Baby Mikaelson

By bih0e08

63.9K 652 39

Kol Mikaelson is a sarcastic, psychotic, and murderous, but one day he finds a baby after feeding, and he rai... More

Before you read
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 Part 1
Chapter 13 Part 2
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 4

3.9K 40 4
By bih0e08

Kol's Pov
Its been a week after we've move to Mystic Falls. We enrolled Luna in school because we want her to have a somewhat normal childhood so why not with school. Elijah, Freya, and Nik came to visit us to see Luna for three days and then left.

 Luna's been doing good in school, she loves school I don't understand why, but as long as she's happy.  She loves it here, she doesn't want to leave, so we may stay. "Daddy! I'm bored," Luna said as she ran into my arms and I scooped here up. 

"Where's aunty Bekah?" I asked her "She went out for a while and she won't be back until later," she replied with a pout. "Well what shall do while she's out?" I ask her while tickling her belly, "Can we make cupcakes?" she asked with a smile 

"We sure can princess," I replied with  smile. I put her down and she ran straight to the kitchen, I sat her up on the counter and grabbed everything we need to make cupcakes. We finished making cupcakes, while making them we had a food fight with flour, there was flour all over the place, we started to clean up, and then Rebekah walked through the door. 

"I'm home," she yelled through the house, "We're going to be in trouble when she finds this mess" I whispered to Luna, she giggled and nodded. She came into the kitchen, when she saw the the mess she had a shock look on her face. 

" What happened her?" She asked with anger on her face "Luna got bored because you were gone and she asked me can we make cupcakes, so we did and we had and fight with flour, but finished the cupcakes. Want one?" She shook her head, and chuckled. 

"How about you and Luna get cleaned up while I clean up the rest of this mess," We nodded and I scooped up Luna and cleaned her, after I cleaned myself. After me and Luna finished getting cleaned up we headed back downstairs and sat on the couch. 

"I have a great idea," Rebekah said as she came into the living room. "And what is this great Idea sister?" I asked with smile "How about we have a family movie night, we order out and we sit around watching a movie." she replied 

"That sounds like a great idea I'll order the food and you, and Luna picks the movie." She nodded I got off the couch and ordered the food. 

Rebekah's Pov
Kol went to order the food and I sat next to Luna so we can pick a movie. "So what movie would you like to watch Little One?" I asked Luna "How about The Lion King," she replied "Sure." I got up and started to set up the movie. 

A few minutes later Kol came in the living with the food, I saw Luna's face light up when she saw her father with food because it was her favorite chicken nuggets with cheese fries. I also saw Kol's face light up because he saw Luna's face light, that always made him smile.

 Kol came over to the couch and handed me and Luna our food, and started the movie, Luna climbed on Kol's lap when the movie started. She always did that unless if we are watching Frozen and Nik is there then she sits on his lap so he won't sing all the songs. 

An hour and a half later we finished the movie and Luna was starting to go to sleep in Kol's arms so Kol took her upstairs to her room. I styed downstairs to clean up I go to bed because I was getting a little tired. 

 Kol's Pov 

I carried Luna upstairs because she fell asleep in my arms. We walked into to her room and I placed her on her bed and tucked her in. "Daddy," Luna said waking up a little bed. "Yes sweetheart," "Can you stay with me?" she asked "Yes I can darling," I started to climb in her bed next to her, she buried her face in my chest and slowly fell back to sleep. 

It's morning and I was woken up by a small giggle. "Daddy you got to wake up, you have to take me to school," Luna said while poking me "Why can't Aunty Bekah take you today?" "Because she is picking me up from school," she responded with laughing. 

"Ok, grab your stuff I'll met you downstairs." She nodded and gave me a kiss on my cheek and ran downstairs. I got up and got ready to lave the house. Suddenly I got a call, the caller id said Freya I answered it. 

The Phone Call

Kol: Yes dear sister.

Freya: We need your help.

Kol: With what, may I ask? 

Freya: A witch kidnapped Klaus and I need your help to get him back

Kol: Ok I should be there sometime later this week, I have to figure out how I'm going to tell Luna I'm leaving.

Freya: Ok see you in a few 

With that we hung up. Sadness spread across my face because I was leaving my baby girl, and it would hurt her to see me leave and she can't come with, but for now I have to take her to school. I walk downstairs seeing Luna waiting at the door. "What took you so long?" she asked with curiosity.

 "Nothing sweetheart," I replied. I grabbed her hand and we walked out the door. I strapped her into the car and I hoped into the driver's seat and we drove off. We arrived at her school, I hopped out the car to grab Luna.

 Once I took her out of the car, I walked her to her teacher she gave me a kiss and waved as I walked away. I couldn't help but think about how was I going to tell Luna that I will be gone for a while, it will hurt her more than it will hurt me, but there is only one person I can talk to about this, Rebekah. 

I got home and rushed toward the house and found Rebekah where she normally is while Luna is at school, in the living room reading. "Rebekah, can I talk to you about something?" I asked softly walking toward her sitting on the couch. "Yeah, sure, what is it?" she asked looking a little worried. 

"Well Freya called me before I dropped Luna off at school and told me that Marcel kidnapped Nik and she needs my help, and I want to help them but I don't know how to tell Luna I'm leaving," I responded. 

"Oh, well I don't know how to help because Luna is going to be heartbroken that your going to be gone for a while. She's basically attached to you" "I know and its hard because I don't want to see her sad, it brakes my heart when she gets like that." I said.

 "I know but I will take care of her while your gone," Rebekah said putting a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Thanks sister," I said with a sad smile. 


I hope you like this chapter because it fells like it took me a week to write this chapter, because I was trying to find somewhere to add a problem in this chapter, while not rushing it. Also I didn't feel inspired with this chapter but I didn't want to discontinue the book because it's only been up for Two days, and I may do other book while writing this book idk yet. Also I came up with a publishing schedule for this book, I will be publishing at least one chapter during the weekend and maybe one chapter during the week, but mostly on the weekends because that's the time I have time to write. And there might be some weird time skips in this story, so yeah. See you later hope you have a good day and night (●'◡'●) 

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