
By 19RaeNegade

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As Marinette continues to emotionally recover, she finds out about a long-forgotten secret her family has kep... More



891 33 13
By 19RaeNegade


Marinette's P.O.V

It's already been a few days since Shadow's arrival. She always pretends to be normal around dad but does a complete 180 when it's just the two of us. Although, it isn't as bad as I expected it to be.

It's mainly a few snide remarks (or threats). Also, a few annoying flicks or pinches on my arm whenever dad isn't looking. Sure, she's acting like a little brat of a sister would (though I don't know who the older of us is). Still, this doesn't mean I'm anything less than cautious.

Lately, I've just stayed locked away in my bedroom and avoiding as much confrontation with the other two people living under this same roof as possible. Shadow is an obvious reason but dad...

I'm still upset with all the lies he kept from me like he doesn't trust me. I want to believe there's bound to be a good explanation for why he and mom have kept very important things from me. No, there is a good explanation! They wouldn't just keep secrets from me if there isn't a good reason...right?


I still don't know all the answers...but I can't entirely be angry at him or mom for keeping secrets. Especially, when I've lied and kept secrets from them as well.

Besides keeping my distance from those two, there's another reason I'm locked away in my room. I'm hoping for Chat Noir to visit.

   Yet, he hasn't.

   I've developed a habit of looking at my skylight, anxiously waiting for some sort of movement or knock. I've tried multiple times to reassure myself that he's probably just busy. He has a life outside of hero work and visiting me. I can't just assume the worst...but here I am, doing just that.

   Thinking, I did or said the wrong thing. Wondering, what he's doing right now. Hoping, he returns sometime soon so I don't have to keep worrying over that dumb cat. Still, the days gradually continue without a trace or hint of him ever returning.

"Girl, is everything okay? You've been kinda off the past two days," Alya asked, taking her seat and placing her bag down. I perked up at my ombré-haired friend's voice, snapping out of my gloomy thoughts. I answered with a shrug. I can tell Alya didn't like that response and seemed determined for me to spill my guts.

Thankfully, Nino turned around in his seat. I'm glad for the distraction that's about to change Alya's focus but something is off with Nino. Concern adorned his features while he asked us, "How you dudettes possibly heard anything from Adrien? He hasn't shown up to school at all this week and isn't picking up his phone."

Alya and I looked at Nino like he grew another head.

"What?! Really?!" Alya replied, surprised.

I didn't say anything, completely baffled too. Adrien never misses school, always on top of making sure to arrive early. I admit, I've noticed his absence these past two days but didn't think much of it. Even if he did miss school, he'd at least contact someone, especially his best friend.

   If Adrien hasn't contacted anyone...something is definitely wrong.

   My thoughts are cut short when the classroom door opens. Miss Bustier walks into the classroom, followed in by the principal and...

   I can feel the air getting caught in my throat, shock etched into my features when seeing Shadow trailing behind Mr. Damocles. My surprise wore off, narrowing my eyes in her direction. Shadow "shyly" stood off to the side as the two adults talk for a moment.

   I can hear whispers going around the room, back and forth. Many curious questions spreading like a virus on who the new student is. One of those questions stood out most.

   "She looks a lot like Marinette."

   "Yeah, you're right."

   "Oh no," I thought before another realization dawned on me.

   "Class," Miss Bustier quieted the classroom before gesturing to Shadow, "I'm sure you all are excited to see someone new here. She's going to be your new classmate. Please treat her the same way you treat each other."

   Miss Bustier turned to Shadow, asking her, "Would you like to introduce yourself?"

   "Uh...sure," Shadow "timidly" spoke before turning towards the classroom, "My name is Mallorie Dupain-Cheng. I came here from New Jersey, America."

In that instant, I felt every eye (except for the two adults who already knew) on me. I sunk into my seat, trying to hide from the questioning gazes locking onto me. Nino nearly broke his neck shooting his head around to look over his shoulder. Alya looked so flabbergasted like she witness some groundbreaking news.

"I suppose this is some form of breaking news...considering I never told anyone," I thought, knowing everyone is going to want some answers that I don't really have.

"Mallorie, you can go sit next to Nathaniel," Miss Bustier said, "Nathaniel, can you please raise your hand?"

The redheaded artist snapped out of his surprise and quickly raised his hand. Shadow gave a "grateful" nod and made her way to the back row. I didn't miss the side-eye Shadow gave me for a split moment, seeing a glimmer of mischief.

As if...this is a part of a plan she is constructing.

It can't be a big coincidence that she's also taking Lila's old seat.

I glared at her in return.

"This isn't good," I thought, "Not only are we living in the same house...but we also go to the same school now."

"As I'm sure most of you are very curious, do not suffocate Marinette or Mallorie with questions. They'll answer them later if they want to or not. Right now, we are going to get started on today's lesson," Miss Bustier explained. Seeing as everything turned out fine, the principal left the room and let Miss Bustier take attendance.

I felt a nudge in my side then a slip of paper slid in front of me. I glanced at Alya for a split second before opening the slip of paper and reading four words scribbled on it.

You have a sister?!


   Once lunch finally arrived, I made a break for the library. People would every once in a while ask me a question throughout the day. Alya's curious reporter side especially seemed like she wanted to join in on the questions but held back. She probably noticed that I didn't want to answer, which I appreciate that.

   Shadow on the other hand continued with her fake persona, telling lies and stories of her time in America (if that's actually where she came from). It bothered me how naïve everyone is being fooled for a second time.

   "Some of your old schools were surrounded by fields? So, was one of your classes learning how to farm?"

   "I've always wanted to see the Grand Canyon! It sounds like a breathtaking experience in person!"

   "You've been in the Bermuda Triangle?!"

