𝕾. 𝕸𝖆𝖓𝖏𝖎𝖗𝖔 {𝕾𝖙𝖆𝖞...

By IVBfanfics

201K 11.3K 4.3K

(Only certain parts of this follow the original storyline!) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 25

2.8K 184 117
By IVBfanfics

Please remember to vote and comment if you enjoy this chapter, any and all support means so much<33

Y/N's POV-

It was the night of the dance.

Salem meowed and rubbed against my leg as I gave a lengthy sigh that was directed at Mikey. "You're not wearing that" I said and Mikey looked down at his Toman uniform "Wh-" I hit him over the head as I threw a tux at his face.

"Emma knew that you would do something dumb like that so she bought this" I said and he took it off of his face before staring down at it "No thanks" he said and I crossed my arms "It wasn't a question Mikey, now go change" I said and he sighed before taking his clothes off and I quickly covered my eyes "NOT IN HERE YOU IDIOT! GO INTO MY BATHROOM!" I exclaimed as I turned around.

"Why?" He asked and I scowled "FINE! I'm leaving then" I said as I began walking away but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back into him.

"I don't know what to do with this" he said as he lifted the tie up to my face and I blushed 'he doesn't have a shirt on' I looked away and grabbed the tie "I'll tie it but just go and get dressed" I said as I quickly walked out of the room and shut the door.

"So you and Mikey are going to the dance" S/N said as she smiled brightly and I looked down "Yeah I am" I said and she ruffled my hair "You should go and get ready" she said and I nodded "I will but I have to get Mikey dressed first since he takes forever" I said and she chuckled "Oh! Also don't let me forget my jacket, it's going to rain later tonight and I don't want to walk home in the rain" I said and she hummed "Ok I won't let you forget" she said as she smiled "Promise" she said and I chuckled "Thank you"

"N/N! My pants are stuck" Mikey called out from inside of my room and I facepalmed "JUST TAKE THEM OFF AND TRY AGAIN" I yelled through the door as a loud thud was heard "Ouch...." He mumbled and my sister laughed before pulling me into a hug.

"You're growing up so fast" she said and I wrapped my arms around her tightly "I know, I miss being young and carefree" I said and she laughed "You can still be carefree, be a kid! Enjoy it while it lasts" she said as she looked down at me "There's going to be a time when I'm not around and you're going to have to grow up but for now, just rely on me" she said and I frowned "Well I'll have you around for a long time so I don't have to worry about growing up anytime soon" I said and she laughed "Damn right!" She said as she slung her arm over my shoulder just as the door opened.

My eyes widened "Woah it looks good" I said as Mikey had his hands stuffed into the pockets of his dress pants and he looked to the side "This is uncomfortable" he complained and I rolled my eyes "It's just for one night" I said and he sighed as I made my way into my room "You guys can talk or something, I'll be changing" I said and he tilted his head to the side "Can't I just stay with you?" He asked and my eyes widened "HELL NO" me and S/N yelled at the same time as I slammed my door closed.

I picked up the dress that Hinata got me and I slipped it on before grabbing my make up and hair supplies.

I placed a small amount of make up onto my face and then I styled my hair. I grabbed my phone and took one last look at myself in my mirror as my stomach began to feel weird "That's odd...." I whispered as I brushed it off.

I opened the door and walked out.

I began walking into the kitchen as I caught some of S/N and Mikey's conversation.

"I want her home by 10, no kissing, you'd better be on your best be-" I cut her off "S/N" I whined and her eyes widened slightly before she glared at Mikey "One more thing, don't even look at her!" She said and I crossed my arms "We're going to be late" I said and she smiled before walking over to me.

She placed a kiss on my forehead and I stuck my tongue out "Gross" I gagged and she rolled her eyes before flicking me in the forehead causing me to smile, she smiled right back at me.

"Come on Mikey" I said and he smiled at me "Pretty" he said and I looked away "Yeah yeah, let's just go" I said as he grabbed my hand and we walked out of the house.

I felt like I was missing something.

I just shrugged the feeling off and walked down to the school where the dance was being hosted.

"I heard that Emma was dragging Draken to the dance" I said and he laughed "Ken-Chin was so mad" he continued to laugh and I smiled "I think it'll be fun" I said and his stomach growled "I'm hu-" I cut him off "You're always hungry" I said and he shrugged "Is this place going to have any food?" He asked and I raised a brow "Uh maybe" I said as the school came into sight.

