Heart in the dark (dream smp...


724 29 0

Life after having a traumatizing childhood isn't the easiest... Y/n didn't even have a childhood. A lot has b... More



18 1 0

3rd person

The two stranded away from the group. 

"What's up Dream?"

"You need to leave these guys, they're no good."


"No buts."

"Y'know what Dream, I am old enough to know who is using and manipulating me and who isn't, you think I'm an easy target like Tommy, hah, I am nothing like that kid. So I am warning you, DO NOT tell me what to do and don't come near us again!" she yelled.

The masked psycho started laughing historically which made Y/N's blood boil.

"You really are smarter than I thought, but I thought ahead." He said with a creepy smile.

"W-what do you mean." 

He then got out the same black crystal, Y/N started trembling violently, her sight altering between red and normal, red and normal. Tears started escaping her E/C orbs, begging for mercy from that cruel pain. She knew that the only way out of here was by screaming for help before she went unconscious from the unbearable pain. She screamed and screamed for what seemed like days, but in reality were a few seconds. Then she was out. 

Dream knelt down to carry her to the Dream team base, but was stopped by a sword to his neck. 

"Don't touch her you bastard." A person said, from the voice he guessed it was Tommy. 

"Dream, how could you?" Someone else asked, Marques. 'Oh great' Dream thought.

" Look, I don't want to hurt her." He replied.

"We all know that that's a lie!" Tubbo jumped in.

"Tubbo-" Tommy started.

"NO, he turned her against us once and I am not letting him use her agai-"

"TUBBO" Tommy cut his bestfriend off, by now Tubbo had tears racing down his face, Marques stood there looking at Y/N's unconscious body and Tommy was trying to calm Tubbo, but it seemed it was more calming to himself. 

Dream POV

I could take her right now and pearl away, but they know where my base is and also the blade is on their side so I could get in trouble with him which isn't something I want.

"Fine." I said while getting off the floor and dusting my pants. This silenced everyone, even Tubbo's tears seemed to stop in place, "I'll let her go, think of it as a souvenir-"


"Take care though, she could be gone any minute." I smirked and pearled away. This is going to be fun.

Tubbo POV

I ran to the unconscious Y/N in front of me to check her pulse.  It seemed normal which was a relief. Marques came from the side and started carrying her since he was the strongest. He nodded and we left.

(Time skip 1 hour later)


I shot up from my position, where was I? Did Dream take me? My heart was racing, after calming down though I took in the familiar surroundings. It was Tommy's place. I got out of bed and went to search for everyone. No one was at the house. Maybe I should look in L'manburg.

I got a simple diamond sword and went on my way.

The prime path was rather quite, my thoughts became louder than my surroundings. 

I really need to clear up some things, I got a sticky note that was in my pocket and started righting things down.


 Meet up with Technoblade  

Steal that green bastard's black crystal thingy 

Maybe build a house in L'manburg? 


Let's start with going to L'manburg.

(Time skip 10 Minutes)

Before I knew it I was at the great wall of L'manburg.

"Hey guys." I said to Tommy and... an enderman looking guy?

"Hey!" Tommy replied with a smile, but I was too busy inspecting the enderman looking guy so I didn't return it. The enderman just smiled awkwardly.

"What are you?" I asked in a childish voice which made him laugh.

"I'm a hybrid, enderman and ghast and my name is Ranboo by the way." He replied in a soothing voice.

"Oh, so you're like Technoblade?"

" I- I mean kinda, yeah."

"Uh, cool." I said in a monotone voice, " Tommy, do you know where Technoblade is?"

"UMM, no, but I could ask Phil for the cords of his house." He replied, " You going to clear things up with Techno?"

"Yeah, plus I miss him. What were you guys up to?"

Ranboo looked at the ground in... shame? Guilt? 

" Tommy what did you do." I asked in a demanding tone.

"OK OK, we kinda burned down George's house."

"YOU DID WHAT?!?!" I yelled.

"SHHHH, please don't tell." Tommy said trying to calm me down, George was one of my closest friends, but he's with Dream and I don't support Dream nor his actions, so anyone helping him is in the wrong, right? 


" You got my word." I said. " Tell me when Phil responds." And with that I pearled away.


AYE another chapter, sorry for the two weeks of non uploading. I kinda started school so I didn't have as much time to write, but I hope you enjoyed :)


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