And Action [jenvid.]

By alwaysroschel

21.4K 578 202

"Jen?" "Hmm, yea sorry. Just looking through it again." "Nothing will change this okay?" - after receiving... More

One: The Table Read
Two: The Night Before
Three: Filming Part 1.
Four: Filming Part 2.
Five: Realizations
Six: Lunch
Seven: Olive Branches
Eight: Paparazzi, Playbills, and Dinner?
Nine: Waiting
Ten: Lobsters and 20 Dollars
Eleven: Love bubble
Twelve: Rumour Has It
13: Lies.
14: All I Want
15: Anywhere With You
16: Reality Check Part One.
18: One Step Closer
19: Welcome To New York
20: The Moment He Knew
21: The Moment She Knew
22: This is Love
23: The Lucky One
24: Interviews to make the news
25: Meant To Be
26: i have you (always)
tow the author's note

17: Reality Check Part Two.

758 18 6
By alwaysroschel

Film days take long. Everyone knows that commonality already. The numerous amounts of coffee to the random bursts of hunger while trying to get through a scene. This time it's a mixture of both but also the time zones catching up with the crew and cast. All of the other scenes minus the long awaited wrong name at the wedding, as well as: Rachel wishing Ross congratulations after the wedding, have been shot.

Opposed to Jennifer being the one taking a rest it was David. This is after all a Ross heavy finale — along with Monica and Chandler. After the scene blocking yesterday he had once again fallen asleep in the car.

"Jen, where's David?" Marta came up from behind Jennifer as she was just speaking to one of the writers.

"Has he not left the dressing room area yet?" Jennifer questioned.

"I don't think so. We just ordered the pizzas for the crew and the two Mattys are helping but I think he's still sleeping." Marta answered.

"I'll go and wake him up. I think the interviews are being filmed soon too so he does need to get prepped." Jennifer added.

"Thanks so much Jen." Marta smiled and walked away to find her co producers.

At the start of their relationship both Jennifer and David agreed that it would be best to keep it hidden from Kevin, David Crane and Marta. It wasn't any fear or anything of that sort. The pair just wanted it to remain away from their workplace for the time being. What they didn't know was that the three of them already had an inkling of the developing crush back in the first season. The inkling and Marta noticing the couple sharing a quick kiss before entering the studio separately to appear like they didn't take the same car.

Marta enjoyed watching Jennifer and David look like they weren't together. But anyone could see that the two had some sort of attraction towards one another regardless if they were officially in a relationship or not. Their secret that expanded to just the six of them suddenly became the show's secret. A well kept one at that. Even the guest stars who came on for an episode or a few reoccurring ones never said one word.

"We know you two are together Jen." Marta said as the cast dispersed after the table read. Marta noting how Jennifer and David made eye contact almost indicating that he would be bringing her lunch because she just nodded in response to words that were never spoken.

"What are you saying Marta." Jennifer tried to play it off when she was terrified. The truth was the couple never spoke about how it would go once Kevin, David Crane or Marta were to find out about the relationship.

"You and David. I mean come on, I saw you two earlier this week." Marta proved her point and Jennifer just bowed her head. "It's fine, what did you think we were going to do? Tell you two to break up?" Marta asked and laughed under her breath after Jennifer didn't reply. "Things are bound to happen you know? I'm just happy to see you two happy. I mean at this point you six are practically like our children. We only want the best." Marta reasoned. "If you two need anything from us, and I mean any of us. Say it."

"If we need anything?" Jennifer looked at the woman she was speaking too semi confused.

"The media can be ruthless but if you need any of us to speak on this, tell it. This show is family and we stay family." Marta put her hand on Jennifer's shoulders lightly squeezed it and walked off.

Ever since that conversation, Marta stayed true to that promise she told Jennifer. There haven't been any rumours regarding them but Marta, Kevin, and David Crane have always reassured them whenever there has been paparazzi lurking in the areas or of anyone else they could suspect. The three producers/creators all respected the privacy the couple wanted. So that was what they gave them. From the start.


"How about we put the ring catalogues down David." Courteney grabbed the magazines and set them aside. The two sitting across from each other at Courteney's house. Jennifer out doing some errands before they have to set from London thinking her boyfriend was doing the same. "You need to take a breather. You even said it yourself she might not be ready to get married just yet."

