A Fighting Chance

By foreverlovingnemi

84.5K 2.4K 573

The MMA world is very competitive and not only in the cage. A guy and girl, from two rival families, fall for... More

Get Ready
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
From us to you...

Chapter 9

6.7K 140 34
By foreverlovingnemi


It was Monday night & I was sitting on my couch, in the dark, a beer in my hand, racking my brain about the last several days. I was so confused & pissed off & annoyed & depressed. I could go on but I'm sure you get the point. The root of my confusion was Demi. I was getting so many mixed signals from her, it wasn't even funny. I mean, I have met girls who were fickle before, but Demi was on a whole new level. I took a swig of my beer, then leaned my head back on the couch. My mind went to that morning when I was in her office for my therapy session. The words came out of her mouth.... "I just don't think it's a good idea to see each other outside of our sessions." I couldn't even really respond to her because I was in such shock. Here, I thought her & I were heading somewhere, then all of the sudden she tells me this.

I finally did respond to her. I responded with a head nod as I got off the table. I didn't even look at her again as I got my stuff to leave. She sighed & explained further, "It's just that you almost kissed me & I can't cross that line, Nick. You're my client. Not to mention that I can't date a fighter. I just can't do it. You would understand if I told you..."

I cut her off, not wanting to hear her excuses. "I'll see you on Wednesday, Miss Lovato." I kept my tone even as I limped out of her office. I heard her say my name a few times as I walked down the hall, but her next client was on their way back, so I said nothing. I didn't even turn around to acknowledge her calling me. I was feeling all kinds of different emotions, most of all anger. I was angry at her & at myself. I was angry at her ex boyfriend who sent her flowers, even if I had no idea why. I was angry at Jay who was at least sleeping with Michelle. I couldn't even get Demi to kiss me. I was angry at everyone & everything.

I went to the gym right after my session to blow off some steam & I may have overdone it, since now I sat on the couch, hardly able to move. My legs mostly, because I hadn't had my cast off for very long, so my bad leg was still weaker than the rest of my body. It hadn't been worked out in months. As I stared at the ceiling of my house, I felt myself get angry again, thinking of the text I got from Demi as I was leaving the gym that afternoon.

"Nick, I hope you're not angry with me or feel like I led you on. I really hope you understand where I'm coming from. Maybe after your sessions are done, we can be friends outside of the office. Take care of that leg & don't overdo it. See you Wednesday!" Even her text was amazing, even though it just pissed me off more. I didn't respond to her, not really sure of what to say. I needed time to cool off & to figure out what I wanted to do at this point.

Jay came home minutes after I finished my beer, so I was on my way to the kitchen to get another one. "You look miserable." He commented.

I gave him a nod & a smirk, then kept going to the kitchen. I grabbed a beer & when I heard Jay clear his throat behind me, I handed it to him & grabbed another one for myself. I slammed the fridge door shut, then sighed as I leaned on the counter. Jay was watching me, waiting for me to unload on him. He knew me better than anyone. He knew when I was upset or angry & now as he chugged his beer, he was waiting for me to tell him what my problem was.

I took a deep breath, then a drink of my beer before I explained to him about Demi. I told him about the conversations we had & about the party & sleeping in the same bed. I told him how I almost kissed her on the roof top & how she doesn't want to date a fighter. I told him how I invited her to go hiking & then to the concert & she was going to go, but then today told me we couldn't hang out anymore. I told him everything & when I finished, he pressed his lips together, giving everything some thought. My brother was very smart, even though he may not look it. He wasn't book smart. He was street smart. He knew how to read people, something that was necessary when you're a fighter. He was always a good person to go to for advice because he knew a lot about life & people.

Tonight, I thought my brother was going to give me great sound advice. Instead, he took a deep breath before he said, "That bitch be fickle as fuck." His eyes were wide as he took a drink of his beer. I couldn't argue with him, because she was being fickle. I sighed out of frustration, though, because it didn't help me to decide what to do about her or the situation.

I tried not to think about Demi before my session with her on Wednesday. Inevitably, I would think about her, but once the thought of her popped into my head, I immediately thought of something else. I kept myself busy working at the gym & I worked out a little as well. I was told by my doctor & by Demi, though to limit my work outs so I wasn't overdoing it.

I was nervous Wednesday as I sat in Demi's office waiting for her. When she came in she was chipper, as if things were fine with us & this kind of pissed me off. "Good Morning, Nick. How are you today?" She almost sang as she stood beside the table, next to me.

"Good." I answered, trying not to sound too friendly. I laid back on the table & took a deep breath. "I need to tell you what I decided."

Demi put her folder on her desk then came to start doing my exercises with my legs. I saw her watching me with a curious expression on her face. "What did you decide?" She asked as she pulled on my good leg.

"I'm going to tell them I want a new PT." I said in a flat tone.

Demi stopped what she was doing & stood up to stare down at me with her mouth open. "What? Why? Is this because I didn't want to hang out anymore outside of here?"

I sat up & shrugged my shoulders a little. "Well, yea. I don't want you to be uncomfortable. Or feel like you were crossing any lines."

"Nick. Listen. I know what I said, but I actually thought about it & I am fine being friends outside of here. I don't have to tell anyone here any of my business that happens outside these walls. I was going to tell you today that I will go hiking with you & to the concert with you. Please don't get another PT because that would not be good for your recovery. It would set you back & I am trying hard to get you back to your full potential before your big fight in September." Demi was leaning on her desk & her arms were crossed like she meant business. I had to admit I was happy she changed her mind. My brother's words were ringing in my head. "Bitch be fickle as fuck." I started laughing & Demi scowled at me. "What's funny?"

I shook my head. "Nothing. Just remembering something my brother said." Demi smiled, nodding her head then came back to stand by me. "I'm glad you changed your mind, though." I smiled at her.

"I really like hanging out with you, so I want to continue being friends. Besides, I won't be your PT forever."

"But you could be my friend forever." I raised an eyebrow at her & she let out a short laugh. "Just not my girlfriend. And that's because.... you find me repulsive." I said as I stared at the ceiling with a smirk on my face.

