My Family [ORV X TCF]

By Lodi_Faust

56.9K 3.3K 688

Summary: What if Dokja become Cale's little brother? [Part 1] More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
# Notice

Chapter 4

6.8K 423 161
By Lodi_Faust

sorry, for the late chapter.

here is your serving!

"Hyung, let's go on a picnic!"

Dokja sprinted towards Cale with the same bright smile he always wore on his face.

Cale frowned. It is quite strange for the always stay in-door child like Dokja to suddenly want a picnic out of the blue.

"Why suddenly?" Cale asks, wondering what was Dokja's plan all along.

Dokja hummed, wearing a playful expression. "Just cause' I want it."

Seeing the unchanging cold expression on Cale's face,

Dokja changed his tactics and went to making a teared puppy-eyes expression.

"Can't I?"

Well, for Cale Henituse who adored his baby brother so much, that tactic was perfect to broke Cale's reason.

Cale sighed and patted his baby brother on the head. He must take notes to strengthen his will or he can't win against Dokja's wimps.

"It is not like you can't, but everybody is a bit busy with the ongoing festival outside right now. There won't be anyone left to prepare for our sudden picnic."

"I just need you, hyung." Dokja grabbed Cale's hand on his head. "I already prepared for everything so rest assured. My dish will be as delicious as Beacrox's."

Cale gasp, his eyes widen because of shock. "You made the dish?"

Dokja pouted. "You are too much hyung. I can cook." A thin smile formed on his lips. "A bit though."

Cale is still on his shock state.

Since when Dokja can cook something?

The last time he knows, Dokja tried to made a burned caramel, making the tool he used burnt until the color went black and almost become a charcoal. The chef went mad as the result and Dokja was banned from the kitchen.

Cale gulped. Will he still be alive tomorrow?

"Aw, hyung come on. It is delicious. I can guarantee it."


Cale sat down on the grass field then followed by Dokja with a basket on his hand full of something rounded with white color.

Cale let out a sigh of relief. At least it is not burnt.

"Here the food."

Dokja put the basket in front of Cale and stretch out his body on the ground.

Cale took out one of the round thing and sniff on it. It radiates a delicious smell that made Cale's stomach growl.

Dokja chuckled. "There is no poison on it so you don't need to worry, hyung."

'as if you can poison someone.'

And he munch on it slowly, savoring the taste bit by bit.

It is delicious.

Maybe he is wrong and his brother actually have some kind of talent on cooking.

"How is it."

"Delicious." Cale blurted out his thought.

He shouldn't have doubted Dokja's skill before.

"Told you so. The master of dumpling teach me the recipe. How can it is not delicious."

'Dumpling? So this weird-rounded food's name is dumpling.'

"Who is your teacher?"

'The chef never make something like this before.'

Dokja closed his eyes and hummed. As if recalling some previous memories. "A kkoma. A really handsome yet scary looking kkoma teach me the recipe in the dream."


"Yes, a very realistic dream I always got since 7. It is as if I am watching my grown up-self adventuring here and there with his companions."

"Is it fun?"

Dokja nodded, but then his expression turned solemn. "But at the same-time it is also sad."


"Though he will have companions later, he doesn't have a loving family like what I have. The 'Dokja' in the dream doesn't have a hyung like Cale hyung. That is why it is sad."

Cale let out a quiet laugh.

'He still can spout out some pretty talk with that solemn expression, huh?'

"So, you want me to be his hyung as well?"

"No! Dokja snapped, grabbing Cale's sleeve out of reflex.

Realizing his action, he retracted his hand and his eyes darted to the ground.

"E-even if it is sad I still don't want Cale-hyung to be anyone's hyung. Cale-hyung is mine."

Cale laughed.

How can his brother be this cute?

"But, father wants to remarry and maybe we will got some younger sibling?"


"Don't pout. You look like a child."

"I am still a child."

"And when the right-time comes you will claim to be a grown-up as an excuse. I already memorize your trick."


Dokja let out a frustrated growl and instead of answering he stuffed his mouth with some dumpling.

Cale smiled. He hopes days like this would never end.



"Be careful or you will trip!"

Cale shouted at Dokja who is running to him with full speed.

He just left for one year― well not a long time for him but for sure it is a long time for his baby brother― to go study at the academia and now his baby brother had become this clingy as the result.

Cale patted Dokja's head softly. He really miss this kind of feeling.

"Did you miss me so much?" he asks.

It feels weird for him to say that but he says it nonetheless.

Dokja nodded, still hugging Cale tightly wround his waist.

Even though they are only separated by two-year gaps, Dokja's growth is slower than any child his age making Cale worry if he has some hidden constitution.

"What is wrong? You look pale."

"Hyung, I am always having a weird dream. It is suffocating. I can't breath."

Dokja snuggled his head on Cale's stomach, seeking the warmth of his brother.

Cale touched Dokja's face, tracing the dark lines under his eyes.

How can his brother have such dark line after he only leave from home for one year?

"Are you okay? I will tell father and told him to call a doctor."

Dokja shook his head. "No. Don't. even though it is hard, suffocating, and I can't breath. I still need to watch the dream. It is my obligation, they say."

Cale frowned. "What kind of obligation is it if you hurt your body in the process. Say the one who said something like that and I will beat the crap out of him."

"You can't." he mumbled.

The frown on Cale's fprehead went deeper. He is serious. No one can touch his brother while he is still alive.

Dokja smiled, putting a bright smile like always. "Thank you hyung. I feel safe with you like this. How long your holiday will be? One month? Two months?"

"Two months and don't change the topic. It is bad habit."

Dokja released his hug and stared deeply at Cale.

Cale could see a glimmer of stars inside of Dokja's eyes.

A unique charm. Something that always entranced Cale whenever he sees it.

'How can a human have such beautiful eyes?'

Cale heard there is still some mystical creature hidden from human's reach.

Maybe he should investigate further wether Dokja is a human or not.

"Don't worry, hyung. Everything is gonna be fine. She said my life will be full of happiness here and I thought so too. So don't worry about me and tell me some stories of you in the academia, maybe father will order me to enter the academia next year."

Cale sighed. He will just insvestigate what happened to Dokja later. "I will just do as you wish."

Author's heart : imagine the 140 cm Cale is being hugged by the 120 cm Dokja it will be cute >-<

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