My Everything

By EvansBossy

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Sophie is a young widow just trying to do what's best for her daughter Phoebe. Through the help of her movie... More

Chapter 1: Sophie
Chapter 2: The Unknown
Chapter 3: Uncle Mark
Chapter 4 -Fear
Chapter 5 - Chace
Chapter 6: Changes
Ch. 7 too close to reality
Ch. 8- On set
Ch. 9- A surprise of sorts
CH. 10-Friendships
Ch 11. : Jonathan
Ch12: Trailer Shenanigans
Ch 13. Avoidance
Ch. 14 Alona
CH 15: Apologies
CH. 16 Soccer
CH. 17 The Accident
Ch 18. The ER
CH 19: The Slumber party
Ch 20: Bike ride adventures.
Ch 21: Karoake
Ch 22. : "Sad Day"
Ch 23: The Adventure
CH. 24 The Diner
Ch 25: Colliding
CH 26-
Ch 27
Ch 28: She's back.....
Ch. 30 Jonathan to the rescue
Ch. 31 Thanksgiving.
CH 32 Fall festival
Untitled Part 33
Ch 34
The Necklace
Ch 36
Ch. 37

Ch 29: The Love Scene

48 3 1
By EvansBossy

Chace and Sophie developed a new routine that still allowed some privacy for their new "it complicated" relationship status. 
They found ways to spend time together without letting the crew know. One was taking a morning run together. Mark or Katie would always pop over to the trailer while Phoebe rested or got ready. Of course they had to turn everything into a competition which Chace enjoyed Sophie's competitive spirit. It spurred him on as they sprinted together. Chace felt it was a win-win in running competitions with Sophie. If he beat her great plus her cocky smile that illuminated everything around him was worth it. Not to mention if he lost he knew it was from staring at her from behind at her  tight athletic gear that looked perfectly painted on.
They would part ways to separately get ready. Chace was usually the first to the coffee cart but the rule was whoever was first got the other their drink. Chace never thought he would be the doting significant other who knew his partner's complicated drink but here he was.

"Iced americano with half n half, and 3 raw sugars and my black coffee please, " Chace rattled off effortlessly to the barista.

"Wow, that's a new skill," remarked someone in line behind him.

Chace spun around quickly recognizing that voice....Meghan.

"Oh, hey. I mean good morning." He slicked down his hair in an attempt to ease his nerves. Meghan never made him nervous before. In fact no girl ever made him nervous that he could recall. However, he never wanted something so badly to work out before and Meghan's presence on set could prove to make his plans blow up in smoke.  Not because he desired her in any way, in fact it was a lack thereof. He just knew her presence would complicate an already complicated situation.

"Yesterday you apologized and now you are getting coffee for someone other than yourself. Never thought I would live to see the day," Meghan smiled shrewdly.

Chace blushed. Apparently his attempt to stay low key with Sophie was not going well.

"Oh yah, it's for a friend," he said dismissively.

"I'm sure it's for a 'friend,'" Meghan air quoted and gave a wink.

"It's not like that." Feeling an overwhelming urge to defend his status as well as flee the scene,  "I have to get to hair, I'll see you on set." He mustered up a cheesy smile  as he walked/ran away with the drinks. It seemed his acting skills were lacking off set and were useless in the real world.

He met Sophie and Phoebe in the hair trailer with coffee in tow.

Katie jokingly snatched the coffee out of his hand, "Oh for me? You shouldn't have."

Chace snatched it back, " I didn't."

He handed it to Sophie who was laughing at the two of them.

It hadn't escaped Sophie how endearing it was for Chace to always bring her her cup of coffee.

She smiled at him and while Phoebe wasn't looking, grabbed his hand for a squeeze, " Thank you."She mouthed. That simple gesture is what kept Chace's fire burning and why he continued to look for ways to show Sophie he cared.

"After all these years you never brought me a coffee, I thought you loved me," Katie jokingly blew him a kiss.

"I don't need the person with sharp scissors near my head jittery from coffee."