We walked into the gym entrance and loud music was instantly heard as everyone was either dancing or eating something.

"Food..." Mikey drifted as he began walking towards the stand but I pulled him over to a table that I had seen Draken sitting at.

"Ken-Chin!" Mikey said and Draken smiled "You both finally decided to show up" he said and I rubbed the back of my head "Mikey was being a pain" I said and Mikey flicked me in the forehead.

Mikey's stomach growled again "N/N I'm hun-" I cut him off by pulling him over to the food stand.

"Grab something" I said as I turned away from him to look for Hinata and Emma. I looked back to see a whole bunch of items stuffed in his hands causing my eyes to widen "You idiot! Other people want those things too" I seethed quietly and he shrugged "Well it's mine now" he said and I facepalmed as I pulled him over to the table and he placed all of the food down.

Draken laughed as Mikey began stuffing his face.

"He acts as though he never eats anything" I said and Draken continued laughing before looking around "Have you seen Emma?" He asked and I shrugged "I thought that you two came together" I said and he scoffed "We did but she went off with Hinata" he said and I laughed "You probably declined her offer to dance" I mused and he crossed his arms "I'm not going to dance" he said and I laughed even more.

I stood up causing Mikey to look at me with his cheeks stuffed "W...her....e y....ou g...oing....N/N?" He asked with his mouth full and I looked at him in disgust "Gross Mikey, don't talk with food in your mouth" I said as I turned and walked off.

No one's POV-

"Shit....." S/N mumbled as she lifted up Y/N's jacket and she sighed "I forgot to remind her" she said as she placed a hand over her face.

She looked out of the window to see that it had already started raining quite a bit. "Damn it" she mumbled as she picked up her phone and called the girl.

It went straight to voicemail.

"Hey Y/N, I forgot about your jacket so I'm going to drive to the school and give it to you! Call me back" she spoke into the phone as the voicemail sent and she hung up. She grabbed her own jacket and slipped it on before walking out to her car.

She got in and buckled up "That kid is so lucky that I love her" she mumbled as she looked down at her soaked clothing.

Y/N's POV-

I was looking around for Hinata and someone suddenly grabbed my wrist so I whipped my head around to look at them.

It was Emma.

She looked nervous.

"What's wrong?" I asked and she looked around before pulling me in closer "Kisaki is here and he just made a threat" she whispered and my eyes widened "What'd he say?" I asked and her hands began trembling "He wants You, Mikey, Draken and Takemichi outside now or else he's going to start shooting the people in here" she said and my heart began racing.

I have to calm down.

I grabbed her shoulders "Everyone's going to be fine" I said as I hugged her "The four of us will go out into the back with him" I said and she nodded slowly as she held onto my hand "Please be safe" she said and I nodded as Takemichi ran over to us "Did you tell her?" He asked and Emma nodded.

"We've got to do it" he said and I nodded as we walked over to Draken and Mikey.

"Kisaki's outside, we have to go" Takemichi said and their eyes widened slightly as they stood up.

"N/N isn't going" Mikey said and I sighed "I don't want to go but I have to or he's going to start shooting the people in here" I said and he clenched his jaw but allowed me to follow nonetheless.

We walked out of the back doors and onto the field.

It was raining so much.

I could barely see anything but there was definitely more people then just Kisaki. Hanma was there too and he looked.....confused?

The four of us walked up to about 10 of them.

"Looks like we meet again" Kisaki said stoically and I frowned as Mikey stepped in front of me."I'll kill you" Mikey said lowly and Kisaki pointed his gun up as he shot out once.

Warning shot.

They couldn't be heard from the gym over the loud music and the rain that seemed to be coming down even harder now.

I noticed his gun.

I raised a curious brow at that.

Why did he choose that gun....it only holds-

My thoughts got cut off as someone stepped forward, besides Kisaki "We shouldn't be he-" he was cut off as Kisaki shot him in the leg causing my eyes to widen. He looked down at the screaming boy "You're too loud" he said as he raised the gun up again and shot him in the chest.

He was dead.

3 shots had been fired by now.

