Void Season 2

By Hunter_Spn_Posey

323 32 0

Three Weeks after Will leaves Chase with his new girlfriend Megan something's fishy in Fremont a new Angel is... More

Void Season 2 Episode 1: Carter?
Void Season 2 Episode 2: Lost Boy
Void Season 2 Episode 3: Teen Mom
Void Season 2 Episode 4: He's Back
Void Season 2 Episode 6: Ariel
Void Season 2 Epsiode 7: The Great Mistake
Void Season 2 Episode 8: Kathryn
Void Season 2 Epsiode 9: Shes Alive?
Void Season 2 Episode 10: Vacation Mishab
Void Season 2 Episode 11: Lucifer's Deal
Void Season 2 Episode 12: Michael's Deal
Void Season 2 Episode 13: This is The End
Void Season 2 Episode 14: Caged Soul
Void Season 2 Episode 15: Feels Good To Be Bad
Void Season 2 Episode 16: Cruel World

Void Season 2 Episode 5: The Truth

17 2 0
By Hunter_Spn_Posey

It was dark out in Fremont as Chase drove through the empty streets watching the road and everyone walk by.

Chase stopped at the intersection and watched it carefully, it was the same intersection that they crashed in almost two months ago.

Chase's mind went into flashback to the time they crashed the one words Chase could say to Cassiel before Cas was gone....

"Cas, go! Now." Chase spurted out.

"Chase, I'm coming back to save you."

Chase knew now that was a lie, he didn't save Tyson, he barely saved Will or his own.

Chase stopped the visions and kept driving until he made it to a house and it wasn't the motel.

The car door slammed behind him and the house Chase walked toward was huge, almost like a mansion but it wasn't just a house, just bigger and wider than the rest and someone stood out front leaned on the wooden small front door.

"So this is you?" Chase smirked, walking up a couple steps and stood in front of the women with blonde hair.

"You can't tell Cassiel I am here, he thinks I am dead." The women was tall, blonde and beautiful.

"I can't keep this from him, Ariel." Chase whispered like someone was listening.

"Chase, You and Cas and your brother have to much to deal with right now Abbadon, Lucifer, Michael and Lilith now Eden I hear."

"Yeah but right now Hell is out of the way along with Michael and I don't know where Lilith is, Eden or Eve so life is good for now." Chase smiled but Ariel knew he was lying.

"So your brother?"

"That's a work in progress-" Ariel cut Chase off annoyed of him.

"You need to speak for it to be in progress."

"Ariel, I need to go. Will is back from Heaven so like you said I need to speak to him." Chase said with a frown, Ariel was smiling while Chase backed away and into his car and drove away fast.

Ariel was different, her vessel had changed, she was taller, more blonde from the black hair of her last vessel and this one had a family, a son and a fiancé how could Ariel make that all go away and basically leave the family she has a 19 year old son Evan.

"Mom, what's happening?" Evan said sounding upset in the inside and lonely.

Evan was a 19 year old drug dealer, he wore a back tee shirt, black skinny jeans, his hair was blonde and shaggy down in his face, the colour was the same as Ariel's vessel Sara O'Brien.

"Nothing Evan, just go away." Ariel said trying to be calm, she turned away from Evan who just turned her back around and held onto her shoulders.

"Mom? If there is something you're not telling me, I want to know." Evan persisted.

"Evan! Go to bed! Now!" Ariel snapped and walked out of the house full speed running but Evan chased her out of the house but Ariel was gone
Evan stood on the porch where Chase and Ariel were talking and stood there for awhile
"Damnit!" Evan yelled throwing a chair that sat there aside from the door.