"Oh true true, " Katie smiled.

Phoebe hopped out of the chair with her new curls bouncing. "Your turn Mr. Chace!" she squeaked.

"Save me a seat on set next to you," he said, winking at Phoebe.

"You got it!"

Phoebe and Sophie headed off to set and left Chace in the hair trailer for his turn. Sophie was distracted talking with Phoebe when she suddenly collided with Meghan.

"Oh gosh! Sorry!" Sophie exclaimed.

Meghan readjusted her dress and looked up to see Sophie with an iced americano in hand. Meghan put two and two together.

"No biggie, no harm no foul." Meghan gave her best pageant smile. With her best southern charm, "Have a great day y'all."

Sophie was relieved that things were going surprisingly well. She never had to play the part of an ex-girlfriend so she wasn't exactly sure how she would have reacted if she was in Meghan's shoes. Sophie was happy to know though that Meghan was rising above the awkwardness and was a true professional.

Meghan headed to her side of the stage. Even though apologies had been made she still felt it was best to keep her distance from Chace. She didn't know why it bothered her so much that Chace was so accommodating to Sophie.
What did Sophie have that she didn't? Sophie wasn't the "girl next door" like she was. The magazines clearly stated Meghan was the epitome of the girl next door.

Just like yesterday Chace had a chair waiting for him by the mother/daughter duo, he moved it closer and plopped it right next to Sophie and Phoebe. Phoebe climbed into Chace's lap and he began reading her a book. Meghan began choking on her alkaline lemon infused water causing quite the scene as her assistant began patting her back like a child. Meghan managed to swat the assistant away and convey she was ok just went down the wrong way. She didn't need more eyes gawking at her while she was analyzing the bonding session before her.

Meghan sat there sulking as they finished setting up the scene. She didn't know what to expect when she returned to set but this wasn't what she had envisioned. She played the various versions over in her mind of what might occur. Seeing Chace romping around the set with a blonde bimbo. Maybe even graveling for forgiveness from her and begging for another chance which she was prepared to resist. However, in no scenario did she think he would be so infuriatingly desirable as a stand up guy.Why wasn't she good enough to elicit this type of change? The rest of the day Meghan couldn't help but allow her emotions to dictate her childish behaviors.

During the dance scene with her and Chace she purposely stepped on his toes MULTIPLE times with an apathetic, "sorry" after each occurrence. After the 4th time Chace had his suspicions of her intent but he did not dare speak up about it. His toes ached but he knew he did more damage to Meghan's ego to warrant it. He politely gave an "It's ok" response every time.

She then intentionally forgot her lines multiple times requiring Chace to stay late as Sophie left to get Phoebe to bed. It only encouraged Meghan further, seeing Chace crushed at not being able to walk them home. Meghan was enjoying toying with her new prey.

Chace started to feel like his fears about Meghans return to set were now unfolding before his very eyes.

Today was the day for the romance scenes to be shot on a closed set. Chace couldn't be more thankful for that right now so Sophie didn't have to see Chace romanticizing his ex. It was after all acting but with everything still so new between them he didn't want it to stir up any issues.

After an hour of waiting for Meghan to arrive on set it occurred to him that this was another one of Meghan's schemes for payback. Meghan was always punctual and had a reputation for being so.  Mark was anxiously pacing as they only had so much daylight and time with the choreographer. Due to the stipulations with Meghan, Chace and her never got to rehearse the scenes. Mark abruptly took off running as he suddenly  had a great idea.

"Sophie! I need you!" Mark whipped open the trailer door to see Katie, Phoebe, and Sophie in the middle of a heated chutes and ladders game.

"What's the crisis now?" Sophie asked. She was starting to realize how stressful Mark's job was.

"I need you to stand in for Meghan. She hasn't even arrived yet."

"Stand in? What does that mean?" Before she could protest further her brother had already yanked her up and threw her pair of keds at her. Katie was silently laughing as she knew what that exactly meant.