I heard her laugh out loud, then she came to stand beside my head so she could work on my neck stretches. I looked up at her & she was blushing. "You aren't repulsive. I just won't ever date a fighter."

"You ever gonna tell me why?"

"I've been around fighters my whole life. I don't like the lifestyle. I can't watch my boyfriend or husband get the shit beat out of him on a regular basis." She shrugged like it was so obvious.

"But friends are okay." I chuckled.

Demi looked into my eyes as she had both her hands on either side of my neck. "I guess we'll have to see about that. I probably won't ever see you fight." She let go of me & motioned for me to sit up, so I did.

"Well, you can kinda see why I'm single. No girls have ever been able to put up with the fighter lifestyle." I said, ending it with a sigh.

"You make your training a top priority, so maybe it's because women like to be put first. Maybe that's what they don't like." She shrugged her shoulders, then started rubbing my shoulder.

"I treat my girlfriends like gold & always put them first. Or at least, I tried to, anyway."

"Well then, maybe you just haven't found the right girl. There is one out there, somewhere." Demi said as she lifted my arm to work on my shoulder motion.

I saw her in the mirror & she was avoiding eye contact with me. I kept my eyes on her face as I said, "I hope so." I hoped it was her, but she was making it pretty clear she would never date me as long as I was a fighter. I decided to confirm it for myself. "If I wasn't a fighter... would you date me?"

Demi's eyes looked up to find mine in the reflection. She said nothing for several seconds, but bit her lip as if she was giving this serious thought. "I don't know. Maybe." She grinned at me, then winked before she got back to my therapy.

"Too bad we'll never find out." I muttered & her eyes bore into mine for a moment that made me hold my breath.

We set up arrangements for the hiking on Saturday, agreeing that I would ride my bike or get a ride to her place in the late morning, then she could drop me off at home to get ready for the concert while she went home to get ready as well. Me & Jay would come pick her & Michelle up to go to the concert & I assured her she could have fun & get drunk because it was my turn to be the designated driver. Jay, Ryan & I always took turns when all of us went out.

The rest of the week went by a little slow, probably because I was anticipating spending Saturday with Demi. I was excited & nervous, even if it wasn't a date, it still felt like one to me. I had kept the charm dialed down, so then this weekend I could turn it back up.

Saturday couldn't come fast enough, in my opinion. When I woke up Saturday, it was pretty early. I was like a kid on Christmas morning. I went to the kitchen to start some coffee for Jay, then made myself a smoothie. Jay came into the kitchen, shirtless, as usual, to pour himself a cup of coffee. "You're in a good mood. That shit eating grin on your face is cute." Jay said, tapping my chin with his fist before he leaned on the counter. "Are you excited about your date with Demi?"

I rolled my eyes, but continued smiling at my brother. I took a drink of my smoothie as I leaned on the table across from him. I shrugged a little, then nodded my head with my lips together. "Even if it's not a date."

"What's not a date?" Michelle asked as she came into the kitchen, startling me. She gave Jay a sloppy kiss, forcing me to look away. They were very sexual with each other & they didn't really care who was around.

Jay made a yummy noise once Michelle stopped shoving her tongue down his throat. "Nick & Demi hanging out today." He smacked her ass & she squealed before pouring coffee into a mug.

"Oh." Michelle said, nodding her head, with her back to me. She turned around & sipped the hot beverage, watching me over the rim of the mug. "When are you going over there?"

I stood up & moved to stand near the doorway of the kitchen. "I'm heading over soon. I gotta change, then I'm riding my bike to her place. Which... that kinda sucks because then it will be at her house for a day or two since she's taking me home later."

Jay came to stand behind me & put his hand on my shoulder. "I can get it with my truck tomorrow. Or..." He put his hand down & gave Michelle his best puppy dog eyes. "Michelle could drop you off."

"I'm not dropping him off. He can ride his bike. He needs the work out anyway."

Jay's mouth turned into a frown, then he pretended to be annoyed. "You would make him ride his bike all the way across town when he has a bad leg & is scared of getting jumped again?" Jay asked in an mock outraged voice, trying to get her to feel sorry for me. I played along & looked at her with my best puppy dog eyes, giving her a slight nod like I agreed with Jay.

Michelle sighed & rolled her eyes. "Fine. Be ready in ten minutes." She said before taking one more drink of her coffee, then putting the mug on the table. She walked past me & Jay & headed to his room, probably to get dressed. I went to brush my teeth, then put on some Nike shorts & a tight Nike shirt, finishing off my outfit with my favorite Nike tennis shoes. I smoothed out my hair before I headed out of the house & got in Michelle's car.

Michelle didn't talk a whole lot as she drove. Mostly, she jammed her music & sang along. I was fine with that, because I just wanted to think about seeing Demi. Michelle dropped me off in front of Demi's house & I went up to the porch. I heard what sounded like music coming from inside & it was probably why she didn't answer when I knocked. I knocked twice, then tried the knob & it turned so I went in. When I walked into the house farther, I heard the song her & I listened to in the bedroom the night she came over for the Memorial Day party. It was 'Heart," the song I loved & she commented that she loved it, too. I felt my heart swell a little thinking she might possibly be thinking of me when she listened to it. The song ended then started over & I smiled that she had it on repeat. As I got closer to her bedroom, I saw her door was open a crack. I was just about to knock on her door when I looked through the cracked door & caught something in the reflection of the huge mirror above her dresser.

I stiffened, swallowed & sucked in my breath when I saw the most shocking, but fantastic sight. Demi was naked on her bed & she was touching herself in the spot I wanted to touch. I felt like I was in a porno movie as I watched her. I couldn't see everything, but I could see enough & it was enough to make me incredibly hard in my shorts. I wanted, so badly, to burst into her room & help her finish what she had started, but I couldn't do that. If I did that she'd freak out & probably never talk to me again. I didn't want to stop watching her, but I started to feel dirty. This was a private moment & I should not be feasting on it. I backed away from the door, as quietly as I could & left her house, not able to stop picturing her beautiful naked curves on her bed.

