I'm In Love With My Rival

By madzster1999

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the characters or the world that this story is set in, all rights to Nintendo... More

Chapter One: A New Mission.
Chapter Two: Saved.
Chapter Three: Hey, It's Pittoo!
Chapter Four: The Confession.
Chapter Five: Thinking About You.
Chapter Six: The Meet Up.
Chapter Eight: The First Date - Part Two.
Chapter Nine: Sneaking Around.
Chapter Ten: Confrontation.
Chapter Eleven: Date Planning.
Chapter Twelve: Second Date.
Chapter Thirteen: Busted.
Chapter Fourteen: Warning Them.
Chapter Fifteen: Sleepless Night.
Chapter Sixteen: Battle Plan.
Chapter Seventeen: Parting Ways.
Chapter Eighteen: Loyalty.
Chapter Nineteen: Wish You Were Here.
Chapter Twenty: Declaring War.
Chapter Twenty-One: Warning.
Chapter Twenty-Two: Time To Attack.
Chapter Twenty-Three: Fight.
Chapter Twenty-Four: Coming Clean.
Chapter Twenty-Five: Injury.
Chapter Twenty-Six: The End?
Chapter Twenty-Seven: First Time.

Chapter Seven: The First Date.

147 1 2
By madzster1999

It was finally the day that Pit and Pittoo were to go out to dinner together, and Dark Pit has never felt more nervous than he does right now. Ever.

"Godsdamnit, it's just Pit, why do I feel like this?" He asked himself as he sat on his bed in his room that was located in Viridi's Temple.

"That idiot is going to be the death of me." He mumbles while resting his cheek on his palm, staring at the wall.

"Maybe if you stopped being so negative you'd actually look forward to the date." A voice interrupted his deep thinking.

"Shut it Phosphora, if I wanted your advice I would have come looking for you." Pittoo growled, not bothering to look at her.

Phosphora was the first and only other person that lived in the nature temple to know of his crush on Pit, and the only reason she knows in the first place is because he was obvious about it, every time the angel of light's name was mentioned, he would act differently, and Phosphora was, thankfully, the only one to actually notice, and luckily for the dark angel, she's sworn to never tell a soul, especially Viridi, and also because if she did blab, he'd see to it that she'd never be able to talk again.

"Would you actually?" Phosphora asked as she zipped over to him at the speed of lightning, literally if you blinked you wouldn't see her move.

"No, I have my pride." He replies, finally turning his head to look at her.

She just gives him a playful smirk. "Stubborn ass, anyway, stop being so grumpy! You're finally going out with the boy of your dreams! Who just happens to be yourself!" She exclaims enthusiastically.

"Yeah, but what if something goes wrong? Or I do something to put him off of me for good? What if we're attacked? What if-" Dark Pit's rambling was cut off by Phosphora putting a finger on his lips.

"Stop thinking that way, besides, what makes you think that Pit isn't just as nervous as you are?" She says, trying to get him to calm down.

Pittoo stared at her for a moment before closing his eyes and sighing as she removed her finger. "You're right," He murmurs. "I should stop over thinking, I can't believe I find this more stressful than the time we had to fight against Hades and his army, or the Chaos Kin." He added with a chuckle, now realising how ridiculous he was being.

"Exactly, this should be a much easier task, just be how you always are, or, maybe not as grumpy as you usually are. Y'know what I mean." Phosphora replies with a reassuring smile.

Dark Pit playfully glared at her before shaking his head. "I'll try, now leave so I can get ready." He says.

"Fine fine I'm going." She says with a slight laugh.

And just like that she leaves the dark angel's room in the blink of an eye.


Pittoo is dropped off by Viridi on the edge of Skyworld at exactly five pm, luckily for him when he told her the reason, well' 'lie', he had to come here, she thought it was hilarious that Pit had to buy him dinner, a lucky thing that she didn't really ask too much about the bet he apparently 'won'.

He looks around for a moment before spotting Pit running towards him.

"Hey!" He called out just before reaching him, panting heavily.

"You didn't have to run you know, I just got here." Dark Pit replied with a chuckle, Gods he was cute when he was excited about something.

Pit caught his breath as he looked at him. "I know, but I didn't want to keep you waiting at all! This first date does have to go perfectly, after all." He says with a bright smile, which caused Dark Pit to blush and look away.

"Fair enough, we should head to the restaurant and eat before it gets too crowded." He says to Pit as he begins to walk ahead of him.

"Good idea, I'm starving!" Pit exclaims as he literally bounds over to Pittoo and walks beside him.

"I swear you're always starving." Pittoo teases while Pit pouts at him, but that look leaves his face pretty much as soon as it got there.


