Tom Riddle Imagines

By tom_riddles_wifey68

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These are random scenes my mind creates every night when I'm going to bed, feel free to suggest any imagines... More

cold morning bliss
battle of hogwarts
broken promises
rule the world with me
blood and love
betrayed & trapped
betrayed & trapped pt. 2
clouds & fire
i love you and i hate myself for it
fix me
"just friends"
he always wins
"kill me if you must"
simple moments
black coffee
"we all die, its just life."
another chance
kitchen scares
if only
the boy
i like you more than i planned
secret garden


5.4K 95 12
By tom_riddles_wifey68

Tom wanted to meet my parents, but I didn't want him to.
Now look, I might sound pretty cruel or not committed by saying this but just hear me out okay?

My mother is pretty okay, she's sweet and caring and doesn't care about blood purity.

My father however.. let's just say he's big on hating muggle-borns.
He tolerates half- bloods, but if he knew I was dating one..

Let's just say Tom had to do a lot of begging to end up with me in front of my parents house.

He gaped at the size of the house, it was huge, unnecessarily big, but my father likes to flaunt as much as he can.

I however was on the edge of having a panic attack, I unintentionally.. left out the fact my father disliked half - bloods to Tom..

It wasn't my fault! I was just caught up packing and with other stuff, plus trying to convince Tom to bail on the idea.

He was relentless.

So I knocked on the front door and waited a few seconds as a house elf opened it, I smiled at the familiar house elf Jaci.

"Hi Jaci, thank you for opening the door."

"Of course Miss, it's wonderful to see you back." She gave me a small smile, I was always kind with them to make up for my parents behavior.

"This is Tom Riddle, he's my boyfriend." I pointed at Tom who had a disinterested look on his face.

"Hello Mr Riddle, pleasure to meet you." Jaci said.

Tom just gave her a nod which I rolled my eyes at.

"Cant you be polite Tom?" I raised a eyebrow at him.

He gave me a glance and sighed, "It's nice to meet you Jaci." He said quickly with as little emotion.

Jaci's eyes watered with appreciation and gave him a big smile.

"Right come inside." she held open the door and stepped away.

Tom and I walked in, and familiarity came upon me.

Tom on the other side ran his eyes over every inch of this place, observing.
It was the place I grew up in, I guess it meant something to him to get to know it.

I held out my hand to his side offering, he gave my hand a quick look and immediately curled his fingers with mine.

Warmth ran through my arm, and I tried not to blush.

I heard my mother rush into the room, "My goodness there you are!" She came to me and gave me a quick bone crushing hug.

I laughed, "Hi mom." I let go of Toms hand and hugged her back.

She let go of me and ran her eyes over my features, then she stepped away and finally gave Tom a glance.

"So I'm guessing this was the Tom you were talking about." she smiles.

Tom extends his hand to shake hers, "Hello Mrs-"
He's cut off when she gives him a big hug instead of shaking his hand.

He stands there in shock as she hugs him, I have amusement etched all over my face.

☁︎︎ ☁︎︎ ☁︎︎

I was fiddling with my fingers, we were waiting for my father to arrive to eat dinner.

My mother was busy pampering Tom with questions about school and himself.
Even so Tom's hand stayed steady on my thigh.

I heard the door squeak open and I turned to face my father, I gave him a small smile and he nodded at me.

He went to sit at the head of the table where my mother sat on his right.

"Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you Riddle." My dad nodded at Tom.

I bit my lip nervously, and placed my left hand on Toms still one.

"You too." He replied bluntly.

"Right, let's eat." My dad continued.

I picked up my fork and started picking at the mashed potatoes.

"So what house are you in Tom?" My father asked as he cut the steak in front of him.

"Slytherin, sir." Tom replied, taking a sip of the red wine that was sitting beside his plate.

Pride etched itself on my fathers face, he was a Slytherin himself so that was one good point for Tom.

My mother spoke up, "Are you enjoying the food dear?"

"Yes mom." I replied, and I wasn't lying. The food was delicious.

"Are you a pureblood?" My father suddenly spoke.

It felt as if my heart stopped, I was terrified that he was going to ask this, and I admit, it was a pretty bold move to ask that so quickly. I have no idea what washed over him.

My hand stiffened but Tom seemed to not feel it, "No sir, half-blood."

I cursed out the universe in my mind.

Disgust filled my fathers features but he disguised it quickly.


After the awkward dinner finished, my father asked to talk to me privately, I knew an argument awaited me.
My mother nodded knowingly at me, and in her features I knew she was telling me she would distract Tom and not to worry about it.

I followed my father into the other unnecessary living room, I was fiddling with my fingers afraid of what he had to say.

My father stopped in the middle of the room and sighed, "You know how I feel about half—bloods."

"I know, but I still love him." I say without overthinking it.

"You're making a big mistake." He tells me.

"His blood doesn't define him." I mutter.

"Your heir won't be pure blood." His eyes narrow.

"I- look, this is such a stupid conversation, I love him, I'm not breaking up with him because you can't handle his blood status, I'm not having this argument anymore." My voice heightened, I was frustrated.

Before my father can say anything and anger me even more, I storm out of the room.

I silently go back to Tom's side and hold onto his hand for support.

He squeezes back reassuring, "Are you okay?" He whispers, concern laced into his voice.

I give him a small nod.

"I love you, you know that right?" He whispers.

I genuinely smile, "I know, and I love you too."

This was a bit out of my comfort zone but at least it's long. :)

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