I made my way halfway down the block, walking on the sidewalk like I was just taking a stroll. I stood against a pole & waited there for a few minutes. I must have had a stupid smile on my face because a few people walking their dogs smiled at me as they passed by me. I was thinking of Demi, so of course I was smiling. I was trying to wipe away the memory of her touching herself & her face contorted with pleasure, because it just made me h.orny as hell. After a few minutes, I figured she was finished, so I pulled out my phone & sent her a text. "Just got to your neighborhood. You up?"

I took a deep breath, then started walking, slowly to her house. I was still limping, so I was always slow these days. I heard my phone chirp a moment later & read Demi's text. "I'm up." That was it. I hoped I didn't interrupt her. I hoped she was able to finish.

I knocked on her door when I got to her house & she opened it almost immediately, looking radiant. Her hair was swept up in a messy ponytail & she was wearing a cute little outfit, consisting of tight spandex pants & a Nike jacket over a hot pink tank top. Her face was glowing & I couldn't help but think it was because she had recently had an orgasm. I felt myself get excited imagining me giving her an orgasm & all the different ways I could give her one or several. I had to shake my head to get the thoughts out of my head & focus on Demi as she stood before me, smiling, sweetly. "Come on in. I'm just about ready. Just need to get my shoes on."

I walked in & I listened to see if I could hear "Heart" playing, but I couldn't hear any music. I watched as Demi tied her shoes. "Your house is really nice. Do you own or rent?" I asked her, looking around. My gaze stopped on a framed collage of pictures on the wall. I took a few steps closer & saw Demi in a photo with a good looking guy, their heads close & their hands intertwined.

"I bought this house about a year or so ago, right after I got the job at NovaCare." Demi replied, not looking up.

"Is this Carter?" I asked, pointing at the photo in the frame I had been looking at. I couldn't help wonder why she had one photo of him, if they weren't dating, anymore, let alone, several. Demi looked up, squinted, then stood up with a loud sigh.

"Yep." Was all she said. I didn't ask anything else about him, because as my eyes scanned a few of the other photos in the frame, I got all the answers I needed. I saw another photo of him & Demi leaning on what I assumed was his car. It looked like a BMW. One other photo, my eyes landed on, was Demi & Carter at his graduation, her arms wrapped around his waist as he held up his degree. Both of them were smiling so big that I, instantly, felt jealous. If Carter were still here in L.A. I was pretty sure Demi would be with him. He was a fucking doctor with a BMW & he looked like a male model. I couldn't compete with that. I sighed, quietly, feeling a little defeated now. "You ready?" Demi asked, loudly, standing up & smacking her hands together. I turned & nodded, then followed her out to her car.

I tried not to think about Carter while I was with Demi. He was in a totally different state, so he wasn't competition. Of course, the flowers he sent her may tell a different story. I was going to have to find out more.

Demi kept the first part of our hike very professional, making me stretch & do some exercises that promoted strength in my legs. Then we headed to a nearby trail to walk. I was a little slower, so it wasn't really a hike to work up a sweat. She didn't talk much as we walked. If she did, it was about something she saw as we walked. At one point, I saw a spot where we could sit for a bit. Honestly, I needed it because my knee was starting to ache. Demi was fine with resting, especially, since she knew I shouldn't overdo it.

I took a drink from my water bottle as Demi & I sat beside each other on the park bench that overlooked Los Angeles. "I wish we had some music." I said as I leaned forward on my knees. I heard Demi grunt in agreement. "You know sometimes Deer Tick will cover that song I played for you at my house." I looked over at Demi who was staring out at the view before us. I thought she looked nervous, but I wasn't positive. "That one you liked. It was called Heart." I said, trying not to stutter because Demi m.asturbating flashed in my head. Demi's eyes darted to my face, quickly. "You remember that song?" I asked, my eyes locked on her face. She took a drink of her water & seemed to hold the water in her mouth for a moment as she nodded, while looking into my eyes. "I have it on my phone if you want me to send it to you." I took another drink, trying to act nonchalant. 

"I already downloaded it, actually." She said, wiping her chin.

My eyebrows shot up like I was shocked to hear this. "Really? Do you listen to it & think of me?" I asked, bringing my bottle to my mouth. I hoped she couldn't see the mischief in my eyes. Demi's eyes narrowed a little & she shook her head as she smirked. I cleared my throat & laughed. "I will take that as a yes." I sat back on the bench, still watching Demi. She was adorable as she shook her leg, nervously & played with the water bottle on her lap. She was ignoring me. "I have a question." I said, finally looking away from her. I saw her look at me, in my peripheral. "Why did Carter send you flowers?" I asked, my voice a little shaky. "Are you getting back together?" I looked at her again, holding my breath.

Demi's eyes were wide as she turned to look at me. "Why are you asking?"

I shrugged my shoulders, not showing much emotion on my face. I didn't want to tell her that I was asking because I was green with envy. "I'm just curious. Trying to get to know my friend." I gave her a cheesy grin.

Demi let out a chuckle with her eye roll. "He sent the flowers because of my dad's birthday. He knew it was going to be hard. And because one time when we were talking after we broke up I mentioned he never got me flowers." She was looking down at her bottle & speaking in a soft voice. "We're still friends, so...." She looked up at the sky & closed her eyes as a breeze hit her face.

"He wants you back." I said it as a statement & she opened her eyes to look at me, her eyebrows furrowing together. She sighed, bit her lip, then stood up.

"We should head back. I want to have time to shower & stuff before we go to the concert." Demi started walking away, so I followed. I was a little annoyed she avoided my comment.

After a few minutes of walking, I decided to ask her something else. "What do you have against fighters? For real?"

"I don't have anything against them." She said, looking down at the ground as she walked.

"Yet, you won't date one?"

She looked up, straight ahead, squinting either from the sun or the pain of talking about her dad.  "It's just because of my dad." She sighed. 