They arrive at the restaurant at about half past five, Skyworld was really big, so it took almost half an hour to walk from the garden to their destination.

"'Palutena's Eatery'? Is everything named after her up here?" Dark Pit asked as he read the name. Yes he can read, he got Arlon to teach him, unlike Pit, who hasn't bothered to learn.

"Is that what that says? Huh, I don't know, I'll ask her later after our date." Pit responds while shrugging then he grabs Pittoo's hand and drags him into the building.

"Do you really have to pull me?" The angel asks when they got inside. Pit ignored him since he was too busy looking around for a good table, he spots one by the window.

Pit smiles and makes his way over, still holding Pittoo's wrist. Upon arriving they sit down and Dark Pit couldn't even blink before Pit had grabbed the menu and was already deciding what he would order.

"The Pizza's really nice if you wanted to go halves?" Pit suggested as he looked at the picture of the meat lovers pizza, since he couldn't read he just looked at the pictures to help him decide what to eat.

"You wouldn't be satisfied with only half." Pittoo responds as he skimmed through his own menu, he didn't really mind what they got, as long as it wasn't too expensive.

"I know but we can always have dessert! The cake is to die for!" Pit replies enthusiastically, if he was still hungry even after the desert, which would most likely be the case, he'll just get a midnight snack from the temple's kitchen later tonight.

"You say that about all cakes." Dark Pit responded with a chuckle and small smile. "Okay, pizza and cake it is." He eventually decides.

"Are you sure?" Pit asks while glancing at him. "You don't have to get what I want."

Dark shook his head. "It's fine really, I'll eat whatever, as long as it doesn't cost too much, I'm not made of money." He says as he puts the menu down.

"I thought you'd go out killing enemies to get a lot of hearts so you can get whatever you wanted." Pit comments, surprised. He also puts his menu down as a centurion waiter comes over to their table. Pit tells them their order of a meat lovers pizza, along with two glasses of lemonade, looking to Dark Pit for confirmation that that was alright with him, which the dark angel nodded since he didn't really care.

The waiter wrote down what they wanted, then looked at the two of them with a raised eyebrow, but otherwise said nothing and went to go tell the chef what the angels wanted.

"I would if there were more hanging around, it seems that there aren't even any Soufflés anymore, but they were already rare." Pittoo replied with a sigh, leaning on his palm as he looked at Pit, a soft smile on his face. "I assume Lady Palutena pays you?"

"Yeah, she does, but only after I complete a mission, even though I get tons of hearts from killing enemies, I guess she just likes to spoil me." Pit said with an embarrassed chuckle.

Dark Pit shook his head but kept the small grin. "I'm not surprised." He says, then looks around the restaurant and noticed some of the centurions looking at them curiously.

He turned back to Pit who was looking at him with his head tilted slightly in confusion. Damnit why does he have to be so adorable?

"The centurions aren't gonna tell on us, are they? I don't know if you've noticed but they're staring at us." Pittoo leans forward as he whispered the question, taking a quick glance around.

Pit did the same before shaking his head with a reassuring smile. "Nah they know about the fake bet, except the actual fake part of it." He reassures.

Dark Pit nods, not bothering to lean back into the chair just yet.


Soon enough their pizza was brought to them, and Pit tried his damned hardest not to immediately start eating the whole thing.

The same waiter that took their order cut the pizza into six pieces while a different one poured their drinks, after they were done with those tasks they left the two angels alone.

Pit piled his half of the pizza onto his plate and immediately started eating while Pittoo decided to take his time with his half.

Literally only four minutes later, Pit finishes all three of his slices and then stared at Pittoo as he was only half way finished with his second slice.

"How can you eat so fast?" Dark Pit asks before finishing off his piece of pizza.

"How can you eat so slow?" Pit retorts in a joking manner, but then shrugs. "I don't know, I just love food." He answers honestly.

Pittoo shakes his head playfully. "Of course." He says, noticing that Pit was eyeing the last slice with a desperate expression.

"You can have the last slice if you want." Dark Pit tells him, turning his head to look out the window.

"What? Are you sure? You've only had two." Pit says while switching his gaze to the boy that sat across from him.

"Yeah, my appetite isn't as big as yours is, I assure you that I'm not hungry anymore. So if you want the pizza you can-" He wasn't even able to finish his sentence before Pit leaned across the table and wrapped his arms around his neck in a tight embrace.

"Thank youuu!" Pit exclaims with a giggle before sitting back down and devouring the pizza in like three seconds.

Once Dark Pit had gotten over the shock of what just happened. he blushed deeply but tried to hide it by turning his head back to look out the window again. "It's whatever." He mumbled, letting himself to smile a little.

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