Chasing Alana

By insouciancy

395K 18.8K 6.8K

"Then, will you let me be selfish? Will you be mine?" ★ ★ ★... More

Welcome to Chasing Alana
Character Aesthetics
00 | Prologue
01 | Come Back Home
02 | A Day in the Life of Her
03 | A Day in the Life of Him
04 | Meeting Once Again
05 | Alana's Story
06 | The Confrontation
07 | Not Playing Nice
08 | The Weight She Carries On Her Shoulders
09 | Undecided
10 | The Truth
11 | High Tension
12 | A New Day
13 | Prove It
14 | Click
15 | Words of Wisdom
16 | Comfort
17 | Privacy
18 | Almost
19 | Date
20 | Be Selfish
21 | Let Them Know
22 | Show Me Some Love
23 | Captivate
24 | Downhill
25 | Just You and Me
26 | Getaway
27 | Thoughts
28 | Done
30 | Is That A Promise?
31 | You Look Like My Boyfriend

29 | Picture Perfect

7.2K 438 146
By insouciancy

The familiar feeling of the brush lightly touching her skin felt like an attempt to calm her as Alana sat rigidly on the cushioned leather seat.

Truth be told, she was nervous.

Interviews alone were already nerve-racking. Now throw in one where she was going to share with the world what she had kept hidden for so long— fuck yeah, anyone would be filled with anxiety.

"And done," Julia exclaimed softly, placing the brush back down onto the table.

Alana slowly opened her eyes to see her makeup, once again, flawlessly done by her talented makeup artist. "Thank you, Jules— for always making me look amazing."

Julia gave her a supportive smile, knowing that the girl was feeling a bit nervous today. "Well, I have a very beautiful client— not much work needs already done."

She winked, causing Alana to bite back a smile.

"And I know you're a bit nervous, darlin', but don't be," continued Julia, patting Alana's shoulder, careful not to ruin the perfectly curled strands that fell flawlessly down her back, knowing it would end with Tyler nagging in their ears for the rest of the day. "All you're doing is telling your story and it'll be all over soon. You're strong, and every time I look at you, I get reminded why so many young boys and girls look up to you. You're going to kill it during the interview or as the kids say these days, kick ass."

A smile broke the stoic worried expression Alana had on as she turned around and practically jumped onto Julia, giving the older girl one of her special Alana hugs.

"You're only a few years older than me, Jules," chuckled Alana, hugging the girl tighter. "But seriously, I'm so grateful for you, Ty, and Miranda. And you have no idea how badly I needed to hear those words."

Julia patted her back. "We're always going to be here for you, darlin'. Now, let me go— Ty's going to throw a fit if he sees even a single strand of hair out of place. And we both know somehow when it comes to hair, he seems to get eagle eye vision, but when it comes to reading, he all of the sudden claims to not be able to see."

"I heard that!" Tyler shouted from somewhere outside of the room.

Alana snorted, knowing how true Julia's words were. She lost count of times where they would be ordering food and Tyler would complain about not being able to read the menu, yet he could practically spot a bad hair dye job from half a mile away.

You would think she was exaggerating, but it was true.

"Alright, just say you hate me," Alana dramatically pulled away, this time causing Julia to snort, used to hearing Alana's dramatic responses. "Just say you hate my hugs."

Julia shook her head with amusement before heading towards the door. "I'll leave you alone for a bit to gather your thoughts, darlin'."

"Appreciate you," Alana thanked Julia before blowing the older girl a kiss.

"Kick their asses!" Julia called out before shutting the door behind her, leaving Alana to her thoughts in the brightly lit dressing room.

"Is that how you even use that phrase...?" muttered Alana, tilting her head in slight confusion.

The dressing room was now silent as she took her seat once again on the cushioned seat in front of the large mirror. She closed her eyes as she once again tried to calm herself down.

But she was just still too anxious and nervous.

"You're practically shaking, baby."

Turning around with surprise at the sudden familiar voice, one that she was yearning to hear, she watched as Asher walked up next to where she was sitting. She didn't even hear the door open and close.

Looking down, her hands were indeed shaking, something she failed to even notice with her nerves all over the place. Asher gently took her hands into his, running his thumbs over her knuckles, a gesture that somehow calmed her down a bit.

Perhaps it was his presence alone that seemed to always be able to calm her down.

Alana sighed, turning her body towards him before wrapping her arms around his waist. She rested her cheek on his stomach, as she snuggled closer, completely forgetting about her makeup and hair.

So not only was Tyler going to kill her, but now Julia was too.

"You're going to do amazing, princess," he murmured, looking down at his beautiful girlfriend who he could tell was a ball of nerves. "I'm going to be right behind the camera and whenever you feel nervous, just look at me, baby."