The motel was dark just like the whole town at night and Will sat on his bed watching Cassiel who was also seated on Chase's bed facing each other
"Cas? Adam told me to bring Eve back to him but I don't even know where she is?" Will said folding his hands together
"Will when we find Eve we'll get her back to Adam but for now we need to worry about you, your brother and that kid and wherever Metatron is?"
"He's gone Cas, he said he would help me then leave that's what he told Chase"
"You've been in touch with Chase?"
"Once I called him right when I got back then you" Will smiled and the two boys both stood up hearing a car come up to the parking lot the sound was a old car Chase's car,
A few moments later Chase walked in Will was surprised he looked different from when he saw Chase last
Chase's blonde hair went darker but still blonde and his style has changed instead of just blue jeans he's started to wear black skinny jeans which he was wearing when he walked into the motel
"Chase?" Will said with a half smile
Chase was standing at the door while Will stood behind Cas who went into the kitchen so it was just Will and Chase
"Your back? How?" Chase asked tilting his head slightly to the side
"Adam, but with a cost"
"What's that?"
"Get Eve back to him or I'm right back with Eden"
"You know it was your dumb decision to go with Eden anyway" Chase smiled putting his hands in his black leather jacket pockets
"Can you not be a d*ck for two seconds and realize your brother is fine, Cassiel is alive and powerful again and your here to"
"What, am I supposed to just put everything behind me and say we're family lets just get over it"
"Yes because we're family!" Will said louder
"Your saying family like it can fix everything like it can fix the fact that everything that's happened is because we're a family!" Chase yelled louder then Will
"Chase and old friend told me family isn't supposed to be easy or a walk in the park there supposed to make you mad, mental and insane all those things but in the end they rise to the occasion" Will calmed his voice
"Will, do you remember the time when we were all standing right here me, you, Cas and Karma and I fed on her I basically drank her blood like a vampire douche bag"
"Vividly?" Cas said from the kitchen sitting down at the dining table watching Chase and Will who were still in the same spot just maybe a few steps forward but Chase's bed was blocking them
"Well I enjoyed it and I still don't know why I did it until I went to Metatron about it awhile ago"

Chase and Metatron were walking back from the corner store the roads were wet and moist from the warm rain and the smell was beautiful smell of warm water
"Hey Met? Do you know anything about humans feeding off demons?"
"No I mean like. You know what I'm not even gonna try to lie, I drank demon blood from Karma and I enjoyed it and I'm not a vampire"
"Then your a Tarot a human that has addiction for Demon blood"
"So your saying I'm addicted to Demon blood now?" Chase said stopping Metatron out front of the Motel
"Yes, let's see?" Metatron smiled and unfolded his long shirt sleeve and revealed it to Chase
Chase just stared at Metatron pale arm he could see the blood pumping through Metatron's veins and his veins itself and wanted to drink like it was a itch that needed to be scratched
"No!" Chase said and walked the other way from Metatron.

"Your not a Tarot you've fed one time" Will said but he wasn't for sure it wasn't true
"But Will if I wasn't a Tarot I shouldn't of fed once"
Cassiel stood alerting Chase and Will there attention toward Cas
"Chase is telling the truth I can feel it inside you Chase and the only lie your telling is?" Cas stopped and Chase's face went pale and so with Will's
"You haven't fed once and you'll do it a third"
Will quickly turned to Chase who looked at Will it forgiveness.

Will was now in front of Chase right in front of him
"So Chase who have you fed on? Huh" Will looked angry and sounded angry
"No one important"
"Of course it's important Chase we've spent forever trying to protect people, humans and you go and feed on them"
"Alright I did feed on a human and it was important"
"So who was it?" Will asked again folding his arms
Will unfolded his arms and stared at Cas who's face wasn't facing either one of the boys.

It was lighting up in the alleyway of Fremont the sun was warm and bright it was maybe 7:00am and a man, young man was walking through the alleyway the same one Lucifer tortured Jophiel in and the same one Chase, Will, Karma, Lucifer, Cassiel and Ariel was in at one point but now a boy was in it not a man a little boy maybe 8
The boy was walking slowly through the alleyway while another women came walking the other way of him
"Excuse me Ms?" The boy said quietly sounding scared
The little boy was short and small, brown eyes and brown short hair wearing a black short sleeve tee shirt and blue jeans and that was it and shoes of course
"Are you lost?" The women asked the women was tall in heels and blonde
"Yes may you point me to my mother?" The little boy asked getting closer to the women
"Of course who is she?"
"Sara O'Brien" the kid had a blank look to him and smirked
Sara was Evan's mother but Evan was 19 this kid was like 8
"What's your name?"
"Evan" Evan said quickly and grabbed something quickly out of hid pocket a pocket knife
"Evan?" The women said softly
Evan didn't listen he threw the knife back and jabbed it across the women's throat blood splattered on the right wall of the alley and on Evan's face,
Evan started to walk away from the dead women on the ground bleeding out through her throat and smiled but something happened to him he struggled like he was spasming
The skin was paler them usual
Evan started to pick at his skin before he started to peel it off and after that he begun to rip and rip the skin off of himself until it was gone and so was he the only thing that remained was the women and feet away from her skin wet gross skin.



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