Forsaken Moon (Book Two)

By Adelaide2580

337 27 2

With a war on her hands, time to catch up with her mate, and powers she needs to learn to control, Tanya Gree... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Eleven

13 1 0
By Adelaide2580

Tanya's POV

I strain against my chains as they all throw daggers towards my body. I scream out in pain as the fifth blade of the day lodges itself into my leg. They all laugh and jeer at my pained form. Emma sets down onto the grass, smirking at me.

"Aww is sweet little Tanya screaming for her mate?" Emma laughs evilly, smirking as she comes closer to me. Tears from the pain flow down my face, but I would not allow myself to make a sound. She leans up towards my ear, laughing under her breath. "But guess what? Fleetwood has been cheating on you this entire time! They're all happy you're gone, and they aren't even looking for you." She whispers into my ear. It sends a pang into my heart, especially when Tanner walks up and kisses my sister.

Any poor soul could tell they were soulmates, and I just know that Tanner did something to my sister. He must have! Emma used to be the sweetest person I know. Emma turns from Tanner, taking the whip from his hands that I failed to see.

"Let everyone see her as she cries out for her mate who doesn't even love her and watch as she is punished for all the pain they both have caused!" She screams, everyone roaring with agreement. I'm turned so they see my back.

I wait with bated breath for the first lash to come down. The whole camp is quiet. Then I hear the whistling of the air as the lash flies through it, and then I heard the snap and crack before the pain hit. I arched my back, screaming out in pain. Within seconds, my shirt is shredded and has fallen off my body.

The stinging of the whip turns to burns as they lash over the fresh and old ones. I grit my teeth, but soon I'm just howling in pain as each lash comes down harder than the last. Laughter and bets are made around me, all thinking that I would die this time.

"Let me have a turn." Tanner demands as I'm given a small, merciful break. I hear Emma laugh and the whip exchange hands. He lashes me hard against the back, cutting it deep. They used a mixture of dull and new whips, making sure I was in terrible pain.

I grit my teeth, trying to last long but soon I black out.

I wake up, feeling warm fingers apply cooling gel to my back as I hang limply. They begin humming soothingly under their breath, magic flowing through me and healing the deepest cuts and wounds until they are shallow.

"You'll have scars. Lots and lots of scars. Because I can't heal you all the way without them knowing I'm helping you. Give me a second and I'll bring you something to eat, Your Majesty." I hear a woman whisper fragilely. She walks away slowly, but I didn't mind. She was obviously elderly, and I knew to trust and respect her. She must have been in your left fifties when Fleetwood took over as ruler of the whole Earth.

She soon comes back, rounding closer to me as my face is tilted down and to the side. I couldn't see her face, as it was covered with fabric. She lifted a shaky hand, holding a spoon with oatmeal and some berries mixed in it. "Your body needs the nutrients and softness of the food. Or else I would have made you some chicken." She murmurs hoarsely. I chew the food, swallowing thickly and giving her a rough smile.

"Thank you, ma'am. You are very kind. Is there any way I can repay you?" I ask kindly, she shakes her head.

"Oh no, dear! Don't worry about me or paying me back! Just worry about your recovery!" She exclaims softly helping me eat and cleaning any dribble or mess around my face that I leave behind. It's silent as I eat, practically naked against this horrible metal that I was chained and hung to.

One of the tents rustle just as I take my last bite. She whips her head around, her hood falling off and revealing an older woman with silvering hair and eyes of gold. She runs off, leaving me alone once again. Not even an hour later, the night guards come back from patrol and the dawn guards head out. She knows the schedule well.

I hung there, sighing in relief for it was a warm morning and it was a peaceful one. The camp bustled around, leaving me for now. Tanner comes out of his tent, old whip in hand. I grit my teeth, knowing that he was going to hurt me while mostly everyone was asleep and those who were awake and up were out on patrol or making breakfast.

He whips me without warning, a strangled groan falling from my lips. I stay as silent and still as I could as he whips me with the ferocity of a demon. He whips straight down my spine, a scream falling from my lips. There's a moment of rustling and then he whips me with a new whip. One that I could tell was laced with this metal. The same that made me weak.

With each lash, the louder I screamed. My screams woke up the camp as he whips me angrily, leaving deep bleeding red marks. My blood drips down, pooling beneath me in a wave of crimson.

Yellow grass now stained red. He whips me over and over again, blood rolling down my back in waves. That's when screams erupt around the camp, dark shadows over us and the sounds of thundering hoofs and wolves howling and growling.

My power flares, strength somewhat filling me. I burst out of the chains, my wings barely holding me up as I fall to the ground. My wings cover me, keeping me out of eyesight as I hear growling and yelling.

"KING! SHE'S OVER HERE!" A loud voice screams. I hear yelling and shouting until familiar warm hands reach me and gently slid warm fabrics over my cold body. I whimper, my back on fire as Fleet gently slides his arms underneath me and hoisting me up. Tears travel down my face.

"Who did this?" Fleet growls, I groan out in pain. I lay weakly in his arms, unable to even support myself.

"Emma..." I whisper feebly. Everything goes dark.

I come to by a crackling fireplace and quiet murmuring. I jolt away, my blankets pooling at my waist. Warrior's paw softly holds me down as he let's out a soft roar. I smile, cradling his head in my hands. "Hey, Warrior. How've you been?" I giggle, he slightly lifts his chest up and I see a black kitten. I smile, rubbing his head. He purrs, rubbing against me. Gently licking my face, I rest my head against his side like I used to do when we were younger.

"I know boy. I've missed you too." I whisper, nuzzling into him. He purrs, licking my head as if to groom me. That's when I saw the blood. He had multiple wounds and I knew why. He was doing his job and protecting me.

Tears fell down my face. I reached out my hand to try and heal him, but he shook his head, gently nipping at my hand. Tears fall from my eyes as he nuzzles me, purring even through his pain as he curls himself around me. He gently picks up the kitten, setting her in my lap. She was about the size of ten-month-old German Shepard, but I knew she would be much bigger soon.

"Warrior." I whisper, my voice choked with tears. He nudges me yawning tiredly, laying his head on my lap, and gazing up at me. I cry, gently rubbing the back of his ears. He purrs, nuzzling against me.

He looks at me, purring until the light dims from his eyes and the purring stops. I burst into sobs, a scream wrenching out of my lips as power blasts all around me. Fleetwood races out of a huge tent, somehow fighting against my power and wrapping his arms around me.

"Shh, I know my Little Moon. I know." He whispers, kissing my temple as I break down into sobs and stop my assault of power. I lean against him, sobbing into his open arms. 

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