"I'll just get distracted by your handsome face," she muttered, with a pout on her face.

"How about I wear a mask then, but stand behind the camera shirtless?" he suggested jokingly, causing Alana to laugh.

"That's even more distracting," she glared up at him playfully. "I wouldn't be complaining though."

Slyly, she slipped her hands under his shirt, feeling his abs that he worked hard maintaining by going to the gym almost every single morning.

"Not here baby," he scolded but didn't do anything as her wandering hands continued to explore.

"Knock knock."

Alana pouted as Asher quickly grabbed her still wandering hands. He gave her a stern look like he was telling her to behave right as the door opened to reveal a very familiar woman.

Just her presence alone was enough to intimidate others, but to Alana, this was a woman she admired. The 40-year-old woman was charismatic, honest, and knew how to command the room when needed.

"I hope I wasn't disturbing you two," Vivian Carlyle suspiciously eyed the two with a knowing look on her face. She didn't even want to know what they were up to. "It's good to see you again, Alana. You look beautiful as always."

"Thank you, it's so good to see you as well Vivian," Alana stood up, smoothly escaping Asher's hold before hugging Vivian.

"And the famous Pierce brother, Mr. Asher Pierce— very nice to finally get to meet you in person," Vivian stated, holding out her hand to which Asher reached out to shake. "You, sir, are a very difficult person to meet in person. I'm sure the only reason why we see you here today is for your lovely girlfriend."

"Very nice to meet you, as well, Mrs. Carlyle. And to respond to your statement— she is the only reason why I'm here today," He chucked before sending a wink in Alana's direction to which she gave him a little nudge.

"Well, I won't take offense to that. That won't stop me from trying to convince you to do that interview with us one day, Mr. Pierce," she said with promise.

"You should do it, babe," chirped Alana, her eyes twinkling in mischief, knowing how hilariously uncomfortable he would be.

"Baby," Asher narrowed his eyes at her.

"Maybe even a fun little photoshoot to go along with," Alana gasped as if she had just thought of the most genius idea. His unamused facial expression almost had her bursting into laughter.

"I think that's a great idea, Alana," chimed in Vivian, playing along. "Perhaps, you can help me convince your dear boyfriend."

"Oh, it's going to take a lot of convincing."

Alana bit her lip before sending him a playful wink. "I'm sure I can come up with something."

Asher closed his eyes in exasperation. Alana Sommers was going to be the death of him.

Vivian chuckled at the playful banter between the young couple.

"Now tell me— how are you feeling, darling?" Vivian asked, turning back to Alana. "Not too nervous, hopefully."

"Well, I certainly wish I wasn't so nervous," chuckled Alana, sheepishly. "But I'm actually shaking right now."

Alana felt Asher place his hand on her back. "She's feeling a bit anxious about the interview."

"Well, you have nothing to be nervous or anxious about— we're just going to be having a conversation," Vivian reassured. "I actually came in to talk to you a bit about what's going to happen today. Oh! And before I forget— Leila, come introduce yourself to Ms. Sommers. This is our newest intern, Leila Rhodes— she's going to be helping out today."

"It's very nice to meet you, Ms. Sommers," The girl, who was previously standing off to the side, near the door, said with a gentle voice. "I'm Leila."

Alana could see a hint of red tint on the girl's face, who seemed to be around her age. She immediately noticed the Asian characteristics in her pretty features, and in a way, she actually reminded Alana of her close friend, Aurora.

"It's very nice to meet you as well, Leila. Vivian is the best in this field and trust me, I've met with so many writers in the last couple of years— you're definitely going to learn a lot at Víoleta," Alana said, giving Leila a kind smile.

"Leila, can you go check to see if everything is set up?" Asked Vivian, nodding at Leila, to which the girl quickly responded.

"Of course, Vivian," Leila scurried out the door, feeling a bit intimidated in the presence of the two very influential women. Just being alone in the room with Vivian already made her jittery, now throw in the most famous woman in the world right now— she swore she was about to pass out from her anxiety to not fuck up.

"She's a bit on the shy side," Vivian said, shaking her head. "But she's a hell of a writer. Now, where was I? Oh yes, today's agenda. So, we're going to get you set up out there for the recording. This interview is going up on Víoleta's Youtube channel and it's going to be like one of those '72 Questions with so and so' type of interviews, except the questions will be geared towards what's been going on."

Alana nodded. "And these are the questions you sent me yesterday?"

"Yes, are there any questions that you're uncomfortable with me asking?" Vivian asked.

Alana shook her head. "I want this to be as real as possible."

"Great," Vivian exclaimed. "I know this will be a bit tough for you, but we're going to go at your pace. After the interview, we'll have an hour lunch break and then, we'll do a photoshoot for the magazine. I'm sure they've told you that we've selected you to be our cover for this month?"

