T. B. Sangster Imagines [REQU...

By BloodyinspiredTri

305K 5.4K 5.6K

~REQUESTS ARE CLOSED~ the title says it all.. some of them are imagines with his characters. Some of them are... More

Hello Shanks!!
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Newt- Nice to See ya, But I'm Not Her pt. 4
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Thomas Brodie-Sangster AU- Royal Arrangement pt. 4
β†’ Newt- Please.. ←
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Paul McCartney- Beauty and the Beast pt. 2
Paul McCartney- Beauty and the Beast pt. 3
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Hands Down (mini sequel to That's what you get..) Chapter 1
Hands Down- Chapter 2
Hands Down- Chapter 3
Hands Down- Chapter 4
Hands down- Chapter 5
Hands Down- Chapter 6
Hands Down- Chapter 7
Hands Down- Chapter 8
Hands Down- Chapter 9
Hands Down- Chapter 10
A Weird Title
β†’ Newt- Happy Pills ←
β†’ Thomas Brodie-Sangster- That's a Wrap! ←
β†’ Whitey Winn- For Once, Louise ←
β†’ Sam- One Guy ←
β†’ Samuel Emerson- Next Door ←
β†’ Paul McCartney (AU)- Stuck In a Movie ←
Paul McCartney (AU)- Stuck In a Movie pt. 2
Paul McCartney (AU)- Stuck In a Movie pt. 3
β†’ Newt- What did I do? ←
β†’ Newt (AU)- I wish I was her... ←
Newt (AU)- I wish I was her... pt. 2
β†’ Thomas Brodie-Sangster (AU)- 'Fake' Couple ←
Thomas Brodie- Sangster (AU)- 'Fake' Couple pt. 2
Thomas Brodie- Sangster (AU)- 'Fake' Couple pt. 3
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I got tagged.. again
β†’ Thomas- Brodie Sangster- I'm Home! ←
β†’ Newt- Where Could She Be? ←
Newt- Where Could She Be? pt. 2
β†’ Whitey Winn- Go Do Your Job, Mr. Winn! ←
β†’ Simon Brown- Just Back Off! ←
β†’ Newt AU- Of Course It's Okay! ←
β†’ Benny Watts- If I Win... ←
Benny Watts- If I Win... pt. 2
β†’ Newt- Friendship Ruined ←
β†’ Donald Clarke- Merged Classes ←
It's already 12:08
β†’ Newt AU- Void ←
Newt AU- Void pt. 2
Newt AU- Void pt. 3
Newt AU- Void pt. 4
Please Read
β†’ Sam- His Family ←
β†’ Benny Watts- More Than Anything ←
β†’ Romulus Agustulus- Is He Yours? ←
β†’Newt AU- Incoherent Presence←
β†’ Paul McCartney- You Send Me←
β†’ Samuel Emerson- Girl Under the Moon ←
Samuel Emerson- Girl Under The Moon pt. 2
Samuel Emerson- Girl Under The Moon pt. 3
β†’Newt- Circle←
β†’Paul McCartney- Stage Fright Effects←
β†’ Benny Watts- Teenager in Love ←
β†’ Newt- Song for Him ←
β†’ Simon Brown AU- Upon the Blue Walls ←
Simon Brown AU- Upon the Blue Walls pt. 2
Simon Brown AU- Upon the Blue Walls pt. 3
Simon Brown AU- Upon the Blue Walls pt. 4
β†’ Newt- Uncalled Attack ←
β†’ Casey- For Sevy (not)←
β†’Newt- "The hell is your problem?"←
Newt- "The hell is your problem?" pt. 2
Newt- "The hell is your problem?" pt. 3
Newt- "The hell is your problem?" pt. 4
Newt- "The hell is your problem?" pt. 5
Newt- "The hell is your problem?" pt. 6
β†’Benny Watts- How They Met←
β†’ Romulus Augustus- Sweet Mornings ←
β†’ Thomas Brodie-Sangster- Tension in the Convention←
It's been fun!

β†’ Donald Clarke- Sunglassses in a Cloudy Weather ←

1K 25 0
By BloodyinspiredTri

Your POV

I was up in front of the class, doing the presentation me and my partner were forced into. I was waiting for my turn to speaking while I recall the notes that I did for this report. I would've brought them with me and just read it aloud after reading the brief information. Unfortunately, the speakers aren't allowed to have scripts.

Now, I have to suffer trying to remember even the littlest bits and pieces from my notes. "Our next topic is to be presented by miss L/N." I didn't realize I was zoning out until I was subtly nudged as a cue for me to speak.

I blinked vigorously out of habit and looked at our presentation. "Right, er..." The drop of uneasiness in my voice was so obvious that I can feel the boredom of our classmates in front of us. "S-So, here, we have the next political ideology, Liberalism." I started as I tried to calm my anxiety attack down before I forget everything I've memorized and learned from my notes.