"What does your dad have to do with fighting? Or fighters?"

"Basically, fighting is why my dad is dead & that's all I'll say about it, okay?" She looked at me, sharply, then looked back down at her feet.

"Okay. I'm sorry for bringing it up."

By the time we got to her car, Demi was back to being happy & she was going on & on about how she was looking forward to going out & having fun tonight. I was looking forward to it, too. "I can't wait to see you & Ryan & Jay sing along to your jam." Demi laughed, using air quotes when she said, 'jam.' She had just turned the car on & we were about to head to my house.

"It is a sight to see." I smirked at her. "We are hard to resist when we're jammin' to our song."

Demi's amazing laughter filled the car, making it sound louder than it probably really was. "Oh, I'm sure I can resist, but thanks for the warning." She drove me home, asking questions about the band as well as Ryan & Lisa. I wondered why she was asking questions about them & their relationship because she had only met them a few times. It was almost as if she were curious as to how a relationship could work with a fighter, since Lisa had been with Ryan for several years. It was a rare thing, honestly. Lisa was amazing & she supported Ryan in everything he did. He really did hit the jackpot with her & I could only pray that one day I'd find my Lisa. We got to my house & I told her I'd see her later, then I headed inside to get ready.

Jay & I were picking up Michelle & Demi at 7:30 & we were meeting Ryan & Lisa at the venue. Ryan was hanging with his cousin all day, so him & Lisa were probably riding on the bus with the band. When we got to Demi's house, I told Jay we were going to the door because that's what gentlemen do. He laughed, but came with me. After I knocked, Michelle answered & Jay grabbed her in his arms, squeezing her ass making her scream. I laughed, stepping inside the house, then saw Demi come out of her room. I felt the air get knocked out of my body when my eyes looked her over. She was wearing tight jeans with rips in all the right places & a low cut, black top under a black & blue jacket.

A whistle came out of my mouth, making Demi give me a funny look. "Oh... oops... sorry... that just kind of came out. You just look so.... so fucking hot. I had no idea you could look so bad ass." I motioned with my hand over her body.

"I am bad ass & don't you forget it." She winked as she bent over to pick up her cell phone & purse. She put the purse strap across her body, then we all headed to the car. Demi sat in the front with me, so Michelle & Jay could grope each other in the backseat. I had Deer Tick blasting as we drove to the show. That's the only way to get pumped for a concert, in my opinion.

We got to the venue & got out of the car. Jay pulled the passes out of the bag he had put them in & handed me two. They were laminates on lanyards, so I put one of them over Demi's head. "Don't take it off." I said to her with a soft smile, staring into her eyes.

"I won't."

"This place gets pretty rowdy, so if I hold your hand to keep you close to me, don't get the wrong idea, okay?"

"I can take care of myself." She smirked at me after she clicked her tongue.

"I bet you can, but this band attracts a lot of dudes. Big dudes. Drunk dudes. I don't want you getting knocked down or hit on by some drunk muscle head." I was smiling down at her & I really wanted to kiss her.

Demi laughed & turned away from me, to start walking. "You're the one limping. I might have to help you walk through the crowd." She said over her shoulder as she walked. I was watching her ass for a moment, glad that the jacket was shorter & came right to the waistband of her jeans. My mouth was filling with saliva as I had dirty thoughts of what I wanted to do to that ass.

"Ha ha." I finally snapped out of my thoughts & limped faster to catch up to her. We made our way into the venue & just as I predicted, the place was packed with lots of people, especially big guys. I noticed several looking at her as we made our way through the crowd toward the balcony where the VIP seats were. I could feel myself being protective of her, so I made sure her ass was covered by me as we walked. I put my hands on her waist & she didn't protest. In fact, at one point she reached behind her to hold onto my waist. I saw her eyes were wide as she looked around. Yes, this crowd was nuts. Deer Tick shows were notorious for this, especially here in L.A. because they had such a huge following here.

Finally, we got to the balcony where the VIP tables were up against a railing overlooking the stage. I loved it up here because a few yards away was a bar, so we didn't have to fight the crowd to get drinks. Ryan & Lisa were already seated at a table & we greeted them before I turned to Demi. "What are you drinking tonight? I'm heading to the bar." I motioned with my thumb over my shoulder.

"Um..." She looked up at the ceiling as if she were trying to decide what to drink. She looked at Lisa's drink & pointed to it. "What are you drinking?"

"Long Island Ice Tea. They make the best ones here." Lisa said before sipping through the straw. "And you will be shit faced after three of them." She let out a chuckle.

"I'll have one of those." Demi smiled at me.

"Okay. Go ahead & sit so you don't get knocked over by the guys walking to the bar." I nodded toward the table beside Jay's. Ryan & Lisa were already sitting at the table on the other side of the table Jay sat at. The tables were small but high & only sat two, comfortably. The stools were all by the railing, so the tables were behind you when you sat down. Once the show started, though, everyone in the section would come to the balcony & then it was standing room only & it could get pretty crowded. Demi sat on a stool next to Michelle & I turned to go to the bar.

I ordered our drinks then felt a hand on my side. I looked to see a girl I used to hang out with at one point a year ago. "Hey, stud. How are you?" She asked, batting her lashes at me.

I laughed, hugging her. "Kiana. Oh my God." I let go of her, but she kept her arm around my waist. I was smiling so big at her because I hadn't seen her in a while. We used to be fuck buddies & a part of me twitched remembering all the good times we had in bed. She could have been my girlfriend but she wasn't okay with the lifestyle. She didn't like the violence or all the groupies that hung around the gym & fights. "It's been so long." I smiled down at her.

I felt her hand pat my ass, gently as she bit her lip. "It has been. I've missed this ass."

I laughed, throwing my head back then kissed her temple. "I've missed you, too. How have you been?" I asked, then glanced over her head to see Demi watching us. I don't know if it was my imagination or my strong desire for it to be true, but I thought she looked jealous. I averted my eyes back to Kiana, listening to her tell me what she had been up to. She was gorgeous & her exotic features were a big turn on to me. Her dark hair, dark eyes & dark skin made her look every bit of the Hawaiian native that she was. Plus her body was killer.