"Don't worry I got Phoebe!" Katie hollered as Mark dragged her out the door.

"Just go through the motions the choreographer tells you. It's not that hard," he said through exasperated breaths. "We sent everyone else away for the closed set and you're the only one I could think of that would be home."

"Gee thanks and what motions?!" Sophie asked frantically.

Sophie arrived on set in her pair of jeans, keds, and a loose t- shirt to see Chace in nothing but a pair of 18th century trousers and suspenders. Suspenders. My goodness they should be outlawed in public. His upper half completely chiseled like a greek statue that was only accentuated by a tan and a thick layer of glistening baby oil to highlight every muscular crevice.

Chace saw the door fly open and Sophie's brown curls bouncing as she attempted to keep up to her brother and her gaze off Chace's semi nude body. Chace was frozen with his eyes wide and jaw dropped, mortified to see Sophie on what was supposed to be a closed set. Chace couldn't help but think that this was what nightmares are made of.

"Here! Use her til Meghan shows up." Mark hurled Sophie at the choreographer who wasted no time. Sophie shot Mark a murderous glare contemplating the numerous ways she would pay him back for this.

Before Sophie could process what was about to happen she was pushed onto Chace. They collided so quickly and with Chace frozen in place they both bonked their heads on one another. Unphased, the choreographer grabbed Chace's hand and placed it at her lower back and the other under her neck.

"Ok, now pull her in," the choreographer barked.

Sophie had heard from Mark how "sex scenes" in movies were the most unsexy things to shoot. She now realized what he meant as a roomful of beady eyes stared at them as they were moved around like plastic dolls.

Chace stared into Sophie's bewildered eyes.

"You do not have to do this," Chace remarked softly into Sophie's ears, causing the warmth of his breath to eret the hairs on the back of her neck.

"It's just pretend," her scratchy voice betraying her. She was surprised she was even able to speak despite her mouth feeling like a desert and inability to formulate a thought while being pressed agains Chace's hard body.

"PULL HER IN!" The choreographer yelled crossly.

The yelling startled Chace causing him to pull  her in so forcefully their bodies collided...again. Sophie's head smacked Chace's pillowy lips this time. "Ow!" He exclaimed.

Sophie looked at him and assessed the damage and couldn't help but laugh at how truly unromantic this was. Sophie had only ever fantasized about her late husband unless you count Justin Timberlake when she was in highschool. However, now when she was doing mundane tasks like dishes she would catch herself thinking of what it would be like to be engulfed in Chace's muscular arms and as his body would come crashing down on her.  A stark comparison to Thomas's scrawny physique. She never would have envisioned or predicted that their first time being so intimately close would involve a roomful of people.

"Sorry, I clearly am not made for this job." Thankfully a swollen lip for this scene just added to the sex appeal.

To the relief of the choreographer they resumed the position without any further injuries and a little less laughing. Sophie was certain that they were so close not even a piece of paper could fit between the two. She could feel Chace's heart race and his palms were saturating the back of her shirt. Hard to believe a seasoned acting pro could remotely be worried about a silly pretend sex scene right?

"Nervous?" She grinned as she cocked an eyebrow to  tease Chase.

Hearing her goad him for his inability to deny what she did to him he took his finger and tilted her chin up as he peered down into her eyes,  " I can feel your heart beat too missy." Sophie stiffened at this  realization.

"Alright now kiss her slowly at first then more passionately before you lift her to the bed." The choreographer stood by arms folded like he was discussing what to make for dinner. Sophie's eyes grew wide at this new order. She was prepared to pretend but she wasn't prepared for a kiss. Chace looked at Sophie unconsciously biting her inner lip, a habit he noticed she does when nervous.

"I'll wait til Meghan arrives for that part. My lip is still hurting," Chace winked at Sophie who let out a sigh of relief. However it didn't stop Chace from effortlessly lifting Sophie up and crashing upon her in the bed.

"Your body grease better come out of this shirt, " she teased.

"I'll personally scrub it myself," Chase replied through a devilish grin. He was enjoying this too much.