   Okay, so I don't actually know if some of those are lies or not. They could be half-truths for all I know. Either way, I still don't trust her whether she speaks the truth or not. She's better at deceiving people than Lila and that's a scarily powerful ability for someone despicable to have.

   Now that I'm in the library, I can do some research...or at least try to figure out some things on Shadow. She has to have some sort of social media, right?

Yet, there is no trace of her anywhere online.

I begrudgingly left the library after that and headed for my next class. My stomach growled in hunger, yelling at me for having the indecency of having two fruits for breakfast (since it's usually a croissant and zero lunch.

"On top of finding nothing, I'm going to be having hunger pains until they eventually stop," I thought, "Why didn't I just research at home? I can delete my search history. Ugh, I'm so lame!"

"Girl, is anyone home?"

I jumped, not noticing Alya walking next to me until she spoke up. I must have been deep enough in thought not to notice.

Alya looked like she wanted to say something, but handed over a paper bag instead, "Here, I saw you didn't come to lunch and figured you could use a bite."

"Thank you, my stomach appreciates it," I genuinely said, taking the bagged lunch before realizing something, "Is this a bribe to get some info out of me about my sister?"

"I'm sure past Alya would've definitely done that but this Alya..." she paused for a moment, "...this Alya just wants to make sure her friend is fed and doing okay. I have a feeling there's something up and although I'm dying for some answers, I'm not going to push or bribe them out of you."

"Reverse psychology," are the first two words that popped into my brain. But, what if Alya is actually just doing this out of the kindness she found within her heart?

   "Don't be ignorant," that sneaky voice spoke, "You're right to push her away. She's untrustworthy. She betrayed you—her best friend—for a manipulative vixen within a snap of a finger."

I winced, stomach-churning from more than just hunger pains. I frowned, looking at a different part of the floor in the opposite direction of Alya. I didn't want her to see my turmoil.

"Uh...yeah..." I trailed off, fiddling with the paper bag, "I better get to class. Thank again for the lunch."

I speedily walked away from Alya and headed straight for my next class.


The school day finally ended with hardly any other troubles besides some probing gossipers. Among the group of "sticking their nose in other people's business," Chloe was surprisingly not among them.

I didn't think too much about that, only grateful that she's one less problem I have to deal with.

Shadow and I returned home. Even when we are walking nearly a foot apart, a thick wall of tension made itself known. I can tell she is up to something with that cocky look on her face.

We entered through the bakery door, the bell tingling at our entry. Dad perked up at the sound and directed his attention towards us.

"Welcome home, girls! How was both of your day at school?" dad asked.

"Why didn't you tell me she was going to be going to school today?" I replied, ignoring his question.

"I'm just gonna...go somewhere else," Shadow awkwardly said, making her way to the apartment above. This left dad and I alone to talk.

"I was going to tell you yesterday but you were locked away in your room. When I tried telling you this morning, you were gone before I could get a word out," dad explained, making me feel guilty. I thinned my lips out, realizing how much of a brat I've been.

There just has to be a good reason.

"Sorry," I apologized, "I did hear you were about to say something this morning but I thought...I don't know."

"You don't need to apologize, Marinette. I deserve it for not telling you sooner," he sighed, face wrinkled with regret. I want to ask why he and mom have kept this secret. Yet, I didn't want to leave my room unguarded with Shadow lurking around. Plus, I needed some more time.

With Shadow in our lives, things are beginning to go haywire.

"Let's leave this conversation with both of us being in the wrong for now. I'd like to get my homework before supper so I can design something after," I said, giving a small smile. Dad returned with one of his own, "I think I can agree on that."

It isn't a perfect ending to this conversation but it's a start in hopefully a better direction for later. For now, I better hurry upstairs and see what Shadow is doing. I raced up the steps (trying not to trip) and opened the door to the house. My eyes scanned the area for any signs of my twin.

She's nowhere to be seen.

Carefully, I entered the house and keeping cautious of my surroundings. It doesn't last long when noticing the trap door of my bedroom is open. I didn't think twice about scrambling up the steps, knowing fully well I could be walking into a trap.

I spotted her standing at my desk and looking down at something.

"So, this is the woman who gave birth to me," Shadow said, turning around with the picture frame of my family, "Too bad she isn't around anymore, not that I care."

"Put that down," I coldly snarled. Shadow smirked, placing the picture aside before picking up something else.

My design book.

"A fashionista. Such a childish dream," she said before tearing a page out of the book, "It'd be such a shame for something you worked so hard for just get burn't up into nothing."

Shadow dug into her pocket and pulled out a lighter. My body tensed, unable to move when seeing a small flame ignite. It menacingly flickered, ready to burn whatever Shadow desired.

"Do you know what I like about fire? It's frightening beautiful and wonderfully deadly. It can erase nearly anything and destroy things you hold dear. I've been through it multiple times and I still survived," she said, placing a page of my work above the lighter, "Because, only the weak and vulnerable will fall victim to this demise."

"Shall I demonstrate?" Shadow questionably added, not giving me a chance to say anything before setting fire to the page. My heart felt like it just got stabbed, chest aching. I watched the paper—a piece of my work and aspiration for my dream—is slowly consumed by the jaws of the heat. My hands clenched into fists, feeling them tremble in rage.

"For how klutzy you are, I'm surprised you don't have a fire alarm in your room," Shadow menacingly laughed. She grabbed the framed picture again and without hesitation, smashed it on the ground. I stumbled forward until Shadow grabbed the picture out of the frame and teasingly waved it in the air.

"Ah ah ah, I wouldn't get any closer..." Shadow said, tauntingly placing the picture over the lighter's flame. "... or I might "accidentally" send this precious little photo to your dear old mother."

As if on instinct, my body moved on its own and mind clouded. I charged without a thought and didn't heed her warning. I tackled Shadow to the ground.


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