My drinks came & I grabbed them. "I should get back to my friends. I'll see you around, Kiana. It was great seeing you tonight."

Kiana grabbed my waistband as I was about to walk toward the table. "Hey. Why don't you call me after you leave your friends tonight? My number is still the same & so is my desire for your fine ass." She spoke in this sexy voice that did things to my body, quite honestly. I remember the sound of her moaning in my ear & I felt myself getting hard in my jeans. She came closer to me, pressing her b.reasts on my chest, so I had to move my arms out so I wouldn't spill the drinks on her. "I miss f.ucking you. I'm staying with my friend, Lexi & she isn't gonna be home tonight so we can get real loud." I bit my bottom lip & closed my eyes for a moment. "You don't have a girlfriend do ya?"

I glanced over at the table to see Demi, trying not to watch me but she was looking up from her hands once in a while. I shook my head. "No." I sighed, wishing I had a different answer.

"Well then... come fuck me tonight." Kiana said, putting her arm around my neck & putting her cheek on mine.

"I just might do that." I replied, after she pulled away.

"And don't worry about the time. Even if I'm sleeping, I will wake up to f.uck you. No one has been able to make me cum like you could." Kiana came up on her toes a little & kissed my lips, softly. "Call me, baby." She said then turned to walk away, shaking her ass as she did. I looked up at Demi, who looked away, quickly.

I sat our drinks on the table then sat on the stool beside her. "Was that an old girlfriend you were talking to?" Demi asked, taking a drink from the straw. "Oh my God. This is delicious." She closed her eyes & licked her lips to enhance her statement.

"Uh..." I stammered a little, then Jay leaned over.

"I saw you talking to Kiana, little brother." He snickered, already pretty drunk since he had started before we left the house. He looked at Demi. "You know.... I have to tell you something." Jay said to her & she leaned a little to hear him better. I was still between them, feeling a little uncomfortable. "My brother is amazing & he has the biggest heart of anyone I have ever met in my life. He deserves to be happy & I think you..." He pointed his finger right at Demi, who was smirking up at me now, like I had put my brother up to this. "You shouldn't let your hangups about fighters keep you from the perfect guy, who would treat you like a queen." Jay put his arm around my neck. "My brother."

"I don't doubt he's a good guy...." Demi started to say, but Jay put his hand up to cut her off.

"If you don't snatch him up, a girl like Kiana is gonna come along & grab him. I wouldn't let Nick get away if I were you." Jay slurred his words, then looked at me. "Kiana told you to come f.uck her tonight, didn't she?" He knew Kiana as well as I did.

I sucked in my breath & looked over at Demi who seemed to be waiting for me to answer. "Doesn't she always?" I chuckled, nervously, when I looked back at Jay.

Thankfully, the opening band started playing, saving me from having to talk about any of this anymore. They weren't a well known band so people didn't go nuts for them, but they were decent. I enjoyed them & Demi seemed to as well. A waitress came by to see if we wanted another drink & I ordered another drink for Demi & got myself a refill of my Coke. When she brought it out to us, I pulled out my money & Demi grabbed my hand.

"I can pay for my own drinks. We're not on a date."

"I buy drinks for my friends all the time. I'm being a gentleman." I handed the waitress the money & she left. Demi rolled her eyes then made a crack about me not even having a job. I was kind of insulted, but I smiled anyway. "I have a job. I work for my dad & it may not give me money like your ex, Carter, gets but it's a decent amount." I took a drink of my soda & turned my attention back to the band. When they finished, I saw Demi had finished her drink as well. "I'll be right back. I'm gonna get you another drink."

"You trying to get me drunk?" She asked, slurring her words a little.

"Why would I be trying to get you drunk?"

"To take advantage of me." She said, leaning on her hand.

I got a serious look on my face & leaned my head close to hers. "First of all, I don't take advantage of anyone, especially my friends. Second of all, I wouldn't take advantage of you while you were drunk. I wasn't raised that way." I lifted an eyebrow like a punctuation mark then headed to the bar to get us more drinks. When I returned, Demi was watching me with a silly grin on her face.

"You fucked that Kiana girl huh?" She asked, playing with her straw in her drink.

"Tonight? No." I laughed, then smiled, looking down. "I used to. It's been a while." I answered, not looking at her. She didn't say anything, just drank her Long Island tea. I looked at her when she was quiet for a while & she was staring into her drink. "You okay?"

"Yea. Just thinking."

"Of what?"

"Lots of stuff." She smirked at me. Michelle came over & started talking to her, so I sipped at my drink. A waitress came over & I ordered another drink for Demi & for myself asked for a water.

A group of guys were near the table & were inching their way to stand where we'd be standing, so Jay & I moved our stools so they blocked in a little area where we could all stand. I kept a stool near me because I knew I'd want to sit down once in a while, since my leg was sore after hiking today. I was talking to Ryan & Jay, when Michelle & Demi fell against me. I looked up & saw a huge drunk guy had fallen & pushed a table into them. I stood up, puffing my chest.

"Watch what you're doing." I said in a loud voice.

One guy looked over at Michelle & Demi & smiled. "Are you ladies okay? I wouldn't want you two beauties to get hurt." He said in a drunk voice.

I put my hand on the guys chest as he seemed like he was going to step closer to the girls. "They're fine. We got them." I gave the guy a look & he took a step back to go with his friends. I looked at Demi & put my hand on her waist. "Come stand here while we watch the show." I pulled her to stand between my knees. She didn't put up a fight, probably because she saw the look in my eyes that said if anyone messed with her I'd be kicking their ass.

Demi drank her Long Island Iced Tea while I sipped at my Coke. Every once in a while, Michelle & her would talk. Michelle took a picture of her & Demi, together, then she took one of me & Demi, before I realized she was doing it. I was smirking at Jay since he was attempting to dance.