"You're right. You're right. I don't even know why I'm already thinking about this." David shook his head trying to force some laughter out of his mouth. When in reality he is just scared that he if he doesn't think this is where it might end then the ending will be his heart broken. An ending he thought of but as the days passed it became a distant thought. A thought that never passed his mind ever again once the two of them kept going passed the several hurdles thrown at them.

Courteney noticed how David's actions shifted once she told him to stop looking at the engagement rings. She is all for a wedding between her two friends, in fact she doesn't want anything else but that to happen. However, she still is cautious that perhaps Jennifer's heart hasn't fallen quickly as his has. Which is also just an assumption since Jennifer hasn't spoken about any next steps she's thinking about. Not recently at least.

"David I wasn't meaning it in a bad way, it's just... Maybe wait until her heart has fallen as fast as yours. Okay? Thinking about the future isn't a bad thing. I mean the fact that you see a future with Jen is amazing. It's actually really heart warming." Courteney admitted causing her friend to smile. "You can think about the future without acting on steps just yet. You're ready, but she might not be."

"You're right... Again."

"Why do you want to propose right away?" Courteney asked the question. "Is it a fear that's hanging over you or?"

"No. Not that, not anymore at least."

"Then what is it?"

David heavily sighed before answering. "I feel like if I don't move towards the future then what are we doing? We waited for so long Court. Don't say we didn't, we wasted what? Almost three years of miscommunication and missed signals. I just don't want to waste anymore time."

"Is it time wasted if you're still spending everyday with her? Is it time wasted if you know now that she loves you? David. You two already are building a future together. It might not be the future everyone labels as one. But who says that's the blueprint? As long as you two are happy, and you two view each other as the one... Isn't that enough?"

Courteney's words now is on repeat for David as he goes to sit down for an interview. After Jennifer woke him up he only had half an hour before the different interviewers showed up. Seeing her as the first thing when he opened his eyes was pretty much the sight he wants to see for the rest of his life, even if he doesn't want to publicly admit that to her yet.

"Honey, don't you have scenes to film?" David asked as he noticed Jennifer was just lurking around behind the scenes.

"All of my scenes are with you." She laughed. "I'll just hang around here for a while, is that okay?"

"Of course, of course." He smiled at her and she did the same before walking off seeing the interviewer in the distance. With giving him an air kiss and mouthing an 'I love you' Jennifer just stayed back where the camera men stood.


"Well we're here in London and seeing all the wedding decorations around let me guess... It's Ross?"

David laughs. "Second time is the charm?"

"Let's hope for that one, I know America has mixed feelings about it though. Have you seen or read any of the viewer opinions on the engagement to Emily?"

"I heard some actually." David admitted. "There were the odd ones that said congratulations as if I was the actual person getting married. I say odd ones because the overall opinion is thinking that Rachel will say she objects. I think when I went out to get a coffee in between takes there was a fan waiting in line and she noticed I was behind her... Naturally the reception is can I have a photo or are you Ross from friends... But this fan in particular just wanted to know if the engagement was fake which I found funny." David laughed a little after answering the question.

"People really think it would be fake?"

"People will want to believe what they want right? I mean that's why there's tabloids too, anything to keep that fantasy alive." When the words came out of David's mouth Jennifer (who was watching) raised her eyebrow at the fantasy comment. "The tabloids want to change reality sometimes is what I mean." David spoke to explain his comment which made Jennifer try to hold back her own laughter at his correction.

"With you mentioning the tabloids and reality... I was wondering if we could switch the topic to one that has also been on the tabloids..."

"Oh here we go." David said as a joke.

"During press interviews for your own short film, director debut, earlier this year you mentioned your personal life." The interviewer leaned toward the question the David prepared for.

"I did briefly, yes." He nodded.

"With Ross being married once again, is there any shift in that personal life of yours?" David laughed and shook his head. "So is that response a no?"

"No, no, it's not. I'm just laughing at the fact the public is more worried and concerned about my love life than my career." He shrugged. "But, there has been shifts in my personal life. Things I didn't share beforehand, but I can share now."

"What would that be?"