"They actually told me that you guys already selected me to be the cover model even before we reached out for this interview," Alana grinned. "I'm flattered, honestly."

"Well, we're honored to have you," chuckled Vivian. "We're going to dedicate a couple of spread pages for your photos as well as an additional short paper interview. And that'll take us to the evening before we let you go."

"Sounds good," nodded Alana, feeling a bit less nervous compared to earlier. She grabbed Asher's hand to which he gave a small supporting squeeze.

"Let's fucking do this."

★ ★ ★

Asher had no idea how he got here.

He didn't even know how anyone had even managed to convince him to do this.

But there was only one answer.

Alana Sommers.

The one woman he could never say no to.

Because now he was standing stiffly in front of a plain light grey backdrop in a fancy fitted suit as the camera flashed continuously.

God, he swore he was going to go blind after this.

The only thing keeping him from storming out of the studio in annoyance was Alana in his arms as she posed effortlessly for the camera, who looked fucking amazing in a tight cropped black cami and matching shorts that hugged her hips perfectly. The lace tights that stopped mid-thigh under those fucking shorts were enough to drive him mad.

And that suit jacket— he always loved when she looked like she was about to command the room.

Fuck, she was going to make him go crazy.

And he could've sworn he felt his jaw drop when she walked out. Maybe even a bit of drool.

"Mr. Pierce, would it kill you to smile a bit?" Vivian asked with mock amusement, still a bit surprised that Asher even agreed to take a few photos. Of course, it was a flat-out refusal in the beginning. But whatever Alana had whispered into his ear seemed to have done the trick.

Vivian stood next to the photographer as he skillfully took photo after photo. Sadly, even the skilled photographer couldn't make Asher look any less awkward.

Vivian continued, her words causing a few waves of laughter to echo through the studio, including Leila, who was helping Miranda organize the next outfit."You look as if you're being tortured."

Alana had to bite back her grin as her loving boyfriend's arms wrapped around her stiffly.

"Relax, babe," she said softly so that only he would be able to hear. Even as she talked to him, she continued to pose for the camera gracefully and smoothly. How she did it, Asher had no fucking clue.

She couldn't help but burst into laughter as she peeked up at him, seeing the grimace-like grin on his face. No matter how much fun she was having, she couldn't let him continue on like this.

"Do you have a stool?" She asked no one in particular. And almost immediately, one was brought to her.

Alana gently pushed Asher so that he was sitting before standing in between his legs, angling herself so the camera could still capture their faces. Because she was standing, she rested her arms on his shoulders comfortably, causing him to look up at her.

Asher's eyes softened as he looked into her eyes, seeing the love swirling in those beautiful grey eyes that he adored so much.

"Just focus on me," she whispered, doing her best to make him a bit more comfortable. And it seemed to work, as he gently wrapped his arms around her waist, his hold no longer stiff. "It's just you and me right now."

Asher found himself relax with her words, not even minding as the photographer continued to take photos of them.

"I love you," he murmured, causing a smile to grace her face.

"I love you, too."

The cameras continued to flash as the two became lost in their own little world.

"Beautiful," the photographer called out loud. "What a beautiful fucking couple."

"Beautiful indeed," murmured Vivian, agreeing wholeheartedly. "I'm glad Alana has him by her side— especially after everything she revealed earlier."

Leila nodded, watching the couple in awe as Asher said something that had Alana throw her back in laughter. She could see how much love he had for Alana and she yearned for something like that one day.

If only she wasn't so afraid of getting hurt.

But perhaps one day, she could have what they had.

"You don't have to do this if you're uncomfortable," Alana offered, gently playing with the hair on his neck, feeling the tenseness leave his shoulders completely.

"You know I can't say no to you, baby," He smiled softly up at her. "And besides, you did promise me something tonight."

She rolled her eyes, already regretting the promise she had made to get him to do this photoshoot with her.

The camera continued to capture every moment completely— from the smiles to the laughter to the loving gazes. It was able to capture the love the young couple had for one another, creating a beautiful masterpiece.

The picture-perfect photo.

★ ★ ★

Ahhhh! I know this chapter was definitely long overdue but I really appreciate the patience and understanding you guys have been showing me <3 Grad school is definitely no joke and I'm literally stuck in studio from 8AM to 7-8PM everyday (even on weekends). I honestly do not recommend... just kidding! Maybe. LOL But seriously, thank you guys for reading and being so patient with me!

Also, recognize a familiar name? hehe yes, it's the one and only Leila Rhodes, the main character of my upcoming story, Fated Forever (Mr. Elijah Knight's story), which is out now, so make sure you check it out on my profile! 

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