"Ehm.. it's pretty obvious, from the word itself." I said to them, internally calming myself down, "This ideology focuses on individualism wherein they believe that every person should have equal rights and entitlement." I can't help but look up with only my eyes. I can't remember everything about this topic.

I'm not even halfway through.

"However, they..." What was it again? "Since! I meant since. Uhm, however, since it evolves more around having freedom, it is a must for citizens to have tolerance."

There was nothing but silence after along pause. I've never felt so awkward in my entire life.

Especially when this boy, Donald Clarke, kept glancing up at me with a frown on his face. Instead of gawking over the silence, I tried to continue my report. "So, when that--"

"And how will you relate this to your daily life?" But it was only then, that my teacher, Mrs. Suzy Wolowitz, asked her question. I swear, these teachers just find questions I can never find the answers to.

Impromptu questions were my weaknesses. My mind goes blank whenever I try to think of an answer for these questions. "Er.. well..." And from thinking so hard, I can't help but look up with only my eyes once again.

Pure shame was the only thing I could think of. "I'm sorry, ma'am, I cannot think of an answer for that at the moment." I replied, looking down on the floor with my hands hidden behind me as I pick of my nails the same time I chew the skin off the inside of my cheek.

It's funny how people build up this confidence for a long period of time. Then, this slight little mishap just ruins it with a snap. "Well, it's understandable." Mrs. Wolowitz said, before she stood up from her seat. To take over for a short moment.

"Can any of youse answer the same question?" She urged my fellow classmates. When it was silent, she answered her own question as an example. "I'll put out an example," She cleared out her throat after a pause, "say I am here, watching and waiting for the presenter to answer my question as I have a right to do so. Instead, I received an eye roll out of them."

I was dumbfounded when she suddenly darted her eyes at me. "I beg your par--"

Mrs. Wolowitz only interrupted me when I asked for an explanation as to why she was looking at me as if I was at fault. "Even though, I see that as as a disrespectful, I have no choice but to tolerate it." She finished her example that felt more like some pointless criticism.

"Now that I've made my example, do I have any volunteers?"

My anger got the best of me once I cleared my throat. "So, is it considered as an example when I say:" I began with a sarcastic smile, "I have the right to look up as a way of thinking and just bear with the teacher who is lazy enough to have her students teach the lesson instead of her while she rebukes the behaviour of her student?"

The entire room was silent aside from the snickers coming from the whole class. The only thing my teacher can do was try and resolve the problem. "Now, now, I was just trying to make a playful exa--"

"A playful example where you degrade your students?"

Before Mrs. Wolowitz unleashed her own fury, the lunch bell made its ringing sound. Right on time, I thought as I clean our presentation up. "Thank you so much for listening to our presentation. I hope you all learned something from at least the things my partner discussed." I said as I took my stuff with me right before I left this ridiculous class.

As I made my way to the doorway, I saw someone staring at me from the corner of my eye. All I could do was ignore it. It wasn't that uncomfortable, I didn't mind at all.

What I do mind is the growling of my stomach.


Throughout the day, my eyes were slowly becoming my biggest insecurity.

I found myself having a conversation with my homeroom teacher, Mr. Schneebly with regards to the thing that happened back at Mrs. Wolowitz's class. He told me, that all my excuses were just defence mechanisms and all that crap about just apologizing to her.

I officially lost my respect for these teachers  as soon as I reached my house, meeting up with my mother by the doorway. "The school called." She stated with an unamused face. "Said you were making a face to Mrs. Wolowitz, rolling your eyes like you know better than her."

"I haven't even entered house and you're already scolding me about that." I sighed before walking past her. How typical of you.  I internally added.

Just as I thought I could just stop listening to her, she started following me up the stairs. "I never taught you how to be rude! Wherever did you learn how to act this way?" She interrogated.

"I was thinking of what to answer to her questions. Just because I look up at the ceiling, doesn't mean I'm trying to be rude." I calmly retorted. Thank goodness, she stopped following me once we were done with the stairs. "Besides, she's the one who started it. If you don't believe me, go ahead and ask the whole class."

Once I reached my room, I gently closed the door. Not being able to stop, I pursed my lips and blinked away the tear that was begging to slip out.

It wasn't my fault I have slow-blinking, tired eyes that make it look like I'm being rude. I can't just always blink violently. What am I supposed to do? Not blink like a bloody doll?


Donald's POV

The next day had come to light without me noticing. I only realized it was the next morning when I looked up from my drawing.

I had a surge of motivation to enlarge the rough mini portrait I made yesterday amidst in Mrs. Wolowitz's class. It wasn't intended to be a stalker move, but I started drawing my classmate, Y/N L/N that time. Her character was intriguing to me that I couldn't help but draw her.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" The sudden impact of my brother jumping onto my bed whilst doing his tie almost got me to mess up. Fortunately, I got my pencil away from the sketch. "Oi! Careful!" I scolded before continuing.