"Well," David moved around in his seat. "I am dating someone, we happened to move in together recently. And overall just very happy." He smiled.

"Just from that smile I can tell that's true." The interviewer responded noting David's facial expression. David on the other hand saw Jennifer watching his interview and looked up at her; Jennifer just winked. "Did this relationship develop recently?"

"No, actually. When I mentioned that I was single, publicly... We had been together at the moment but held off on keeping things public. Just out of respect for myself and my girlfriend."

"Understandable, I mean things can change so quickly in this industry that the media can rip apart relationships almost."

"Exactly, and we wanted to be careful at first." David truthfully admitted. Meanwhile Jennifer nodded herself too since she agreed with this statement.

"If you don't mind me asking a follow up question. What changed? I mean between now and then to admitting your relationship?" The interviewer asked the question that Jennifer herself was wondering. They didn't discuss him admitting their relationship, she wasn't upset either. In fact she's happy about it.

"I'm not afraid anymore." He said.


"Relationships are difficult. There's no doubt about that. But, one of my biggest insecurities was not being good enough for someone who I love. Not just relationships romantically, but in general. I always want the best for the people I love around me. With this relationship I never thought of myself as the one who would be the best for her, because there's so many people out there. What got me out of that was realizing that relationships is all about choosing. Choosing that person at the end of the day, every day. Which I do still everyday, I choose her. I will always. But then came my fear that she won't choose me. That at the end of this she will find someone better when I wanted to be better for her." He stopped for a moment locking eyes with Jennifer who's eyes were starting to tear up. "I needed to stop thinking that way. Which is easier said than done, don't get me wrong. But she chooses me. Still. Who knows what will happen in the future, but as long as we decide to be together day by day then it can only get stronger." He stopped talking and the interview continued. Jennifer had to step out for a moment to have a moment after hearing those words come out of David's mouth. He hadn't been public with his fears about losing her before. She wouldn't have guessed his fear ran that deep because he always gave her reassurance and he always seemed the stable one. Looks like they both have had similar fears. She's just happy that they overcame it.

After entering the interview space again Jennifer noticed that it finished. The only one left in the space was David who was looking through his phone, still sitting down on his chair. Until Jennifer got his attention by clearing her throat.

"You really mean what you said?" Jennifer whispered being careful that her words can trigger her tears again.

"I did." He said.

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?" David asked as Jennifer sat on his lap wrapping her arms around his neck.

"You needed the reassurance too that you gave me, you know?" Jennifer answered. "You repeatedly told me you loved me. When you also needed those words of reassurance back to you."

"You did say you love me honey, don't let—"

"I know I did." Jennifer interrupted him. "Just know this too then. That I'll choose you, always." She leaned down and kissed him. After their kiss she smiled at him. "Now hurry up we need to get ready for the premiere tonight." David laughed and kissed her again quickly.


Press junkets are a mess. Questions left and right by several outlets some even repeat the same question for god knows what reason. The premiere however, combats the anxiety of the press. There's a lot that happens during premiere night and for Jennifer and David it adds on something else since they'll be making their own public appearance together for the first time as a couple. Which had been agreed upon by the two of them and thus relied on to their respective reps back in LA.

Jennifer wasn't nervous getting ready. Nor was she nervous getting into the car or driving to the theatre. But when it came for them to come out of the car her nerves hit her. Automatically asking the driver to not open their door just yet.

"I'm scared." Jennifer said to David. Something he already had known, in fact anyone can tell just by the mere fact of Jennifer slightly shaking. "What will they say? What will happen?"

"Hey." David said forcing her attention on him. "Just look at me okay? I have you, and this is your moment. You don't need to tell them anything or speak on anything besides the movie. I'm not here as an actor, I'm here as your support system, as your boyfriend." He kissed the top of her head. "And to see the movie." He quickly inserted the comment which put a smile on her face.

"Okay, let's go then?" Jennifer asked and David just nodded as he asked for the driver to open the door.

David was the first one to go out of the car first so he can help Jennifer out of the car. The moment the cameras and the public saw them together everyone erupted into screams and flashes. Paul looking at them from the red carpet smiling at the fact they're finally going public with it. Jennifer froze for a bit but David laced their hands together and suddenly she snapped out of it. Going onto the carpet as they always do ready to look into the cameras as the happy couple they really are. Finally.