The choreography continued on with his demands,"Good, good. Ok now you caress her hair and kiss her neck and slowly move down."

Chace looked at Sophie for approval first not wanting to force her into anything she didn't want.

"Be careful I'm very ticklish," she teased.

"Careful? You already gave me a fat lip. Are you always this dangerous when being seduced?"

"Wouldn't you like to know!" Sophie playfully stuck her tongue out.

"Well, I will just have to render you defenseless." With that Chace pinned down her arms and pressed his warm lips against her neck. Sophie clenched her jaw shut to keep her in reality and to prevent any sounds of pleasure from escaping. She thought she might die if her brother saw her enjoying this.

Meghan eloquently strolled in, head held high and shoulders broad anticipating all attention to turn to her since her arrival was much anticipated. Specifically she was hoping to arouse Chace from his boredom. She realized that thus far no one noticed her presence, more importantly Chace who was currently seducing Sophie on what should be HER scene!  She dropped her bag with a clash echoing throughout the antique house as all eyes now darted in her direction.

"Glad you finally arrived!" The Director barked at her. "Thank you Sophie for standing in, Meghan can catch up from here."

Chace slowly lifted himself off of Sophie and assisted her to a standing position as she adjusted her attire. Meghan took that opportune time to drop her robe to the ground revealing her costume of just a corset and lace garter belt. Her outfit left very little to the imagination a point Sophie knew Meghan was trying to make.

"Sorry I'm late but I didn't think Chace and I needed to rehearse. After all we have done this before," she said through a wicked smile.

Chace knew he was in an impossible situation. He didn't have time to reassure Sophie and at the same time get this scene over with.

Sophie turned to Chace, "I'll see you tomorrow."

Sophie survived years as a nurse working with some of the cattiest nurses. She wasn't  blind to Meghans' antics. So she decided to fight fire with fire as she stood up on her tippie toes, placed  the palm of her hand on  the side of his face and pulled him closer to land a kiss on his cheek. His eyes sparkled and his smile grew wide at the first public display of affection Sophie gave him. He knew why she was doing it and he always loved the fighting spirit she had.  Although Chace would have loved a passionate kiss he was glad Sophie held off for a moment that was more loving and less territorial.

Sophie spun and sauntered off when Meghan hollered, "Leaving so soon? Come, you should stay. See what you're in for."

"That's enough, Meghan." Chace growled.

Sophie left swiftly without any further words. She knew Meghan was probably hurting and unfortunately decided to take it out on Chace. She pitied Chace having to endure the next few hours with her.

The next morning Sophie got up early and dropped Phoebe off to Katie to do her hair. She waited for Chace at their normal running spot but he never showed. She figured due to Meghan's tardiness that they got out late so she ran without him. After the run Sophie headed to the coffee cart to get Chace's coffee for a change. She wanted to reassure him that she wasn't worried about Meghan's obvious games. Coffee in tow she headed to his trailer and a few feet away heard the door squeak open. Meghan came out and the door closed behind her. Meghan turned and was surprised to see Sophie standing there.

"Oh sorry, didn't expect to see you this early," Meghan remarked playfully. 

Sophie still attempting to process exactly what was going on and attempting to give Chace the benefit of the doubt inquired further, "What brings you by so early?"

Meghan raised her hand to her mouth and pretended to stifle a laugh. " Early? Oh honey you really are so naive. Did you think you changed him?" She strutted off in the direction of her trailer chin held high with an extra bounce in her step. Over her shoulder she said, "Last night's scenes were so steamy it stirred up old desires," Meghan cackled.

Sophie felt all the blood drain from her. She was numb and she didn't want to admit it but crushed that she had placed her faith in Chace. She should have listened to her intuition.

Chace came out of his trailer smiling to see Sophie frozen in place. Quickly he realized she must have seen Meghan leave and it was only confirmed when she threw the coffee on the ground and took off without a word. Chace didn't know what to do. If he should run after her, explain things but his legs were frozen in place.

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