"Oh Michelle, take another one. Nick wasn't looking." Demi said, after Michelle showed her the photo. Michelle nodded & held up her phone, as Demi laid her head on my arm. Chills flowed throughout my body, feeling her against me, even though we had hair & clothing seperating our skin. When she showed me & Demi the picture, Demi gushed. "We look so cute." I wanted to agree with her & add that we looked cute together, but I refrained. 

The lights dimmed, signally Deer Tick was about to take the stage. Once they did, Jay & Ryan went nuts. I stood up & yelled some, then sat back on the stool when my leg ached. I was enjoying Demi being between my knees, so I preferred sitting, anyway. She was swaying her hips to the music & bobbing her head to the beat. She would watch me once in a while & she would give me this sexy smile as she sipped on her straw.

The band finished their set, then left the stage. Demi looked at me with her eyes wide. "Did I miss your song?" She asked.

The lights didn't come on, but then music started playing & Jay screamed at the top of his lungs. "They always do it as the encore." I said, putting my hands on either side of her hips. "Doesn't this beat make ya wanna move?" I asked, moving her body with my hands, making sure I let my hands slip a little to her ass. She didn't seem to mind at all, actually. I could tell she was inebriated, but she was loosening up a little, so I was enjoying this side of her.

At one point, Demi leaned back against me, then turned so her mouth was by my ear. "It does make my body feel really good."

"It does feel really good." I murmured, then the lights lit up the stage & the band started to sing. When the band started to sing, Jay threw his arm around my shoulders, pulling me toward him as his other arm went around Ryan & the three of us sang along. This was our jam & we let everyone around us know it. "Raindrops like bullets on my fragile skin. Insecurities I have are creeping within. Now I'm twenty miles outside from the place that you lived...." We yelled instead of singing, but we were having fun. Jay & I pointed at each other when we sang the lines, "I spent every dime that jingled in my jeans. I deserve every stone that's thrown out at me." I looked at Demi when I mouthed the words, "I think of your smile, I'm in love with your teeth." She grinned so big, as did I, then I started moving her hips again. A minute into the song, she turned her body toward me & was moving with me, maybe not in rhythm, but I didn't care because she was turning me on, regardless. At one point, her arm went around my shoulder & she was staring into my eyes. I thought for sure she was going to lean her mouth & kiss me, but she didn't, sadly. She must have realized how close she was, because she took a step away from me as she pulled out her phone to take a selfie. I made a face, behind her, making her laugh hard when she looked at it. 

After the show was over, Ryan & Lisa went backstage to hang out with the band & invited us to go along. Jay laughed, holding Ryan's shoulder. "I'm drunk as f.uck so I just want to go home & f.uck my girl & Nick needs to drop Demi off so he can call Kiana to f.uck her." I cringed when Jay said that & felt Demi's eyes on me. I looked at her & was surprised to see she looked sad. "I need to finish my drink, then we can go." Jay said as I watched Ryan & Lisa walk off. 

I tried to cheer Demi up, so I pulled out my phone & held it up. "Now, it's my turn to take a selfie. You gonna jump in?" I asked Demi, over my shoulder. She leaned a little so she was in the frame, with no smile on her face & I took the picture. When I looked at it, I laughed. "Not as cute as the other one."

Mintues later, I was helping her walk to the car, then got her in & buckled up. She wasn't talking much, probably because she was having trouble functioning at all, let alone speaking. I drove to my house first & as Jay got out with Michelle, he said, "I don't need my car back until the afternoon tomorrow, by 3 so I can get to work. Michelle is gonna go to the bar with me tomorrow." He grinned at her as she hung on him.

"Okay, thanks. I'll see you later." I said as he closed the door. I looked over at Demi who had her eyes closed & I let out a deep sigh. I saw it wasn't even midnight yet, so I could drop Demi off then call Kiana & make it to her house by 1. I hadn't drank tonight, so I needed to feel some sort of euphoria & sex with Kiana was just what I needed. Especially, since I knew I wasn't getting anywhere with Demi. She was determined to keep our relationship platonic & I was about to move on to my f.uck buddies that I hadn't had any contact with in a while. I had needs.

I drove to Demi's & helped her inside her house. Demi was barely standing on her feet, so I had to help her into her bedroom as well. When we got to the bathroom, she moaned & put her hand on the door frame. "You gotta go to the bathroom?" I asked her. She barely nodded, before she stumbled into the bathroom. I was just about to leave & give her privacy when she fell to her knees at the toilet & started puking. I hadn't heard someone puke that much in a long time. I went to her & sat on the tub, holding her hair back. At one point she tried to look at me & made a noise that might have meant she didn't want me watching her do this, but nothing really came out. She puked a lot & then seemed to pass out on the toilet. I sighed, knowing I couldn't leave her like this with her head in the toilet. I picked her up & carried her to the bedroom, where I laid her down on her bed. I took her jacket off of her & when I went to toss it on a chair, nearby, her cell phone fell out. I picked it up & saw it had a low battery. I also saw a text message she got from Carter a half an hour earlier.

My heart sank when I read it, "Missing you like crazy. Can't wait to see you again." I inhaled & exhaled, slowly, looking down at her face as she slept. I had no chance with her at all. She wasn't interested in dating a fighter & she was clearly still into her ex. I saw her phone charger plugged in, so I connected her phone to it & put it on the nightstand. I turned around to leave, but when I got a few feet from the bed, I heard Demi sound like she was choking. I ran to her & saw she was puking some stuff up again, so I laid her on her side & grabbed a towel I saw on the floor to catch anything that came out of her mouth. When I thought she was done, I wiped her mouth with the other end of the towel, then took the towel to the bathroom, where I had seen a hamper. I thought about leaving, but I had this nagging feeling to stay. I was worried she would choke to death on her vomit or something would happen, so I ran out to the SUV & grabbed my charger then went into her room. I plugged my phone in then laid down in the bed next to Demi. I fell asleep after a while.