Pictures were taken of the two of them. David smiling down at Jennifer and the two of them looking at each other etc. But noting that this is Jennifer's movie David stepped aside for Jen to have her moment. After all she worked so hard for this and he is here as her boyfriend and not as an actor. Not wanting to take attention from her movie. This went on for the remainder of the red carpet pictures. David stepping back to allow Jennifer to have her solo pictures no matter how many times she waved him over to be beside her. When interviews came it was a different story.

"Hi Jennifer!" The interviewer smiled at her.

"Hi how are you?" Jennifer made conversation.

"I'm great, I mean being here at your movie premiere! Amazing, it's been long awaited."

"It has been yea, but still so happy that it's finally being shown." She smiled.

"We see you brought someone with you for the premiere tonight." The interviewer commented referring to David.

Jennifer looked back as he was just standing waiting for her to finish. He had discussed with her prior that this was her night, so he wouldn't be doing interviews with anyone. His role was to support, not to be David Schwimmer.

"I brought my boyfriend, yea." Jennifer replied smiling.

"He looks proud of you."

Jennifer waved him over but he just put up his hand saying stop but she insisted. "Honey just come quickly." The microphone caught the words Jennifer was saying to David. "They were just wanting to know if you're proud of me." Jennifer joked.

"Are you?" The interviewer asked David.

"Very proud of this one." He replied before quickly bowing out making sure he sticks to his promise.

"He doesn't want to be interviewed that's why, he just wants to support." Jennifer explained the quick and blunt response given by David.

"I must say I am surprised to see you two together on the carpet."

"When you get nervous sometimes you just need your boyfriend here you know? He's been holding my hand and keeping me calm through it all." Jennifer replied causing a reaction from the interviewer that made her smile.

"This movie, it's about love. I was wondering just quickly if you could define love, what would your definition be?

"Love is... it's hard to define. I was actually talking to my boyfriend, David, the other day about this. We can say we love each other for as long as we want. But what does that really mean? Do you know what he said to me?" Jennifer paused. "He looked at me and laughed. We worry a lot about losing love we forget to keep love. The more we worry about defining it the more we lose the time we have with those loved ones. I learned a lot about love in this relationship I'm in."

"What would that be?" The interviewer continued to ask.

"That the love that happens in the movies does exist." She laughed. "It's true, for a while I thought I was playing roles that are picture perfect. But, once I met my partner... picture perfect became a reality." Jennifer smiled.

"Very happy for you Jennifer, for both of you."

"Thank you." Jennifer smiled widely before going back to David and once again their hands together walking down the carpet at more interviews before the screening commenced.

"You're doing great." David whispered as they walked down.

"You sure I look nervous." Jennifer whispered back.

"Beats me." David winked before telling her there's another person waving her down for an interview. "I just know all of this is what you deserve after doing all you could for this role." He quickly kissed her cheek before she left. David practically acting like her bodyguard with the occasional picture here and there.

"Jennifer the title of the movie tonight is The Object Of My Affection, would you say that's David for you?"

"He is." Jennifer smiled, thinking that maybe all of the questions surrounding David wouldn't bother her. Because after all these months she's been wanting to tell the public, and finally they can. Finally she can.

Interviews down the carpet all had a different questions asking about David. No matter how many times she repeats that they are in fact dating it seemed as if the world was in shock, she can't even imagine what their reps must be like back in the states.

Finally at the end of the carpet Paul was waiting with David for Jennifer. The two seemed like they were in deep conversation.

"Why didn't you guys head inside?" Jennifer asked them.

"He wanted to wait." Paul pointed at David as Jennifer stood next to him. "All I will say now is that: it took you two long enough. Now when is the double date?" The couple laughed as the three of them walked into the theatre.


"FRIENDS STARS: David Schwimmer and Jennifer Aniston appearing at the red carpet premiere of Aniston's movie: The Object Of My Affection. Aniston confirming that they are in fact in a relationship."

"Jennifer Aniston's premiere date looking all too familiar! It's none other than her co-star David Schwimmer."

"Ross and Rachel is our reality, the two actors made their red carpet debut as a couple at Aniston's London premiere." 

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