I could tell that Kisaki was aiming for the boys head......but his aim was off. Maybe he wasn't that good of a shot but it could be due to the rain as well.

It was getting really hard to see.

He pointed the gun at us again.

"You'll all die" He said as a gunshot was heard and Draken hissed in pain. All of our heads whipped around as we saw Draken holding onto his arm and blood dripped down. "A-are you ok?" Takemichi asked as I stepped back.

What the hell is happening.....?

Kisaki looked slightly shocked at the fact that he had missed. So I was right, the rain was clouding up his vision. This could work to our advantage.

It felt like we had been out here for hours but it had only been about 3 minutes.

4 bullets were fired now.

I stared at the gun again and a faint memory came back to me of when I was younger.



I was running around the house as my mother was taking a nap in the other room.

I began 'exploring'.

It was raining outside and my sister was at her part time job for the 4th time this week. Usually she brought me home a milkshake, hopefully she brings me one today.

I walked throughout the house before stopping at a locked door, It was my mother's office.

The reason that me and my sister had to share rooms.

I looked at the door as I tilted my head to the side before an idea came to mind "I'll open it! Then I'll be like a super spy" I giggled as I ran over to the kitchen and got a butter knife from the kitchen."I think....S/N did this before" I whispered to myself as I placed the knife in between the handle and crease of the door before continuing to push and slide it down as a small 'click' was heard.

I opened the door slowly and dropped the knife onto the floor as I looked around.  I left the door open behind me as I began exploring the new area.

I had never been in here before.

There was a desk in the middle of the room on the far side of the wall with bookshelf's lined up on both sides of it. I walked over to the office desk and smiled as I saw a computer. I sat down in her spiny chair and pretending to work on something on her computer as I typed random keys in, even though the computer was still off.

That got boring after a while.

I looked around before pouting "There's n-" I cut myself off as I looked down at the drawers attached to the desk. I opened one of them and saw a bunch of files and papers scattered around inside.

That was boring.

I opened the other one and my younger self was very confused at the moment.

I would grow up to recognize this gun as a revolver.

I picked it up and stared at it "What is this.....? It looks like a water gun" I gasped as my eyes lit up and I stood up as I began twirling the "water gun" around before stopping and pointing it at the floor."How does it work?" I mumbled as the gun was now pointed at me and I was studying it as I opened the side and saw that it spun around.

My eyes lit up "Cool!" I squealed as I aimed it at me once again "Is there water in it....it's heavy so that must mean it's full" I mumbled as I raised a brow before putting my finger on the trigger.


"Huh? Is it broken?" I wonder out loud as a loud scream rang through the house and I looked up to see my mother running towards me as she took the gun out of my hand "Shit....how did you even get in here?" She asked as she looked me up and down. "A butter knife" I whispered and she frowned "Don't ever come in here again and DON'T play with this! It's not a toy, it's a revolver and it holds 6 bullets at a time, you're extremely lucky that all of the chambers are empty besides one" she mumbled towards the end of her sentence as she showed me where the one bullet was.

I began crying "Sorry mommy" I cried and she sighed before pulling me into a hug.

"It's fine but don't do it again" she said as she wiped my tears and I nodded in response. She smiled and stood up straight "C'mon I'll order us a pizza" she said and my smile returned "COOL!" I exclaimed as she held my hand and brought me out of the room.

~End of flashback~

That was the first time that I had ever seen a gun and I hardly knew the dangers of it.

Kisaki aimed the gun at us again and fired.

"MIKEY-KUN!" Takemichi yelled and my eyes snapped towards Mikey as he held onto his leg and I kneeled by his side. "Are you ok?" I asked quickly as he narrowed his eyes at Kisaki. I looked over at Hanma and gave him a pleading look but he just looked away.

I frowned and stood up again. "You won't get away with any of this" I said and Kisaki raised the gun up to me. "On the contrary, I'll get away with all of it" he said as he grinned at me.

I clenched my eyes shut as I waited for the next shot.


The gun fired.

And a loud thud was heard.

But it wasn't me that had gotten shot.

It was someone else.....

....Someone that shouldn't have even been there.

If you can't tell, I really love cliffhangers <33

A/N- If you enjoyed this story then please leave a vote and comment, it would also mean so much to me if you guys would give me a follow!!<33

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