made you look asshole!" Cui said, now feeling slightly confident.

Vegeta turned around with an agered scowl on his face. Cui jumped into the air, and began to rain volley, after volley of red Ki blasts towards Vegeta. Cui then charged a powerful Ki blast, and threw it towards Vegeta's direction, causing a massive explosion in the process. After the dust settled, Cui landed back onto the ground, and saw rubble littering the landscape. Thinking he had killed Vegeta, Cui began to laugh.

(Music End)

"Oh thank my lucky stars! I can't believe he fell for an old gag like that! A lot of good all that power did you at the moment of truth, huh?" Cui laughed to himself. 

Just then he heard a voice coming from behind him.

"Oh really?" The voice said.

Eyes bulging from their sockets, Cui turned around and saw Vegeta standing before him!

"So that was it then? I have to say, even for you that was a pretty dismal move." Vegeta said, with his arms crossed.

Cui stood flabbergasted. 

"N-No! This can't be?!" Cui exclaimed.

"If there was a brain in that skull of yours, you'd have realized that my speed has increased as well!" Vegeta stated.

Cui slowly started back away.

"Which means, unfortunately for you that little ruse only succeeded in pissing me off!" Vegeta growled.

Cui then started to run away from Vegeta. Vegeta looked at the pitiful alien as he tripped over a rock. Cui looked behind him in fear, and attempted to fly away back to Frieza's flag ship. Vegeta saw Cui flying away, and went after him.

"Oh no you don't!" Vegeta muttered to himself, as he flew after Cui.

Vegeta appeared in front of the now terrified Cui, and delivered a devastating punch into Cui's stomach. Some of Cui's intestines started to fall out from the gaping wound Vegeta had created. Vegeta then punched underneath Cui's chin, sending him upwards. Vegeta extended his right arm upwards, while pointing both his right and middle fingers into the air towards Cui. Cui's body began to expand, until he let out a scream before blowing up. Causing chunks of gore, and fragments of his armor to fall to the ground. Vegeta lowered his arm, and chuckled.

"Heh. Dirty fireworks!" Vegeta smirked.

Vegeta then proceeded to fly in the direction where Frieza and his men were located.

(Chapter End)


 Ruby: Hey everyone, Ruby here!  Whoa, so THOSE are the Namekians? They look exactly like Piccolo!

Jaune: W-Wait, it's those guys from before...!

Frieza: I won't ask you again. Where is your Dragon Ball!

Ruby: J-Jaune, they're killing them down there!

Dende: F-Father, no!

Ruby: Next Time, on Dragon Ball R!

A Daring Rescue!

Dodoria: Who the Hell are those two?

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