I woke up the next morning & looked over to see Demi leaning on her arm. watching me with a soft smile on her face. For someone who should be suffering from a hangover, she sure looked radiant. "Good morning. How ya feeling?" I asked, rubbing my face.

"I feel okay. I'm a little shocked to be honest."

I cleared my throat & rolled over to face her. "Why are you shocked?"

"You're dressed. You didn't take advantage of me in my drunken stupor. I am not used to that in a guy." Her voice was soft & thoughtful.

"You were so sick, I didn't want to leave you. I would have felt really bad if something had happened to you. And I told you I would never take advantage of you. I meant it."

"Well, thank you so much." Demi sat up & I did as well. "So you missed out on fucking that girl so you could take care of me?" She asked, looking down at her hands as they twisted on her lap.

I stood up & chuckled. "I had a lot more fun with you."

Demi's head snapped up to look at me & she gave me a look like she didn't believe me. "Yea right." She laughed, shaking her head as she stood up & walked to the other side of her bed.

"Actually, I kind of mean it. I mean.... I like hanging out with you. More than I should." I was surprised because I meant what I was saying to her. As much fun as sex with Kiana would have been, I am glad I stayed with Demi.

Demi smiled as we stared at each other for a moment. "Well, as a thank you for taking care of me, please let me make you breakfast. After I get a shower.... and plug my phone in. It's gotta be dead as hell."

"I plugged it in for ya last night."

Demi's eyes widened a little. "Wow. That was really thoughtful of you. Thank you. So will you stay for breakfast?"

"You cook?" I asked with a smirk.

"Yes, I cook. I'm gonna jump in the shower, then I will make you whatever you want. As long as I have it in my kitchen." She started toward the door.

"Hey. Do you mind if I use the bathroom first? I want to put some toothpaste in my mouth."

"I have a toothbrush you can use. I keep extra ones in my closet." Demi said as she opened a closet door right outside her bedroom. She handed me a toothbrush & smiled. She nodded toward the bathroom & I went to brush my teeth & splash some water on my face as well as relieve myself. When I came out, Demi was waiting just outside the door. "I'll be quick. I know you're probably pretty hungry."

"I'm fine." I chuckled then went to her room to wait. I sat on her bed & checked my phone. I was reading some MMA stats when I heard Demi's door close & I looked up to see her standing there, wearing just a white robe. I felt my jaw drop & I could feel myself stir below the belt.

Demi walked toward me, slowly, not much of an expression on her face. "I have tried to pretend that I don't find you attractive." She said, a slight smile playing on her lips. She stood in front of me, between my knees, & tossed her head back a little to get her wet hair out of her face. "I can't pretend anymore." She leaned toward me & opened her robe, so I could see her beautiful body, shining from the wetness still on her body. I swallowed as her mouth came closer to mine.

I backed away from her & she froze. "This isn't what I want." I whispered.

Demi stood up, her face turning pink as she pulled the robe around her b.reasts again. "Sorry. I thought you found me attractive. Boy did I read you wrong."

"You didn't read me wrong. I do find you attractive. I just don't want a f.uck buddy or a one night stand. Not with you."

"I don't want that either." She said in a firm tone.

"You said you don't date fighters. Or clients. And you seem like you're not over Carter. So what is it that you want then?" I couldn't keep my voice from sounding irritated.

"I want it all. I want a relationship. I want you to be my boyfriend."

"What about Carter?"

"What about him? He moved away. I'm over him." Demi said this with conviction.

"If he didn't move away would you still be with him?" I asked.

"I can't say for sure, but the fact is he did move away & I am standing here in front of you telling you that I want you. Your brother told me not to let you get away & I can't help but to think he's right. Plus I have gotten to know you over the last few months & I can't deny this connection we have or the feelings that I have when I'm with you. I tried to not feel them, but they are strong. Stronger than my hangups about fighters are. And I won't be your PT forever. We just have to keep it on the DL. I want to be with you, Nick." Demi leaned closer to me.

"Promise?" I asked as I put my arms around her & gave the robe a yank.

Demi gasped then laughed as she nodded her head. She put her hands on my face & kissed me & I let out a little sigh. Kissing her was more than I could have imagined. Her lips felt amazing & tasted even better. She let her tongue play with mine, just enough to turn me on. She pulled away suddenly, making my eyebrows knit together in confusion. She reached for a remote on her dresser, pressed a button & "Heart" started playing. I smiled as she grinned at me, then I stood up to wrap my arms around her as our kissing continued. Demi stood there kissing me, with nothing on, then took my shirt off. After my shirt was off, she sat on her bed, still staring at me with lust in her eyes. Her hands undid my pants, then she scooted back to lay on the bed. My eyes scanned her body, blinking a few times to make sure I wasn't dreaming. I took my pants off & moved to be parallel to her, staring into her eyes for a moment. I held my breath for a few seconds because I was afraid of how I felt getting lost in her eyes. I was falling so hard for her, it was scary.

I kissed her lips, aggressively, then moved my mouth further south. I waited for her cues on whether or not to put my mouth between her legs, but she had her hand on my head, seeming to be pushing me in that direction. I made my way to her p.ussy & admired the beauty of it & how well she maintained it, with just a thin strip of hair. I let my tongue touch her c.lit & the sound she made encouraged me to keep licking, then eventually I was sucking like a mad man, until she was panting & screaming, "Oh God. Don't stop."

After her hot c.limax, I moved to hover over her again, watching her face as she was trying to regain her composure. The song was still playing & it was perfect background music for our lovemaking. I kissed her lips, softly, then moved to kiss her neck, her chin & her chest, eventually landing on her nipples for a few minutes. I was driving her crazy, I could tell. She wanted me so bad, she was bucking beneath me.

