Voice of a Traitor (DRAFT.)

Oleh Drugged_Caffeine

97 12 6

The very king of the demon realm is not what others think of him..... some demons say he's not what he says... Lebih Banyak

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen

Chapter seven

6 1 0
Oleh Drugged_Caffeine

Thrill looked around as he started to get a feeling that he was going to throw up. He felt his forehead but it wasn't hot at all. He got up. "I'll go ask father what's wrong.." he whispered to himself. He knew his father was still at work. He worked at a radio company. Thrill walked into the building. He felt so weak in his legs. "D-dad?" He said unable to yell. Thrill was lucky that his father wasn't busy. He ran to Thrill. "Thrill?! What's wrong?!" He asked in a panicked tone. Thrill looked up at his father. He was standing but his shoulders were slumped and he was clenching his stomach.

"Dad.. I feel awful.." was all he managed to get out. He was pale, his eye was dark. The cuts on his face looked infected. "Oh my... he got you.. didn't he?" He whispered softly. Thrill shrugged. He suddenly vomited up what looked like green. Demons stomach acid was green to break down whatever their bodies need for survival.

The carpet wasn't burning surprisingly. The green stuff evaporated into nothingness. His stomach acids were overwhelmed and got too hot.

"Where's your mother?" He asked Thrill. Thrill shrugged. He was leaning on his father by this point. Thrill's father nodded. "Okay.." he picked up Thrill and carried him into a closet. He turned on the lights. He set Thrill on the ground. Thrill closed his eyes as he was forced to sleep. Blurry was making sure his little plan was working.

Red looked over at Joka. She walked over after setting down the phone. She bent down to Joka. She rubbed his head and looked at Blank. "How long does it take for a demon to recover?" She whispered.
Blank thought for a second. "If it's a injury, a little while. If it's this it won't take up more then a day." He reassured her.

Red nodded. She wanted their new friend to be okay. Joka started to wake up. He looked at Red. He hugged her as he managed to sob out "Thanks.." he muffled.
Blank chuckled a bit because the sight was too wholesome. Red didn't know how to react. "You're welcome" she said in a soft tone.

Blank walked over and he rubbed Joka's head. "How ya feelin' kiddo?" He asked softly. Joka looked at Blank. "I feel okay now.." he whimpered. He was just scared and grieving his family.. Red rubbed Joka's back which was a very soft spot for Joka. He teared up as he felt that they cared. Blank smiled softly. "Look at the time, it's nearing to dinner. I've never met a artist demon, not even a new one so I'll go grab my cook book" he said trying to lighten the mood.

Joka's stomach heard dinner and it growled loudly. It was so embarrassing for Joka. "Sorry-" he chuckled softly. "Don't be, all demons need food" Red said. Joka let go of red and stood up. He walked to the kitchen part of the cabin with Red, meanwhile Blank went to get his cook book. After a few minutes of Blank looking around, he found it. He grabbed it and dusted it off. He went to the kitchen. "Joka! I got the book!" Blank called out as he walked out of the bedroom. Joka giggled. Blank vanished from where he was standing. "Wait- where'd he go?" Joka asked looking around. Then Blank popped back up near the fridge. He had the big book open. It was huge! It was near bigger then his head!

"It says here that artist demons eat about anything they eat when drawing or what they ate when they were alive and drawing but the most healthy option is human meat, like the hands, arms and chewing on the strong bones." He read from the book. He closed the book and set it onto the counter. "Don't we have to cook the meat?" Joka asked. "Nope, demons eat human meat raw" he said softly with a smile. He pulled the human arm from the fridge. "What parts of the human arm do you like?" Blank asked. Red face palmed. Joka felt like he was going to vomit. His face blushed green. Not in a loving way, in a ' I'm going to puke' way.

Joka pointed to the arm. "I've never t-tried human before" he whispered softly. Blank nodded. He put the arm into Joka's hands. The human arm was cold and pale. Joka held it. "How am I supposed to bite into it?" He asked. Blank chuckled a bit. "Demons have what humans have. Ya remember yar canine teeth? Those originally came from demons. But demons have them way more sharper then humans. And some demons have a full set of canine teeth" he said smiling big as Joka seen Blank's teeth. He had four sharp and kinda long fangs. Two on top and two on the bottom.

Joka nodded as he gained some confidence. He bit into the arm as some blood leaked out. He ate it like it was an apple. The green on his face went away and he felt so alive but dead. "This is amazing!" He muffled a bit as he still had a chunk in his mouth. He ate it some more. He stopped for a small break. "What do you guys eat? And what kind of demons are you?" He asked Red and Blank. Blank blinked as he sighed a bit.

"Well I'm the only one left of my kind. I'm a wellerman. That's the title ya get when ya are alive. But I'm Hell they just call ya a water demon. All wellermen face the same fate. They die and all go to Hell. And soon they end up fading because they get forgotten about." Then Red spoke up. "I'm a common fire demon. Though fire demons are hated for their anger problems.." she said softly.

Joka nodded. "How can a demon fade?" Joka asked. Red looked at Blank. She knew he didn't want to say it. "When a dead one is forgotten about by an angel or a alive human.. they fade away from reality.. sometimes going on as a shadow or what most demons call. The second death.." she explained. Joka nodded. He felt horrible..

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