I wasn't in the mood to go to school, so I decided to skip. The only perk I get from it was that my parents let me get away with it.

"Hey! It's Y/N!" He exclaimed after examining my drawing.

I looked at him, puzzled. "You know her?" I can't help but question him.

"I've bumped into her a couple of times when going home from school," he replied. "Y/N lives a couple of houses away from us."

"Wait, seriously?" How am I only knowing this now?

"Yeah." He chuckled out before standing up. "She's actually gonna walk with me this morning. Said she just wanted to have company while going to school."

All of a sudden I want to go to school right now. "All right, wait for me." I said to my brother before I bolted out to the bathroom.

"What's gotten you so worked up all a sudden?" I heard my sibling titter before he had a blathering idea in his head. "What, do you like her or something?" He asked me with a laugh.

Flustered, I changed into my uniform before grumbling, "It doesn't matter."

"So you do have a crush on her!"

"Nevermind that!"

Your POV

Once I got out of my house, I put some sunglasses on despite the bug wool of clouds above me. It was a little darker than I expected, but at least people wouldn't see my eyes rolling anymore.

I was headed to the Clarke's house to walk with Jeff to school. Although, I am secretly hoping his brother, Donald would join us. He's always looked mysterious and grudgy. It got me interested into getting to know him.

Even though we practically have the same schedule, we weren't that close. Not once did we talk in full sentences. I never know how to begin a conversation with him at all.

Soon enough, I reached their house, knocking on the door once I stood in front of it. After a few more seconds, somebody answered the door. "Hello." I greeted, unaware of who opened the door since I was looked below instead of facing the face of the person I'm talking to.

"Y/N." Until I heard his voice.

When I looked up, I realized I was literally face-to-face with Donald Clarke. I was told he wasn't going to school today, yet I'm here noticing he's wearing his school uniform. "Hey, hi!" I greeted once more out of awkwardness.

"From Mrs. Wolowitz's class, right?" He asked me before he took his bag and stepped out of his home.

"Yeah!" I confirmed, outting up a sheepish smile that made it obvious that I couldn't put myself together.

"My brother forgot they had football practice today, so he forgot to pack his uniform in." He said to me as if he was trying to keep up with our conversation. "You might have to wait, I hope it's all right."

I've never seen him so polite. Usually, I would spot him being a little rude with people he isn't close with. "No worries." I replied to him as I said still, waiting patiently for Donald's brother.  "Would you like to join us for a stroll to school?" Now, I'm the one who was trying to keep up with the conversation.

"I wouldn't mind." He shrugged with a slight grin that was contagious enough for me to smile as well. "What's with the sunglasses, by the way? Considering it's mostly cloudy around here."

"So people won't see my eyes."

"Why?" He pressed. He was somewhat upset about it.

"People were saying I'm being rude because I look like I'm rolling my eyes when I'm thinking." I explained to him calmly, elaborating an example like what happened yesterday afterwards. I suppose I can consider that I am used to people misinterpreting my actions. I'm not even that offended by the incident anymore. "They say I should stop doing it, but I can't help it. So I put sunglasses on."

Donald chuckled softly at me and shoved his hands in his pockets before he responded. "You know the teachers are still gonna make you take them off, right?" He remarked logically.

"At least the younger ones won't think I'm trying to be cold when I'm blinking." I shrugged. "People said it's the rudest trait I have. So I covered them."

Okay, that sounded sad. I was only telling the truth, I didn't mean to make this sound like it hurt me to pieces.

"I must be an alien, then." Hearing Donald's comment had me confused. That is, until he finished his line.

"'Cause I think your eyes look badass." All of a sudden, I found him in front of me. He pulled my glasses off and folded it back and took my hand to place the shades I'm my palm. "You shouldn't care what people think. You can't just change what makes you comfortable and happy because of what people say. Life's too short, you shouldn't hold back."

I could've sworn I saw a glint of sadness in his eyes when he told me the last sentence. "Your eyes are beautiful, too."

I realized I was stuck with gazing at him when I said that. A part of me was embarrassed that I wanted to apologize.

But that doesn't mean I don't mean it.

Before I can defend myself for my subconscious actions, it was then Donald's brother, Jeff, got out of the house with his duffle bag. "Sorry I took so long." He apologized. But then, I spotted him giving Donald a sneaky wink only to receive an eye roll from him.

"It's fine." I shortly drawled, a little confused with their what appears to be a telepathic conversation. "Let's just go."

From then on, I took the chance to walk ahead of them. Mainly to smile to myself from the short scenario that unfold just a while ago between me and Donald.

The End.


Fun fact: Some bits are based on a true story. It's not the little Y/N and Donald moment, of course🤣

Sorry for the late update, my dudes! I've been trying to keep up, but there are so much pending schoolworks.

I hope you liked this one regardless of the lack of romance. Not really feeling it today so...(ʘᴗʘ✿)

I hope you have a wonderful day/night!😎


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