After I tasted her nipples for a few minutes, I went back to her lips & her fingers grabbed at my shoulders & soft groans came out of her mouth. I took the tip of my member & slid it up & down her slit, teasing her, making her wetter than she probably had ever been before. Finally, I slid myself into her & I felt this amazing sensation come over me when her relieved moan filled my ear. It felt like my heart might burst, but I ignored it & concentrated on the task at hand. I felt her nails in my skin on my shoulders as I went deep inside her. I was moving in & out, grunting with pleasure, then her neck arched & her moans turned into erotic screams. I watched her face, feeling myself falling in love with her at that very moment. I couldn't even explain this to someone if they asked. I have had s.ex before, but this was different. In the two months I have been seeing her, I was slowly falling in love & didn't even realize it until this very moment.

She moaned, "Don't stop," again but this time into my ear.

My lips kissed hers softly as I looked at her face. In a breathless voice, I said, "I'm not gonna stop til your body is trembling & your neighbors know my name." I had a slight smile on my face & she looked amused by my statement.

She moaned her response then her mouth was attacking mine. Her tongue was ferocious as it played with mine & teased my lips.

While I was making love to her, going slow, then quickening my pace to get a different reaction from her, she looked into my eyes a few times & I felt my breath hitch. I had never had a girl look at me during s.ex. Not like this. This was different. This wasn't a "f.uck me harder, baby" type of look. I know it was probably premature, but it felt like she was giving me an "I love you" kind of look. I was finding it hard to breathe & also hard to keep from finishing. I was getting close & by the sounds she was making & the way she gripped my d.ick she was close, too. I put my lips on hers, softly, then got a little more aggressive as I moved my hips faster. I lifted myself up when I was about to climax & she held onto my arms as we both came together.

When our breathing slowed down, I pulled myself out of her & rolled to lay beside her, our lower halves still intertwined a little. I snaked my arm under her pillow so I could hold her against my chest. I kissed her forehead & heard her sigh. "That was... I don't even know if I have words for it." She said in a hoarse voice.

"Me neither." I said.

We laid there for a few minutes, in silence, then she lifted her head off my chest. "Are you always this quiet after s.ex?"

I was staring at the ceiling. "Please don't break my heart. Girls tend to break my heart & you could really break it at this point. Like beyond repair." I looked at her with a serious expression.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because I know I could fall in love with you. Pretty hard in fact." I was looking, deep, into her eyes.

"I won't break your heart." She responded with a serious tone.

"Promise?" I asked, equally serious.

She nodded, then kissed me. Minutes later, we got out of bed, threw on some clothes & she kept her promise to make me whatever I wanted for breakfast. She made pancakes & scrambled eggs & it was amazing. After we ate, she came to stand between my legs as I sat on her stool at the counter. I was starting to think she liked being between my legs. Her one arm went around my shoulder while the other hand caressed my chest. "You done eating? Because I really want to go another round with you in the bedroom." She smiled with one eyebrow up like she thought she was so cute using a fighting reference.

"I gotta get my brother's car back to him."

"Okay, then how about I follow you & bring you back here so you can f.uck me all day like you did an hour ago?"

I frowned. "Don't say that, please. It sounds dirty & disrespectful. I didn't f.uck you. I made love to you."

Demi's lips formed a smile as she leaned her head back a little. "Where the hell did you come from?"

I looked at her with confusion all over my face. "What do you mean?"

"You're just not like any guy I've ever met."

"That's a good thing." I grinned at her.

"Don't break my heart, Nick." Her face was serious.

"I will never break your heart." I said in the most serious tone I had ever had in my life.

She smiled, then kissed me. "Let's go." She took my hand & I stood up. I drove to my house, her following & when I got there, I told Demi I'd be right out. I gave her a kiss through her open car window, then headed inside. I found Jay in the kitchen, wearing only his underwear. "I'm glad I had Demi wait outside." I remarked, nodding at his lower half.

"You're with Demi?" Jay asked, snickering.

I shrugged, wanting to bust out laughing, I was so giddy. "Yea, we're together now. Happened this morning. I stayed there last night to make sure she was okay because she was getting sick. We had s.ex this morning & she apparently had a change of heart after what you said to her."

Jay nodded. "That explains why Kiana was here knocking on our door at 8 a.m."

"What? She was?"

"She was looking for you & Michelle is the one who answered it so she heard everything. She might say something to Demi." Jay was giving me his warning look.

"She knows about Kiana, so I'm not worried. What did she say?"

"She was pissed you stood her up." He shrugged then smirked. "Bitches man."

"I'll see you later. I'm going to Demi's." I said as I went to my room to throw some clothes into a bag. Jay was grinning like a dumb ass when I came out & I rolled my eyes as I walked past him. I went & got in Demi's car, then she drove us back to her place.

Demi & I spent the rest of that day in bed, for the most part. It was fine with me, because I couldn't get enough of her. I kept pinching myself, thinking I was dreaming. I was in Heaven for sure. We fell asleep at some point that night & the next morning I woke up to find her lying on my chest, my arm around her. I wished we could stay like this, but then her alarm on her phone went off. She groaned, then smiled at me. "Do we have time for another round?" I asked.

She glanced over at the clock. "Sadly, no. I can't be late for work. My first client.... oh I'm dreading his session." She rolled onto her back.

I was confused for a moment as I looked at her profile. "Why are you dreading it?" I asked, sounding confused because as far as I knew I was her first client.

"It's just really hard with him because I can't stop thinking about his body... and having s.ex with him. He's so hot." She bit her lip as she stared at the ceiling.

I got up, suddenly, to roll onto my side, putting my arm around her waist & looking down into her eyes. "Um... I better be your first client or you're in trouble."

She giggled & nodded her head. "You are & you're so hot." She pulled me down to kiss her.

I pulled my face from hers. "I do need to go or I'll be late & my PT is a ball breaker... she will ride me so hard if I'm late." I smirked.

Demi bit her fingernail, in a sexy way & her eyebrow went up, playfully. "She sure will you naughty boy." One more kiss, then she got out of bed to get ready. I got ready, too, hopping in the shower with her & trying to control myself so we weren't late for our session together. I had a feeling our sessions were going to be very challenging from this point on. I was going to have a hard time not grabbing her & kissing her. I was also going to enjoy our sessions a lot more & I was thinking maybe we'd have to do them five times a week.

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